How do you feel about this rat game?
How do you feel about this rat game?
Le fun for 5 hours then le yawny
i want to lovingly cuddle with Kerillian
>Favorite game of 2018
>End year with announcing you're now owned by the chinks
>Dedicate ass-load of resources into versus mode 5 people at most (total) is gonna try out
>Winds of Magic
I honestly don't know what to say Yea Forumsros. Fuck the Swedes
>Winds of Magic
I'd like to see how the Swedes reacted when all the complaints started to come in. They have to know they're fucked, right?
>End year with announcing you're now owned by the chinks
What happened
>>Winds of Magic
What went wrong ? Like, really, tell me.
It was good, can still play it for a little bit till the beta hits the live version and it is gone forever.
Thanks Tencent.
>can still play it for a little bit till the beta hits the live version and it is gone forever
What's going on?
The combat changes make it feel less responsive and the mobs pile up into death stacks more often than launch, along with a mechanic where everything now takes forever to die even with the new mechanic where you stagger them to increase a variable damage modifier and you finish maps with everyone having done 30k damage just to slog through it.
this user is retarded and just plain bad at the game. The changes to combat are pretty good compared to just holding w and left clicking for 20 minutes and then getting a complete screen. The game has been broken for sometime now and has been in desperate need of a fix, Fatshark waited too long to pull the band aid off though, so retards are used to the game being a joke. Anything that pulls the combat back more in line with Vermintide 1 is a welcome change.
Weaves fucking suck though are a waste of time, Beastmen are neat but wargores are boring mechanically and look boring, and the new weapons are a blend of okay and dogshit. VS mode is literally the only thing too look forward to for the next six months since fatshark is full of incompetent slow fucks.
Swedes are changing the core mechanics/gameplay and making the game exclusively for js_0_y and no one else. That’ll be 30 dollars, please.
Vermintide 1 plays nice and smooth, the beta in 2 is a mess.
It's kind of impressive there are less people playing it now than when they abandoned it for half a year though.
I would pay money for them to NOT release WoM.
This sounds pretty unfun. Havent played since last october. The new updates have really been keeping me away.
Like just recently allowing you to add pictures to the keep again, when you could do it in the pre launch beta already. Or how theyre adding another 5 levels to grind through for an uninteresting "all class's get it" skill.
Adding cataclysm difficulty now instead of having it from the getgo. I really dont feel like jumping back in when legendary is now gonna be considered champion difficulty.
it felt good clearing legendary, but it took awhile to get to that level. Its not something I'd enjoy doing again and getting bright pink suits out of it or w/e they're planning for showing off how hardcore a player is.
Especially with how assbackwards fatshark buffs and nerfs things.
One week attack chopper kruber. The week before it was unlimited ammo bounty hunter. Next week its Lazer pointer firebitch. This week its Bardin bomb spam.
The new diff is mostly just more buffed health and damage anyways. It's not like the mod versions.
Beta 2 is a mess because Fatshark has no idea how to balance the game to keep mouth breathing retards happy and autismos on the modded realm happy.
Vermintide 2's combat has been broken since it left its first beta just before release and Fatshark has been doing nothing but making it worse over time. It's gotten to the point that it's very obvious that individuals inside the company aren't happy with how the game's shaping up after realizing there's no way to actually make the game harder without relying on spamming elites. Armour is too easy to kill because anti armour weapons are too strong, waves are too easy to kill because wave clear is available on every weapon, and elites can just instantly be wiped by player abilities or kited into infinity by drooling on your keyboard and hitting dodge as hard as you can.
There's no way to actually make the game harder in its current state without just fucking breaking everything, the game desperately needs a fix and stagger is actually doing a decent job. With some slight tweaking this patch could be great basegame wise, fuck weaves though, they're boring trash.
what the fuck are you cunts talking about
It's been like 2 years now and it still feels like it's never really been balanced for the increased amount of shit they throw at you compared to the first one.
All you really ever do is act in a way that stops the hyper stacking and attack spam while maximizing your AoE that they claim to fix every patch with nothing changing in the entire time.
Yeah sounds like jumping from champion to legendary all over. Feels like a pointless grindy MMO at this point.
Guess i better watch what i say though, or they'll bring back the bugged and silent patrols too. Or are those still in?
they are
They come and go from patch to patch or just happen randomly every few games within the same patch still.
If they’ve been fixed in the most recent patch, you can bet your ass they’ll be back with a vengeance when the next one unfixes them
>caring at all about patrols
Nigga are you retarded? Most the careers can mince entire patrols on their own, who cares if it's silent or not.
You're missing the point, the silent patrols have been a thing since release. Yet still arent fixed apparently.
Guess its a feature at this rate.
It's a feature like phantom swings, sliding attacks, hyperstacking, and staggered lunge stab chains.
I had forgotten about the sliding attacks.
Broken promises and abandonware.
>no greenskins
>no undead
>no tomb kings
>no chaos daemons
>no dark elves
It’s shit.
Fuck I missed that. Was that really necessary?
When will Vermintide start scouring my computer for any information to send back to the mother hive?
ugly non canon-retconned black eyes
>beta was so bad it couldn't even bring back conversation about the game for more than a day or two
At least Bardin gets throwing axes which might be fun to play around with.
Do they still not have any host migration features?
I refused to keep playing the first game after seeing so many missions get outright dumpstered midway through with zero rewards kept due to the host disconnecting.
Any plans for servers or game migrations have been halted indefinitely.
whats with people talking about WoM? Is it GW hiring shitposters to try and kill whats left of Fantasy?
Probably a bunch of elf/zealot mains who're butthurt because of the nerfs.
Fun for a few hours, but gets boring as fuck. Which is odd because I'm usually a fan of repetitive horde shooters like L4D and Killing Floor.
I've played like 12 hours of it, not very fun if you're playing solo.
join a legend lobby with maiden/way and you'll find your ass kicked so hard it lands in the fucking congo.
it's actually fucking fun.
350+ hours nigga here.
bruh up the difficulty, its a blast on legen
I tried it with my group of friends last night, and the amount of units we were spammed with was hilarious and we died within a minute. Maybe we needed more AOE.
Didn't they have a roadmap when they were in Early Access which said they were releasing tons of stuff and features, and then they just suddenly removed the roadmap and we still barely have anything new?
i dont remember signing up for it, but i got a key so ok i guess
i tend to backup and archive every build of shit i get on steam for betas or whatever, but when i saw how much shit was in this fucking game i immediately decided not to bother
Makes me want to have a ratto boyfriend.