ITT: Useless party members

ITT: Useless party members.

Attached: Dragon-Quest-XI-Erik-min.jpg (1280x720, 159K)

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He fell off hard for me by the end of the game (Act 2). But perhaps I just didn’t utilize and equip him properly, I know he can do a lot of damage with setup.

90% of the cast in Chrono Cross

Erik is great though.

Um... wtf are you talking about. Boomerang Erik is godtier.

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Erik is actually fucking useful to use, His poisons, sleep, divide and his instant crit are fucking sick to use. The old man, now that's a useless party member

there was some combo where you could have him attack twice in one turn by using a pep power and do the highest damage of any character. sliced through bosses.
pic related is the real answer.

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He isn't useless; he literally is the only way to get some items and does plenty of dmg in act 1.... Dumb fucking post.

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Mona is the better support hero

>best dd in the game

I love Erik.

I really do

>Boomerang Erik is godtier.
Plebian. Nothing comes close to knife Eric's crit attacks.

was he gay?

Pic very much related

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>So based they couldn't give him full Limit Breaks

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He's a nice guy and all, but lord, does he grate on me with his constant morale breaks.

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but he does big dick damage with his poison and sleep skills. best way to kill bosses.


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Do you mean in story or something? Because combat-wise Camus with his clones is by far the biggest damage and no one else in the party even comes close.

He hits a midgame slump but gets a MASSIVE power up potential after finally unlocking the rest of his boards.

He can deal great consistent dual sword doppelganger nukes. Or completely fuck up even end game bosses with the poison knife combo.
But he is kind of reliant on setup kills with buffs/debuffs and uninterrupted turn.

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Good joke after Dunban falls off in tanking later in the game.

Either you never reached act 3 or have no idea how damage set up works.

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Can't you make him hit 16x his attack or something insane after combing some his abilities? I remember when I was fighting Mordegan he was by far the heaviest hitter and he pretty much 1 hit Jasper for me

oh cool, so I just have to wait until I'm 90% through the game before he's worthwhile to use

I think I pretty much understood what he could do, but even his damage against normal enemies was really not great, making me think I just didn’t have good weapons for him or something of the sort.

Boomerang Eric is actually more of strictly early and late game options. The Boomerang setup is key for demolishing some Bosses and Challenge battles.

>200 turns of setup
Amazing Erik you did it buddy

I wouldn't know because I got bored after finding fiora
Should I go back and finish my save

>I wouldn't know because I got bored after finding fiora
>Should I go back and finish my save
What the fuck is wrong with you. Begone from my sight.

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No bully Estelle

>Forcibly joins your party
>Cool a samurai guy
>Never uses his sword
>Is a fucking caster
>Not even the best caster
Yeah fuck off.

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My favorite Earth Wall bot

Reyn gets much stronger late game because of how spammable he is, especially for the toppling combos.

Playing the 3DS version and she seems really bad

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Wasn't trying to bait, genuine question
I've finished and enjoyed XC2 but XC started to feel stale after that midpoint, just wondering if it picked up a bit

Who /protag,erik,rab,sylv bro squad/ here?

That's because for most of mid game, he have no damage stats up for his melee weapons, therefore at those times he have trouble penetrating defense.

turns of setup
>Amazing Erik you did it buddy

nice try. It can be 2
you just need Erik and Sylvando in the same team and make Sylvando be faster than Eric.

Turn 1:
Eric - Doppleganger
Sylvando - poison foe

Turn 2:
Eric - Victimiser
Sylvando - Ommph on Eric

from my understanding, she is only good if you play as her since her AI is dumb

A chance to post this.

Attached: Dragon Quest XI Erik 5k damage.webm (1280x720, 2.94M)

she's a useless bimbo. sky the 3rd was more fun thanks to kevin

forget about setup kills, he's the only one who can steal and the only one who can guaranteed crit a metal slime

>Critmachine that you can set up to 1hit bosses

Rab have plenty of uses as a versatile healer and mage. He only falls off late game when specializations grows by leaps and bounds.

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dragon quest 11 is so dogshit


She's actually very useful and have insane DOT potential. The issue is that the AI is dogshit at using her, therefore any time you have her in the party you need to control her manually.

Morgana dies in one hit from almost anything.

iirc they fixed her and shulk's AI in the 3ds version but obviously they're both more capable in a real person's hands

>twoshots everything he doesnt oneshot lategame
what are you talking about

>highest damage dealer in the game

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frog drop and mighty guard
i love quina but yeah he isnt for everything
or she

Eiko is so much better

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>in other threads jrpgs get made fun of because they're so simple and easy to break
>but then in another thread you'll see people like op who don't even know how to use the strongest character in the game
A true mystery.

>Regal and Colette

I dunno, Cyan may be pretty boring but his physical stats make him a better option than Edgar or Locke, at least for the first part of the game.

She made a good tank/healer hybrid in FC and a surprisingly good Jack in SC. Shame her orb lines are so shitty to work with

It's the part of the game that matters most when it comes to gameplay and it's more so the 65-70% mark considering the breadth of content in act 3 even if there's a bit less story focus.

help me out here. what's the title of the song that's playing after he completes the trial?

>already started DQXI on PC and about 15 hours in
>but now the switch version is coming out with more stuff so I want to wait
>but I don't want to do the first 15 hours again


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Main Reyn/Dunban/Seven is the best late game physical party

Yeah it’s fairly disappointing. PC especially shouldn’t be too hard to add stuff to, but I know there’s almost no chance of that.

Barry from Super Paper Mario

I literally can't find a use for his weird shield ability

>he played on easy mode

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Someone obviously doesn't appreciate boulderbringer.

but dagger has better summons

Colette is actually the best character in the game and P4 doesn't really have any "useless" characters. Teddie gets all the buffs in addition to a full party heal.

The only useless character in Tales of Symphonia is Sheena

Mona had much stronger healing, but Makoto can take hits better and has Marakukaja.

He's a single target specialist. Other characters handle trash mobs much better than he does.
You're supposed to be using Divide (which is essentially like Power Charge in Persona or SMT) and then comboing it with Critical Claim or whatever other big physical nukes you have.
He can easily do thousands of damage.

Youll be able to half that time second go because you know what to do and how to properly fight early bosses. That being said yes its gay as fuck they aren't even repackaging the game again for people to buy on PS4/PC.

Critical acclaim is a godsend when you find a random metal enemy

how the FUCK was his ability supposed to work?

Have to agree here. Dagger has better summons, but Eiko outdamages her with Double Holy.

I haven't got the need to do the poison strategy but is every boss/enemy susceptible to status ailments? That's the one thing holding me back for building my party around it.

You serious nigga???
>Dual-Wield Erik, Divide and then Critical Claim = bossed fucked on less than 5 turns

Critical Claim is worth it for Metal Slime farming.

Useless one is you my boy!
As for actual useless characters, Naoto sucks ass in P4. Why use a Mudo/Hama character?

literally 10x the dps of any other character but ok

Critical claim actually do less damage than Erik's buffed attack because of how critical damage formula work, since it ignores pretty much all stat changes.

