Since this board sucks ass, let's have a motherfucking video games thread. Post whatever you want in here as long as it's video games.
Since this board sucks ass, let's have a motherfucking video games thread...
Halo MCC being on PC will have a much bigger impact than people realize.
BR games will completely fall out in popularity, and 343 will be a bit overwhelmed with the amount of server traffic.
Another golden age of Halo is coming lads. It will be glorious.
Dude I fucking love video games.
A supposed Rain World update is coming out in three days based off the Rain World Twitter. Hopefully it gives us more content than just a Japanese localization and 1.7 on PC
Sir Daniel Fortesque
I would seriously fucking kill myself if video games were to suddenly stop existing.
>tfw unironically hyped for the new FE
what other series have you guys fallen back into after having a shitty previous installment?
I'm just counting down the days until FE3H comes out. Haven't been this hyped for a game in quite some time, but CTR is proving to be a nice time drainer while I wait.
I've also realized that I'm painfully average at CTR and will never unlock N.Tropy.
Just finished trails of cold steel 1 and 2. That was fun, haven't played an rpg in a decade
Still on the fence about FE3H, I've also been meaning to pick up Judgement and Mario Maker 2 but have other priorities to deal with right now.
The only thing about 3H that hasn't won me over are the graphics, but the gameplay looks really solid, the maps actually look varied and are confirmed to have more than a few objectives for variety, but the story and the lack of pandering is what makes me really want to get it. Sounds like it's turning out to be everything I actually wanted Fates to be so far.
but who knows, they might fuck it up again
Hey anons, recommend me some good horror games. I'm in a spooky mood.
I'm just concerned about the calendar system.
If it functions just like persona I'm not interested.
Would you say that CS2 is better than 1? Played the first one a year or two ago, enjoyed it and I've been holding off on playing it until CS3 is closer to its western release. Only thing I've heard about it on Yea Forums is that it's the game where the whole "haha that's our rean" shit starts.
have you checked out the new japanese overview trailer/the treehouse footage? They go in depth into the system
Nah I didn't, is it good? Will I be completely screwed for missing events?
I mean any calendar system is going to look like Persona if you want it to. Like said, the E3 demos go in depth into how things play out and how you can plan out the students' lessons, training programs, side activities and downtime stuff just to boost supports and other shit, as well as picking to go on side missions/paralogues.
Worst case scenario, you can literally just set the thing to auto-pick and skip right to the story battles while the game just does all the student raising for you.
Bought Just Cause 4. It's not as bad as I expected, it's just like every other JC game. Turn on a show or podcast and just enjoy the repetitive and simple nature of the game.
That already sounds a million times better than Persona. Thanks for the explanation.
I fucking love Dragon Quest. I would almost buy DQXI on switch but I've already played original Japan release and Western release for both 120+ hours so I think I'm good until the new DQM with erik and his sister come out.
>I'm just concerned about the calendar system.
>If it functions just like persona I'm not interested.
Nah, its not like that. You set up your lesson plan for the week and the days get simulated until you get to Sunday which is when you get to fuck around in the school. You can also just let the game automatically do it for you if you're not into micromanagement.
They talk about the calendar 6 minutes into this video.
Fatal Frame 2, emulate it
Started Drakengard 1 earlier today. While I'm digging its story, atmosphere, and characters, its gameplay is monotonous, repetitive, and boring. Any tips from people who've played it before?
would you say DQXI is a good starting point for a newcomer to the series? seeing the heroes in smash actually got me really interested in playing the games
god I hope so
thanks user, gonna go do that
RPG Maker chicken saying the n word
It will mate, trust me.
I'm not sure about Infinite, but with MCC 343 learned from their mistakes and are communicating with fans.
Some BR players (Ninja) used to be competitive Halo players, so they'll bring the next generation with them.
For me, it's Raidou Kuzunoha vs. The Soulless Army
Silent Hill 2 for plot, atmosphere, characters, soundtrack, and writing. Resident Evil 3 if you want to be scared.
It does some cool callbacks to some previous games VERY late in the game but even if you haven't played them its a good ass game. It's not blowing the door wide open with groundbreaking jrpg mechanics, but its a solid as a rock tried and true classic jrpg made with the utmost care and filled to the brim with content. If you like classic jrpgs you will more than likely enjoy this game.
