Arkham Knight was four years ago

>Arkham Knight was four years ago
>It's graphics are still stunning, and can compete with modern games even now
How the fuck did they do it? It's a shame that it was total shit on PC day one.

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>caring about batmobile simulator

I tried playing it but I hate being forced to use the car so much

Is the PC port better now?

>This is your Unreal Engine 3 game, tonight


Attached: BATMAN™_ ARKHAM KNIGHT_20181012155939.jpg (3840x2160, 2.61M)

I played with very little problems on a 970 and i5 2500k after the patches, I'd imagine anything built recently will have zero issues. I'm sure installing it to your SSD is also required since the main issue is trying to load shit in when you're going fast in the batmobile.

car sigments were good and quick.

Graphics tech really hasn't evolved much in the past few years. That's it.
That might change soon, though.

I was disappointed before release when they said it was using UE3 while UE4 was booming, but it ended up looking better than any UE4 game to date. In the end UE4 was only impressive in tech demos.

It runs on UE3.5, not UE3, it's part of the reason why it looks much better.

Yeah, seems effort was only put in at the start of this gen and those old games are still the best looking.

3.5 is still 3

Not quite, 3.5 is radically different in its capabilities compared to 3.0
Even UE4.1 is a major step up from UE4.0

Not really user. If you have a 1080 or higher you can iron out any frame drops.
I have a gtx980 and a i7 3770. On medium - high at 1080p it will drop into the 20s. I have to keep it at a locked 30 just so it's stable most of the time

Art direction and consistency play a big part.
That and the pipelines/workflows for texturing and making assets hasn't changed much since then.
If you get a good team of artists with a good director that has a clear vision and keeps people on track with it, you'll get games that look good.

My question is:


Because Gotham is really close to the moon. Duh.

You are an actual liar.

Rain and urban night setting.

I still want to finish this but for some reason find it much harder to get into than AA/AC. I really don't know why, could just be that my tastes have changed, but I've barely played it for an hour.

Pic related

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It's a fake moon bruce launched into space to block out the sun. It makes the nights in gotham last 3 weeks so he has enough time to pick up all the bastard riddler trophies

Is it the world design? I find the world design way worse than AA or AC. In those games i could navigate without ever looking at the map but in AK it all looks so familiar and blends together i struggle to get into it

Because Harley snacks

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It's crazy that modern engines like the RE Engine can only really equal Arkham Knight's fidelity and graphics. And even then the RE Engine has only been used for linear games instead of the open world monster that is Arkham Knight.

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So it's batman right?

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I liked the batmobile, what was so bad about it?

And why exactly would Bruce being dead stop someone like Penguin or Two Face from exacting vengeance on Robin or Batgirl? Wouldn't they just do it anyway out of spite? I don't get it. Regardless of whether or not Batman pretends to die, all of his allies are marked for death from the moment his mask comes off. This fixes nothing.

I played it on my old gtx 970/ i7 4770k a year ago after all the patches and the game runs fine 1080p/60fps no stuttering, max settings.
I only disabled all the Nvidia PhysX related shit.

It's a shame that it was an empty, Ubisoft-esque "lol collect 50 different things" "open world" game rather than an actual open-world game.
Was anyone else blown away by the restaurant scene and hoping the rest of the game was like it?

Spider-man crosses hell and high water to desexulize MJ and Black Cat, meanwhile AK's Catwoman and Harley-Quinn rocked honest porn-star bodies in tight latex and leather fetish suits.

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>black cat
not with that figure she isn't

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It was a different time. Here's Harley in the next Batman game.

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>the next Batman game.
could it be?

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what is an "actual" open world game?

>villains are either old as shit or literal whos
Never gonna happen

That's an MK 11 design; form-fitting but "safe", as in not hugging the butt and breasts and making them gleam like Harley's getup, plus they took away her fur collar and cleavage.

Attached: jocelyn-jocz-zeller-harleyquinn-dlc-fullbody-unreal.jpg (1920x1080, 295K)

It took up too much of the game.

I'd probably say one that has legitimate worldbuilding elements that fill up the game world and add replayability, story, and actual worthwhile gameplay. Apart from some GTA games, the only examples I could give you are RPGs like Fallout, VTMB, Deus Ex, Kotor, etc.
I could tell you what it's not. It's not a bunch of soulless fetch quests, six different varieties of "go here, kill some guys - good - now repeat 30 times" or "collect 250 thingamabobs" in an empty husk of a world. The world itself may be fine, but if you only fill it with crap (think of asscreed's side"quests"), it's the one thing that's making people tired of the sandbox genre.

I liked her AA and AC slutwear better

It look them three games to make Batman not look like a goof.

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>dude iron man armor lmao

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>Black underpants on the outside

One thing the game did surprisingly right is the wear to the Bat's armor.
You might not notice the gradual progression, but if you switch from the untarnished version you get after you finish the game back to the regular version, you see the tattered cape, the gunshot impact, grime on his face, etc.
Pretty cool.

The AA and AC models look like potatoes in-game.

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>Not best batman

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It really was and is a marvel of an achievement and like you said, it really sucks they shat the bed so hard on release. The game honestly deserved better.

I was so hyped for another trippy Scarecrow sequence and instead I got more Joker. Not to mention that they lied about who the Arkham Knight was. There are only three hotheads that fight Batman: Black Mask, Killer Croc, and Jason Todd. It's pretty easy to figure out who he was.