Naoto destroys trash mobs with her Instant Kills and Almighty attacks + Mind Charge. She's only rendered useless on boss fights where she'll inevitably run out of MP quick and her instant kills dont work.

Mamori is a better healer (and is also a tank) and Touma is a better spear user.
Tsubasa a shit

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Some bosses have serious resistance to it. But at late game, Erik finally gets a panel that allows him to significantly increase his chance of inflicting status ailments.

>playing a DQ game on easy mode

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Golden fixed this by giving her the Dynes and also her broken Shield ability.

Why aren't you levelling me up, mon? (I don't actually remember if you had to level up individual members)

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there is a general resistance but you can throw enough poison attacks at something to usually get it within a turn or two

I wouldn't really call Emma completely useless, but I never found any reason to use her over Elliot or Jusis.

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Erik setup kills becomes even more valuable on Draconian since enemies seems to also get noticeable defense buffs. The issue is that Erik hits a major wall during midgame due to his lack of weapon damage skills during that time.

He's an asset in the Demiqua fight.

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why is he considered bad? I used him for most of the game because his demon was cool.

Yeah you do. Also to be fair, he's near required for Demi-Fiend which bumps him up a few pegs.

Good luck beating Demi-Fiend without this chap weakness to sleep.

He made up for it in DDS2

Rou or whatever the hell his dub name is the real useless member. He's one of the Master-of-None anything-he-can-do-another-character-can-do-better characters.

I used him anyway though because he's best husbando, and I beat the hardest bosses in the game just fine anyway.

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>useless party members
>posts the strongest motherfucker in the entire game
Bruh, he's literally the only character capable of hitting for nearly 10k damage in a single attack.

Weakness to ailments is very very bad

Highest magic attack, but magic is useless in CS1.

Prior to part 2 he outdoes serena on healing. After that though hes pretty useless.

Muh Spicule tho

There's a easy pep skill combo that guarantees inflicting poison status ailment with Sylvando and Hendrick.

He becomes vastly more useful in DDS2, to the point where he's pretty much a mainstay party member.

generally speaking he is the optimal pick for bosses, his healing is weaker than serenas overall but its good enough to get by while also doing a fair bit more damage

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At least she gets cucked at the end.

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Salvation is a waste of SP, Mediarahan is all you need

was disappointed after I got him into the party.

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Sharla the moment you get Dunban
>Character's gimmick is that all her moves have ridiculous cooldowns, does shit damage if they do damage at all, aren't versatile enough to support Chain Attacks if her "talent art" doesn't literally lock her out of it
>Having a dedicated healer in a game where you're automatically healed after fights instead of another way to stack damage to just finish fights faster

Jusis has a buff. Emma is so fucking pathetic that she's a witch who's better at orbal arts (technology) than actual magic.

>he doesn't know

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Rab isn't useless, he's great for basically being Veronica and Serena in one package, even if he isn't as specialized as either. The only useless character is Jade, she has literally nothing that stands out, she's beat out by Erik in damage, beat out by Eight in tanking, there's literally no reason to use her.

With Erik you dont terribly need exta damage that much and he doesn't have many good buffs.

He has a lot of debuffs, but debuff success race is dependent on the magic damage stat, and Veronica blows him out of the water in that regard.

Jusis? More like USELESS!
But seriously I feel like anybody could be made to be OP in CS.

>He doesn't Sword Drive Mechons off of the Mechonis Fields
>Implying anyone in Xenoblade is useless besides Sharla and AI Melia

I wouldn't call Ronaldo useless considering his St/Vi stat spread. St/Ma characters like Io/Makoto/Yamato are the worst ones in DeSu2 (can't take hits and can't outspeed enemies).

Really? No memeing?

>2 hit combos

Sheena can at least be serviceable if you put some effort into buffing up her terrible stats, Regal is just a worse Presea and Colette is useless once Raine has enough TP to freely cast offensive magic.

It doesn't really matter, you can beat any boss in the game at any difficulty with Debilitate, some kind of healing, and Hassou Tabi.
Makoto is technically better than Morgana, but Debilitate + Makarukaja is kind of overkill and not necessary for any boss in the game.

>the three biggest perverts are also the most useless in battle

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need 4 turns worth of moves but its 2 turns!

>Boss joins your party
>He's shit and not even half as strong as when he was a boss
Every time.

Far more useful than Frog or Marle and he will outdamage Luminaire with his magic unless you pump Crono full of magic tabs

more like Makoto can take dicks better lmao

veronica also dies to a stiff breeze in later boss fights so constantly having to revive and set up her buffs isn't really worth it

His triple tech is really strong though
Marle is probably the worst because she gets cucked by an item (haste helm)


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I found Veronica to be much more useful as a free big damage with a magic burst with channeled anger and then bench her for the rest of the fight.

>Still saying Seven
It's been like ten years. Anyone who wanted to play Xenoblade has played it at this point.

>literally never use her because I don't expect her to ever be necessary
>she remains underleveled beause FF9 doesn't have full party experience
>eventually have to fight a boss with just her and Zidane

haha god why

Jade starts out very strong out of the gate but her power pretty much stays static for most of the game. Her actual use comes late game in her Allure tree (damage there scales off Charisma) for cheap high damage skill that hits ALL enemies.

>Getting in close with Colette

>why Jusis

His buff and his barrier skill.

Every single character requires setup. With equivalent setup, Camus outdamages them all. What point are you even trying to make?

That and Smash went out of its way to spoil it hard.

You can make pretty much any party work in CT though given how much overlap there is between character roles.

He is literally the strongest member and that's not memeing.

He's actually very useful with his elemental coverage, and have like the strongest triple tech in the game.

It's less that Sharla is useless and more that Dunban is such a good dodge tank that Shulk's healing is enough.

Magus's power was drained by Lavos before Crono was killed though

You are using him wrong or your party setup is shit. Probably both.

Yeah, but even there she kind of fails other than eyecandy since Sylvando also gets those skills and he has way more utility with his heal all, sobering slap, and a better single target damage ability.

Hi everyone, Im the power tank that has nothing but a bunch of fucking Fire magic damage spells for some stupid reason.

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Edward from FF4, there is no point to him,

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You guys are further supporting the fact that Yea Forums is clinically retarded AND doesn't play video games
Like 99% of the characters you've posted are some of the best party members in the game, if not the defacto best.

I used him the whole time cause he was my guy's bro. Can't abandon my guy's only friend.
There were times where he fell behind, but he ended up doing the most damage on bosses for a while.
That rock dps move, venom, and then the attack that eats venom but does a shit ton of damage would do more than it should have for drawn out fights.

He's good in the DS remake

At least you only have to use him for a single dungeon early in the game. You should have posted Edge, he was just a worse version of Rydia and Kain rolled into one and they didn't give you the option to boot him out of your final party until the rereleases.

