Oh damn! A wizard has sent you to the world of the last vidya game you played!

Oh damn! A wizard has sent you to the world of the last vidya game you played!

You must beat the game for real to return home. You are allowed to choose three of these ten abilities to help you succeed.

Which game, and which 3 will you choose?

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Drakengard 1, and Summon Skeletons, Psychic Shield, and the Lance so I can breeze through the game as quickly as possible.


Vulcan, Chaos control, Psychic shield.
I played Judgment last.
So I just meld with Hamura and find out who the killer is, find him. teleport to him mind meld with him. Get the police involved and and done.


>FE Binding Blade
I take Sorcery and Summon Skeletons for myself and hope I can get into Roy's army. Maybe they'll be understanding about the skeleton thing when they realize it's infinite cannon fodder. I take the Lance and give it to whoever the strongest lance user at the time is.

mystery box x 3

Hollow Knight, Elemental sorcery, psychic barrier and Chaos control

THE Sneed

Vulcan, Charizard, Mysterybox

>smash bros ultimate
do I just have to go through my own classic mode or what

>Sims 3
Uh, I'm stuck forever but that's okay since it's basically real life anyways
None of these would be useful so I just pick box three times

>Using those crutches
I'm using cheat engine and becoming god, then I'll invade the real world since that dimwit wizard made fiction reality.

I've missed these threads

I'll take the box

best combo

eorzea is hell. no matter what i pick i'll probably die and most of those options are things people can do there anyway.

Best combo for what? What did you play last.


Cracked red eye, Chaos control and lance. Seems kinda OP, so why should I even bother trying to leave and not just forever invade and keep stealing power until I am god?

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I'll have the box because none of the other seem particularly useful in that setting either way.
Also, why would I want to go back? I'd rather chill in Bhujerba.

Divinity: OS2
Chaos control
Psychic Shield
Elemental Sorcery

I'd like to think I'd be able to make it out but, I don't have high hopes unless I can learn the world's magic / skills.

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Dragon Quest XI

Elemental Sorcery
Summon Skeletons
Lance of Linginus

I should be alright, I think

I fucking wish you could summon three things at once in Eorzea. But at least they gave us a flashier reskin of existing summons to show up for 5 seconds! Thanks Yoshi!

as long as you can save and load, you should be fine

Elder Scrolls Online
Ill take the fire powers and just dot my way through the ez mode main story

Sorcery(lightning), chaos control and shield
Become the lightning

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Im gonna pick... YOU

Psychic shield, elemental sorcery, mystery box.

Adventure of Link. Gimme the Charizard, Shield, and magic. Do I beat the game or shack up with the thots who like to "heal" you

what about the other 2 items?

I'd take Psychic Shield, Summon Skeleton, and Lance of Longinus.
I could holdup in some corner of the shroud and wait till Ilvls inflate enough that I can buy god tier equipment from a vender in Grid

>Scribblenauts unlimited
I don't think I need any of those as long as I don't act retarded. So I'll take Charizard, skeletonbros, and The Mystery Box.

stop seething smnfag

Think of what kind of hell that would be.
>suddenly assume control of yourself from 30 minutes ago

That would make anyone go mad.

Shield, Charizard and mystery box

Charizard so I can have hot sex with it

you basically rewind time just before you die, I'm sure your sanity would be okay after some time

>risk of rain 2
well fuck there is no beating it guess I'll yolo mystery box

>7Th Stand user
Can I trade the Charizard for a Incineroar? If yes then I pick the mon, Chaos control and elemental sorcery
If not then I will go with the shield instead of the mon

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>Stardew Valley

I'm going to assume beating the game means finishing the community center, the museum, all secret notes, and all friendships maxed. In this case I'd pick the spear, the spells, and the skeleton helpers. The only threat to my well-being would be the creatures in the mines/skull cavern, but with two skeletons, magic, and the spear they'd be dealt with pretty easily. Farming would be easy with two skeletons to do all my watering for me pre-sprinklers. I'd actually kinda like to try a Stardew mod where you're a wizard with skeletal summons now.