Do costumes carry over into the cutscenes in City? I'd replay it as Dark Knight if so.

My biggest gripe with this game was them getting rid of paul dini as the writer. So many of the side quests felt wasted (azreal, hush) even the man bat quest played out exactly like it does in the animated series and comics with no twist.
The writing on the whole wasn't dreadful but it was noticeably worse than the other arkham games

If i remember right i think that yes

The fear takedowns were lame. They made the game pretty easy, and also it was dumb watching bullets phase through Batman's body because them game made you temporarily invincible. Got really egregious when you upgraded it to be able to take out 4-5 guys at once.

I was hoping it was damien wayne. He kills raj al ghul, takes control of the league and goes to war with batman. Could have been pretty neat but the second you hear jasons name you know rocksteady lied and its clearly jason todd

But the Joker dialogues were really good

that's weird because I had a rx380 and an i7 and I played it in max settings with 0 problems.

That's not the batman beyond skin your faggots

According to devs yes. Would be curious to see what follow ups could come from that

the Rocksteady batman beyond skin is terrible, bro

I liked both versions of the Batman Beyond skin, fuck you.

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All the Beyond skins have looked like garbage. Are you serious?

Harley and Catwoman are way too fucking sexy in these games

Remember when they sped up the gameplay trailers to hide the frame drop?

All three Arkham games did this, and it's one of my favourite parts about them

I still need to finish this.

It was a great conclusion to a great trilogy. But its launch has tainted its reputation forever.

>actually getting hit
>not having pristine armor by the time the game ends

I liked it too

>thinks VTMB and KOTOR qualify as open world games

Retards like you are who /v is shit, now

Except for the cutscenes where they specifically show Batman's suit taking damage, all other cutscenes place you in the outfit you choose.

Even if you perfect every fight in the game, Batman's suit still gets damaged over its course, you moron

I'm playing it right now and the bat mobile is better car combat than the harpoon the driver sim that is Mad Max

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Did anybody actually think those cobra squad segments were hard?

Crysis 3 is a 6 year old last gen game and still takes a giant shit on 90% of current gen games.

Attached: crysis3_2016_06_11_07_07_05_522.jpg (2560x1440, 3.32M)

Too bad the gameplay was consolized garbage

Yea, that part was a shame.
Better than Crysis 2, but still trash.

its fine, you'll have some frame rate drops when you shoot out of the batmobile into the air sometimes and its forgivable because of the amount of detail that is immediately present afterwards, you go from a dirty back alley to seeing the explorable city skyline in 4 seconds.

Calling it now, the next Arkham game is going to be Arkham Army and its going to involve playing as Nightwing, Robin, Catwoman, and Damian as the traditional "Batman" moveset. They'll all be taking down Bruce who has now gone insane due to the Joker serum.

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I could believe this.

>unplayable on PC with framerates dropping constantly like it's slo-mo
>consoles downgraded significantly
>gameplay is average at best even when it does work
>empty and lifeless city when open worlds have existed on previous consoles and games for years

This game is a massive pile of shit and lazy. Stop trying to shill and repair the reputation of these devs. This was lazy as fuck and they put a literally unplayable product out for sale and it only got removed when enough people complained.

The ending tried to be 2deep4u, but it's really as shallow as a kiddie pool. Whatever new thing Bruce is doing isn't even working since you still have Dick fighting Penguin and Tim fighting Harvey in DLC. They'll still come under fire and Scarecrow still knows about Barbara thanks to Jason.

i like batmNan

Best default costume and color aesthetic, but he looks like he's made of plastic in cutscenes.

Yes, but it's the fourth (arguably fifth) game in the series where the Joker hijacks the main villain role.

They should use UE4 instead of 3...but yeah, looks good (on PC, in consoles is a blurry mess) but also a shitty port so...

>more Joker shit

God no.

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But wasn't the ending to AK all about how Batman conquers his insanity?
>Scarecrow doses Batman up with fear toxin
>the persona of Bruce Wayne dies, consumed by Joker
>Scarecrow doses Batman again
>the persona of Joker is destroyed by the persona of Batman
>Scarecrow doses Batman again
>it doesn't work anymore because Batman has no fear

>looks good
>on pc

Yeah, he looks fucking fantastic as the framerates drop so slow it's like I'm playing a Batman slideshow.

Yeah, he's an idiot, the damage on the suit comes from cutscenes like in every Arham game

On a 3 years old hardware + all the patches runs fine, upgrade your potato

Stop shilling. The company literally removed it from Steam because it was so bad and broken. Stop acting like everyone just forgot what a broken mess this shit was when it was released. Nobody tested this shit at all prior to release. They had zero regard for the customers if they released the game in such a condition.

This still pisses me off. I eventually gave up on completing these last 3 achievements out of frustration, it was just too time consuming to get a perfect no hit, no interrupt combo run on monarch theater, and I never even got close on the killer croc one with endless henchmen, it just becomes too annoying over time when you accidentally attack towards a stun baton henchmen, or fail to take out a gunner before he shoots. Other times you just fail and mess up a combo when you're up to 150+ and then have to start all fucking over again, fuck that shit.

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that image is already not to scale even without gotham protruding.

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