>Only equips light gear
>Takes more damage like a bitch compared to the other prince or even the princess
>Enemies tend to attack him more often

That pissed me off. Reason he gets killed most often compared to the other 2.

How the fuck can people even be this bad at JRPGs? Are these the same people who also say "you only have to press attack in every game!"

he does comparable non-setup damage if you go with claws There's a point where you realize he regenerates MP and you just spend his MP on claw moves that do more than his regular attacks, the only one who gets MP back from non-gimped physical attacks since he is using a real weapon and not a casting tool.
He is also the only one with m-pathy so that your other party members can keep spamming.

IIRC he also got multiheal before everyone else. He is better than Part 3 serena because he won't die immediately. Serena is best as your "handy heal all" hp battery in the menu when you are exploring, I don't think I have ever had a regular zing fail in this one, though I must admit most of the time I just switch the character out.

2 is all the great ideas but none of the correct execution. I feel like playing 2 is only worth it if you immediately play 3 and see just how hard they got it right from one game to another.

Wrong character OP.
>strongest single target skill is ice elemental
>smallest MP pool in the game
>all her best skill are super expensive, need tons of elixirs or MPathy to not go OOM
>only character with no utility whatsoever
>gets out damaged by every other attacker Act 2 and onward
>has the lowest defense stat of all physical attackers, a fucking minstrel is tankier than her
>worst selection of gear out of all the physical attackers
>the strongest spear has 80 points less attack than the strongest greatsword
Elecrto light is great for grinding, but that's about it.

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>has the most useful all around skills in the game
>is tanky


>characters entire gimmick is applying ailments and being able to hit multiple enemies at once in exchange for weaker damage
>nearly everyone and their mother is resistant to ailments late in the game and all you have is a character that does crap damage

It's like they made Noel mediocre on purpose so you have a reason to use Rixia and Dudley when you get them.

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>everywhere says hendrick is amazing to have on your team
>hes just a tank with only single target damage
>in the latter half of the game healing is more effective than blocking damage
>sylvando is legitimately a better damage soaker

horribly. Whoever thought that waiting to charge a slow ass meter for 1 attack should be permanently banned from the industry

Jade's tree is more focused on damage, while Sylvando's tree doesn't have much of that, especially since his ALL attack scales off his attacks instead of CHA, which he doesn't have much attack panels to support.

Jade's problem is that her panels is really all geared towards selfish offense but still falls behind many other damage dealer (Considering even Hendrick have the attack skills with like Gyrfalcon Slash which deals 4x damage).
And because of her lack of versatility, Sylvando is vastly more useful especially since he gets like the best damn support skills in the game.

I like Steiner but he falls off like a rock very early in the game and it doesn't help that I like to grind grand dragons early so he gets really behind in levels.
Amarant just does it much better for me too with damage, return magic, and chakra

Rally-ho yourself nigger, Quina is the key to making the game your bitch if you know what to do. Git gud

I like Garnet more because you invest a lot into her for all of disc one and most of disc two and the silence shit goes away relatively quickly anyways

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Greg sucks, you were lied to. His damage is serviceable, but otherwise he's just as disappointing in combat as he is in the story.


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>persona 5
No charge and less dps than ryuji and Haru
What the fuck does he even have
I liked his character but never used him

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Most of her best skills are actually pretty cheap though

>spams the art that cuts her HP in half.

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He's a fragile frontline attacker that has an inferior base kit for both damage and tanking. But since it's Q2, just about anyone is usable through the magic of skill transfer.

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He has a party-wide defense boost.

Tanking is vastly more useful on Draconian considering all those one-hit kos and criticals.

He have useful support spells. He have a lot of useful skills, and he got attack skills with noticeably big multiplier like Gyrfalcon Slash.

Tora and Poppi makes a better tank

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hes a kerplunk bot and you know it

More like you played on normal difficulty and never bothered to use defensive buffs.

Steiner is actually great late game when he gets access to shock, it's consistent max damage for not that much mp. That being said, Vivi + doomsday + shadow absorbing gear is probably the most broken setup in the game, so for me he takes the cake as the absolute best party member.

stronger enemies + no escape. acquire skill

Vivi should never leave your party unless you need to grind up the party members for Desert Palace. With that said I don't have to work too much for Amarant because he joins the party at a reasonably close level, especially since I like to do Grand Dragon genocide

Is there anyone who didn't immediately kick her out?

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why would anyone use vivi? he runs out of mp too fast.

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git gud retard

Only because everyone else is fucking dead

Except he was available for most of the game and still end up in most people's party when comes for selection.

But I don't want to grind Tiger Tiger and women in military uniforms make me go monkey

Morag really shines with the dlc blades like Shulk tbf, Nia is the one that really drops off late game since all your actual healing should come from crits at that point.

Fuck you, just hadouken the enemies stupid.

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Only in the very beginning when it's OP. Before too long though, everything about him starts to suck balls.

>Erik is a useless party member

Ask me how I know you didn't play the game or you didn't know how to play it. Erik is so fucking broken it's insane. Literally just use his shadow clone jutsu and then use one of his dagger skills. Boom, instant 9230320923 damage to rekt bosses.

Fucking loved Erik.

Attached: DQ Erik.jpg (1920x1080, 1.47M)

Fuck you, got dead gf

>X is better, therefore Y is useless
Every fucking time this thread happens.

I've never once used this asswipe to any success, even playing ironman as a 14 year old and having my other cavaliers die.

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Midgame he's a chump, but early and late game he's a monster
Doppelganger is just to good and it with boomerangs (shittiest weapon imho) was essential for me to clear though mt whatever challenges

I found Yusuke better than Ryuji mid-game because of his attacks that get stronger on a Baton Pass. Though, Ryuji leaves Yusuke behind once he gets Matarukaja and Charge. Even then, Yusuke is still fairly competent and a team of Ryuji/Yusuke/Haru is a fun group to run with if you want to bulldoze trash mobs with physicals in late-game especially on the Path to the Holy Grail with Life Will Change blaring in the background.

>he doesn't go around skirt chasing for free shit

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I never got this guy, why does he even shoehorn his way into your party? Doesn't he join at like the very very end as well (at least depending on your choices)?

You can also include Gau and Strago

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Any other party is subpar

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the free shit that traitor gets you is useless shit that you can buy in any town


But why? Most people usually say Eliwood is the shitter out of the 3 main lords in FE7.

Not me. She nearly permastunned bosses then hit them for 2k+ for a few steam.

FE12 characters don't count, theres too many of em
It's like shitting on SRW filler units

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her crit animations are great though

what games does not have bad party members aside from chrono trigger

Everyone in any Bioware game.

Yeah he forcibly joins you before you leave the planet if you visit the throne room or he joins you MANDATORY before you finish the game because you NEED to visit the throne room. You can have him earlier or later but you can't ignore him.

I had him join me right before the final boss and still got stuck with his fucking ending.

When it releases for the Switch it will be amazing!

It's perfect for the switch because you can play it on the go!!