Just started Monster Hunter Generations Ultimate today, now I'm questioning selling it back. I did all the training missions and liked it a lot, but I feel like this is the type of game that wants me to spend 500 hours mining ore and picking up herbs. Maybe I'll play 100 hours or so then reevaluate. The actual combat is fun btw, and the world is 10/10, just the skinner box/dopamine pump grinding aspect turns me off.
i hate these guys, thats all
Awesome, play alone in a dark room with headphones if possible, that game scared the bajeezus out of me
was planning on checking out the SH series eventually
any games in the series I should avoid, other than the ones not made by Jap devs?
>technical level
I played on a pirated version on pc with 1.41 update. Had some issues with turbo mode which delayed some animations while it didn't happened in CS1 which runned super smoothly even in x8 turbo mode abuse.
>gameplay wise
I think it's more balanced even though the early game accuracy nerf made me play Rean with Criminal until Hit2. Arts are more viable and both big spells and small arts spam are viable. Delay stacking still works but it's less retarded a'd new quartz are really good.
I absolutely hated knight battles, I think they clunky and too long. I think the field study->free day-> schoolhouse rythm was better and forced me to pay attention to events while I could go from highlands to Legram in 5' just to pick up stupid shit
>story wise
We're reaching shonen tier power level but things quickly get back to earth with politics. I appreciated that some characters made fun of (You)/class VII for being cheesy or naive. The villains feel kinda out of place though. There's also a massive spoiler at the end so be wary
Overall I'd prefer CS1.
Why is she so perfect?
I'm excited for Dragon Quest Builders 2. I really like mine-and-crafting games like Terracraft and Minearia but the lack of purposeful direction and more just giving you the basics and telling you to do whatever makes me struggle to get engaged.
It can get a little repetitive but DQ Builders strikes a good balance with its focus on rebuilding towns and stuff so I'm excited for the sequel.
The ones by Team Silent are the best. Outside of that, the only one outside of that I really enjoyed was Downpour.
me too
DQB1 was my GOTY despite its flaws
2 fixed all of them
I just played the dq builders demo and really liked it, seems perfect for unwinding with a podcast and screwing around
alright, good to know
What games and content are you all excited for throughout the month of July? There's quite a bit I'm looking forward to, personally.
>Dragon Quest Builders 2
>Kill la Kill: IF
>Marvel Ultimate Alliance 3
>FE: Three Houses
>Smash Ultimate Challenger's Pass 2/DQ Heroes (if it drops)
I feel like the new FE is worth the hype. I feel like I've been saying this a lot, but from reveal to now, it's done a complete 180. I also wanna thank Yea Forums for the info dumps and articles, because for some reason Nintendo barely advertised the game overseas.
To answer your question though, I can't say that's ever really happened to me.
Siren 2 if you don't mind slightly janky emulation
Silent Hill 2 for depression and 3&4 if you actually want to get scared
Witch's House
For July just DQ Builders 2 and Fire Emblem. Replaying DQIII to pass the time. Tons of good looking games coming the rest of the year though, for me this years been fucking incredible.
The only game I'm looking forward to is No More Heroes, partly because I'm a longtime fan, and partly because it had the best reveal trailer at all of E3 this year
All added to the list, thanks for the recs.
if you're a real fan buy my 2007 no more heroes toilet paper for 500 bux
I completely agree with you, this year has honestly been excellent in terms of games and additional content. EVO's just around the corner, and I have absolutely no idea what could announced. I'm looking forward to ArcSys and their affiliates especially. New GG? New BB? UNiCLR is for sure, and I'm praying that BBTAG gets a huge update. Then I also got SCVI recently, so who knows what might happen with that.
Speaking of DQ, I'm currently playing through VI DS (again), as well as Builders 1. How is III? I haven't played it, but I know it is THE DQ game.
I never did look into the Suda51 games, but that trailer was still a welcomed surprise. Glad to hear it!
DQIII in my opinion is one of the best games ever made. Absolute must play even if you play it to see where everything everyone loves about jrpgs came from. Its a masterclass of design and 100% holds the fuck up today. If you ever play IV again play it on the phone because that one has the party chat and that adds a shitload to the game. Unless they've somehow patched that shit into a rom, the phone is unironically the best place to play IV. DO they ever announce games at EVO? I'm not a big fighting game dude but I usually remember them only announcing fighters for existing stuff, which is still pretty good shit
Playing through My Friend Pedro. I remember playing the original Flash game what felt like ages ago.
But it does make me wish there were more John Woo-style shootout games. (Max Payne-em-ups?)
