Have you ever called out of work to play vidya?

Have you ever called out of work to play vidya?

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Me today

Back when I was an angsty teen yes.
Today I call out of work because I legit don't feel like working.

More than once, I think doing something I enjoy at the right time is better than duty

What'd you play?

They broke your spirit.

I quit my job a few months after WotLK launched. I was 19.


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Dragon Age

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On the day Artificial Academy 2 released...which was fucked up, because Japan didn't even get in the shipment on that day. I had to go to work the next pissed off.

Not him but I use a phrase called “bed warm”

It’s not a broken spirit thing, some days the bed is just too warm.

Boss has had me doing home office for 3 months now because he is sick of the office and wants to do a Zuckerberg and rent a house with a pool for our headquarters.
The guy is 4 years older than me and still thinks like a fucking kid

Not work but I did skipped high school the day DMC 4 released.
Fun times

Yeah, I feel ya, you should be aware that sometimes people express depression through apathy and general weakness

sometimes youre just too comfy I guess

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I called out today but the wagie guilt instilled in me has kept me from enjoying any vidya.

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I want nothing more in life than enough free time to get really into some rpgs on my backlog, one day of calling out doesn't cut it though.

I regularly call out for Haven & Hearth world wipes. The early game is just so comfy with friends

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Yeah. I work for a non-profit so I get a ton of paid leave, and I barely ever get sick so why not?

I took off for KH3

Didnt beat it and dont think I ever will

I haven't even opened it yet. I've never gotten farther in the series than beating the first two games.

>wagie as well
>management are utter retards that no one likes
>can't muster up and just fucking quit yet

I wouldn't dream of it!

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Couple times a year I call in sick just because I don't fucking want to go. I end up chilling and playing vidya but it's not the reason just the cure.

Calling out of work? Don't think so bud, you're doing late night shift with me.

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Took a week off for BotW, otherwise if I end up calling in anyway I’ll usually play something.

how do you guys learn to not give a shit about your job? I think about it way too much and let it stress me out and ruin things outside of work.

does it count if it was also my birthday?

Fuck you boss, i'm throwing up in front of human resources and there's nothing you can do to stop me.

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No but I called off of work on April 1st just to shitpost all day with the emotes

shitty office job or shitty factory job?
Working in a shitty factory job right now, work overnight and make 18 burgerbucks per hour. Been contemplating if I would rather be in a cubicle and in front of a monitor all day.

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I work from home so I play vidya and work at the same time

I worked in a warehouse for 1 day and never showed up again it was so soul crushing I'd rather be homeless.

Currently working at a carwash and it's not too bad, but the closing shift is so fucking sucky.

Because I hate my job.

Desk jobs aren't bad if you have a steady workload to keep yourself busy. Nothing is worse than pretending to do work all day long. Or stretching an hour's worth of work into 8 hours so your boss doesn't think they're paying you too much.

I worked in a warehouse for 6 years and you're right but it's also mindless so you can kinda just go through on autopilot. also if things got really slow we had one row of shelves in the back where boxes were only at the front and we could take turns napping.

The warehouse I worked I was the only person that wasn't Chinese besides the floor manager. It severely added to the misery and alienation I felt. Was that an issue at your warehouse?

How long have you been working there?

>I worked in a warehouse for 1 day and never showed up again it was so soul crushing I'd rather be homeless.

eh it's an improvement over retail. At least I don't have to deal with customers really

I got fired from my summer job in 2016 for giving them a two week’s notice that I’d be missing a day in June to watch an E3 press conference and they got pissed when I ended up not showing up to work that day

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I did something similar. I was quitting my job and getting a new one. I started my.new job on December 10th last year. December 7th was the Friday prior, and also was the day Smash came out. When I quit my old job, I put i made my last day the 6th so I could play smash that day.

I've been working at this package production plant for two years. I guess it's not terrible since I can go on autopilot mode but I don't want to be doing this for life.
I use to work in security as the night watchman. Sitting in front of those monitors all night made me contemplate about my existence. What kind of position can I get if I have no prior experience?

It's easy, i just hate my job so i obviously don't learn to care for it. I forget about work when I'm not there.

Casual friday?

Did you tell them that it was because you wanted to watch video games?

almost a year

Not out of work, but I skipped classes for a few days when Dark Souls 2 released
The game was underwhelming compared to its predecessors, but I was just so fucking hyped to play another one anyway.

Work with the family.
They never buy that bullshit.

learn a trade or get tech certs

I work for minimum wage at a non profit. Specifically I do adoptions, vaccinations, background checks etc at a humane society. Place is well-funded, clean. Love the animals, like my coworkers. But the pay is just too shit and I'm sick of absolutely entitled RETARD customers who can't fathom why they were denied, plus I just need something more flexible when school starts back. So looking for other work despite liking the job okay besides customers

>They broke your spirit.

I call out just not to have to go to work. Just by chance if I'm playing a game that night.
Have same issue with my job. Proved I was a hard worker years ago so I never get promoted. People with less than six months experience get promoted over me and then quit three months later. Now I do the bare minimum like everyone else but still no chance of promotions. Also get expected to work harder than everyone else because I used to but fuck that.

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One time I worked as a 'lab engineer' working on servers, lap tops, desk tops, monitors. I was in this like computer area in a room right next to the warehouse floor. It involved heavy lifting so it was kinda like having both of those jobs at once. My work basically consisted of pretending 2 hours worth of work actually takes the entire day. I spent most of my time watching twitch streams, youtube, listening to podcasts. One time I just straight up went to the nearby cinema and watched a movie. I had no management over my shoulders. I was expected to work independantly and I did. But there just wasn't fucking enough work.

No, because being down even one person in the restaurant business fucking sucks and I can't put my coworkers through that. One night we had fucking 4 people gone and it was hell incarnate.

How big is the restaurant? Can they not afford to have part time staff?

I did once or twice. I was working 12 hour shifts and occasionally just needed a day to unwind.
You come before your job, don't feel guilty if you need a break. Fuck em

no, mostly hispanics and blacks but aside from a few with dudebro attitudes and/or lazy making others pick up the slack most people were cool. you could talk about whatever and even if people disagreed with you it, no one would ever get upset.
I think when everyone is doing shitty work together people don't really care as long as it passes the time.