>Becomes obsolete once you get Muzet
This has to be the first time i benched a healer

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Pretty much anyone who doesn't have a Swordian in Tales of Destiny.

At least he has good porn

Eliwood has a horse and javelins. Lyn is shit.

She just really doesn't have much of anything going for her. Eliwood gets more MS and lance options on promote, and has largely better stats other than speed. She only really feels good because of mani katti, otherwise she's just a worse Guy.

Ludger pretty much carries the entire party on his own anyway.

>First game has a small cast of characters, literally all of which are good
>Second game has a fuckhuge cast of fucking useless wastes of time (no pun intended)

>t. actual worst member
God damn it I wish she was good.

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She is a beast in 2 if you got Toval's accesory
Pretty much magic laura with respect to damage output

>white mage character has better summons
>summoner character has better white magic

Why is this allowed?

Aigis is cute, but useless in every game she is in.

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I remember following the strategy guide religiously to get the Maria ending when i was a kid, and still got the Sophia ending just because most shit that gets affection points for her also just happens to net you more affection points with Sophia. Was pissed as hell because I hated her outside of combat. Need to replay that game.

>Running Erik and Sylv on knives
My nigga, I didn't want redundant weapons but it really makes Sylvando useful once Serena and Rab get Multi-heal

Any unit in FE can become powerful with enough favoritism and Lyn is a popular choice for such favoritism. Otherwise she's a footlocked swordie who gets gibbed by the plentiful lances and hits like a noodle on anything with a defense stat. .

So I take it you've never played Persona Q

>rewarded for not using her

Pic if he counts
She is pretty good buffslut on 3 and top tier in both Q games thanks to Orgia mode

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>best buffbot in any version of Persona 3 with still decent physical attacks
>Retard Broken in Persona Q
>Slightly less Retard Broken in PQ2, but still busted

is she bad in the fighting games or something?

She's actually very strong in the Q games.

>Not playing as her and using her crippling art to charge Special very fast
>Have Hugo start at the front of his party
>Use your three arts ending with Hungry Snake
>Use talent art
>Hugo topples
>Health potions from Hungry Snake + Topple heals you
>Use three arts again ending with Hungry Snake
>If Hugo is still at front, use talent art again and repeat, if not, switch to Jin for another free Topple + healing
Lora is fucking busted, it's just that the AI is too dumb to use her and unlike Shulk, you can't remove her self-damage art so the AI doesn't literally kill itself

any jrpgs or rpgs with pacifist party members?
party members who can't do damage/attack

The only thing worse than Crow in battle is Crow in the story.

His only value is being cute

Attached: hope.png (988x1228, 853K)

>Spams Corvin's dodge attack
Nothing personal, Elma

Free shit is nice

>fighting game
She was top tier in the first iteration.

What? Erik is unstoppable with a boomerang. I've had him take him multiple liquid metal slimes in one swing. He's also the best thief.

>Colette is useless once Raine has enough TP to freely cast offensive magic.
Colletes even worse than useless, her AI prioritizes her angel spells over everything so she spends half the fight casting instead of using her other artes. Fucking stop using Angel Feathers you have other moves

Top tier in the first one and high tier in the second

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Hope isn't even bad, he's better than Snow and Sazh by a long shot

Pretty much, he gets surclassed in all his specialized roles. Sazh's a better Synergist, Vanille's a better Medic, and either of them are better Ravagers.

Hello Lightning

Jade is useful for my dick.

>worst stats
>still manages to be based for different reasons in combat for the entire game
>best character in the story too

how did he do it bros?

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Square sucks ass at non human character

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You could disable certain skills/spells from being used you know?

>Comes really underleved when she joins
>Outclassed by Tear as a healer by a huge shot
>Shit artes
>Shit personality and girl
What a mistake of a character

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Fucking locked in the party for way too long

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I'd suck the ass of this non-human character to be honest...

Like i said, best Synergist in the entire game.

every healer in fire emblem that doesn't have a horse

I liked having both her and Strago just because I liked that pair.

It's always the spear girl that sucks

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Is this the worst girl in the entire series? She's even worse than Anise for fuck's sake.

If you ask me, every character in Tales of Abyss feel... unfinished, like they're missing something to make them competently playable. I wasn't already invested in the story, and the gameplay only slowed it down even more.

He's the best character in the game, but the worst party member

Attached: jansen.jpg (768x960, 36K)

FE in general has quite a lot, for almost any game I could list at least 5 units that would fall into the nearly useless category

her and Marco seem to be intentionally designed to be surpassed and replaced by everyone you meet later in the game.

watch your mouth punk

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I hate Anise but she is a beast when combo'd with Jade so i kinda forgive her
Natalia has nothing redeeming

This depends on how many warp and rescue staves are available. If you have a bunch, then they're automatically the best class regardless of whether or not they have a horse.

sazh has haste bro

I had her in my end game team and she was really good, don't know what you're talking about. She's still a healer of which you only get two in this game so she's already valuable, having her and tear in the party is optimal to get max healing. Plus she does decent damage without having to put herself at risk getting close to enemies, so you don't even have to worry about her AI fucking up and getting killed.

I miss Lost Odyssey. Gem of a game

She was fun in the first game. I really liked having healer with massive FPS-killing dark magic nukes.

Hope eventually gets Haste too, what's your point?

You're certainly not helping your case

What other use does he have aside from being a healer?

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>Microsoft considered making it a core Xbox franchise if it did well
>It ends up doing well in both Japan and the US
>No further games were made
>Mistwalker and Sakaguchi only make crappy phone games now

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Feya is made only for bullying.

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Jade has an insane crit/speed rate though. Now Sylvando he's got the worst drop off in the game
>Worse than Erik with both swords and knifes
>Only weapon he's better than someone else is with whips which are shit
>Passive that would be great with whips is knife exclusive
>Hustle Dance absolutely CARRIES for the first third and a half but becomes less useful near the end of act 2/start of act 3 once Serena and Rab get multiheal
>All other specials are shit
He's still best boy but they needed to give him a decent weapon, Axes and should have been unlockable for him instead of Hendrik exclusive

Attached: Dragon-Quest-XI-Sylvando-min.jpg (1280x720, 147K)

And also stuff like Rescue staves. For instance Nanna is pretty uniquely strong in FE5 for her horseback staff utility + Earth sword, but it takes her a while to catch up with someone like Safy who is warping dudes after a little bit of time building up her staff rank

he's one of the better synergists in the game, hope is a better saboteur if i recall

PC port fucking when. Seriously.
The Xbox One version apparently manages to make the framerate much more stable but it's still capped at 30, i can only dream what a PC port can do to this baby.

dude, put him on bows and watch him wreck shit

Freya falls off HARD, especially with Auto Regen being a thing

I didn't mean to say Rescue staves, I meant staff rank. Had a total brainfart

This but with Alvin and Gaius instead

Attached: Alvin_(ToX).jpg (584x828, 62K)

Playing it on Xbox One also makes the load times a lot more manageable iirc, even if you're not playing on the One X


>Have to actively prevent her from using her class skills to make her functional in combat
Which is why she's useless.

