I would unironically play FFXIV

I would unironically play FFXIV
I would unironically tank only 5 man dungeons
I would unironically adventure to world map for search for resources
I would unironically distrupt catfags ERP moments in capital cities
I would unironically play FFXIV if it didnt have that stupid daily shit that all modern MMOs have, i'm myself a TBCfag and i just want to grind all my weekly stuff in day or two and not to log in every day,
FFXIV is unironically beter than WoW has ever been since Ulduar in WotLK.

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Other urls found in this thread:

twitch.tv/directory/game/Just Chatting

if its popular it means its bad
wow is the most unpopular its ever been so only the hardcore fans are left

it's a pleb filter

Mmos are a shit genre that's creatively bankrupt. Get over it and play a game that doesn't suck.

>hates dailies

coping wowfdags
t never played TBC. You could still farm up Netherwings without dailies and farm in Dungeons. also a coping wowfag

world of warcraft is the epitome of mmos
like how hunter x hunter is the epitome of shonen
both have perfect pleb filters
go back to /pol/

cope harder

I don't play wow or ff14 because I have better things to do with my time than waste hours on grindy skinner boxes

go back to /pol/

even wow in its worse state is better than xiv

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cope harder

You mean wowfags game is so bad that they dont want to play the game, but cant live without it so they're watching it on twitch

>5 man dungeons.


I would also do all of these things if I didn't have to slog through 2 expansions worth of fetch quests first.


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Once you get full raiding gear theres really no progression. And because i kept playing non guild it was enough for me.

This is your metric for how good a game is? pathetic

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>the level of delusion and mental gymnastics ffxiv trannies would go for

>nooo you can only use twitch viewers as an argument when XIV is winning!

almost equal to the delusional retards that are still subbed to that nostalgia driven abhorrent "game"

i played this dogshit game myself, legit felt asleep playing it, i tried pretending to have fun but i couldn't, class design choices are horrible, slow combat, most melee classes are tanks??? you got a cool ass death knight class with big sword but its a tank, thats so retarded, you got flashy ass abilities but none of them feel impactful, story is none existent, same repetitive quests, i have feeling that most people who played xiv are rpfags or people who have never touched an mmo before

what's your character's name so I can look them up on the lodestone and laugh at how much a scrub you are because you sound like one

I don't even want to go through all the cognitive biases there are to believe twitch is a good useful metric for judging accuracy of how good a game is. It's easier for me to observe you, the average wowtard as retarded and move on.

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shills go and stay go, saged.

>btw I haven't played past level 30

>class design choices
>slow combat
>story is none existent
why are you so retarded user, did wow give you that much brain cancer?

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"i-it gets better after 99999999 hours" fuck off you're a meme

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>Yda's mask gets cracked
oh no... she's really cute

Bro.... don't get too attached....

It's sad when an expansion to a FF MMO is the highest rated FF game of this console generation

That's unironically a good thing. The twitch fanbase is incredibly cancerous and personalities shouldn't become a big thing in XIV. It keeps the annoying zooms away

bro... I can't believe you spoiled this...


>He got filtered out by ARR
Thank you Square Enix for making Heavensward a better place to play.

Pleb filter seems to be working

Who wants some Meol?

dont eat it!

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bro... everyone has spoiled stuff for me
i knew the midget would die, I know who the main villain is, bro, I even know youtsuyu dies, and I don't even know who that is

It's one way of eating your gf out.

Fine more for me!

>oh huh I bet that meol is people or something from how suspicious it is
>mfw much later in the story

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>in queue: 1400 people
bros, what the fuck? is this silkroad online or something
how are there login queues in 2019

Meol bros...I feel stronger

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threadly reminder that ffxiv has more subs than wow now



The power the frog suit gives me over ERPers or people enjoying the MSQ is too intoxicating

his wide gaping asshole

where do i get the frog suit

Nah, the only people left are the ones that are helplessly addicted, actual fans all fucked off to private servers

>login queues literally all times of day a week and a half after release

This is just going to be reality from now on isn't it

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Archaotania FATE chain in Tempest, you need to do it twice (with gold rating) to get 12 tokens for the suit trade in

probably going to need a new DC

This image speaks to me. Thank you for this.

