
Does anyone want to play ? I saw a couple of anons started a server but I didn’t catch the names

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wew lad this takes me back didn't even realise it was still going also the updates made it gay I remember vanilla where it was only 4 classes and it took months and months to even get to lvl 30

Yep I remember playing this when I was in middle school

>the update
Big bang? Yeah, it's like a new game now. There's still private servers though

i only play in server that recently wiped or are about to wipe

>still private servers
I bet like 3 people play though.

not really a new game tbqh, just a soulless version of the old one

There’s a group of anons who play on PMS I’m trying to figure which one though

>months and months to get level 30
I remember before pirate you could grind out 30 in a day and like 37 the next day. you must have been a shitter.

its maplems but its already dead. Honestly GMS is pretty fun.

Maybe if you were kerning PQ but you musn't have been around during the time when it a day or two to level up especially when you reached about level 20.

Wait, one of you faggots actually created a fucking server?

what are some non-dead servers then?
GMS doesn't count btw

there's java source code online, it's pretty easy. but my server died ;_;

use the archives retard

There’s still a lot of us on maplems you should join, contact capcake or creammies

Why do people hate post-bb?

Everything is too simplified and homogenized. Although I do think Battle Mage is the best class in the whole game, I wish it was in pre-BB

Leveling up is way too easy and everything seems to have less soul

I wish there was a post big bang server that was an older version instead of constantly updating like GMS. Maybe a server that's right after BB?

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>Leveling up is way too easy
And then you niggers go to a 99x exp rate server, wtf

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There's a few servers taht sit at 500+ pretty regularly
MapleMs and it's not dead, it sits at 300 on average.

Mid-rate servers are best

>4th jobs
no thanks

/vg/ used to play servers like this but they die too often.

>contact a tranny or trap
no way fag not joiing your litteraly tranny trap faggotry faggot saugage fest

One reason I hate it which other people haven't mentioned yet is the link skills. I personally can't stand games that make you level a bunch of alts for stat boosts.

>tfw will never chill in hhg1 with bros hunting for panlids again
>tfw will never again experience the feeling of getting into a pq, cucking 6 other groups there because you had track
>tfw will never die to crog on the ship to Orbis again because some fag told you it was clear
>tfw will never make friends with random maplers and develop great and lasting friendships again
>tfw will never explore vanilla MapleStory again

Hold me bros

this 3x xp 2x meso and drop is best rates and anyone who says otherwise is a complete faggot

They’re just names user they aren’t female characters

Is MapleMS' staff a shit like OSM?

You're making me cry stop FUCK

>not making female characters to scam normalfags for shits and giggles
shake my head famalon

No it’s a mid-level server so there’s GMs but it’s not as bad as royals

mapleroyals exists faggot
usally has 1k people on at all times
really only active pre big bang server with decent rates and playerbase
rest are ghost towns and i played on
old school maple

>1k people

It's just not the same user, that is a ghost town.

the potential system fucked the game for me, it came out before BB but it definitely got out of hand during it
even on with servers with free cubes, its fucking boring to sit there and wait for a good roll

fuck that I don't want them exaggerating the exp and drop rates I want it pure before BB with a decent playerbase

not playing with anyone named capcake or creammies again

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What is with privates and increasing xp rates incredible amounts? I want the full blown classic experience INCLUDING the horrible grind.

Wait, are they from some ancient ass Yea Forums server or something?

royals has low rates
3.2x exp
4x meso
2x drop
could be a bit lower but litteraly every other sever is basically dead has 2x xp 1x drop and meso with 382 on right now
thats best you will get if royals rates are to high for u
well that ghost town feels alive compared to all the other pre big bang servers
rest have like 400 at best

I would but It isn’t 2008 anymore

kek I did this stuff on osrs back in the day o many thirsty beta fags wanting a digital gf

no one cares if you have a female character anymore
most people just assume its a dude, tranny or some streamer
ur not gunna scam anyone but retarded beta white knight fedoras

it was way easier before 2010 people started to get internet savvy

i dunno who they are i just assumed it was a tranny or a trap from the name and i read it as cupcake not capcake lol
still doesn't sound like people i wana play with
probably are some annoying traps or tranny

The previous Yea Forums royals guild died. The new group is on maplems it’s still going strong there’s like 20 people

>20 people
im will be honest i would rather not play with underaged shitters who probably speak in memes and beg for shit all the time because they are shitters

We’re all adults who work no one is an underage shitter, idk wtf that royals nigger is going on about

>annoying traps or tranny
Bruh, I just named my waifu after some stupid weeaboo meme
Why do you do that?