>shit personality
That's every single character in the game

>We got a third Crackdown but never another Lost Odyssey

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Played through the whole game with Melia/shulk/Reyn and Shulk/Dunban?Reyn. You're just a Sharla waifufag

What were they thinking here? Gaius is just better than Alvin in every way. Poor guy.

Wasn't Jansen pretty versatile?

If you get a dragoon early in the game, 99% of time they will fall off
thats a rule of thumb in RPGs

>The only adept rogue you ever meet in the game other than the main character.
>The only person in your party who can potentially equip broadswords other than the main character.
>Refuses to use his broadsword and sticks to his gun.
>Just a worse Kuhn except he can equip heavy armor.
Matsu is useless.

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All of them. Fuck party members, let me do this shit alone without all this extra baggage and faggy drama.

Eliwood, after promotion can control the weapon triangle and gets a massive movement boost all Lyn gets is a bow which is only good against units that would fuck her up anyway

Even if you bothered to get his dragoon stone..

Attached: file.png (500x350, 447K)

paraball, toss hammer and holy song are 3 of the 4 most broken moves in the game

Are you an Ys fan perchance?

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Jansen's problem is that once you got Ming he was basically an afterthought, since Ming had far greater versatility with magic and skills since she's an immortal. Cooke also had better healing and support.

what's it like to live lonely user?

Talking about disabling the skill in menu which is basically hiding the skill from the AI, not to mention you could still manually control her.

>Main character runs into a magic only enemy
>Can't heal himself
you're in for a wild ride son

Pretty good actually. I don't have any stupid bullshit to deal with from other people.

>Useless on AI.
>Useless if you play as her*

*Exception: You are one of those youtube combo fags and practice on one enemy with minimum damage skill turned on and only upload the one attempt out of one hundred that looks good.
She has no practical application in a fight. Her artes don't link up very well at all.

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>Let's make a close range mage
She only gets decent when you get that fire spirit shit

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>toss hammer
What, you mean the Pow Hammer with an off chance of poison? Useless.
>paraball, holy song
Super Lightning Blade, Sharpness/Barrier combo. Next?

This guy sucks.

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Pic related, but I just got to the part where Citan gets the sword and needed to gush about it.

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>not having all the necessary abilities and powers
Stupid casual.

This has to be a bait

Close range magic, long range physical attacks.
I thought it was nice with how quirky she is, but ironstance makes her fucking useless because casting times on close range attacks is the worst idea ever in graces f.

Linked artes make both useful especially Alvin useful since he's the only one with a large and elementally diverse set of Gun attribute linked artes

the poison combo decimates everything in early game
basically cheating once you get unbridled blade

>not to mention you could still manually control her.
Or you could manually control someone with better stats and combos.

Name me any game besides FFVI in which it is possible to become a one man (or in the case of VI) one woman army?

Boomerang is way better idiot

LITERALLY the only party member I never used. Gunners are so dogshit and her ult isn’t great either.

He's easily op both in the story of the game and post game. His low mp status attacks can make every enemy your party's bitch.

>Even the game mocks him
So they knew what they were doing

P3 can be soloed once you get access to Thanatos, Thor, and Hariti

Because in mid-game he literally gets NO FUCKING GEAR. Its like they forgot to give Erik gear for 60% of the game. I remember upgrading everyone like 3 times and Erik still had the same fucking weapons and armor. It was infuriating.

>not using Dragon's crest for easy 9999's

>Fight Evrae in the sky on the airship
>His ball will fly all the way out and hit them if the ship is far away
Based Wakka

In my experience, both Raynie and Marco never really fall off that hard. Marco has a lot of positioning options and some buffs/healing, while Raynie had a bunch status ailments and a wide variety of elemental attacks. Also, Raynie has an advantage against immovable enemies which you can't move over Aht's traps.

Though admittedly, Gafka/Aht/Eruca are just straight up overpowered with Rosch being a decent mid tier.

I haven't genocided enough grand dragons but having used it at desert palace I am considering using her for Ozma but I want to keep Amarant though

>that necklace
>that shirt and the way it exposes his skin
Hnnnng I want to cum on his chest

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he was pretty good fodder for russian roulette i guess

Attached: Percy_HD.png (144x185, 34K)

>hilarious personality
>disregards THOTs, runs with wolves
>isn't a traitor, unlike Kai
>has the worst potentials for a sniper and his bonuses are shit, easily the worst sniper out of the bunch

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FF1, 2, 7, and 8
Persona 3 and 4

Persona games after a certain point, Tales games if you are good enough

paraball does more danage/hits that super lightning blade for about 1/3rd the tp

holy song is equivilent to 4 raine spells at once, has better boost than raines group versions, and stacks with them anyway

% based damage like poison is crazy in a fame with hyper inflated boss hp. toss hammer can kill abyssion in a few minutes and is the only way to do poison damage

Aht not being able to trap 9 tile enemies is kind of irrelevant since her damage is then contributed in the form of building up dozens of combo hits, allowing Stocke and Gafka to do stupid damage at the end.

t. Hasn't done post-game
Erik is highest DPS in the game

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Zelos will do more damage than Colette unless you're actively trying to make her stronger than him, so that's a moot point.

>High physical stats
>Only physical character who can hit flying enemies
>Can hit fast enemies too
>Low MP status effects that ACTUALLY FUCKING WORK FOR ONCE even if it's only 1-3 turns
>Even works on bosses all the way to the end of the game
This is a thread about shit characters likeand Rikku

The useless duo

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Everyone in Xenoblade Chronicles X except the main character (as long as you're longsword+dual guns that is).

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>Quina exists

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The fact Rikku relies on using your items made me bench her forever.

The setup he requires is not only reliant on using up his own moves and the moves of others, but at any given point the ailments might not work or Erik might get gibbed by an attack or otherwise disabled. He's not that great on Dragonian quest compared to just Unbridled Blade spam.

You take that back you little shit.

zelos is also stupid good because of stuff like gilgamesh title. what exactly is your point when you can take both?

>dude lets give this "tank" the lowest health in the game and an RNG flame breath attack that actually lowers your damage in most cases

what the fuck were they thinking?

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That means you didn't use him right. I had him killing bosses in 1* hit.

*it required set-up getting the boss poisoned, Erik buffed and the boss' defense lowered, but 2k damage is nothing to sneeze at.

Sword dance is better than Unbridled Blade. It have pretty much the same multiplier but far more consistent and each hit can crit. (And despite the animation, it could be used with Greatswords)

look in a mirror user

Pascal may be my waifu but shes shit if you're having her played by the AI, fun on manual though. Now Malik, he was what an unconventional mage should be
>Highest base stats across the board
>Powerful physical and magic attacks
>Nothing but AoE spells after a certain point
>No close range but a weak special that summons his ult
So long as he's not the last one standing he will fuck up everything

I figured he was an actual joke character

>Tales games if you are good enough
Hell theres a Tales game where being an OP one man army was the point

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I liked her stupid high crit rate, I used her for DPS along with act 2 mystery man. Triple claw hit did some pretty good damage if you got at least one crit in. Her self buff is also really useful.