>zoomers think this is an actual good argument for WoW being a better game



That's what happens when a game is more popular than the devs thought it would be


newfag is here MCH worth leveling?

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At the very least 1-2 more servers per DC, there are times where it is literally impossible to create a new character anywhere on NA.

it's good if you're competent, might take a little bit to get into though

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they got 2x as many preorders as they were expecting

all things considered the servers have held up pretty well, especially compared to stormblood's awful launch issues



People like Asmongold discouraged me from playing WoW classic.


now that I think about it you could've just been saying that Yda fucks off for the entirety of the next expansion, so maybe she doesn't really die. I haven't seen her in any of the promo stuff for ShB, but maybe I'll be fine


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>watching people play MMO's
people do this?
if it's a world first raid sure. but just some random fuck doing normal mmo shit how is that entertaining.

what the fug

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it's easy to explain really, kids will watch anything just to be a part of something
that's why mundane bullshit like literally grinding the same stage over and over in a gacha game has an audience now

what's wrong with it



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2.5 gcd kills it for me.
>b-b-but you can reduce it
yeah to like 2 seconds. there is literally no excuse.

also class skills feel fucking boring, the only things that set most classes apart are a few buff based skills, other than that, most classes are exactly the same

both are literally the same shit kys

I want to fuck male miqo's but they're way too muscular.

>Same shit that scores 6/10 points higher
What did he meant by this?

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>WoW is so dead blizzard had to ””””””leak”””””””””””” the new xpac
>preach made an 8.2 video begging his chat to stop telling him they’re playing final fantasy
>Classic beta is already dead not even 2 weeks into it

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someone really needs to catch the scene as a webm or gif

what the fuck? It's 12 AM in EU and twintania is supposed to be fucking empty

seething tranny

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>Ogawa-kun why is the camera so close in on his face?
>It's called kino, boss. Haven't you heard of it?

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Explain yourself.

>npc responses
yep its another wowtard

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>this is your brain on /pol/
hang yourself

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oh the irony
dont have to be a poltard to see that xiv has an above average population of trannies.

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>>preach made an 8.2 video begging his chat to stop telling him they’re playing final fantasy
Is this actually true?

God I hope you fags keep sucking asmonbald's unwashed cock and never bring your filth to our game.

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I don't like Innocence Ex that much. It's boring as a tank. At least you get to do all the mechanics on Titania Ex.
Also I think I like the older extreme primal fights more in general. Titan, Garuda, Leviathan, Ravana, and Thordan all stand out. I skipped most of Stormblood but Tsukiyomi extreme looks kinda cool.

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WoW living rentfree!

Anyone have the screenshot saved of Emit-Chad saying to remember?

Yeah it’s his recent video about 8.2
XIV chad trannies are making the WoWshitters angry by existing it’s pretty great

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have the hrothgar ever been in other ff? at least the name hrothgar? or is that completely new

You realize wow had 12m+ players?
People are still semi-interested and watch it now on twitch. That doesn't mean however they play. In fact the current game is so shit watching on twitch is more fun.

he didnt make a whole video about it, he just went over the fact that some people in his guild left to ffxiv and he wishes them fun. preach is an all around good dude


MCH, BRD, DRG, or GNB???


>The absolute state of wowfags that they use twitch views as an argument
You guys realize this is because of Asmongold kiddies watching these things instead of playing the MMO, right? This is not something you should be boasting about, its pure aids.

They're basically Ronso

Machinist and dragoon are currently looking better than they ever have, both in the top five jobs for damage overall and I don't hear much problems with how they play.

Or if you want to be the supreme alpha chad of damage, go BLM who is in the #1 spot for both single target and aoe.

You're trying to tell me 30k people are just watching strictly for one person and they don't play the game at all?

In fact on The First they are literally called Ronso.

Not really. Even though I quit my mythic guild still carries on. It was a good time when I was playing, it's like a chill mini community. The changes to the game are bad but the people are still good.

twitch.tv/directory/game/Just Chatting

Sure but then why even bother playing WoW anymore if people will watch him play anything? Why is he stuck on a game he hates and feels compelled to be?

I know your question is meant to be rhetorical but, unorinically yes.