Rockstar doesn't seem to be doing anything with Max Payne, Sleeping Dogs is dead, and most contemporary stuff being made in the indie scene is side scrolling stuff, which is fine, or one-man team early access shit which could be good but isn't exactly in a complete state yet.
I Recently made a 6x6 but I haven't seen any 3x3 threads from like the past two days. Guess I'll post it here.
I'm skeptical of NMH3 but I'll probably get it. Not too excited for much, but I'm playing Tales of Vesperia and Knights of the Old Republic.
Can always play that stranglehold game from 2007 that I can’t for the life of me remember if it was good or bad
Good man
That’s one based as fuck 6x6
Great taste user. Also, there was a 3x3 thread earlier today in the late morning/early afternoon EST.
>halo PC
>Being anything other than a battle rifle snorefest
ideal 3rd parties in smash
It's a very 7/10 game. Nothing outstanding, nothing awful, just competent all around, does exactly everything you want out of a John Woo game.
Thanks, nice taste too, I've been meaning to play Deus Ex. Also fuck I woke up at like 12. I probably missed it.
Deus Ex is fantastic. Play unmodded first, then download mods on repeat playthroughs if you want.
>Another golden age of Halo is coming lads
>Halo MCC being on PC will have a much bigger impact than people realize
I played Deus Ex and Fallout: New Vegas, and now I'm craving for this kind of games, you know, a janky game that looks like shit but actually gives you so much freedom and choice, it's great, any suggestions for more like it?
Thief II: The Metal Age and System Shock 2 are your two best picks.
based aspect raidou poster
Thanks user, I'll check out both, do you recommend Vampire the Masquerade: Bloodlines? I heard it's similar too
If you liked the original Deus Ex, you can always check out Invisible War and the Eidos Montreal reboots, they are pretty good imo, in spite of some problems.
Literally the BR cancer of the 2000s
I imagined this in Trav's whisper voice
The game that revolutionized, and that is the definitive JRPG of them all. Good to hear even now it holds up, makes sense that it would lol. As for IV, I've heard from a lot of people that mobile is indeed the best place for it. As much as I'd like to have the physical copy, it doesn't seem like it's worth it compared to getting what is essentially the definitive edition of the game, especially since I'm such a huge fan of party banter.
In EVO's case... don't they? I guess I can't really say. Truth be told it's only somewhat recently that I've started to tune into it, as well as other fighting game tournaments. At any rate, there is indeed usually announcements of various magnitudes, so it's all something to look forward to.
>tfw that user thinks that people on PC will go apeshit over what's basically Republic Commando and the most casual shooter out there
>when Sandstorm, CS:GO, RS2, Day of Infamy, and a couple of other shooters exist
I can't, I really fucking can't
Beat Sleeping Dogs again which made me watch The Departed. Kinda stalling for games to play until I can replace my PC and catch up on this pathetic excuse of a generation.
Unfortunately I've never played it. Heard it's great though. Watch this and pick it up if it interests you.
>MGS 1 2 and 3
fuck user, at that point just cheat and post the PS2 or even PS3 collection so you can post move games.
The best thing in the entire of E3. Just bought a switch. I may buy pic related but framerate is going to be ass in local mp and season pass is surely going to be disappointing
I finished Gears of War yesterday with a friend, and by hell is it the dumbest fucking plot I've seen in a videogame. Every character is stupid, every piece of dialogue is stupid, and it just introduces shit to immediately forget about it.
It was pretty fun though, I can see how it got popular. Definitely a co-op shooter to the bone.
Might as well.
Was a pretty big fan of 1 and 2 back in the day. Just dumb fun. Never played 3 so I have no idea if it ever got serious but what the fuck are they trying to play with 5? Why does everything now have to be deep and serious story why can’t we just have dumb fun
I was so fucking bored before my exam session that I just randomly started playing through the unpatched SNES SMT1 and I'm enjoying myself more than I have with some of the newer games in spite of it being objectively shit in some ways.
Just wanted to share that shit, do what you want with it.
Smt1 is pretty fun regardless of the problems. Glad you’re having a good time user
destiny and halo going to steam is unironically going to be fucking huge
boomers and zoomers alike for halo, meanwhile halfhead lootyshootys like myself will give warframe some more competition (bad thing or good, you decide; personally i love destiny).
you thought epic was bad with exclusives now? wait till they see playercounts/sales figures for MCC and destiny, tim sweeny is going to be sweating.