Eh, he's a nice utility character, not meant for damage though. Kaoomph and Acceleratle is nice to have, and hustle dance doesn't do all that well but it's still good to have if you're not running an omniheal team like I was. His gold rush AoE is also useful endgame when you don't really need money anymore.

And yet you still die at the end. God the Tales games are becoming so fucking formulaic

MALIK BEAM is fun to pull off.
Sadly Graces f is one of those games I could only enjoy a single playthrough of. Once I started learning how flawed the combat was, I started getting bitter.

Honestly I just used party members I myself enjoyed manually using. So it was always Jude, Milla, Ludger, and Gaius endgame for me. I set them to defensive or to not do much at all so I can fuck the enemy up alone and just use one for linked artes.

Only waifufags would say Eliwood is the shittiest of the 3 Lords. He's not great but he isn't totally deadweight and he's actually a lot more manageable in Hector mode since he isn't hampered by a late promotion. Eliwood gets a horse and access to lances and can make alright use of stat stuff to make him wielding stronger stuff like Durandal go down a little easier.

Lyn has no such luxuries.

He is also pretty tanky for a mage, Malik's only flaw is his accel mode

My man knows what's up. The amount of bullshit you can get away with Pascal is staggering it's even worse in the in the F arc because she make a field that nulls all damage. She's not only a walking plot device in story, she one of the biggest in game crutches when you take the time to dabble with her.

made me giggle. thanks

A non RPG example.

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His accel mode is supposed to be a panic ability, used when playing on manual and an enemy gets too close since Malik has no close range attacks whatsoever and staggers at the slightest breeze

>best ranged DPS in every game she's in and also a good healer
>AI deliberately programmed to not give a fuck about positioning and friendly fires everybody for the whole mission

It's a good thing you can manipulate AI up to a certain extent with the use of personal skills in the remakes of the games she's in to make her attack less and heal more.

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Yusuke is for physical crits and one more exploiting, he doesn't need to do more damage for than ryuji

Is she the worst optional party member in video games history?
A literal item bitch. To be fair, he's an ordinary dog who has to compete with two PSI users and a guy who trained in the art of thievery all his life.

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when do you get him? I already beat his ass and got his sword

Some joke characters simply aren't funny guys

i did that a few times in SD3/ToM. it was fun

Hold it right there you jabroni! As long as they can equip healall/cureall/recoverall and strength and eagle eye, a character is useful because they can buff up serge so much. Therefore, any character can be used against any boss with a high degree of success.

I like him as a character and he's not irredeemable gameplay-wise but honestly

>gets outdone in healing once Peach gets some levels in her, not to mention Peach being able to hit harder physically and become a fucking wall once she gets the Lazy Shell
>Mario and Geno are far more cost-effective fighters

He's actually pretty useful around when you're going to Nimbus and the volcano since he has good "hit fucking everything" spells and enemies there are actually weak to his spells, but after that there's really no reason to not just be rolling with Peach and Geno.

While we're on the topic then, Bowser in the same game too. Mario is on par if not superior than Bowser in the physical department around when you get Toadstool and unlike Mallow his magic is pretty fucking useless.
Honestly, status effects in a game where everything dies extremely fucking fast?

Attached: Mallow.gif (366x369, 38K)

I picked up DQ11 today. Anything I should know?

I think either the end of Part 2 or sometime in Part 3.

Counter: Henpecked Hou is the worst in Jade Empire, he takes up a character slot so you can be distracted picking up bottles to use a situationally useful style


Erik can 1 shot bosses fucking idiot its not even funny

need 4 turns between 2 characters = 2 turns fucking retard

should've waited for the switch version.

I don't own one.

fuck this man and Mirage for not letting you recruit all the original party members

>Spreading lies about based Sazh

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He's the best damage dealer in the game.
Divide + Kapuff + Critical Claim and he will wreck anything.

>have to use sylvando massive mcfaggot amongst faggots
>to utilize tryhard edgelord blue hair
Hard pass.

If I wanted to play an RPG with really in-depth but rewarding mechanics, what should I check out? I haven’t played an RPG or JRPG in ages, but I wouldn’t mind something I could really sink my teeth into.

Critical Claim deals less damage than a buffed attack due to how the critical damage formula work in this game


It also depends on the enemy defense, as long as the enemy is sapped it is guaranteed that the buffed attack would deal more damage. (critical hits ignore defense, but they also ignore of the party member's buff)

Shin Megami Tensei 3 onwards.

worlds best fist clencher and verifier of fairness

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git gud

Don't be mean to the third best girl!

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>When you're so shit almost all of your fanart features you being dead
He's pretty based

Attached: 643548-sakura_haruno.jpg (576x833, 57K)

literally every party member in that game is based
>hero is a chad who doesn't need magic to be kickass
>prince is a meme
>princess gets cute kemono art

you don't HAVE to use based Sylvando but it speeds up the process

He’s one of the necessary party members to do the easy endgame leveling trick, the hell are you talking about

>hero is a chad who doesn't need magic to be kickass
This. He's solves all his problems by beating them to death.

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Sylvando is actually the best, no contest.
All because a single ability: Ladies First
Sylvando's actual skillset is decent and it's already plenty useful for support.
The moment he learns that ability, he basically has access to all female party members skillset, with their respective stats.
Basically 4 characters in one, that's insanely good.

Erik will be useful as the homosexual romance option in the Ps5 re-re-release

That's an interesting way to think about it.

If you combine doppelganger with sleep/poison and that attack of his that deals 6 times damage to sleeping or poison targets while he's buffed and the enemy is debuffed you can demolish bosses.

Some of my picks for useless party members
Veronica (honestly never used her)
Ken from Persona 3
Toki from SMT IVA
Heat from Digital Devil Saga

cielo should have been weak to mind, he'd still be bad but it wouldn't be so awful

Except Kaine ironically since he's like the ur example

As much as I like Heat, Heat was the useless one. Physical is shit in DDS just like most other SMT games.

Veronica is a great elemental mage and powerful nuker.
She was the MVP during the final boss battle, I think everyone was dead/sleep/incapacitated but her Kaboomle echoed and critted several times in a row, she basically soloed the last phase.
You really missed out, she's great for clearing random battles and bosses with adds.

his forbearance skill (he takes hits for everyone until his next turn) is useful in conjunction with some of his other defense buffs

>Thread is about useless party members
>Two different bumfuck retards post Wakka and Rikku who not only are the best two characters in the shitfest that is X, but are literally required for any post-game

>not the literal 12 year old sniper who freezes up by being in someone's line of sight and wastes your AP

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what the fuck, how do you even play the game without using al bhed potions, rikku is fast and occasionally good even after you teach yunie use


ladies first might be my favorite single skill in any jrpg, it's so powerful and interesting in the context of the party's gender composition

did someone say my name?