On a side note, who the fuck watches streams of an MMO anyway, that's even less popular than regular game streaming

from what I can tell he just watches youtube videos and reads forum posts anyways

A piece of media being indefensible dog shit for hundreds of hours before it "gets good" is not a legitimate defense, slapping a buzzword on it even less so.

>like how hunter x hunter is the epitome of shonen

>the light within her champions begins to fade
>has the warden’s light finally taken hold?!
>Damn you...Damn her wretched blessing!

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Because it's all Asmongold knows, I did see bits and pieces of the guy and he is scared to play other stuff/claims he's not a real gamer and that WoW is his thing mostly, he doesn't like not knowing what to do when he tries other stuff

He once polled his aids fanbase as well to see if they actually play the game or not, overwhelming amount of no's

That comparison ain't bad.
WoW got destroyed in remakes (addons) same way hunterxhunter lost quality in its remake.

Any good tips on making Gil? Got everything to 70 but I'm too stupid to find what to sell.

>No marketboard in Eulmore

This expansion was almost perfect.

Outside of Thancred, which trusts are the best in their roles? I'm sure they'll be tied to some bullshit later on so I might as well level them up while grinding other classes.

It's the endgame hub, what did you expect.

housing items that can't be bought from npcs are good, because you don't need to bother with HQ

other than that there is glamour material flipping and selling excess materia

1. It's a lot closer right this very moment
2. It's a terrible metric regardless zoomer-kun.

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What’s with the autistic head shake Viera do all the time? Every time I see it I wonder why anyone would ever want to play as one.

Yeah I've been doing housing stuff but it's not really high in giving Gil at the moment. At least it's a solid slow grind though.

Any tips on what 80 crafter I should get to first if I just want to solo craft until I can get enough money?

Alphinaud's shields are beefy, Y'shtola nukes shit (when she feels like it) and Alisae also kinda nukes shit a bit more consistently but for a bit less damage. Rynne has some neat trick attack shenanigans but does the least damage.

Yes???? Do you even view anything on Twitch?

Leve items, and anything related to quests.

May as well go MCH so you can share most of the gear.

See, that's the reason I'm not leaning towards MCH and BRD. They seem fun to play but I dunno once I get them to max level there's nothing to do since I already have all the gear for them.

should i buy this game on steam or squeenix store

His best content was when he actually tried to play Dark Souls.

square enix store

if you buy through steam you'll be stuck paying through steam for everything

Only go steam if you have a semi-consistent income of steam wallet balance (selling cards or whatever).
Ignore shitposters saying to never use steam, it's fine, only problem is you're locked into buying expansions from steam, other keys won't work, but if you have a sizable amount of cash that's stuck on steam anyway might as well get the game there

Squeenix Store

user there's nothing to do when you get max lvl no matter what job. Just play what you enjoy.

That's not true I would need the Innocence jewelry for classes other than physical ranged DPS. At least that's something.

That gnb 70 quest is so fucking good.

Steel against steel

WoW is in such a low state that it could be f2p and you couldn't pay me to play it.

>This world is not yours to end...
>This is our future. Our story.
>No... it can't be...

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Alisaie should have been a black mage, seeing as she never fucking moves out of AoEs

>yfw I am hades!!

>I would unironically play FFXIV if it didnt have that stupid daily shit that all modern MMOs have, i'm myself a TBCfag and i just want to grind all my weekly stuff in day or two and not to log in every day
the tome cap and raid lockouts are weekly aren't they?

"Remember us. Remember that we once lived."

I want to fuck the Amaurot piano theme.

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Source? You cant just post that

>*nods @ u*

>I would unironically play FFXIV if it didnt have that stupid daily shit that all modern MMOs have
Only daily stuff is on roulettes, you can still grind tomes and gear by grinding the dungeons themselves, the only hardcapped stuff is weekly raid drops/tome caps

Sure I can, watch me.

Gonna need a source

That fucking smile when he faded away almost murdered me. Man looked like he'd had the weight of the world taken off his shoulders and could finally rest.

C'mon, man

It's another futa cat on another. Come on you fucks. Why are you so gay?