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>look at MapleMS ToS
>everything results in a perma ban
So if someone thinks I harassed them then gg

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I'm thinking royals bois even though I dislike the drop rates and exp rates it has the highest player base

Why can't fagglestory release a vanilla maplestory like WoW did with WoW classic? I bet tonnes of people would play it

Join maplems, a lot of previous anons got banned by the tranny GMs on royals.
Contact me Giovannni

Been playing this game for about the past year. Let me explain something to you. From 1 to 200, the game is fun, if repetitive. The levels come quick, for most classes gear isn't a huge deal (although it still does help), there are many "events" to help with leveling, and you are even encouraged to level many alts via the Legion system, which strengthens all your characters for each additional character you level.

The horror begins after 200, because the 200+ content was designed after the industry really started to take a steep nosedive. What at first seems like an innocent daily system and "events" quickly becomes not only an exercise in tedium, but a downright patronizing "game" experience. The worlds in Arcane River are fantastically designed in terms of art, and some of the music (especially Esfera's Mirror-Touched Sea, unlocked at 235+) is surprisingly beautiful (if short) for an MMO like MapleStory. However, the "event" system is truly insulting to your intelligence, and it is super transparent as well. In short, since the Black Mage event, MapleStory has had an ongoing mechanic -- which they describe as an "event" but is nothing like the shorter term events of past MapleStory -- that lasts about a month and a half at a time. First is was the Black Mage, where players had to collect Determination. This determination would fill up a gauge and you could collect a certain amount per day. You typically had one additional skill or method to obtain coins by hunting, and that method changed every week or two. Ultimately the Determination could be used to buy rewards, some of which are usually cash-shop only on regular servers. That was around October or so of last year.

i litteraly got to like 120 in like 3 days and litteraly talked to no one while playing because it was so empty then quit because they didnt give cyngus a 4th job despite making their cap lvl 200 so it was pointless to keep playing
wow such a fun game, woow i got 40 white scrools lol time to sell
it litteraly was nu maple but with the classes and look of old maple
such a shit server

Since that time, every single "event" implemented in MapleStory has been nearly the exact same piece of code as the Determination event. The formula is "x Points", which you accumulate to obtain "x Coins". Each week you get one of the same exact four skills to earn coins -- the skills that have remained unchanged aside from their graphics since their inception nearly a year ago. Keep in mind that this content is the only worthwhile content to do every day beyond regular farming, which post-240 is incredibly tedious and almost completely un-worthwhile unless you are in the upper echelon of whales and spend hundreds of dollars a month on the game.

It was around this time that I started to notice that it took me somewhere between 30-45 minutes to complete my daily tasks + "event" each day. I started noticing the drops would always fall in a way that seemed random, but was exactly enough for me to spend approximately 30 minutes playing the game each day when combined with my dailies. I presume this is the ideal retention time for gamers. In other words, the game is transparently designed to do nothing but to put you in the prime category for spending money.

In addition, there is a system for Star Forcing gear which enhances it. This is flat out required to progress to 200+ content (you need at least 100, and you really need 150 or more total if you want to get near "endgame" content). It has been proven several times that the success rate of Star Force enhancements is rigged. Even through personal anecdote it is simply too transparent. For example, the very first Star Force point on a piece of gear has a 95% chance of success, and a 5% chance of failure. At least one per two pieces of gear, I fail a 95% chance at least once -- sometimes up to three times in a row. Two or more 5% chances in a row is EXTREMELY rare -- for comparison, how often do you miss a move like Tackle in a Pokemon game, where we know the odds are almost exactly correct? Almost never...So why do I fail Star Force so often and so consistently, even at extremely high chances of success? Not only that, but why is it such a common complaint? Because it is rigged. Sure, "RNG is RNG", but it's next to impossible for such a thing to occur so often and so many times in succession.

tl;dr Maplestory is 105% rigged to do nothing but elicit money from you and if you don't pay it's a waste of time. Playing casually or dicking around with friends is fine, but I very highly recommend you do not waste your time getting serious. I have a 235 Demon Slayer with around 20k main stat and I just recently quit.