Attached: worthless.jpg (620x450, 96K)

Well Kain doesn't permanently stay in your party until the very end of the game but he's the exception because he's so damn good

Kiba, Kankuro, Shino, Ino and Sai are all more useless than her. She's not so bad it's just Naruto and Sasuke are literal gods

>divide + dual wielding uber falcon blade
>divide + critical claim
>divide + cobra strike + victimzer
>all do insane amounts of damage more than most of your party members

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Fuck that underwater part where you're forced to use him. Actually that game had a lot of mediocre characters that were only good as fusion fodder.

Snow is literally the best ravager in the game due to his magic casting animation being the fastest one. He staggers shit fast as fuck, also Shiva is based.

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>party member with the highest dps in post game is useless
So I'm guessing this is another one of those bait threads.

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I wouldn't mind her if love slap didn't make the audience leave. Piercing defense and badge stealing has its uses.


he doesn't have higher dps than luminary cos there's so many setup turns and the poison might not proc, but he has great utility and you have to fill the other 3 team slots somehow (and i guess if you have shypox on you can't use luminary)

>use shadow clone jutsu
>use guaranteed crit move
>destroy everything

>EO is /m/
Why didn't you fags tell me?

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EO is the stale burnt toast of JRPGs

I thought Kimahri was fucking trash on my first couple playthroughs but quickly learned to branch him and Rikku out into the sphere grid. Neither of them are useless but I can see how first timers think Kimahris useless

>When you could just spam Critical Claim

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I will be forever salty that I took this Giganto retard to the end in my first playthrough.

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Xenoblade Chronicles X. Once you unlock Overdrive you become practically invincible and the MC has so many ways to customize themselves or their mech to ridiculous degrees that none of your teammates can compete and you can easily solo every superbosses. If it weren't for story missions forcing teammates on you you could easily solo the game and even then the meat of the game is in the side content and exploration, most of which you CAN do solo.

>as long as you're longsword+dual guns that is
*Only dual guns
Decoy is so fucking OP you can easily use it as a base to make any of the melee weapons work with it. And even then you can make OP builds that don't use decoys like the topple-lock build or the Sniper boost build.


even lower dps then

At least in Nexus you can put their cool portraits onto better classes.

>lots of DQ discussion
>no ones posted her
At least Kiefer gave his stuff back, even if most of it was exclusive to him and pretty useless outside of good money.
She takes off with your stuff, comes back underleveled in a time where your cut off from most of your resources, and fucks off AGAIN with her stuff, where at that point you just take it back and leave her to rot because she's way too underleveld and outclassed by Mervyn and Aishe in every way

Attached: take my equipment why dontcha.jpg (151x286, 9K)

>Oomphle+Divide+Fatal Flash
>6000 plus damage
Learn to play JRPGs before you post about them

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you're a bitch

Put him through Wakka's grid and he becomes a faster Auron who can debuff.

You're fucked when you reach Gagazet then because there is a boss fight where you are forced to use him.

Biran and Yenke's stats are based on Kimahri's stats. It's easier if you don't level him.

That feeling when the core party members are both fucking useless mechanically, personality wise, and story wise.

What the fuck.

Makes sense though. Everyone else on the cast is a trained fighter or has special skills while she's just an average person who happens to be a good mechanic and a decent pilot.

Wouldn't say cucked. She had a crush on the MC but the MC loved his master daughter instead.

It was one of the characters I've never used too. I used rozalin for gunner instead.

This is completely inaccurate.

Literally the entire supporting cast of FF14 is completely fucking pointless to the point of enraging. I can not fucking image slogging through the base game and the first expansion again as they are so fucking useless and ineffectual I am 100% convinced that the Evil Final Fantasy Nazi's winning would of resulted in less deaths for literally every faction.

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This, it's kind of annoying that because FFXIV is a MMO every single main npcs are pushed to the sidelines because of the WoL adventurer friends.

That's what happened to me and I killed them with a single dark matter.

Yeah but he gets bonus points for being the only character in a gorgirian years that whatever that artist's name is has drawn that wasn't straight from dbz.
most overrated artist ever.

>DRG and BLU hybrid
Sounds badass in theory, but whoever had the idea to tie Blue Magic to his Limit Break is a fucking asshole.

Gau can carry you through the world of balance with no trouble. Stargo in the other hand also forces you to sit through the 2nd most dreadful part of the game. The entire village segment.

What the fuck are you on about? He's the best party member for grinding and can deal massive damage to bosses with doppelganger + critical claim.

>Cait sith

never meet someone that liked this character, they will probably cut him for the remake

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It's not that they are pushed to the sidelines, it's that they sit down in the middle of the field and smell their farts while the player character does everything.

It's not enough that the PC walks to some stupid ugly rat monster to ask how to do the stupid ugly rat monster secret handshake. The PC needs to bring an entire guild of the greatest heroes ever, no guys really with. But the transexual elf is too short to use the elevator so you need to go get him some platform shoes, but any shoes that aren't made out of the finest leather from 8 different animals and crafted by the head of the cobbler's guild and christened by the leader of the wood elves won't do. So you need to go to all of that just to have your guild ask the stupid ugly rat monster how to do the handshake and then tell you to go do it.

Ironically enough the PC is basically their own character by the beginning of the first expansion. Basically becoming Link from Wind Waker, which makes everything from there on out even worse despite your canon party members being more integral to the story. Come the last expansion I couldn't help but constantly ask why I need an entourage led by worthless red whore sister when the PC is so expressive their exposition dumps towards everything somehow harder to understand than it would of been if your character just grimaced as the lesser NPCs talked to them.


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At least the hentai is good

>basically cheating once you get unbridled blade
Axe+Greatshield had way more survivability and utility. Paralax is 3.0 multiplier as opposed to the 2.9-3.1 of unbridled blade. Axes don't trail far behind Greatswords in terms of damage until you get the endgame stuff. Axes also have that crit skill for slimes and a group attack with a 2.2 multiplier (Helichopper on greatsword has 1 as its multiplier)

If you don't have Hendrk using axes, then you're doing it wrong.

>the most broken party member in the game is useless
fucking chimp.

He's the best party member in the game. I bet you're the kind of retard that thought Kimahri was useless in FFX.

Erik is super powerful, but Kimahri is mostly useless.

When you get the cosplay dolls, Pascal becomes a good substitute for anyone because of her stat spread. Being a close range mage means that Pascal has high stats in everything except accuracy, which is still average. If you want a duplicate of a character on your team, then Pascal is the top pick.

his fast?

No one is useless in this because the game is piss easy

>made her my fucking healer

haha YES

i fucking LOVED having to grind another fucking healer

The actual useless character in SMT IVA is Gaston, who despite gaining Pierce attacks for all his attacks, never learns to stop stealing your turns. Toki is actually great for instantly skipping encounters with her instant kills.