I told him that I needed to take a day off, seeing as my other coworkers have had at least 5 days off that summer and I had none. I told my coworkers about it because I didn’t think they would care and since they also play vidya as well

We were the part time staff.

Like half the guys in my high school skipped on halo reach launch day.

Nobody got counted for their absence.

They did the same thing on 4/20 DUDE WEED LMAO

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that sounds like:
a) you believe you're doing a great job but actually aren't
b) you're really expecting people to come around say "hey, dude, you're awesome, take this promotion". Which in reality, just doesn't happen like that.

You gotta work towards that shit. I'm gonna assume that by following the same logic you've never asked a girl out.

where do you work?

I'm a field technician for a school district and management basically forgets about me the whole day. Usually I do like an hour of work to meet my ticket quota and then I go home all day, so I play games and do whatever I usually do. Sometimes I get called back in, but rarely. The pay is subpar, but I feel like it's too fucking cushy for me to walk away from.

I worked in retail as 'part time' and yet I was working easily upwards of 50 hours a week. Usually 6 days. I tried to negotiate with them to bring my hours down and they refused so I started taking the occasional sick day off to fucking reclaim my weekend every couple of weeks and so they fired me.

No but I've "worked from home" and played video games with slack open instead


No I used to be one of those stupid people who though hard work would get me places but no it's do the least amount of work and suck up to the bosses.

>needing to call off work to play vidya
Just become a CEO and abuse your power to do whatever the fuck you want whenever the fuck you want while you get paid for other people's work, it's great.

Called in sick because I was mildly sick and stressed out and needed the personal day.

I'm a teacher so sick days always bite me in the bum down the road.

I called off yesterday and today because I got a cold (yes, in fucking July)
But I just spent 3 days in bed, can't even force myself to play vidya.

No, but I have called out to fap

this goes for anyone in retail; if you don't already have a plan lined up for the next couple years, just bite the bullet and do whatever you can to save up for a couple years to get on a different career path.

> tfw 120 hours of vacation time renews this Wednesday
> attendance is so good I'm in the negative as far as disciplinary action goes

I schedule my vacation times for launch days of games I will enjoy. Pro tip, get a lot of sleep every work night. Helps a lot to make work not suck

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They would constantly talk about me getting promoted and dangle the job in my face and I would tell them I was interested but it was always some brown noser or someone they could flirt with you got their work done by having somebody else do it for them. I don't help them out anymore. I just clock in do my job and leave. I've given up on it entirely.
Also I've been married for 11 years.

>Work in a retail job
>Show up 15 minutes early
>Manager actually expects you to start doing shit before your shift even starts and gets all pissy if you point out the time
>Show up 5 minutes late
>Get dragged into an office for half an hour about how I'm letting him and all the staff down
One time I broke a toe because it was wet out and I dropped a barrel of gas and I had to be sent off to go to a doc and get it looked at. He pulled me into the office after a few days to bitch at me for going home with an injury. He said I was "letting the staff down". The same prick used to get pissed at me when I tried to take my 20 minute breaks. Like there would be such an influx of customers I couldn't afford to take it earlier into the day and when I tried to take it while it was quiet he'd be saying it's too late to take the break and if I pushed for it he'd get extremely pissy. I fucking hated working that job.

no but i've been called out of vidya to do work

countless times

Can I get a naked Tayne?

I once though stocking shelves was a pain in the ass... then I started pushing carts

At a big ass Kroger. In the Summer. By myself because the dude working with me took a smoke break ever 12 carts. I’d honestly rather sit my ass behind a desk forever.

of course.

I plan on getting out of retail after I move out of state but it's taking forever. It'd be nice to make more than $11 an hour and I've been there 10 fucking years and I'm just not promotional material in their eyes.

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Honestly fuck smokers.
>Work in high traffic shop
>Co worker takes a smoke break every half an hour for 10-15 minutes and leaves me to a line of a dozen customers at a time

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I mean you get 2-3 months paid holidays in the summer right?

>call out of work to play games
>none of the people you play games with can join you because they're at work


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I've passed no classes in my uni in a year because I play vidya all day.

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God damn it, garrett, get your ass in gear.

You told people at your job that you needed a day off to watch a video game show. It isn't surprising that you got fucking fired.

No? Where the fuck do you guys work where you can just say “hey... can I have Wednesday off because the new Mario is coming out?”

>lap top

Did it get approved?

You sound like an angsty teen who got old but never grew up.

I forgot the name of the job, but you can make some good money just climbing ladders all day and taking samples from industrial vats to send off for testing.
you have to put a little bit of time in and go take an exam to get licensed, but that's a month or two of work and you're ready to start applying.
I had a friend looking into before he decided to say fuck it and go back to school for something with better advancement. I can ask him for more info if you're interested.

op here, I lied about my mom getting rushed to the hospital in an ambulance this morning to get out of a closing shift so I could sit at home and catch up on anime and play some total warhammer and persona.

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absolutely based

I also work 70-80 hours in a week between school extracurricular (because it's saved me from getting fired multiple times now because my boss loves to see support for students), grading papers and lesson planning my work weeks are 70 hours normally. So yes, and no. Also I teach primarily the melanin enriched.

Touché. You have more guts than I, user.

This fucking retard never heard of lying before.

Dude you've got video game addiction. Get diagnosed

It never goes away user. Angst can change but it never goes away.

What difference would it make if he got diagnosed for something like that? It's a label. They're not going to turn around and go "Okay user we're going to give you 300 dollars a week because you play too many video games".

public audit.
when it's not busy season you are given a ton of leeway.
>busy season is over and you're a senior auditor
"yeah, I won't be in next week and it's not going against my PTO"
>take 2 weeks of PTO and get a call from the manager asking to work on a project
"bitch it's not PTO if I'm working is it?"

I accidentally dozed off in the office at my job a few times the other day and got fucking written up for it. I expressed to them that I wasn't sleeping on purpose I was just burnt out and they said it didn't make a difference. I'm thinking about quitting because we're overstaffed as fuck and I'm a manager so I could literally lose my job if I called off. But I'd need a new job lined up first.