>wanting nexon to put their own server out
yah no i dont trust nexon with anything and with be full wtih pay to win bs in the cashshop
they would just turn it into nu maple again after like a couple months after people get bored and nostalgia wears off
also no where near as many people who would play it also what would they do that private servers already cant?

Basically my experience with the game after a light skimming of these posts.

Any anons remember playing maple in like 4-7th grade on their shitty emachine with windows xp? those were the days....

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>bideo bame board
>not full of underaged memeshitters
ur not fooling me

i was talking about some meme rate server the other one was about actual current nu maple
dunno what ur on about

Are any of these other servers that no one ever talks about any good?

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>playing pre-bbulshit Maple

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i remember monster carnival being the coolest thing and thinking how cool the bottom of the clocktower was after i retardley took the taxi down there and ending up dying lol and spending like hours trying to get a certain item to drop and never getting it
also i remember listening to alot of rise against durning that time lol so when i see maple stuff their music plays in my head especially generation lost

Well if they are they’re doing a good job hiding it

takes liek 2 seconds on google to find a list of servers idort

>named my waifu
yah no way fag
fuck waifushitters

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take me back user...

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From what I've read they seem alright with their own pros and cons so you just got to pick a server that you like

tfw you listen to the soundtrack today and that huge hit of nostalgia brings me back to middle school when my life wasn't so shit

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so, that's not the one with the spyware right?

They all have different strengths but there’s no point in playing by yourself, that’s why anons like Grouping up

this really isn't unless
something like this happens and they do something where each update is polled and u need like majorty to vote yes to put changes in
and like actually advertise it right so people know its a thing and get like a small team that actually cares about it to work on it and make sure to not load the cashshop with pay to win dont have gacha be a thing for awhile
and keep it to only explorers for awhile and maybe add cyngus in eventually nut never go past that
then like the first weeks of that would have same feel I guess
would be cool if they started out with just like base v.62 and slowly added custom content that fitted it through like player polls or something

No the one with the spyware was legends and the one with the GM problems was royals

Ok cuz i might join some random ass low or mid-rate server
Dream MS seems ok

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Just join the other faggots or get others to join you, playing by yourself is the #1 way of getting burnt

>47 online
how is that not a turn off
even severs with like 400 are a turn off
sucks royals is only one with okay playerbase
like even maplelegends seems to low
wish there was like a decent 700+ player server that wasnt royals :(

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Honestly I stopped playing after getting myself a shadower and realizing I was just grinding in the the same way each dozen levels. Getting to the level cap back then was more about finishing something I started for me, not having fun: instead I just saved myself the time and made sure to stay in touch with the friends I met along the way, I've known them for longer then most of my friends in real life.

The main attraction of Maple for me was really about exploring, music, and co-op. So I started looking for that.

>spend entire childhood playing Maplestory almost exclusively until I got to high school
>go to college
>listen to comfy Maplestory bg music whenever I’m stressed out or busy
>graduate college, get a job (fuck off NEETS), decide to play again to relive the old days
>Level 161
>Dark Knight
>Spawn in map with Crockys in Lion King Castle
>all of lion king castle is empty
>all of henesys is empty
>entire free market is empty
>tfw the entirety of Broa is either over level 200 or moved to a different server
>lonely as fuck, but grind for a month or so to get to 200
>finally high enough level that I can join a guild
>having tons of fun seeing all new areas that didn’t exist back when I played
>start learning about endgame gear, chaos runs, etc.
>tyrant gloves take 3-6 months of daily play to get
>if you fuck up with starforce they can fucking explode and you have to start again
>lose motivation
>go on vacation for a week
>guild kicked me for inactivity
>get bored of dailies
>quit at level 203
it’s not fair bros, this was my favorite fucking game. everyone still playing is at the endgame but the endgame is fucking painful to get through.

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how did people even make friends in maple, maybe i made new character like ever week because i was dumb kid and couldn't get past like lvl 15 but still how do people make like actual online friends in games that you keep talking to and stuff never understood that

I was ignoring that...stop this please

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Are you really expecting any prebb server for a korean grind game to break past 500+ people consistenly? It's a feat that Royals/Aries have that many people constantly but other servers can most of the time really only ~200 people online or less.