>Post whatever you want in here as long as it's video games
Artillery Claws: Ranged 6 stars
Overall Defense +8
Dodge +4/ In Peril Attack +4
Health Recovery +
Damn it Palutena, why is it so hard and random to get the perft weapon?
I have no idea. After finishing the first, looking at the attempts of the newest one to focus on emotional drama is fucking bizarre. No idea what they think their audience is or who they're trying to appeal to.
Being entertainingly dumb is always better than being seriously boring.
A lot of those older dungeon crawlers and rpgs are still more fun than recent games, just because they can't and don't waste your time with cutscenes and attacks taking forever.
>He adds Persona 4 and Ace Attorney
Genuinely based
Patch it, its gonna fuck you up at the end, I sure would have liked to have known about the patches
gears 1 and 2 are a great romp with friends, like playing an american action movie parody almost. 3 was okay, judgement i hated, and while i havent beat 4 yet its decent so far. i've never been a MP gears guy but ive been dabbling in 4. fun with friends, i get sick of it after a few games tho. '
why is it i can tolerate gears of war, but cringe HARD at most dialogue in recent call of duty games?
Arkane is made up of former Looking Glass Studios employees, right? Dishonored and Prey are like modern reboots of Thief and System Shock. Corvo even has the same VA as Garrett.
>including more than one game from the same series
I don't want to be an autist or anything and these are fine I guess but come the fuck on, can't you just decide on one title and include more unique shit instead?
I'm balls deep at this point, well after Thor does you know what. Using mapper isn't that bad but it's still fucking something, let me tell you that.
If you think SMT doesn't waste your time then you're for a rude awakening. Ultimately I stuck with the game because it has that unexplained factor that just keeps me fascinated with it, I guess it's that 90s edgyness paired with the unique elements of the setting.
prey is so fucking good, i think its better than dishonored. i can't get thief working on my pc, but i have started system shock, as its supposed to be similar to prey. i hated bioshock tho, but these immersive sim games are really gripping me
Prey and Dishonored are very similar games. I wouldn't call myself a weeb, but there's very few Western developers I follow - Arkane is definitely one of them. They make damn good games.
Pretty much everything that Arkane made after and including Dishonored has been top fucking tier, regardless of what you think about their supposed SJWness. Prey is an amazing immersive sim, Dishonored has a really unique setting and the sequels pretty much do shit that's fucking insane (in spite of dropping the ball narratively) on a gameplay level, like that mansion where you skip between time periods or the estate with moving and shifting parts.
I think it's safe to say that the new game they're working on will be pretty dope as well.
Not that guy but I hope deathloop is cool. Fucking hate CG trailers so I really don’t have any idea what the games like
Playing Fable 2 for the first time and really am liking it. I don't know how hyped it was on release but I'm enjoying it as this comfy casual RPG.
D2 is definitely a huge loss for EGS, it has 1 million concurrent players across all platforms and whenever a new raid launches it easily surpasses Fortnite in terms of twitch viewership. Valve must be seriously happy that they secured that deal.
Halo is still huge too, but I don't see most people sticking around for it until Halo 3 or Infinite come out on PC.
There's a couple in there, but mostly it's people who liked Looking Glass/Origin Systems and were tired of the EA mindset.
Raphaël Colantonio has directed most of Arkane's better games, but doesn't have much to do with Looking Glass beyond working on some localisation for France.
You can stlil patch it, at least for me, the game just broke in the last dungeon, I was lucky I had a save before it stopped working. At some point the alignment points go crazy and you wont be able to continue in the last dungeon, either because an alignment door is locked because the game thinks you are the other alignment or the final boss thinks you their side even when you killed all of their commanders.
Their level design is top of the fucking line. And while I love that time travel mansion I don’t wanna sound like an asshole but that budget as fuck Heroes game did that like a year before them. Nowhere near as good though.
i think the initial surge of players for halo reach will be quite large, but i do agree with you - halo 3 will bring the most, and i definitely understand those holding out for 3 or even 2 specifically. however i do believe there is a decent population of pc players that have never played a halo before.
>time period mansion
I bought Dishonored 2 on the Steam sale and never played it before; is that in that game? Sounds sick.
I never found anything in their games SJW. There were the lesbians in Prey, but it didn't really feel obnoxiously forced.
The majority of the OG LGS team went to form Nightdive, right? It seems like they're not doing too hot. We'll see how SS3 and SSR turn out, though. I heard their Ultima reboot was awful.