* Understaffed. I'm an idiot


I took a vacation to play vidya with brother about once a year when a game we both like comes out next up is Doom Eternal and the Cyberpunk 2077

it seems like high-mid/mid level businesses tend to not want to use and abuse employees nearly as much as high/low businesses.

Honestly no, but I did consider taking at least one day off for KH3 when I was still working at my old job. I quit now but when I find work again I really don't the point of taking off the time to play what could be a mediocre release.
I'd rather just let the time accumulate and use it to fly somewhere
>inb4 travel meme I'm a massive planefag and airporfag

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Cyberpunk gon make me do it if it's not released on a Friday or the weekend.

The worst sort of jobs you can be in is the sort with an egotistical prick who thinks his shitty little corner shop is a super market chain. They put the work of three people on one person's back and wonder why they have high staff turnover.

Why would you tell them that was the reason lol?

Honesty gets you nowhere in the workplace

I really hate my job and know theyd put me on a performance plan before firing me, at which point I'd look for a job. I'm in IT support so push come to shove I could find something plus I have sales experience and theyll hire anyone to cold call all day for 40k easily. I'd be ok

>Cold calling
Don't take a nigger job like that.

If someone tries to get me to come in on my day off, my day off is ruined. Sure I can make an excuse, or just say no, or pretend I didn't get the message. But I always feel guilty after. And I always think, 'I'd want someone to cover me, I'm being selfish'.

Always ask yourself if co-workers will cover for you?
Because I remember maybe covering someone once but no one ever covered me at my old job. It's kill or be killed

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My fellow cuck, I've been struggling with wagie guilt my whole life. I'd do anything to be careless like everyone else.

I'm just saying worst case.

>cover a lot of people hoping to try and change the culture of "fuck no I won't cover for you"
>nobody ever covered for me back in 2 years before I left

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Yeah, all the time, I lost a few jobs because of it. Gotta say it was worth it.

>some random girl at my job suddenly comes up to me because she thinks I'll blindly say yes to covering her shift
>says she had to "study" for biology
>remember that she didn't cover mine when I needed it
>metaphorically tell her pic related and she reees out

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>constantly get snarky, bitchy remarks from some girl in my job
>take a week off to go meet up with a guy for lewd times a month in advance
>get called by the bitch asking to cover for her for a few days because her friend killed herself and she can't cope right now

Just sell drugs and fuck thots user

God damn it I'm hopeless

My favorite day of working in my life was the last day working at the pizza place.
>about to clock out for the last time
>a few friends seeing me out
>girl confronts me if could cut tomatoes before I left because we were already out
>everyone else laughs as she frustratingly walks off to find some other schmuck.

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no i actually enjoy my job and my boss basically lets me do whatever i want because im extremely competent. my pay is pretty low, but i'm guaranteed some steady raises because i basically skipped a couple of steps by earning a certification that normally takes years to get (i'd been working for a year when i got it).

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your boss is never your friend

Is that thot repellent he's spraying?

This. Your boss will act friendly and banter and so on just to get you comfortable around him so you're less alert. Go take that snooze.

Can a job make u work 6 days in a row and the days technically aren't in the same week so you don't get overtime?

feels bad man.

i had to cover my coworkers desk on friday and today, she basically got a 5 day 4th of july vacation. and we mutually hate each other.

she's getting fired as soon as i train her replacement, karma catches up with these people soon or later.

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>your boss is never your friend

where the fuck did you get that?

i'm very good at my job because i have half a fucking brain, and i honestly hate working with other people so i just get shit done because i know it will be done properly. my manager knows this and when shit isn't done properly he gets shit on by company ownership directly, so he appreciates what i do. and he shows he appreciation in the form of a 6k raise, promise of a promotion to what my cert qualifies me to do, and more raises.

I would say a trade, but I'm a plumber and I fucking hate the company I'm with because I work 10+ hours a day, even more if you're on call, and 6 days a week when on call. But I can't move to another company because every other company has 24 hour emergency services and fuck that god damn noise. I hate the company and people I work for but there's no escape for me anytime soon

Does taking days off school count? I had a 60% attendance rate in my second last year of high school.

I actually worked for more than a month you fucking naive retard

Not really, but my friend is about to quit his multiple year long job to go to a Pony con

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hours have to add up in 7 day period, at least here in NY.

also, you have to check if you're exempt employee (not eligible for OT) or non-exempt.

and i actually got a raise in may, next one coming in october.

>called out
I literally just didnt show up. Spent the entire day levelling another character on path of exile

>tfw got a proper job today after 2 years of basically being a NEET after finishing uni
>tfw it's been ten years since I last actually stuck to a routine of being productive all day monday-friday every week without taking days off left right and centre out of laziness and apathy
>tfw not sure I'll be able to adjust
tell me it'll be ok anons

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It'll be ok user I'm in the same boat and Ive made out ok, just make the best of your situation .

Now tell me I'll figure out my future and what career I wanna do please

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2 weeks ago to play Shadowbringers

Japan did it so much, they had to make it so videogames weren't released during working days and this was in the 80s.

i was sort of a NEET after finishing uni 2 years late, but i made it user.

assuming you work in an office, otherwise you're just fucked. god i hope you dont work retail or food service, might as well just end it all now.

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Best to just get used to it
A source of money is better than none, also learn to invest and shit

I really want to get into that game, I've never played an mmo before is it a good place to start if I take each expansion slow?

>pony con
It's one thing to fall for memes. It's another to still be involved with that shit a decade later.

>TFW comfy job where I can play video games at work
>Also making 121k

Not gonna lie guys... I make like $180k a year and I call out of work at least once a week between using a sick day or a vacation day.I get 25 of each so that basically covers me for the entire year.

FFXIV wasn't worth playing during Stormblood. Balance was all over the place. PVP is bare bones to appease 50 IQ retards. Story wasn't even particularly good compared to Heavensward. And dealing with retarded german/french faggots all day to complete minimal effort """""raids""""" that consist entirely of a small arena was insufferable. It honestly felt like a fucking job logging on to play with those people.

we're all gonna make it bro

what're you good at?