Join us on maplems there’s around 30 of us now. Contrary to what that other faggot is spouting there isn’t any
trannies. Contact me Giovannni

>playing bast big bang
u deserver it
just play pre big bang servers lol retard

i litteraly just quit maplems because the game is litteraly dead and always empty
no way fag, shitty meme rates, monsters shit out white scrolls and chaos ones
cyngus knights are pointless because u have 80 levels of nothing sense they couldnt make them a custom 4th job but made them go to 200 anyway
250 cap
no way fag stop shilling ur shitty server
might as well play nu maple instead and try out one of the 100 jobs instead of maplems

i know and it sucks, i dont believe royals actually has 1k i feel like half of that is lies
sucks maple is only game i like and nu maple is just so bad

Literal samefag

>wants to play an oldschool MMO
>renember that is a fucking MMA wich requires other people and it wears off

I kinda miss those time when I had the time to go on raids.

:D based gooks

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>Actually grinding
>Not doing 1 level a day then hanging out with your guild friends having fun

What a fag.

Not a shill but after I quit Maplestory I played AriesMS for a few months and it’s the best up to date Maplestory server I’ve found. Consistently has over 500 players, 8x xp, and it takes out all of the pay to win parts of the game. Biggest downside is there are only two major guilds and they’re both run by a small group of autistic Asians who speak in memes and constantly smega about stupid shit.

i mean 21-30 was just running kpq 100 times over and if you could get a good group in carnival pq it wasn't that slow
but whats the fun is spending all day doing pqs?

>post big bang maple

Nothing wrong with waifufagging if the girl is cute

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What are the two big guild names want to keep an eye out for them while I play there

waifufagging is for ugly perma virgins prove me wrong smelly

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lol sorry player count is first thing i look at when picking server to play on lol no point in playing on a dead place
what happened to all the fun private servers with like custom chairs and items and nx stuff and hair and like events and i remember they all had like rebirth systems or whatever and like those shops on command and they had like coke items and stuff in it
Like they were just for fun and messing around how come they dont exist anymore?

Minerva and cosmic. They both make you write a forum post saying why you want to join the guild and how often you play which is retarded but you might find some smaller comfy guilds to boss with

>guilds that have registration or stuff you have to go through to join and retarded requirements
>guild has its own site at that
nothing is more cringe than that, like its just a gayme lol forever laughing at them

Is Aries safe?
my AV goes haywire only on this server

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It’s like an autists turf war, if one of the big servers finds out that you used to be a member in one of the other servers they won’t let you join.
I played for ~6 months before I quit Maple again and never had any issues. It’s well known that the launcher causes antivirus programs to delete it and shit but there are tutorials on the AriesMS forum for how to get around it.

>playing Maple back in 10th grade (started in 9th)
>Also getting into certain types of music like classic metal
>Listening to Dio-The Last In Line while exploring the Lego tower
>Whenever I hear any songs from that almbum I remember killing those Lego monsters and how we got a hack to hit every enemy on screen and a guy from my guild came to party with me and I forgot to turn off the hack and hit every monster on screen then I logged out and logged back in and he messaged me "Hey man it's okay. I won't report you. Can you show me how to do that?"

I really wish I didn't sink so many hours into Maplestory after grade 10 (stopped around grade 12) and then I got into FLYFF which was a lot more fun but it got a crippling update after about a year of playing.

BattleMage came out preBB in KMS. Agreed though. Best class.
Potential (slightly before BB) turned a comfy social-oriented animu game into a p2w solo rush to speedrun every boss to corner the in-game market and led to elitism, and Nexon in turned balanced the game to such a point where everyone is OP with minimal investment, which turned the environment of the game into one of extreme asocialism.
As an aside, anyone who complains about it being too easy to level up compared to before are just dickriding the opinions of others who actually played preBB. Leveling up fast isn't the issue, the problem lies with the social dynamics being ruined once leveling up stopped being a novelty beyond level 70.
Also, party quests (CWKPQ being the most prominent) became trivialized because every class got bullshit insane movement, can solo everything, and there's no reason to have a party with decent composition.
Potential skills (Decent Hyper Body and Decent Sharp Eyes, namely) and Skill Links turned the game into a "you just need to grind which is easier than ever, and spend money, so just turn off your brain and get those numbers and solo cygnus or whatever" slog instead of "hey you found a guild, cool! meet some people, get a party together that covers each other with support skills, and go try and kill zakum!"
t. someone who was on the original PB Windia kill squad