I could be wrong though since tons of people went out of their way to pirate Reach's flighting build, far more than I expected for a port of a nearly 10 year old game. If they add in modding potential way down the line I can see Reach and MCC sticking around for ages.
>The majority of the OG LGS team went to form Nightdive, right?
Pft, they wish.
Nightdive is just "some assholes". They don't even need to do well, it's a 10 man team. They dragged Warren Spector and Paul Neurath out of irrelevancy to come look at their Unity homework and then disappointed everyone. Don't expect anything from that studio.
Majority of Looking Glass would've gone into Ion Storm and from there just dispersed into various developer/cg studios along the east coast. Most wouldn't be in the industry anymore, might still be a couple in Arkane Dallas, but Arkane's success still largely rests on Colantonio's feverish hatred of the industry.
I picked up Darksiders 3 in the sale and have been enjoying it quite a bit.
You fucks need to stop pretending every indie is the same shit. It Stares Back was the best game I've played this year and it's cheap as fuck.
Best grappler coming through
>Dragon Quest Builders 2
>Fire Emblem 3 Houses
Contemplating if buying now or slapping on the wishlist and waiting for when things dry out a bit
>Umihara Kawase Fresh
>Blazing Chrome
Waiting on comprehensive reviews of content
>Marvel Ultimate Alliance 3
I liked what I saw in the Treehouse stuff but I still feel like I want to wait to see what and who exactly is in the game and the full set of team dynamics, as well as maybe more DLC reveals for other Marvel heroes(and maybe villains?) of note.
>Wolfenstein Youngblood
I felt like they hit a good TTK with 2 and enemies aren't as spongy as they were in TNO/TOB, so it's kinda weird to hear that enemies are somehow more spongy according people playing the demos. But at the same time, with the whole leveling system and mission selection and most generic enemies looking like they go down just as quickly, it might just be some weird instance of going into a spot while not being at the level that the game apparently recommends. Honestly I just really want more of the gunplay and RPG-shooters like Borderlands and Destiny are mindnumbing. Plus just whoring out that buddy pass across my Steam friends list makes for some good co-op evenings.
Wolf 2 was interesting, the story was just sort of okay with a weird execution, but the gameplay was definitely far more enjoyable on higher settings compared to TNO.
so i bought a few games recently which made me realize a have a few other games that i have been meaning to play that i haven't finished so to make a small goal for myself im going to finish all these games in order and purchase no other games until i finish these titles:
>travis stikes again
>hyper light drifter
>mario odyssey
>killer is dead
>amid evil
>turok 1 and 2
>dark souls ng+7
>devil may cry on DMD mode
i want to do all of these before astral chain comes out
Travis Strikes Again is fairly short, maybe 10 hours if you deliberately take your time and replay stages.
Hell yeah videogames.
>tfw Horii's autism meant we couldn't get 3 and 4's female versions in Smash
>That bat girl t-shirt
Been playing Persona Q2 for the last few days after finishing Persona 5. Finishing special screenings before I finish Junessic Park.
Also considering Sonic Generations 3DS for a quick change of pace from back to back RPGs.
you are very based
I'm close to plating 2 games but both of them seem to be a little time consuming.
Started pushing for plat when I found out they recently changed the existing trophies focusing on TH to multiplayer. That & the new TK avoidance system. Started this at about 82-86% already done accidentally, I'm know at 97%, but need to get 5 flawlesses in rank (only have 2 I know for sure. OK for someone whose entirely evoided the mode for years until last week.).
I just need to get 1 class to 25.... my autism is refusing me to not get all of them done at the same time.There all already at 20-22.
I hate how all Pokemon/Digimon discourse is 99% garbage. Anyway, Pokemon fans don't care about the gameplay only the aesthetics and designs and a Story in the style of Gen 2-5. It could be an SRPG, ARPG, or even a fucking FPS or Point and Click. I just want Nintendo to throw as much manpower into Pokemon as humanly possible, I want Genus Sonority to work on models and animations, a game freak to work on designs, and literally anyone else to design the gameplay and philosophy
Honestly I think the biggest issue is that because of the clusterfuck that is Pokemon rights, Nintendo can't or won't just hurl manpower at Pokemon titles.
That's why Zelda and Smash get massive auxiliary teams like that one group at Monolith that pretty much exists to add more muscle to whatever big ass games Nintendo is making next.
Meanwhile Game Freak, various incompetencies aside, is literally split between two different RPGs for some insane reason.
Picked up Borderlands Handsome Collection today, never played any BL so I'm very excited. Gonna play that tonight and maybe a bit of mario maker 2.