Software engineer.

Yeah, I'm hoping having ample money and no social obligations of any sort (it's in another city) will leave me with enough to time to enjoy shitposting and vidya to my heart's content

hes a sad child, I wish him the best

My friend needed money so he just robbed a bank and made off with like 75k or something

what do you do?

is the new one good?

>What're you good at

Music (guitar and I like to think singing), people skills, and I guess I have the will to learn and excell at what I do, other than that no skills I'd bother putting down

Huh. Maybe just try to end up as management of whatever you work in?

Haven't touched it but they tend to fall into the same development cycles each expansion where eventually they just have you autistically grinding in instances to level up relic weapons. It's not fun.

I call out every time destiny 2 had a dlc drop

My career is going to require a lot of money and time but I plan on living on a big plot of land and trying to keep costs down as much as I can

>25 sick days

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my dad let me skip school so I could play MW2 also wtf Snake just made a YouTube video like actual real life solid snake


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It's pretty much designed to take slowly.
It is VERY story-focused though. The main complaint behind the GCD (which speeds up later in the game), is that all the content is locked behind the story.

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I don't call out ever. Instead I "WFH" which is like calling out without using sick days.

Shadowbringers is considered the best Expac right now.

Fake and gay fuck off newfag

I will through March 3rd, 2020 - March 9th, 2020. It will be my first time doing so.

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>be manager
>be nice and friendly to my team at all times
>fuck up
>throw someone from my team under the bus and they get fired
>continue to be nice and friendly to my team

Anyone who thinks your boss is your friend has fallen right into their trap. We pretend to like you so that you think you can worm your way in to being friends with a manager in hopes to someday rise the ranks by skipping a few rungs of the ladder on your way up. Fact is we'll drop and leave you to suffer on your own if shit hits the fan

Only once, and that's when DMC5 came out. Beat it in 2 long sittings and loved it.

I don't recommend calling out of work to do this, though. I just wanted to avoid spoilers.

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Prepare for a disappointment
at least save yourself the trouble and just pre order it

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I got into a car accident and took the opportunity to take off the whole summer paid while also retaining a lawyer to sue the other driver. I've been playing gears of war 4 nonstop.

How? Just don't answer the phone.

couple weeks after getting a vr headset i've decided to take a week off just to play the games. i always considered myself as a productive person and i'm getting annoyed when i have nothing to do, but it turns out i'd gladly take even an year off just to play some more vidya

I always make sure I'm hunched over by the time I leave the day before. People will naturally support my call off.

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Understand that the company/corporation doesn’t give a shit about you and you get paid the same no matter how hard you try. Guys real good at a position tend to be kept there.

Computer security engineer

lul i know right? but everyone does it, even the managers and directors, so no one ever says shit about it.

He probably has aids outbreaks from being a lying faggot

You're thinking about it all wrong. You're NOT supposed to specify.i'm taking a few days off at the beginning of August so I can watch EVO. Of course, I'm not going to tell them that. I've built myself up as a hard worker and I got screwed out of taking the 4th of July off by other workers, so they won't bat an eye at me. Taking 2-3 days off in 4 weeks.


I have a relative who works as a manager. By no means does he have to get involved with the physical side of the work but he does it anyway from time to time to make it look like he's 'doing his part'. Really he just sits on his ass 90% of the time looking at tickets. He literally does it just to put out the illusion that he's one of the boys.

literally going to on friday fuck work

That's actually a great idea

Because you dont fucking tell.
You just set aside the days off and done

Blunt, 2 shots of whiskey and a beer pounded before getting in car. My 12 hour amazon shift starts out nice.

I have unlimited sick days and 5 weeks vacation

VR seems like a massive meme.

No, I'm a NEET

i called in sick to play gta 5, i was bored of the game after like 3 hours and sat around wishing id went to work

I've legit worked for a week straight at Pizza Hut because my boss keeps switching the schedule around. It's fucking annoying.


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Just finished my first month of work ever in my life. (I'm 22) It's at an accounting company. They've got me on a development track with raises/promotions etc.

Right now I'm only making 11$hr but let me say this; whenever I go out on lunch and see McWagies or spic laborers, I thank God I went to college. I may not be making dramatically more (yet), but my quality of life is better.

Desk jobs are like getting paid to do school work.

>Calling out
>Not just requesting days off for big releases

I had 3 days in a row earlier this year and I blew it all on KH3. Satisfying as fuck.

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The legal costs have to be a bitch, though.

I made more an hour with my supermarket parttime job I had during college.

Easy, just see all your top performing colleagues not get rewarded or even punished
I was a solid B student throughout college, I have no qualms about being above average but not a go-getter at this slow and meandering job where people come to retire, when I'm so young
In fact, we're about to hit a deadline, all my work is finished and I'm about to see this dude not deliver for the umpteenth time in a row but he's untouchable because he's in our manager's trust circle
I smile, crack jokes, do 1 hour of work in a day sometimes, and have a generally pleasant time, but also plan my exit strategy for when I get a couple years and some new skills under the belt
Job is a means to an end, even a passion can be a means to an end if you crave the product and not the process

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>college education
>any job I want
>$11/hr starting

Pretend I attached the picture lol

Yeah, I'm just grateful I got hired when they were asking for 3-5yrs experience. Supposedly every 3 months for the 1st year I'm getting a 2.75hr raise. And they eventually wanna make me a staff accountant 40+k salary.

Nah, ever since I got a real job I barely even play videogames anymore as it is.
Use to love dumping a shitload of hours into RPG's but nowadays I just feel guilty about it, like I wasted the day or something. Hell, I told myself I'd play videogames this entire 4 day break we got for 4th of july but instead i spent like an afternoon on civ6 and watched TV shows for the rest of it instead.

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Yeah yeah faggot you got in because of muh networking and you probably have a shitload of debt

Gays aren't allowed

My coworker asked for a day off for Red Dead Redemption and Fallout 76, we knew he was calling sick to play those games because we could hear it in the background of him calling in sick and we saw his Facebook selfies at the gamestop.