>The MC
>Weak as fuck
>Shit skills
>Basically an item jockey
>Even his super mode sucks ass

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>optimal to get max healing.
>Aiming for ''max healing'' over damage

She was clearly balanced around the assumption they'd make a game where CC doesn't only get to be a non-shit resource in newgame+.
Once you can afford to combo into her spells she just instagibs everything insanely fast and makes most of the cast look like shit. By the time you can do this, you beat the game.

>Can be further cucked by Peach via the spell-swap glitch
Poor Mallow.

>male portraits are badass robot knights
>female portraits look dumb
good stomachs though

She is literally the most useful character in your party, user.

>Moves slower than everyone else and struggles to keep up with basic enemies
>Low basic hit count, but not a mage or doing enough damage to justify this
>His charge gimmick has individual skills for boosting attacks, buffs, healing, despite him only having like 2 buffs and heal skills
>Needs quick charge, charge, attack charge, retain charge all at once to feel vaguely functional
>Quick charge is not quick
>Still does the lowest damage in the same time period of any melee character even Estelle beats him because his charge bonuses are so underwhelming
>Never gets glory despite being the slowest attacker in the game who could really use it
>Doesn't even get glory for his charge
>All he gets is the ability to move slower and not be staggered when specifically stood still doing nothing, a joke skill that does nothing to help
Worst designed character in the series

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I'm amazed that this thread has lasted for a day already

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god i want an hd port

Tsubasa is good for laying on the floor after recovering from a wipe with recamdra

>MS baits Gooch to make them a game
>Gooch went full nuclear against SE
>LO is doing well but his other game flop
>MS deem him useless and toss him away like a little bitch
>Gooch then became a joke and Wada's bottom bitch for a decade.


No one can dispute this.

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Switch is going to have:
Worse Graphics
Longer Load Times
Orchestral Music(that can already be modded in)
2D Version(the only thing worthwhile)

So don't stress too much.

Dont forget that the designers force you to 1v1 a flying boss where he's shit against flying enemies and in a game where enemies can knock you up in seconds if you cant hit them fast enough.
Seriously fuck that boss

>Ctrl+F Gau
>Always at least one

Cat Scratch does 4x damage and you get that the moment you get him

Then there's "Wind God Gau" and also he can inflict Charm that never wears off on every enemy and boss in the game

The fact the bringing him to the Queen Zeal fight replaces the boss music with his own is fucking worth it.

>Gave her the Rainbow Dew or whatever it was when she fucked off
>10 hours later I needed it for the story and she was gone forever

I actually broke the game disc.

>it actually takes a few seconds to get there so you just kinda stay there until it hits and comes back
Gets me every time

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This. Love him as a character, but he isn't as good at attacking multiple enemies as Aika or single enemies as Vyse. At least Drachma is useful for the early part of the game but Gilder is a blatant example of someone who's only there to fill out the party.

I prefer him out of the three choices, but some endgame bosses deal so much damage i feel shield of justice is necessary.

Amarant from FFIX.

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I used her for the main playthrough, but had to switch to Veronica for the postgame, who I refused to use until that point because of how soul-rendingly annoying she is. Yet for the postgame her damage output is sadly irreplacable.

Enrique does more damage anyway, between his high magic and The Judgment

I mean, he's not useless at all, but definitely suboptimal in the late/end-game of the 3DS version. He has the highest strenght in the game but he ends up doing just ok damage since most of his strong high-point cost skills are flawed, scythes are good only for stealing, club skills are kinda poopy and the last skill in his best tree which is axes has a good modifier but is based on wind element which is resisted by a ton of late enemies and bosses. Also low agility cripples him and he has very little utility.
In the 3DS they included two borderline broken characters, Morrie's hand of god + dragonlord claws trivialize the dragovian trials and Red has the highest damage potential for non-Oomph boosted damage.
He's still good for coming in clutch when most of the party is dead to cast Kerplunk and can deal good damage against certain enemies, I just don't see any reason to use him in your main party over the new characters, while Jessica and Angelo still have great utility.

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... What?

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(original ff4)

I'll run away in battle

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ken and koromaru

>shit stats
>class that doesn't even work the way its meant to and is still shit even if you fix it
>bland "muh balance" personality
What were they thinking?

With the right setup Amarant can be a perfect support for MP recovery and quick revive. In general you can find usage for every party member of FFIX, but the least effective to me is Garnet/Dagger: if you want to use white magic you might as well use Eiko, and her offensive summons are not impressive at all even if you get the full animation and have elemental advantage.

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Even in-story he doesn't make a lot of sense: his ark is supposedly about becoming a strong king, but he gets his ass whooped all the time, gets rescued by a nationed literally called bitch and the only moment for him to shine is when his music coincidentally is able to stun the Dark Elf.
What was the writer thinking?

bards are gay losers who cant fight

>ctrl+f: no Aerith

Her game is easy so character balance does not matter. Same goes for every post 7 ff

>how did he do it bros?
its the afro

DQ3 has lots of em.
Merchant is just a shittier warrior that only exists for the sake of one side quest, Gadabout's only use is being able to switch into a Sage without a speshul book, but you get that book from a dungeon about three steps to the left away from the place where you unlock class switching, so it's never relevant.
Thief is an aoe guy, but he's pathetic in comparison to late game spell users while also lacking buffs and debuffs that make casters useful against bosses.
Warrior is also sub-optimal compared to golden god that is martial artist, but he's not useless.

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my sexy thief had absurdly good HP, MP and agility, so when I changed her into sage I had the most broken DQ character

Oh, I forgot to mention the most useful part of having a thief - the ability that highlights all the hidden items in the level and tells you how many of them you have left. Once you unlock it it's class switching time. And sometimes it's a bitch to unlock because the level at which you unlock spells depends on your intelligence and thieves don't have a lot of it.
Although considering how high thief's hp and mp is I think they were also kinda intended as the class choice for end game casters who unlocked all their spells and made the switch for the sake of survivability. They could also switch to martial artists though.

Hahaha, rean cuck joshua

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Literally the best dps of the game

The AI is shit playing her. If you play as her, you can do topples all day long and she have some nice DOT skills, too.

>that bug that lets you lose permanently Interceptor for a stupid reason

It still baffles to me how buggy FFVI on SNES was.

I used it for my last FFIX and it was god tier. Big Guard, Frog Drop, Lvl 5 Death, Night, WHite Wind and Angel's Snack are very VERY good

He deals more damage than anyone else but his setup is borderline impossible to execute. First you have to rely on rng to proc poison, then you have to rely on rng for 3 turn for him to not catch any nasty status or strait up fucking die. In the end all the other fighters end up dealing more damage.

Wut, Shadow's awesome, his throw ability is reliable through the whole game

He's used in speed runs because of the Triple Tech he have with Lucca and Robot.

You use Axes until you unlock gyrfalcon slash, and then you stop using axes.

Lyn is a worst swordsmaster without the +crit rate swordsmasters have. She have low CON and her STR growth is abyssal. She's usable in FE7 because FE7 is piss easy even on hard mode.