Seiyuu autism I'm guessing, that shit ruins everything
No he specifically doesn't want DQ MCs interacting with each other in games, which is why they don't appear in DQ Heroes together either.
Nintendo Yakuza probably cut off a good number of fingers just to get 4 playable heroes and the rest appearing in the Final Smash, either that or Smash muscle is just that big a deal.
>heard a lot of good things about Super Mario RPG
>tons of critical reviews praising it and tons of people who played it when it came out love it
>play it
>it's mediocre
Maybe it just didn't age well or something, I dunno. I just wasn't impressed by it in the slightest. Would anyone who's played Mario RPG games like the Mario + Luigi series recommend playing them to someone who doesn't like Super Mario RPG?
Sorry you didn't buy enough copies of the switch release. The series is effectively canceled please look forward to upcoming projects from SQUARE-ENIX
In our hearts
Kingdom Hearts, that is
Buy Verum Rex for the privilege for a vague reference to TWEWY
Maybe the TWEWY sequel was the friends we made along the way
Honestly I think it can be kind of rough if you're used to the responsiveness and more sophisticated systems of later Mario RPGs.
I played it in the 90s, in the twilight of the SNES and the runup to the N64. I still replay it every few years.
The big appeal was that before this, Mario was just a dude whose story pretty much existed in instruction manuals, and nothing once you hit start on the title screen, just throwing you into a level to have at it.
Here, the Mushroom Kingdom is a developed ctown that apparently is a constiutional monarchy, and the world has cities and people you can interact with, and there's all kinds of towns and NPCs that would've just been monsters you killed in another Mario title, just like Final Fantasy.
Mario was this energetic, easily-riled up and kinda arrogant hero who relied on slapstick to convey thoughts. Bowser was goofy and insecure about being shoved out of the bad guy spotlight, and Peach was actually doing something.
And of course, you had OCs. Is it any small wonder people gravitated to Geno, and maybe Mallow to a lesser extent? Mario was the athletic brawler hero tearing through shit with physical force and fireballs, and Geno was this cool wizard doll firing gun arms, rocket punches and lasers.
Anyway, Mario + Luigi is made by ex-Square devs who worked on SMRPG and made their own company after the fact. It plays pretty differently since you're typically focused on Mario and Luigi rather than a revolving party like SMRPG or Paper Mario, barring odd ones out like Bowser's solo battles, Paper Jam bringing Paper Mario into the mix naturally, and Dream Team's dream fights involving hundreds of Luigis following up Mario's attacks. Rather than Paper Mario/SMRPG's blocking, you focus more on jumping and hammering to avoid attacks and deliver retaliation. It's a little more refined and different enough from SMRPG that if you didn't like the SNES game it's still worth trying the M&L titles.
Nintendo will literally make a dozen animations for Link opening a box or have Mario's model so HD that you can see the grey hairs under his hat but they can't even pop their head in at Gamefreak and go "Hey how about you worry about the designs and we make the models, this is the reason why half the people on planet Earth on a Switch, we should have some hands-on deck, y'know?"
What was that line Ross Scott said? Oh yeah "We can't do that, that would make sense"
The whole dyson sphere ending of what would've been Half Life 2 Episode 3 is honestly so grand I'm really mad it'll never manifest as a real Valve game, just SFM recreations and as the product of dedicated amateurs.
>scalping toilet paper
I have tons of NMH merch and even I won't buy that.
Bought 11 games in the Steam Sale. I've tried 3 so far. My thoughts:
I really thought I was ready for Suda and I wasn't. There's aspects to this game that make me wonder how it even got the cult status it got and enough of a fanbase to justify the PC port, but I'm so glad it did. I love a good rail shooter from time to time, and this game has such a cool spin on it, with one of my favorite things in video games; characters you can switch between whenever you wish with different abilities. Story is esoteric but very engaging due to really good voice acting, music is good, character design is fantastic (MASK De Smith is one of my favorite designs), and I'm not even that far in. Runs and controls perfectly on my toaster too.
>KO Mech
Bought it on impulse due to it being 49 cents during the sale. Developed by one guy that uses Yea Forums; I remember a thread where he dumped like 50 keys just so people could play his game. It's this really colorful, goofy mech game that's apparently specifically inspired by the Dreamcast Bangai-O where you're a little robot that punches shit until it explodes. Visuals and music are really nice. If the dev is reading this, I liked what I played a good bit, but I did die a few times due to slowdown caused by so many things being onscreen at once, although I may chalk that up to not having a strong PC.