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the last game i played is an city of heroes it's an MMO
i'm stuck here for fucking ever this game doesn't end i miss my family
i choose summon skeletons and charizard so that i have friends, and elemental sorcery so i can stand back and not get fucked up with my shitty soft human body

if i was a chad i would choose possessed armor, lance of longinus, and chaos control but i want to retain my ability to feel and be human

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>Chaos Control
>Lance Of Longinus
>Summon Skeletons
Seems pretty ezzz to me.
It's not like i would even really need any of those anyway, considering it's fucking Minecraft.

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I might make them more often for you, user.

Psychic shield, lance, Charizard

I am become the Dragon Rider of death, killer of worlds, the ender of men.

I'm okay with not picking the box

Gimmie Charizard, Elemental Sorcery and the Mystery box! The game I have to beat is Pokemon Red. Special version. Which is pretty much hardcore mode.

>cracked red eye orb
no downside. Yea Forums is full of shitters
i'm gonna enjoy my unlimited powers after i start snowballing when i kill all you queers.
i was playing Vermintide 2, so i'll just wait in the inn until i steal all your powers

You might be right user. But, I guess this is all assuming I'd be able to save and load at will.

I just played Darkwood so I guess I'll pick Charizard, Possessed armor, and chaos control so I can basically skip all of the game and beat it in 2 minutes.

auto-saves could be really fucked up if they happen right at the start of a boss fight, making it impossible to change your strategy

>Bloodstained CotM
Skeletons, Possessed Armor, & Charizard.


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Don't do this to me user. I was just starting to believe that I had a chance.

Getting fucked over by a auto-save would just leave me in a death loop.

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Lance, Chaos Control, and Skeletons into Dragon Age Inquistion. Chaos control and skeletons are enough to deal with anything because you can summon infinite skeletons 3 at a time to deal with enemies from a distance and chaos control if your position gets encroached. Lance plus chaos control for warp backstabs to kill enemies too strong or regenerative for the skeletons to deal with.

>invade one other user, once
Also can you even choose who you invade because some games will make even the worst shitter a literal god.

Vulcan, Chaos and Longinus

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These threads are always shit since they don't account for multiplayer.

that's why you need to always be prepared, user
you never know when or where the next fight will happen

Mordhau, so I’m fucked cause it can’t be beat
But I’ll take armor, charizard andeither elemental magic or the lance

>game i'm working on
>only have a test level you can't exit from
But the charizard probably would help crossing the evil gaps.

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I guess if things get too dicey I could just get the fuck out of dodge with chaos control and rethink the battle.

I'm playing vampire the masquerade bloodlines, so I choose charibro, elemental sorcery and possessed armor.
I'm gonna roast some vampires, and if they go close, they won't be able to bite.

no use choosing im fucked

Why would you lewd a pure and innocent charizard, user?

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Isn't that jsut megaman with a penguin ?

>3on3 Freestyle
Pretty sure I would be arrested if I tried any of that nonsense.

Anyone who doesn't have skeletons in their arsenal are mad gay

do i get to fuck charizard

>3 orbs
im bound to get another user with an orb too. and i'm pretty confident I can beat Yea Forumsirgins at most games.
its a big dick strat only for the most epic of gamers

>Monster Hunter World
Spear, Elemental powers and Psychic Shield.

Psychic shield
Mystery Box

Because I can control the extent of the shield, I'm assuming I can shrink it down to just above my skin when dealing with close range attackers.
I last played a shitty MMOGW2, so I guess I settle down and try to make it as a merchant. My powers help me be a little less useless than the average NPC.

>played Nioh
>was planning on picking lance, orb so I get more powers for free since lance pierces any defence, and box cause fuck it why not
>invade is now guaranteed win with sing and stab
gg ez

Mostly yes.
The fun is the part where i did it for the MSX 2 in Z80 assembler.
The idea is kinda of a "what if konami did a megaman"

None of this will help in gran turismo lol

Cool image. Critical analysis:

>Cracked Red Eye Orb
Is a different category of things to the other options. If taken, it's pointless unless you act on it to invade another user's world and then track them down to kill them. But that user will have three powers to your two, so it's a raw deal to say the least. Assuming you have enough bullshit strength/skill/haxors to pull this off, what use is the reward? You didn't need the other user's three powers.
Cracked Red Eye Orb is an engaging game scenario, and belongs in a section with other game scenarios for different game modes. Eg/ Smooth Green Eye Orb - You must help a fellow user beat their game mode, share one power each on completing it. Bad guys from your game cross over to theirs.