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I get paid to do maybe 4 hours of real work a day. While I literally pay people minimum wage for digging ditches. Just saying quality of work counts for something.

>Wagecuck blog thread
Yawn, nobody gives a fuck

>tfw took the whole week off work and used PTO to go to E3 this year as press
>Got paid while I played FF7 Remake and Luigi's Mansion
>Got to make my co-workers jealous as fuck

One of the best weeks of my life. Definitely going again next year

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I actually did get it from networking through my masters program. Some nice 30yr old chick basically gave me the job.

I only paid 10k for my masters. (And my bachelors was free becuz of the gubmint.)

>Have texts scheduled on my phone to work pre-loaded with excuses for why I won't be in tomorrow but will be available on Slack if anyone needs me
>Spend all night gaming
>Get into bed at 4am
>Browse the net on my phone for a while
>Realize I'm not gonna get hardly any sleep
>Turn on scheduled text
>Sleep through to midday
>The text has taken care of everything and I don't have to speak to anyone
>Carry on gaming again

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Imagine being this retarded

No, i dont work in general.

Don't put it to waste user

lmao once I only have to worry about work I'll be having plenty of time to play vidya.
Hell in my career's case I can bring my switch or 2DS with me for the break

I can't. I'm a 911 dispatcher. I fucking wish I could call in sick.

It's fine, people can figure out their own problems for a change.

You're doing a fine job taking your sweet ass time.
Anywho with guns you're practically useless

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>Adding coworkers to facebook
Who the fuck does this?

>Anywho with guns you're practically useless
Can't use a gun to put out a fire.

I honestly wish.
Ironic considering how many guns I personally own. More people need to be armed.

Kek are you me?

>Can't use a gun to put out a fire.
Ummm actually sweatie, you can. It's called a Super Soaker.

I tried to stretch my 1-2 hours of work but some days there was actually nothing to do so I’d just get on my phone. Emulators are a true lifesaver. I think I was getting like 18-19. I’m just pointing out that “earning” a decent job isn’t always earned. I did one favor for the boss and got hired, got paid to sit on my ass. No qualifications but it was fine since no real work. Doing that for a while made me realize I wanted to work somewhere I felt I was doing something.

I used to use a vacation day to experience a wow expac launch. I never expected to actually make progress just wanted to see hordes of people doing shit, bugging quests, all that stuff in real time.

Will never forget the mass of people standing around the Garrison scope thing waiting for a fix

Already did. Looks amazing.

Have many horror stories about people that died over the line because they didn't have a gun?


I've done it before and will do it again.

>3rd shift starts in an hour
>tfw didn't get any sleep
I miss having my nights Yea Forums

Computer, print me one picture of Oyster smiling?

I was referring more to the pigs

My job is super easy and menial, and I won`t be fired unless I literally do nothing all day/fuck up so bad in cuts into the profits, which is nearly impossible to do in my position. I have maybe 4 hours of work to do all day, and that's me working slowly. The only way that I feel anything like what you are saying is that I have to go to bed pretty early and I have to rush through breakfast, and i usually feel all shitty on sundays knowing I have to go back to work the next day.

We actually took a bet on if he was actually sick or not, so we talked to the hiring manager to pull up his Facebook profile and we saw a selfie posted the hour before he called in sick saying "Hell yeah bro, waited a long time to play this GOAT" and it's a picture of his 4K TV set up on banana cardboard boxes, shitty looking beef stew in the saddest plastic bowl, with his "GF" on his lap. He technically had vacation days, so we were perplexed on why he made up an excuse to call in sick

Took a vacation day when N. Sane trilogy came out

Too many. Too many. We're fast, faster than most, but we can only move so fast

No. I enjoy working to a point. I only ever called in 'sick' when I was so exhausted and depressed.
Even then, I usually just use my 'sick leaves'.
When I figured I didn't really like working there anymore, I resigned instead.

>actually enjoying new job
>none of my coworkers play vidya
Money-making breaks so games don't get stale as quickly desu

For me it’s outdoor labor, even during the shittiest days I’ve still felt fulfilled and content with my work
I’ve worked in the food industry, worked in a factory and worked in an office/lab environment. All were so soul crushing I even contemplated sudoku at work one night. Working indoors is torture for me

Yes, Paul.

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I took a week of vacation to play the release of Witcher 3. Not one bit of regret doing so.

I'm sorry, user. I feel that. I used to be a phone salesman at a reeeally slow store. One day, after 8 hours alone with no customers and making minimum wage, the sudoku thoughts began to creep on me too. Stay strong, friend.

Who where likes their job? I install glass for 18 bucks a hour, from 6am to 2pm. Have the entire afternoon to myself.

Work really depends on a person.
I found myself excelling in graveyard shifts, and despise travelling because it's tiring going to some place and back on the same day.
But, then again, I guess it also depends if the job is shit and if outdoors and indoors are good environments.

Reminder that you owe your job nothing. As soon as you find a better job that looks good, take that opportunity. They'll find a replacement for you soon enough. Company loyalty is bullshit and so long as you remain professional and work at places for a reasonable amount of time, no one will bat an eye.

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It's kevin isn't it?

>depressed as shit
>work in a hotel serving food so my job requires me to be chipper and accommodating
>I'm one of the best guys there and am consistently praised for my service by guests and management
>depression has gotten worse and I barely have the energy to interact with anyone other than guests
>people have started to avoid me because of the vibes I give off and how quiet I am these days
>tfw being around people is only becoming more and more painful and I wish I could just say fuck it all but the job pays well

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Yeah, I scheduled a day off 3 months in advance so I could play DMC5 at midnight

I liked my retailcuck job as a barista at a community college, paid barely above minimum wage but it was comfy and I didn't have to do too much work or clean bathrooms. I actually enjoyed it when customers asked for more complex drinks, gave me something to do.
The cafe shut down due to the college remodeling so we couldn't operate it until they finished remodelling so any employees that wanted to stay were transferred to work at the bookstore or moved to another cafe in a nearby town. (they're owned by the same company). I left because I didn't enjoy the bookstore work (lots of standing around and dealing with students that can't comprehend we don't buyback books that have any water damage on it.
From what I've learned from a friend that still works there, the college JUST started renovating so the cafe could have remained open for like 3 more years before we shut down. They kept on delaying the remodelling plans.