>Bloodstained: Curse of the Moon
I'm really digging this so far. I'm getting blockaded by the Stage 4 boss a little at the moment but I've very much enjoyed my ride up to this point. Again, I love switching between characters with different toolsets, and this game embraces that a lot. Alternate routes designed for all 4 characters, separate sub-weapon pools (and a fleshed-out Bat form for the last guy), cool concepts for the sub-weapons (Miriam's axe is actually a massive-damage short-range attack, Zangetsu has one that just buffs attack damage, Albert's flame wheel stays up when you switch, etc.). Music is great too. Inti really nailed it.
Finally got around to start Hollow Knight, very pleasant game to just take in. To the user who gave me the recc, I hope you had a great day.
>be kid
>seemingly infinite amount of games i could play
>no money to buy them
>be adult now
>plenty of money
>no games to play
it feels like I've played everything.... i don't want to play battle royales...... what the fuck happened bros.............. i want a game i can invest time into
My brother. I really wish more games had this sort of thing. You can always give FEAR a go if you have not. I also heavily reccommend you play Strangehold.
Check out some up and coming streamers with a unique take. First timers ironing out the kinks so give em some leeway.
We've no idea what Nintendo's contract with Game Freak is. Like that guy said, the rights issue is pretty complicated, Nintendo is merely a publisher on Pokémon games.
Threads like these remind me that there are still people who give a damn. Thanks for the good thread and please enjoy whatever you are playing.
Dishonored 1/2 were very flawed in some executions but the world building and the levels were some of the best I have ever seen. Especially 1, its just a game that I still can pop and enjoy for a good bunch of hours. Prey was phenomenal as a SS oldfag.
If I can tip you, use it as a chance to check older games you missed, maybe give a whole new genre a try. I took a risk and realized that I really, really like old school adventure games, Monkey Island 2 and Sam and Max are now amongst my personal favorites.
just Hero in Smash. Surprising how blank the year is. All I got for 2019 is
>Touhou 17
>Weegee 3
I wanted to want 3 Houses but it seems eh, maybe a pick up later. Sword and Shield is top lol though.
Pedro is the final evolution of a flash game in the best way. The gameplay, combo system, and level design are tremendous (even if the last world packs in too much platforming and spends 20% of its combat challenges letting you pick guys off with your new Sniper Rifle), and the music is essentially crowd-sourced and ranges from "fitting" to "fantastic".
I just wish that the world wasn't so bland, the characters outside of your nameless MC so boring (and even then I just like the mask & jacket), and the writing so unfunny. Ophelia is a fantastic boss fight but before her health bar appeared I could not have cared less about her. Also no mode that lets you bring the endgame arsenal to early stages sucks, cuts the replay value in half. If they added that and/or a Stage Editor I'd bump the game up from a 7.5 or 8/10 to a full-on 9.
One day, user. One day.
I'm on the fence about MUA3 but only because it's a full-price retail game which I rarely buy, and I want Astral Chain for sure and will also likely get DXM. It looks like the most fun of the series honestly, I really like what Team Ninja brought to it. Maybe I'll wait a week to make sure it doesn't run like ass.
Might update this image too. Been leaning towards Cage or Elsa over Ghost Rider for the main team just because I don't like how the latter's voice is the MvCI one.
Finally bought Iconoclasts and holy shit is it kino, but I'm too late and have no one to talk about it with
I've been playing Castlevania games recently. Have gotten through the GBA trilogy and thinking of moving to the DS ones but kinda want to play a bad one for kicks, I tried Haunted Castle but it was just frustrating. Any suggestions on a Castlevania that's flawed but still very entertaining? Have been looking at the N64 one so far
Thought this was a Suda thread but it's still video games so it's all good.
Is it your first MH? It is pretty skinner boxy but its one of the best skinner boxes I've experienced. There's farms and stuff to make gathering herbs and such more efficient. The real grinding is for monster parts, but even then you won't mind that much because fighting monsters is fun and you have a fuckton of options to do so
How is Pokémon conquest? I've been having the urge to play an SRPG after finishing the Devil Survivor games. The combination of samurai and mons looks pretty goofy to me though and that's what put me off it, but feel free prove me wrong.
Does anybody have any point and click recs? I've recently gotten into them and have enjoyed:
Drowned God
Space Bar
Fuck yes. Wonderful.
