Are these really the best games ever made Yea Forums?

Are these really the best games ever made Yea Forums?

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>Mario Spinoffs
>Meme Effect
>Wind Waker


Deserve the praise
>chrono trigger
>Mario 3
>Mario galaxy
>half life 2
>super metroid
>wind waker
>Majora's mask

Overrated garbage
>dark souls
>soul caliber
>legend of Zelda
>super Mario kart
>Nier automata
The rest are okay

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there not the best games ever made, but they were the best at the time they came out

That literally makes them the best games ever made

Fuck OoT.


T. Majora Mask zoomer

Ocarina of Time sucks, N64 games.

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Maybe not but it's a damn good list of games. SoulCalibur is the only oddball.


Many of those are arguable, but I can't imagine anyone unironically believing that Nier or FFX belong there.

SoulCalibur is flawless, I didn’t even own a Sega console growing up & it still blew me away when i first played it recently due to how amazing the soundtrack & gameplay was

Why does NieR make contrarians seethe so much now? Yea Forums literally liked this game a few months ago

>thinking a game doesn't rank among the top 20 or so of all time means you hate it
disingenuous nigger

> Tetris
> Half-Life 2
> Majora’s Mask
> Witcher 3
> Red Dead Redemption
> Dark Souls
> Super Mario Kart
> Mass Effect 2
Remove these & it’s a fine list

>Remove Tetris
Die in a fire. It's literally the perfect video game.

Imagine being so autistic that you moving blocks is good

Imagine being a tasteless nobody like (you)

Dark Souls, Witcher, RDR & BOTW are overrated garbage

>Deserve the praise
Lmao fuck no

>Rekove Red Dead Redemption
>Not BotW
Nintenshill, go drink you onions

Are Zelda games really such masterpieces or is it all nostalgia and shilling? Haven't played a sigle Zelda game in my entire life, even back when I first got my NES and subsequent new iterations up to GC.

They are all masterpieces outside of TP & SS, which are the worst in the series. The series is so amazing that the fanbase is constantly divided on what the best game in the series is

I don’t even like BOTW & love TLOU. How i am a “Shill”. BOTW is objectively the only good Open World game


Sonic 3 and knuckles is the best game of all time
>mgs 1 and 3


Not all of them, but I'll single the ones that actually deserve to be in that list
>Dark Souls
>Super Metroid
>Majora's Mask

Pretty much all of the mainline ones.

Masterpiece tier: Original LoZ, Link to the Past, Ocarina of Time, Majora's Mask, Breath of the Wild, and maybe Wind Waker.

Solid games tier: Twilight Princess, Skyward Sword, and if Wind Waker isn't in the masterpiece tier it's in this one.

Not good: The Legend of Zelda: Link's Adventure. That's it.


>SM64 Overrated
>Galaxy deserves praise
For what? One gimmick makes Galaxy better compared to a game that changed how 3D games were made?

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Thats literally every video game user.

Influence is literally irrelevant, all that matters is how many people consider it one of their favorite games & how much you personally enjoyed it

>Influence is irrelevant
Without SM64 there wouldn't be Galaxy or defined 3D platformers for some time.

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Mario 64 is a masterpiece even when completely disregarding it's influence.