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oh i didnt have that problem because i got into it in 4th grade lol so time didnt really matter at all lol and so time big bang came around i kinda was done with the game lol i think i was like 9th grade when that happened but mostly becuase i was to dumb to actullay make it anywhere lol i couldnt imagine playing maple in highschool lol
and now i cant even imagine trying to play it
to many classes to begin with maake me panic just trying to choose something lol
but yah ludbridium "lego town" was really cool i liked how all towns had there own theme aquarium was alqays my fav because it was soooo cooote :3 fishhiess UwU

>be in a semi-popular map before a x2 exp event
>4th job mage runs the middle of it spamming blizzard/meteor/genesis
>take one side of the map, party with the mage
>another guy shows up
>joins the party, takes the other corner
>start talking
11 years later and we still talk and dick around with our small guild we eventually went on to make.
KF and RoR1/2 were fucking sick with them.

maybe it was just me being liek a literal 10 year old when i played maple and probably was a naurto shitter cringelord at the time
because nothing like that ever happened

You think ugly perma virgins would have such refined tastes in women?

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yes i think ugly perma virgins are the only ones would actually type that and think they are totally pwning
>but muh waifu is da best
spoken like a true perma virgin

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There's no reason to be so upset my friend. Isn't it only natural to think your waifu is the best one?

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ur waifu is shit and doesn't exist
imagine actually calling a 2d fictional character your love

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>he calls other people virgins on the internet
Don't try it, user. I have the high ground

Imagine liking 3DPD over 2D perfection

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>implying i exist to begin with


>imagine people being so replused by you that you actually resort to 3D IS TRASH OKAY :(((((
how many levels of cope are you on

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Imagine being so mad that anonymous people over the internet aren't interested in you over drawn characters that're made to be attractive.

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maple did MMO RPG adventure very well for the time, it felt like youre actually exploring and discovering things, PQ's were necessary to level up + you meet people that are usually nice
nowdays you solo everything and do dailies like an idiot while grinding your fingers to their death so you can have a few cubes that probably wont make you stronger unless youre lucky anyway. progression gone downhill, classes arent unique anymore and everything lacks soul

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>being attracted to drawn characters to begin with
HAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHHA u keep digging youeself deeper

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Literally seething

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>being attracted to drawn characters

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thats embarssing lol imagine actually liking drawings over stuff like daddy james franco lol

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Do you know where you are?

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What the fuck are these nigwads even fighting about?

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rice farming and mongolian basket weaving community


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What are you going to let go user?

don't know but they destroyed a comfy oldschool maplestory thread

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there was like a bunch of posts you could have replied to and kept conversation going instead of whining about the current state of the thread

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>BattleMage came out preBB in KMS
Why aren't there any preBB private servers with BaM then? I would play it in a heartbeat. My favorite class in my favorite version of maple.

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maybe because the private servers all use gms as there base and most people wouldn't play a pre big bang with resistance sense people link them to big bang and the start of the ms downfall
reason why most dont even have cyngus or aran people just like having the adventures
but honestly dual blade and evan where the start of it going to shit with skills you litteraly had to buy from cash shop

also dual blades having shadow partner and flash jump was beyond stupid and took away the only things worth playing a nightlord for

>made a couple of friends in MS when I was young
>used to chill in Henesys all the time just talking about life
>gradually we all start fading away, BB has killed the game for us
>quit for about a year or two
>decide to log back in one day just to feel the nostalgia
>one of my favorite friends is the only one online
>"omg you're back!"
>they just came back last week
Bros, I had the carry that fucking weight. It was like I had died and went to heaven, found myself in a familiar setting, and opened a door to a long lost friend who I didn't know I missed dearly. We talked for a few hours, then went our separate ways. They had been getting on well, completing high school at the time, same as me.
I was so depressed back then that those few friends were all I had. The fact that one of them remembered me and missed me melted my heart.

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I was so depressed back then so those few friends were all I had.*

at least u made friends :(

user that's quite something. Cherish that happiness and the memories you made together. Feel blessed, because with friendships like those, you truly are, to have met them

>4000 x 4000



in addition to it's mainly due to potential having already been released before BaM as well.


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I wanna play again, but i know that i'll quit 1 month in

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Most nigs quit after 2 to 3 days

Then why bother?

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In the hopes that everyone won't quit after a long while even though it's happened the last 5 times or so