On that topic I went to the Halo Outpost Discovery event for opening weekend. AMA
I finally tracked down the NMH2 OST and I am not proud at how much I paid for it.
Unavowed is comfy as fuck. It's piss-easy though and you can really see the focus is on the story and not the puzzles. It doesn't really bother me though, since it's just about five hours long so it's not too big of a commitment.
Since it's one of the best OST's of all time, there's not a price too high to pay.
Huh, that's fairly new too. Thanks, I'll check it out.
It soothes my collectorfag autism to know I got what is one of the rarest pieces of GhM merch. That said, apparently Suda has an interpreter to go through his DMs now? I'm going to pester him about a TSA OST release. That shit was tight, especially the music for Silverface's stage.
>Wanted to play a bad game and got a bad experience
Was it TOO bad? What are you looking for here?
I beat Hylics a couple of days ago.
Is there supposed to be a deeper meaning to the game?
Because all I got from this was a unique artstyle, an oddly relaxing soundtrack, and a qt patootie.
I been playing more smaller games and I quite enjoy Darkwood and Airships: Conquer the Skies alot. Darkwood devs are fucking based
Here is a very cheap and awesome Shadow figure you can buy from Amazon
Playing through Sekiro again because I want to eventually get all the endings. I've already got Purification so I'm wondering which one I should go for next. Will most likely do Shura last however.
Silverface Stage 1 was pure kino. I worked out to that shit and even had sex with it playing on blast.
Get yourself someone who looked forward to the NMH DLC at least half as much as you did.
i doubt theres much deeper meaning besides being a quirky little indie game
also moon puns
name a video game more kino than roblox
I played Gradius Rebirth last night. I beat it in one sitting, but boy did it feel aggravating after a while. I used the A-class ship since the B-class was basically labeled the casual craft in the game itself and the C-class ship was suggested for experts. Also, the ice stage mini-boss seemed unbeatable without the laser upgrade; a stream of highly resilient enemies would eventually just rocket right toward your position and couldn't be shaken off your trail.
Threads of Fate
No. You wouldn't know it with how enigmatic he's been since the release of Hylics but on Ludum Dare Mason Lindroth seemed like he was just into it for fun and aesthetics, no 2deep4u Jonathan Blow shit. Most of the dialogue in Hylics is partially randomized anyway.
I'm not too crazy about it. Nice art but the gameplay feels really shallow and boring to me, feels like an extremely watered down Metroidvania.
Came here to say the same thing, I have played and enjoyed so many great games over the last year. I'm sure 50% of people are meming but I do feel bad for the miserable fucks that can't enjoy playing games anymore.
>Sleeping Dogs is dead
No, it's just sleeping
Since I recently got a job that has a 2-hour ride one way I decided to get a Vita and holy shit it's great. Playing shit like Hotline Miami, Rabi Ribi, MGS3, Danganronpa overclocked on a bus is a great time.
Also my backlog is getting overwhelming, please help me decide.
Is Valkyria Chronicles Remastered good if I wanted to get started with the franchise?
good taste
started pic related today, peak comfy
Getting into Zelda. Having fun
i'm quitting video games bye
I'm not sure what to play. It's been a long time since I've played a single player game with a definite ending. I've been playing fighting games and rouge lites for a long time now without much else.
Most games I've played within the last year or longer have burnt me out on thinking there is a correct or optimal way to play them, and I haven't enjoyed them in a while.
I started playing Yakuza 0 with my gf and I feel like playing good single player games again. I'm actually playing Animal Crossing for a few minutes each day lately too with a new town.
Stick with it; i bought and completed it in 2019, and the story is a blast. Turn off your brain for the combat
I started and finished Disaster Report over the weekend. Had a blast, looking forward to playing through the other route and getting all the endings. That said I think picking hard was a fucking mistake since it seems I can't change the difficulty and the only thing it seems to affect is halving your thirst meter.
Will probably play Raw Danger this weekend. Really looking forward to it, I hear it's a vast improvement. Really curious about 3 and 4 too, I never hear anyone talk about them since they're not available in English (yet, as far as 4 goes)
>colantonio's feverish hatred of the industry
I guessed as much.
btw, it's summer already
I played this game in preparation for the sequel, it looks really good
but where is it?
a whole bunch of nothing
looking forward to in general? Romancing SaGa 3
Meh video games are fine i guess
cool taste
try dogday (1996)
When It's Ready™
obsidian 1996
i don't know what erdrick has around his neck but it looks disgusting
>Heavenly Star as stage music