Choose Your Slut

Hard Mode
>You have to marry them and hear their voice every morning

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One goes futa on the other

Played neither of these games but definitely left side, from the trailers I saw she seemed like a chick who'd stick by your side and help you out like a real bro. Not to mention I think she's fucking hot

Right, tats are dumb

>not both on you

She'd give me crabs

nico. shes sweet and wholesome

I pick Nico.



Canon wise left is trashy while right is basically an anime version of a left.

Nico's womb-tat gives me the need. The need to BREED.

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How far into the game until I get this scene?

You gotta kill 150 enemies in the end credits

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you are a god among mortals, friend.

Not even a quest I'll take left. I'll never forgive Cindy for literally ignoring promto for years like that.

I mean, if we're choosing between the two images, then left. If we're allowed to choose Cindy as she's portrayed in-game, then right.

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Left definitely. I love that american accent. Its hot as fuck.

You are a god among men

Girl on right, obviously

Fucckkkk. You know Nero was doing this to her in the van. That's why it "smelt like ass" so much.

Obviously Cindy, is this even a serious question?

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pls saus

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are you joking Cindy hands down

You're outnumbered, FinalFag

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*fucked up my first upload

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they're both cute sluts


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I feel like Cindy waxes your hood and Nico takes it up the tailpipe.

She looks like more of a mutt than Nico in this pic lmao

Nico all the way, and if I get to wake up next to her with her theme playing then just take all my money

Nico, but her alt skin.

>Hard Mode
More like easy mode, her accent is one of her greatest assests, besides her tummy. Also she's from a good game

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Nico. I can live with the smoking as long as its not in my face.

Also, flat is justice

Right, even in hardmode.

Right screams filthy tomboy, left screams daddy issues and herpes.


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Nico, I like her more as a character, although Cindy is super hot.

I haven't played DMC5 yet but I know Cindy has fucking ZERO personality in all of FF15.

>Howdy! Y'all got any more of them car parts???

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I thought Jews weren't allowed to have tattoos though.

She's adopted.

Judaism is a religion as well as a bunch of ethnicities.

Do I also get to listen to their theme every morning? Because if so, im siding with Nico.

Yes, I understand that. Agnus was her father, and I don't think Nell and Rock were practicing. Could be wrong though.

left, right is definitely one of those terribly fitting fake tits chestpieces

Nico easily

Well, she was literally there so that few of the guys in main party could fawn over her, so Tabata could go "SEE?! They're not gay, this game isn't for fujos!"

Nico will definitely give you something that makes your dick itch.

Since Trish is demon can she change her body and have cock?

>both women add nothing to the game they're in, and are just there for the sake of waifufags.
>one is in a game that's complete shit, the other is in a decent, but overhyped sequel that's often praised as the "second coming of action games"
>one is the daughter of an annoying villain in the previous game
>One of them smokes
>one of them has tattoos
>one of them is a fucking Jew that took up screen time from a better female character who should have been featured in the game to begin with
Easiest choice of my life, right.


No wonder she's so insistent on charging you for devil breakers

I choose friendship instead.

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Dont know what the other one sounds like, dont care. Nico looks like she's actually able to build shit, from demon parts no less, so she's an enigma. You know she's got a crazy libido, and her drawl makes me diamonds.
Added bonus: using demon parts to make crazy shit like sex swings and toys, or just regular house shit like a Berial vacuum cleaner. We could work on cars and shit together, then hit a movie, drink beers and fuck till we pass out. Perfect marriage.

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How they took Nomura's setup and did THAT with it... is a travesty.

>let's have no character development in the entire game so we can make people buy all the DLC

Nico hands down.
she would fuck you back. you could lay back and hold on while she does all the work. she is a wild fuck.

Cidny would be a dead fish.
pureityfags dont know shit about good pussy.

Back to the shadows with you

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The one with a dick

Both are trash.

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>both women add nothing to the game they're in
Nico made the Devil Breakers for Nero, and Cindy fixed the regalia
>one is the daughter of an annoying villain in the previous game
>Not liking based Agnus
>one of them is a fucking Jew
She isn't a jew, she merely adopted the name, she has zero blood relations with Nell Goldstien

3D is so fucking gross.

>defending Nomura in any capacity
at least Tabata has directed one good game

Alt skin Nico please.

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Pleb taste

Actual best mechanic girl with cute tummy coming through

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Patrician taste

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Best girl coming through

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ah, you were there alongside me all along. My true fraternal companion.
She and Trigger fucked like rabbits after the end, right?

Woop de shit, she shouldn't take up 90% of the screen time, especially when compared to girls like Trish and Lady. Fuck off Drewberg Von Kikestein.

*Alt-Right Nico plz

I would impregnate Cindy, wake up to her, and fap in masochistic ecstasy to her cringe worthy country accent.

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>its a "i'm such a redpilled moron hur dur i hate tattoos abloo bloo i also browse reddit!" episode

the woman shes based of is so shitty compared to her, while western producers fuck up the models they based their characters up the Japanese upgrade them.

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Avril was easily the worst part of that game though. Best girl was Huxian.

>while western producers fuck up the models they based their characters up the Japanese upgrade them.
look what sega did to my javfu AIKA

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Left smokes, is covered in tattoos and is a jew. What the fuck more do you need to avoid like the plague?

lol, she takes much screen time because she is suppose to be Nero's companion (who btw takes the most screen time), since she is suppose to be an image of himself in a way, both have an evil father that wasn't around, both lookup to Dante and so on, and no need to be so much of a faggot, I too would've liked some more Trish and Lady screen time, but that wouldn't make sense since they're characters don't need as much characterization as Nico who is new

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Unfortunately Yakuza doesn't have the technology to upgrade perfection so it can only go down.

christians and muslims aren't supposed to either. doesn't stop them so why would it stop someone who is jewish?

left can weaponize a goddamn hat, right can fix cars...

based, prostitutes are disgusting
The best girl in the franchise was under Majima's nose all along.

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You are gross.

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Built for facefucking

You just know

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weird place to hug a dog.

Kill 150 enemies in credit


She looks like Bernie Sanders in this picture.

needless to say, she has my vote

Nico is hot as fuck but her voice makes me want to shove a fucking knife in my eye.

Cindy is handy and not much better in terms

Ugh....Being the sex pot she is...fuck I gotta go with nico though. Nothing a ball gag can't fix.

>tattoed foul-mouth accented trash
>adorable mechanic

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Always nice to see a woman who loves her dog.

For me it's Mead

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>tfw no Scrap Queen gf

Nico, no question. She’s actually fun.

>fake tits


I don't recall the Quran or the New Testament specifically forbidding marking one's flesh. Also kikes have the whole "dey tattooed numbers on us during da shoah!!! Remember the six gorillion!" aspect.

Cosette pls

Council of Jerusalem said Christians don't have to follow Jewish law nor was there ever an actual prohibition in the first place, unless you're a certain IFB Pastor with a beard.

The one with Lady is 1000x better.

nico, obviously

Right, errytiem. Unironically much less of a slut, 100%.

>tfw she'll never smell your tailpipe to know how hard you were working