How much skill speed for 10 GCD riddle of fire


>playing monk



This is a great shot but if he had actually died this would be perfect.

wtf, leveling only give meteria if you ARENT on gnb

>just got A Long Fall orchestration roll
theres only one futa in that gif bro

I love him so much Yea Forums. It hurts he's gone and never coming back.

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He reminds me of Ardyn

>Thancred, Shtola and Ryne all have major death flag moments
>they all get off scot free
Major dropped ball. At least after the 2.55's "nobody actually died lel" nonsense there were some other repercussions like Shtola's eyes or Thancred lolnoaethermanip, let alone Raubahn losing his fucking arm.

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Fuck you.

yeah that one was awfully paced
Was kinda obvious nothing was gonna happen
nani? when did she have a fakeout

>High views on twitch means a lot of people are playing it
>As opposed to you know, watching it, which we can empirically determine is what is happening instead

The only people actually still playing are pic related

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Fight against hades when she gets shot the music just stops.


The Trusts have some bullshit abilities to balance them out compared to their less than stellar AI (namely they will not do AoE attacks, except Thancred).

Alphinaud gets his Carbuncle
Y'shtola gets supercharged versions of her spells
Urianger dual classes as AST/BLU
Exarch can do anything

give me emet selch in the frog suit

>the desperation in his voice at this point

I didn't really feel that as a death flag/fakeout
You were beginning to turn and unless you managed to merge with ardbert then Ryne was your only hope to avoid turning, so when she got shot that was basically sealing your fate

And Alisaie actually uses LB

NGL for a second thought they killed all the scions right there.

they were red herrings. it was to distract you from the fact that you were the one slated to die

Alisaie uses it at poor moments, but I've come to accept that as intentional. If you have Alphinaud with you, she'll eat a lot more AoEs, clearly expecting Alphinaud to adjust.

It sucks, but it's so in character for her I can't be mad.

How presumptuous of you lowly dps to keep me a tank waiting.

and yours is 5 reviews from literal whos?

i cant because xiv is devoid of it

Here's your (You) don't spend it all in one place

Why is Solus such a shit character? He's literally 1 note evil emperor, having people he knew died doesnt make him deep it is literally something everyone goes through
are xiv fags so desperate for an iconic villain of the likes of kefka or ardyn or sephiroth that any old fuck will do? even just a flashback version of them?

What do (You) spend (You)s on?

>he's gone
>implying we wont have echo scenes of original us and him

ok the only kino is the CGI cinematics by visual works which has nothing to do with the xiv dev team and entirely by Visual Works headed by Ikumori.


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Brainlet take
Ban evasion

>Normal raid roulette
>have tank stance on
>other tank turns his tank stance on too
>after a few seconds of the boss flip flopping between us turn mine off and decide to let the other dude have it
>dude gets hit by every mechanic
>doesn't cool down for a tankbuster and dies
>it's fine since I'm still 2nd on the aggro list
>dude gets rezzed
>immediately provokes it back off me
>ends up dying again

Fucking why

more like galaxy brain take

FFXIV and WoW are both for underage babbies


play a real MMO you cockloving pantywaists

Zenos beats the fuck out of le crazy clown

Ur a shit character

>spawn into trial
>other tank has tank stance on so I let him tank it
>throw on tank stance 30 seconds in so I can get 2nd if he bites it
>almost immediately start overtaking him on aggro
.throw a shirk his way
>only puts it off for about 15 seconds
>legitimately having to juggle my own tank stance for the entire fight because apparently this motherfucker's keys are broken
>wasn't even a GNB or DRK
I just don't know bro.

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Dont you mean whomst

Nah im waiting for Camelot Unchained (hopefully it comes out good)

Was he a GNB?


pld and war will always be the monkeys


>expansion comes out
>everyone loves it first few weeks
>raid comes out
>everyone's enjoying it
>savage comes out
>half of the community goes away after 2 weeks

Endless cycle with this game.

>tfw never done any savages, extremes, 24-mans or anything
>tfw never done any true endgame content, just story shit, some side quests and then unsub until next patch
I kind of wanna do some this time around but I feel like it's probably too late to get into a static or FC worth a damn.

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the threads finally died down...

No, some autist made another thread to piss on the wowfags.