No but I've requested off for vidya launches before

This guy knows what's going on. If you're worried your work friends will resent you for quitting, don't be. They'll stick around, and congratulate you once you start your new job. Fuck company loyalty.

Every goddamed day I'm internally screaming and eager to call out, but I never go through with it because I'm a coward.

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no but everyday I occasionally fuck the dog and play gatchas on my phone for about 2-3 hours
or else stay up super late and be pretty much useless the next day

How nice

t. Wageslave goodgoy

>tfw realize that I really don't enjoy the college life, unironically prefer to work a meh paying job and not have to worry about college debt
I just really don't enjoy college. I maintained decent grades but I just hated being there at every second and left after a year. At least I didn't really have to pay any college debt, scholarships and financial aid helped.

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I had a real nice comfy job at my community college's IT help desk.
Had to help students and staff, but nothing over baring ever, I could handle it.
It was minimum wage, but the schedule and workload made me love it.
What sucks was that it was only for a COOP semester and I was forced to leave.

I called off the first couple days of E3 to watch the coverage of new vidya while playing current vidya in between.

that's pathetic

Yeah I've done that. Can't remember the last time I did though. I never call out anymore cause I actually like my job.

All kinds of progression and opportunities. All kinds.

>I worked in a warehouse for 1 day and never showed up again it was so soul crushing I'd rather be homeless.
This was me one time during university. I applied for this warehouse job near my house because they told me like 5 times that it was simply going to be 5 hour shifts at maximum in the evening and it seemed like a good way to get extra money because i had no evening classes.

First day goes on for 9 hours and I never came back because of how fucking shit it was

Why? I rarely ever get sick anyway and I got paid to play games and watch E3. We have limited paid sick days so it's there to be used and everyone does.

You never give a reason for why you need to take a day off unless you're calling on short notice. If I want a day off next week I just text my supervisor to find someone to cover that shift for me and she comes back with an answer in a couple days

I had the same thought when I started my $12/hr job, but seriously, it drains your soul knowing that your degree makes you less money than a high school dropout friend of yours makes just because he puts in a dozen hours' overtime.

I value my quality of life and quality of work, but jesus fuck, I seriously need a raise.

shitty desk job but im good at it and i make amazing bonuses because of it

Me too, do you get stress nightmares about exams despite graduating 2 years ago?

>work in a warehouse
>there's a list you can write your name down on to get TONP/Time Off No Pay
>work is that bad that I put my name down all the time
>down by around 80 hours per month
I'm a loser.

>character wearing plate
>sword peirces it like butter
I hate this meme

what a giant fagget lel
If you are that manic depressive and you think life sucks don't keep doing the same thing, change something
might as fucking well, also the point about you cant talk to anyone about it is bullshit.
tl;dr just bee yourself :)

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I get 5 weeks paid holiday a year so I normally plan weeks around game releases. Had time off for RE2, DMC5, gonna stick a week in the death stranding too, nothing else of note is releasing this year so I’m off for a week now just because

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Constantly. I work for state government and we’re given 4 hours of sick and regular leave biweekly. Plus, the job itself is just document processing, so taking even multiple days off in a month isn’t a problem.

Also, high school dropout here, you autists have no excuse. Just learn to be sociable and you’ll always be fine.

I've only been to college for a year before I dropped, but yeah, exams stress me out and part of me wonders if it was just the college I went to or if I can't handle pressure at all. Family gives me shit for leaving but fuck it, it was a miserable experience.
I may look into going to a trade school and see how I fare there since I still want a better paying job.

I've walked off the job more than once for silly reasons. I once just stopped showing up because I just didn't wanna go so I sat at home and watched The A-Team while my phone rang off the hook and I got a dozen voicemails. Took three days for them to stop calling.

Worked a furniture moving job for a day. 10$ an hour. Only paid when moving boxes. No pay in transit between jobs. Quickest nope in my life. I made nearly more in tips than actual pay. (Was out working for 8 hours, got paid for four). Made 30$ in tips.

>tfw your job is low paying but you don't have any family or anything to take care of and never make impulse purchases, so you're pretty financially stable

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I'm an at-home contractor, I log my vidya hours as work ones.

and what happened after that

>tfw part timer (30 hours a week)
>accumulated 77 hours of vacation time without realizing it
>lost all of it at the start of the year

Never been so disappointed in myself in a while. Could have taken basically 3 weeks off work with that

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>had a completely shit college experience because i'm an ugly hermit, didn't make any friends or connections, busted my ass to get mediocre grades
>get a shitty temp tech support job
>almost failed the state exam so they probably won't hire me full time
Everyone hates working but I'm so envious of people who enjoyed college. At least they had somewhat of a fun few years.


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>tfw your job pays decently but you have a gf and have to spend more than you normally would on just yourself

Many jobs never tell you those things. Back when I was manager at a restaurant, we only ever explained that to those who specifically asked.

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>tfw 6 figs and unlimited vacation
feels good having a meme job

I already put in for the 30th to play astral Chain.
I have like 50 leave days because I almost never take leave
Got told if I don’t use my days I lose them because you can’t have anymore than 60

After I finished The A-Team, I watched Burn Notice and The Dollars Trilogy. Then I eventually got another job at a liquor store, which I also quit because I actually called in and said I wasn't showing up and the dude went apeshit so I just hung up the phone and he called back and left a message saying I was fired. Then I got a job working for a consulting agency and I make about 175K USD a year.

>>tfw 6 figs and unlimited vacation
that makes no sense

Yes, when Bloodstained and Samurai Shodown came out back to back.

what do you do?