>Mystery Box
Lame and gay, it ought to be worthless just to punish fewls.

With that out of the way, my own choices:

>Last game
South Park: The Fractured But Whole. Cool to me and I already get some neat powers. My build:
>Blaster wide punch
>Blaster laserbeam
>Floramancer Heal
>Psychic Super Heal

So to complete this range, I'll take
>Skeleton Summoning
>Lance of Longinus
A killer host of minions that supplement the Freedom Pals and can assist outside that world, plus the Lance for point-blank focussed killer blows.

Will brainstorm ideas for scenarios and crossover missions with the creator/other anons if interested.

>pathfinder kingmaker
Charizard, Longinus, and probably shield.
Summons and animal companions are nuts in that game, charizard is a must. Skeltals seem too weak if it's just three of them and only basic ones, though they could at least help flank enemies. Longinus bypassing AC, DR; concealment, mirror images, and other magic bullshit is an absolute must and could probably win the game on its own. Give it to one of the frontliner companions and watch as they destroy everything. Shield might just be useful for survivability and help keep allies safe.

I assume I don't have any powers of my own and can't level classes. Elemental magic would be good to make up for that, but then again spell resist is a thing and blaster wizards generally suffer in this ruleset. Let one of the tiefling sluts or the alchemist deal with that instead.

I might even be able to win because I won't be stuck redoing the first two chapters constantly rerolling. On the other hand: fey.

Because I want to fuck it.

Super Mario Maker 2.
Charizard, Chaos Control and Elemental Sorcery. I assume I just have to beat the campaign, which is easy enough if I can teleport and fly.

Well as long as he was willing...

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I choose Chaos Control, Vulcan abilities, and sorcery, specializing in thunder magic.
Last game I played was Europa Universalis. I'm going to take the liberty of assuming I'm ageless in-game, if not I'm fucked and gonna die of old age. I go to a nearby town, use my magic to convince people I'm God. I use my newfound cult to overthrow the local king, rinse and repeat until world domination is achieved. Once I get bored I take exploration focus and colonize South America and get that sweet latina booty

Sounds like someone needs to hear a song.

I'm going necromancer

Summon skeleton
Chaos control
Cracked red eye orb

>picked box
>last played monhun
>I can de aggro the minions

This is 100% doable.

Last played autochess so possessed armour, skeletons, and charizard. Armour definitely makes me an undead knight and charizard is probably a warrior dragon. Having charizard at the start is just a free piece advantage so should be able to win streak ez. Skeles do more damage force dragon knights no problem.

FFXIV. I'll take the Lance, Chaost Control, and Psychic Shield. I oughta be able to clear the base ARR content with those three.

>Used to have a friend who would mention castration and male impregnation a bunch
>Used to

Armor, Sorcery with thunder special, Charizard.
>last played ultimate doom
I am the fucking strong

Mystery box chad

Cracked Red Eye Orb, Lance of Longinus, Charizard.
I would use the orb to go to this fag I'd kill him with my Lance and wouldn't be able to be melded because I'm riding a dragon I'd now have his vulcan abilities, chaos control and psychic shield. I last played Mordhau so I can just shit on everyone with my fire breathing dragon and lance.

You can only invade once. So you can only steal upto three other potential powers.

>project cars 2
Uh uh uh uh uh uh mystery box? Also skeletons because they can cheer me on. And I guess red eye orb, maybe I can run someone over before they see me.

I have to go with the Mystery Box

>Possesed armor to bypass radiation
>Teleport to get into locations with top tier gear and to teleport back out
>Sorcery to kill things

>Hyper Metroid (Super Metroid Rom Hack)
Going Mystery Box, Chaos Control, and Elemental Sorcery with a focus on Frost/Cold magic so I don't have to worry about the Ice Beam.

hmm ill go with vulkan abilities and then charizard so i can make him want to fuck me then

>Dragon's Dogma

Didn't see the 3 part. I'll also take the lance of loginus and psychic shield

Imma just pick Elemental Sorc, Psychic shield and the glorious box so I can be a discount Yshstola

Taking chaos control, lance of longinus and the BOX

That doesn't stop me from Teleporting and Vulcan neck gripping you to death instantly.
Can't invade me again because The cracked orb is one use only.

