What games give you the greatest sense of escapism?

What games give you the greatest sense of escapism?

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so who's making a lain game now that it's open source

Nothing, no matter what I do I can’t leave this terrible existence
Sleeping is when I’m happiest, but waking up is a burden

Used to be FFXI. These days it's involved stuff like city builders.

There's no point in escaping: In the end I'm still a prisoner of myself

Russian Roulette. Winning (which is usually only 1 in 6 times) frees you from reality, the ultimate escape.

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>it's open source

Should I play FF14? I've never played an mmo before but it might be what I'm looking for to satisfy my escapism?

If you want a full blown second life, consider EvE. PvP is always on and scamming is considered a playstyle.

MMOs in general are the kind of game that escapists end up playing for decades. There are a lot of sad, strange 40 somethings in the system these days. especially on RP servers

FF14 is probably the right choice for a fantasy MMO presently. It's good, but starts very slow.

seems insanely overwhelming

>ff14 starts slow
seems like what I need as a complete newcomer to mmo

Have you considered trying to make your life better instead of trying to escape from it?

life sucks dick

Action RPGs with nice stories

yeah and it didnt work

Try New Vegas. Works for me

Try Abzu
Which one should I try first?

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I put in an astronomical effort to make my life what I wanted but in the end I became nothing more than a failed normie. You can only pretend for so long and beyond that most of my life is completely out of my control in the worst ways possible. There's a reason most people are so dissatisfied with the world these days.


Isn't abzu too short to get immersed in?

Dunno, I only just started but it's really relaxing

As someone who pretty much just plays vidya for escapism and hates multiplayer and shit I got you. Just remember, less story and more imagination really helps. Protip - Write a journal entry every 15-30 minutes describing what happens. Afterwards you have a story that will, no shit, make you feel nostalgic - if you're not shit at writing of course.

Elderscrolls and the good fallout games are of course the top sandboxes if you like their design but ignore the quests, especially the main one. Make your journey.

You wanna be a real medieval man? Mount and Blade is best. Be a bad guy, merc, redemption arc to be king.

Futuristic cyberpunk-y shit - Deus Ex is like one of the only games for which good writing is enough to replace imagination. All the games are great except 2.

For a certain kinda person, VNs are the answer. Play Symphonic Rain, the crippled girls one is okay but skip the blind girl, G senhou no mao, And Grisia is the fucking best play that last.

Bonus points - best immersive porn experience: Artificial Academy (the original) - design your waifus from the ground up and watch them interact with your fatass self insert.

Powerful autism but really appreciated. I've never thought of a journal for vidya, I already got nostalgic as is for great playthroughs of games.

>the crippled girls one is okay but skip the blind girl
>recommending against the one and only best girl
Shit, son, you'd better have a fucking good reason for this heresy.

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You're welcome, and remember - embrace the autism, use it, otherwise you're holding back from true vidya enjoyment.

Good luck out there, user

Oh, shit, its been a while, I meant skip the deaf girl obviously. My bad, I totally insulted second best girl.

Oh, yeah, deaf girl a shit. Nothing is lost in skipping her.

Currently it's West of Loathing. It's from the kingdom of loathing guys.