>get to sit and laugh at minimum wagers and wagies get their income ground to dust by city living expenses
It's an especially great feeling. Everyone who lives in a city will try and bullshit you about the ""culture"" and ""experiences"" unavailable elsewhere. I just tell them to take their salesman pitch elsewhere while I'm renting to own a 2500 sq ft house at 600/mo

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>first job at 22
God and I thought I was pathetic only getting a job at 19

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>have a perfect attendance for work for two years at a retail place
>put in my two weeks
>on the last day the manager thanks me for being such a bang-up employee who never used his saved up vacation time to screw over the shop
>forgot I even had vacation time as an option

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Dark Souls 3 release day. Made it as far as Farron Keep that day.

I have an office job but I often finish my work so fast
As long as I look busy and don’t get struck picking up slack

I work at a lazy snail’s pace

I play the show up game and draw for literally 6 hours a day

I check over my work from Monday

I ain’t even mad it’s easy money and people like me because I can draw pictures of their cat or ugly kid

It's popular for hip Californian tech companies to offer "unlimited vacation." That is, you don't have a limited pool of paid time off and you just request it and get it approved. They do this for 3 reasons:

1. It creates a scenario where the employee feels less entitled to the time off, so they're less likely to take as much time off ad they would if it was a use-it-or-lose-it pool of limited time.
2. It allows the employer to more easily deny time off requests, for the same reason as above (employee feels less entitled to it, will be less mad about it being denied).
3. In California, PTO hours are considered a form of wages, so if there's PTO left over at the end of the year or when someone leaves employment the employer is required to pay it out as money to the employee. But if your time off is "unlimited" you can't be required to pay it out to employees because it's not an enumerated benefit.

So basically, it's a highly anti-employee method of providing paid time off that brainlets are tricked into thinking is a good thing because they're enamored by the word "unlimited."

>first job at 22
>with a master's
goodness gracious. I only have a Bachelor's and at 25 making ten times that.

beep boop engineer :-)


>>with a master's
Where did you get the idea that he has a master's degree? That's literally impossible unless he started college at like age 14-16.

>Do nothing while Neet
>Finally land a job
>actually enjoy the work
>we get a whole week of doing nothing
>literally going insane cuz we can't even use cellphones so i have to sit in a chair for 7 hours without do anything at all
>quit because i was getting some heavy head pain after 'work' for some reason

Try reading.

You’re not trying hard enough

Nigga hits the nail on the head for a lot of people, but god damn he needs a new job.

lol i make more literally doing labor and i get benefits

Do it man. Did it earlier this year in the exact same scenario. You’ll feel incredible afterwards

Life is so much better than dealing with that

Fucking this
I have a retarded amount of video games, toys, rent payments, lights and water and a car note yet my girlfriend outspends me by almost 400$ every month
She lives with her parents

>already have almost 15K+ saved in the bank thanks to part-time wagecucking for the past two years
I still can't wait to put my two weeks in in September and get the hell out of that place though.

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Nope, still don't see where he claimed to have a master's at 22.

I’d rather have use it or lose it 30 days a year

I have as many sick days as I want as no other person before me abused it. So I burn 3-4 a year on major vidya releases. Luckily I only ever get sick maybe once or twice a year and can stand to go to work while I am.
I'm getting into my early 30's now though and worried I might actually get more sick these days.

Mine lives with me and I do most of the cooking too. Sometimes I just wanna cut back in food and stuff and save, but then she complains. Or when she says its fine, she has that tone like "Wow, you're acting different."

My backlog is at astronomical proportions.

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Could you kick up the 4d3d3d3

Not for work but school I definitely did.

>Luckily I only ever get sick maybe once or twice a year and can stand to go to work while I am.
Who else /functioningimmunesystem/ here? I'm always fucking astounded at how often other people around me seem to actually get bed-ridden sick. Some people even run completely out of sick time early on in the year and complain that we don't get enough. Meanwhile I'm out here just burning sick days for frivolous things otherwise I'd never use them.

Shut the fuck up Gladium

Called in yesterday
Legit just said "I need to call in" though I didnt play any vidya. All I did was practice the guitar for Somebody Told Me by The Killers. Work at a hospital get paid 11hr full time, live with mom and dad. This is my second job(im 19) this is my second year at this hospital. Going to college again this August. I dropped out last year after 2 weeks. Parents said I dont have to work, that they'll pay my classes but I just dont feel right with that. Had a few mental breakdowns and walked off a couple times and STILL no wright ups, have not been called in into the office. Im seriously the most unlucky, luckiest person. I should be more grateful.

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When I had shit jobs like at a pizza joint yeah

not since I have gotten an office job
Maybe I will for Shenmue 3 since its also my birthday

>Had a few mental breakdowns

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Literally today
I miss being a NEET

Salary with PTO here, it's as easy as filling out a time off sheet for the day I need off and having my manager sign it. Don't give the reason, pad it out a week in advance.
Or if you know manager is cool with vidya then fuck it. When I worked retail I told my manager I'd be taking the Arkham Knight release day off. He didn't care.

Im sorry dude

Just call and say you quit. Easy.

>wright ups

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No one cares you fucking redditor

Why does he have to quit?

No need when I work remotely and have to wait weeks between finishing my requirements and waiting for the indians to catch up with theirs.

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Absolutely. If I dont call out every now and then, the boss will think I never get sick. gotta put that sick leave to use.

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what game

>tfw 5 sick days jus for vidya this/last year.
2 from "flu" which they bought cause it was going around office.
1 from "stomach virus".
1 from "migraines".
And 1 I never even bothered giving a reason.
Pair that with taking a bunch of solo days for vacation to get 3 day weekends for new vidya and it was a comfy year past 12 months. I can tell a couple people in the workplace dont like that I spread my days out instead of taking whole weeks but im not the "go somewhere overpriced and frantically over-plan for a week" type. Besides theyre worthless salesfags and can fuck off.

quit my first job to play FF3 (so solly I mrean 6)

Retail here (stockroom)
I took two days off for KHIII and all I had to do was ask my supervisor for the days off

It was literally that easy
Where I work as long as it's requested at least two weeks prior and doesn't conflict with established time off requests, it's pretty much guaranteed to go through

Yea Forums is it possible to generate a nude tayne?

All the time.

Not computing. Please repeat



This is not suitable for work. Are you sure? Does anybody know where to find that clip of the guy doing an advert for bluetooth products and gets sucked in to the web?