I choose 7 inch Charizard because I've always wanted a boyfriend!

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Stardew Valley and summon skeletons 3 times! Skellyfriend Farm!

unless one of the gifts is the Echo, i have no chance of surviving. I will become a Leatherworker in Gridania and die horribly from an Ixali raid or something

I last played Pokemon Firered so I guess this means I can run from trainer battles

Can I get the charizard in bone form?

I take bone charizard, summon skeletons, and elemental sorcery, specializing in ice magic to go full necromancer.

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Elemental magic, chaos control and lance is a broken combo
>the 3 elements make for great all around damage and utility
>specialise in ice for increased defense
>lance is a backup for anything resistant to magic
>chaos control to supplement the lance and dodge what you can't block

>Vermintide 2
Taal's Balls.
Chaos Control, Possessed Armor, and I'll sit on that mystery box.

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I'd probably go with Charizard, Lance and Summon Skelly to divert monster aggro


Last game I played was Elder Scrolls Legends. Do I have to beat the stories to escape or am I stuck battling randoms in matchmaking until I die?

I would take skeletons, shield, and ice magic focus.
3 0-cost 1/1 skeletons that return to my hand when they die
Being able to negate incoming damage would be fantastic even if it were only once per turn
>Ice Magic
Frost spells tend to shackle creatures, so I imagine this is represented by a support with unlimited uses that can be used once per turn to shackle a creature

I was playing risk of rain 2
so it doesn't matter

>Fate/Slay Night (VN)
Chaos Control
Elemental Sorcery

Shouldn't be too difficult but still a challenge.

>Pokemon Let's Go Pikachu (shiny hunting)
Charizard is really all I need, assuming I can catch other Pokemon to cover type differences, however I'll take the Elemental Sorcery (ice specialization) and the box for good luck.

I'm fucked no matter what I pick. May as well just spend my limited time in life getting drunk and high.

>30 minutes have passed


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Monster hunter generations
I get the lance, charizard, and skeletons

I’m fucked

Super Smash Ulti.
lol easy.
Lance of longinus: insta shield breaks
Force field: Have a shielf of my own
Charizard: Basically a smash character. Team assist.

>dead cells
shield, lance and the mystery box

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>implying skeletons wouldn’t be useful


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>Lobotomy Corporation

How the hell would this even work? Am I the manager? An employee? I'm not sure I'd need any if I was the former, and if I was the latter, I'd be fucked.

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>S.T.A.L.K.E.R: Call of Pripyat
Psychic shield, Skeletons, and Armor
Bandits can kiss my fucking ass

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I'm fucked regardless honestly

Does that mean that the Lance basically has 100% accuracy?

>Touhou 11

Chaos Control, the shield, and Elemental Sorcery.

what difficulty would it be?

Last game I played was Factorio, so assuming I have the protag’s insane engineering skills I don’t need anything. Probably take thunder powers so I can power my base in a pinch, charizard cos he’s a baller, and I guess mystery box

3x skeletons, for a total of 9 summoned skeletons.

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but user, real life is constantly autosaving

Summon Skeletons
Summon Skeletons
Summon Skeletons

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Also last game is HoMM3

>Mario Kart 8
I fucking race, no problem. Even if I fall off the track Lakitu has got me. Probably doesn't count so I go back one more game.

I guess do the base campaign? Primal tempering will fuck me up since I probably won't get the blessing of light so Psychic Shield and Chaos Control are musts. Then its either Skeletons or Lance.

How the fuck do you beat Artificial Academy 2?

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I'm fucked no matter what power I use since I'll never get past ifrit's tempering and if I don't beat him eorzea will just turn to shit under Gayass and his imperial cunts.
Fuck you OP.

Hint: Use your cock.

What's the mystery box

>Pokemon White

I'd pick the Charizard because there's no guarantee that Juniper would give me a pokemon.

Elemental Sorcery for type coverage.

Summon skeletons because I want some skeleton friends with me.

Who do you play as or control in game? Whoever you mainly control or impart orders to, you can imbue wiv ur powers.

Lance of Longinius
Cracked Red Eye Orb x2
kill 2 anons and have fuckloads of defensive powers and the most OP weapon

oh and yakuza 0 so im basically a fighting god

The last two gamesI played was EO Nexus and Mario Royale.

Royale doesn't matter and Abyssmal Princess will skullfuck me anyway.

Why you do this, user?

Lance of longitude.
Chaos control.
I become the ultimate edgelord.

chao control
essentially a carry tinker

Small peeny strat to leech off of others.

Lance of Longinus
Elemental Sorcery
Psychic Shield
Not only will I be able to rip through Noise and Reapers with ease but I can set shit on fire from afar and defend myself against almost anything. As long as I get a good partner, I should be fine.

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>Digimon Cyber Sleuth
Shit, uhhhh I gotta go with Skeletons, Lance of Longinus, and Charizard

How the fuck do you beat TF2?
>CC, Spear, and Psychic shield
I'll just hide in spawn for my team to carry. Red orbs will be btfo by snipers, spies, and scunts. Hope you fags like being shot around corners due to lag compensation.

>Red eye orb
What's the point of this unless some user has multiple abilities?

>blade and sorcery VR
I'll take the lance

Just invade someone with another orb ez mode

Literally always the box

>last played: Pokemon
post scarcity society so...

for obvious reasons and I'm assuming this is an OP charizard or something
>Chaos Control
>Mystery box

Not sure i'd want to leave this game world desu, unless of course it's not the whole world but just the small section and stuff limited to the generation I played, in which case chaos control over mystery box for easier fast travel

>Tranquil Walk of Peace

Nvm I didn't read

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>teleports behind you
>lance of longinus
nothin' personel

You can't specify with the Cracked Red Eye, it's random. Play video games, fag.

Minecraft, so Charizard, Lance, and Psyshield. Charizard will know protect, fly, fire blast, and hidden power electric.

>Ninja Gaiden Black
Charizard for movement, Lance because Lunar, Elements because I'm invuln while casting

Psychic shield, sorcery, and chaos control. Last game I played is CTR so I guess I just have to freeze furries on the racetrack and teleport ahead of them.

>Lance x 3
Break lances, fashion a pokey-ass chestplate that will impale anyone thinking about teleporting or much less turning a corner when I'm around.

Kirk, knight of thorns, bitch. I'm in Fight n' Rage so I become a successor to Hokuto.

Oxygen not included, since you can't beat multiplayer games.
To beat the game you must survive and build a rocket. I assume the NPCs are friendly and cooperative.
Summon skeleton - free workers.
Chaos Control - gotta love teleporting
Posessed armor. Only the do not breathe is really useful, comes in handy when base is drowned with chlorine.

borderlands 2. summon skeleton, elemental sorcery, and possesed armor.
as long as the abilities scale with level it should be really easy

Can I spend all 3 on skeletons?

Slay the Spire
I do okay, but I don’t know if I can win. Might trade Lance for something else

Vulcan abilities, summon skeletons and lance of Longinus.
Fuck meme invulnerabilities

UHH I guess ele sorc, chaos control, and vulcan ability
sounds like I can get some nutty combos off desu

Your question is pertinent thought, the REO doesn't belong in the same category as the other options.

Mario Maker 2 (assuming story mode)
Charizard, Chaos Control, and either psychic shield or Lance of Longinus depending if I get multiple lives like the actual game.

Dandy Dungeon
Psychic shield, Lance of Longinus, and fuck it let's take the mystery box

Charles Barkley Shut up and Jam Giden

Lance of Longinus
Chaos Control

I should be ok.

fuck, i think the armor would be my best bet

Elemental Sorcery.

I use fire and ice to make PAILS OF WATER
Fuck your pokemon creatures!

orb shield and longinus.
just have to kill some anons with my spear before I have the rest.

I take the lance, suit of armor, elemental magic

presumably WHO you invade is random

>Rock Candy's Rudolph rape game
I'm not sure how I would win that, but I guess Charizard, skellies and chaos control. Can port and rape anyone I want.

Spear, Forcefield, Red Orb
Come at me faggets

I don't play video games.
Get me 3 mystery boxes please.

Last Vidya I played was Pokemon so I guess I'll go with the tall charizard