Can’t you be self employed

No, because I'm a responsible adult.

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>I can tell a couple people in the workplace dont like that I spread my days out instead of taking whole weeks
That's weird. Most jobs I've had were the opposite, where people hated when anyone took long chunks of time off but a day off here or there was no big deal.

>all these people stressing

Literally get a federal government job. You have to genuinely be trying to get fired and you still wont. Fuck ton of benefits, infinite job security, plenty of off time, and not much work load.

Yeah shutdowns suck, but they go away eventually

T.work at the FDA

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>working at a bank
>we're the "out of the way" branch location
>work my 9-5 to the dot
>after maybe a year of this gonna get promoted to office worker instead of teller
The only downside is the fact that every other teller is a woman, the whole goddamn day they talk and gossip. I've explicitly told my boss I'd be more than happy to go to the count room all day which is nice because no one else wants to do it and he thinks i'm being a go-getter

The way our production schedule works, its best im either fully there or not at all for that period. Its good that my fellow engineers are guys that take off weeks at a time or are always there respectively.

guild wars 2

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Yeah but you get paid shit compared to an equivalent job in the private sector and as you mentioned government shut downs can just randomly rob you of pay.

>called into work because coworker rejected me
>hear her talking about her new boyfriend the next day

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never dip your pen in company ink nigga. rule number 1. it's never worth it

As much as I hate the idea of wageslaving at least I'm willing to put up with it in the long run to be able to afford a place to live and advance my career
Because my career literally needs money for advancement

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coworkers are for casual sex, literally never romance one

>coworkers are for casual sex
Thats a death sentence for your career

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I've literally never worked a single day in my life, won't skipping work bring many troubles?

Not if you aren't a retard about it

>Be an ancient gamer, in college when the very first versions of Skyrim were released
>Friend cuts class to go get the collector's edition with alduin statue
>Get a half dozen class mates to start posting about the 'big exam' we were absolutely having that day
>He runs into the room, panting as he had run all the way to make it here before half class, still carrying big ass Skyrim ce box

Stay in school kids

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>Make up a legitimate enough sound excuse
>Don't even feel bad because it's true in some form
I'd only feel bad if I fucked over my coworkers for that night, but management's shitting scheduling would always fuck me over when I worked too.

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lol we torrented Skyrim night of release, didn't go into class next day.
I went down to the liquor store that didn't card, got a big ass bottle of some tasty red with a huge mouth, and ate it with meat and cheese for an "authentic" medieval experience

Yeah story is great.
Echoing the job sentiment though. Shit needs more content besides grind all the levels and maybe get some glam.

Never shit where you eat, user. Coworkers are for working with and nothing else. Do not befriend coworkers, do not fuck coworkers, do not date coworkers. Find friends and lovers literally anywhere else and never cross the streams.

I ignored a job offer to play Cuphead when it came out.

No. But when I was in highschool I skipped a day of school to finish Red Dead Redemption

>It's at an accounting company
what are you doing dude? you should be making close to double that even if you're a first year industry accountant. triple you're you're actually going for something that makes money.

damn who animated that? That looks cool

>Guy at my previous job has been there for 10 years
>Gets savagely fired cause he impregnated a new employee
>They had twins
I was like gawd dayum.

No but one time I called in so I could go back to bed and cry myself to sleep. I played a bit of vidya when I woke up, so maybe that counts.

Yeah I stopped going to work at Disneyland to finish playing new God of War

>finish school in December and get a job as a manager at a car dealership through family
>the job is basically a glorified errand boy but pays in the range of 40-60k a year
>most days have maybe 3-4 hours max of “work”
>Slowly becoming more and more depressed at how pointless the work I’m doing is and how it has nothing to do with my life

What the fuck should I do? Is it worth staying till maybe a year is up or should I get the fuck out now before I lose all of my remaining sanity?

I booked a week off work to watch SGDQ

family or not, unless that manager position was a lateral move from a previous job then I would suggest looking for something else, even if you were enjoying the job. it sounds horribly mismanaged and it's most likely going to blow up in your face one way or another.

Are you fucking crazy? Figure out what you want to do with your life before you do anything, then stay with that job until you've saved up enough money to do whatever it is that you've decided on.

where do people like you work where you are paid for being there 8 hours per day, 40 hours per week sometimes even more, yet all you do is an hour worth of work and still manage to keep your job?

are you a supervisor who sits in the office all day bossing people around and shit?

>sit at a desk for 8 hours whilst listening to podcasts or vidya ost, have ran out of work to do till september
>in one screen have my work shit, on the smaller one have 4chins, look for miniatures online or read on rpg rulesets
>wiggle my mouse from time to time and pretend to type shit into the database

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Based and redpilled
What faction in TWW

not him, when one week of training for anyone pulled off the street isn't enough and you get your work done then but you can get away with a lot in a more secure field. it also happens a lot at mid range independently owned businesses.
either way there's usually a decent bit of crunch time to put in one way or another.


I called out of work during E3 to watch with Yea Forums a few years ago. Worth it.

Anyone else /amazon/ here? Life gets dimmer every passing day.

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I want to every day I'm not there the company falls apart and my job gets harder once I'm back.

3-4? Try 15. The turn over rates so high they won't fire me because i'm slightly above mediocre. thinking I might go for 16 to play Dragon Quest Builders.

i never call in and infact i tend to get called in on my days off
i miss neetdom

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They were the ones that told me that the job existed in the first place. I didn’t think one day off in comparison to the others’ 5+ days off would break their hearts.

smoking pot and playing vidya is as natural as breathing for me, so yeah whenever I call in I'm usually playing vidya

Yeah. Very recently, actually. A Friday and Monday to play Shadowbringers when it dropped. A buddy of mine who works with mee took off a whole week for it.
Before that, the only one I recall was Dark Souls 3 in 2016.

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i work a gov job so i use all the times i can skip.

did it many times for vidya too

sure you can cuck people but expecting loyalty too? delusional

I've requested off for a day for vidya when a new release hit a couple of times.

>he actually picks up the phone for his boss when he's off the clock

I ignore it, fuck them