Does Yea Forums prefer human protagonists for their games?
Does Yea Forums prefer human protagonists for their games?
what a pun
only furfags have a problem with this
aka normalfags don't wanna play as a weird alien so the suits upstairs told us not to do that
>Why does the average player prefer humans to aliens
>Why do people prefer their own race to another race
The obvious solution is a character creator but people like to see themselves in characters and feel a connection to them. Its the most normal and natural thing in the world and people connect more easily the more similar a character is to themselves. Why people act like that is strange or a crime is beyond me.
Why not a custom protagonist? Don't tell me EA wouldn't shell out enough money for a Star Wars game.
Why is playing as a green human too alienating but playing as a brown human is fine?
>people like to see themselves in characters and feel a connection to them
I've literally never felt this. I always would prefer to see a character that is different from myself because I think its more interesting than what I already know and live.
What a buncha' cowards.
This. Why not let people make what they want? Jedi Academy had a voiced protaganist too.
Most fictional alien/anthro/etc. races in fiction that aren't outright-beasts are just humans with a different-shaped body anyways. People who don't normally consume such fiction would really be the main people turned off by it.
Really though in ivdya this is usually just an excuse for why they didn't put more resources into something beside the most-frequently modeled object there is.
Giving a character a similar racial if not similar cultural background to the target audience is the easiest way to create a connection to them. Creating a connection is very important when getting an audience interested and blood is one one of the strongest ties you can find. Its why fucking 80% of fiction revolves around who people are related to.
I don't give a shit so long as it's interesting, most racebending isn't. I'll play an alien so long as my character isn't used for some hamfisted parable about immigration or some other pet politics.
You have to be pretty fucking shallow if you need to play a physical representation of yourself to not feel alienated. Sounds to me money talks and the biggest demographic to EA games are white males so they don't want to rock the boat at all.
>Why people act like that is strange or a crime is beyond me.
Because it's fucking boring and leads to shit like this where features and content are being removed because some retard can't emphasize with something that doesn't look like the brainlet in the mirror.
>Not being dirt cheap
Lmaoing at your surprise mechanic
I'd rather play as an alien that the queer jesus ginger from shameless. honestly takes me out of the story, I'd rather just have some general as fuck looking mc
the american WoW players all play human male... in a fantasy game.
>I can't identify with a character unless they look and act exactly like me
How does someone even become such a boring person?
Who would a nonhuman character alienate?
You act like character creators haven't existed for almost decades at this point. The solution to the problem is to literally let people create their character.
It's gonna sell regardless, being Star Wars. So they really might as well have had an alien protagonist just to get to be the ones that did it.
>Non-human hero
>Alienate a lot of people
Indeed. I mean, a whole lotta cartoon characters and earlier game protagonists were non-human. I don't remember people ever really having a problem with that before, unless my memory is shit.
This is very likely due to confidence/self-esteem issues.
I don't know, it seems like it's a thing everybody in the industry keeps on parroting now. I remember a screenshot of bioware of all people saying that.
this basically confirm why we don't see any Lucas alien in Nu Wars
probably a good idea since the 1970s Star Wars designs are laughably fucking terrible. not that they're much better nowadays honestly. Star Wars is doody
I remember that. How shitty is your writing ability if people can't relate to a character that doesn't visually look human?
You were never meant to emphasize with Sonic the Hedgehog. And as games became more and more realistic, a relatable protagonist is necessary.
They all get redesigned to look human
Guess Respawn's been taking writing tips from them. Frankly, it seems kinda dumb, but whatever.
Gingers aren't human.
Non-humans are perfectly relateable. It's their personality that's the biggest hurdle, at least for me.
>And as games became more and more realistic
You’re playing “Space Jesus Fights the Space Nazis with His Glowing Baseball Bat”. The more you try to take this shit seriously, the dumber you end up looking. It’s people like you who are the reason Hollywood keeps trying to make hilariously pathetic gritty reboots of innocuous children’s cartoons.
>Not playing a yellow cyborg
You do you, user.
Well I'm mad.
vs final. he's an alien, honest!
>And as games became more and more realistic, a relatable protagonist is necessary.
That isn't true, what matters to be relatable is human behaviors with a classic example rescuing a loved one. Even in the Star Wars universe itself the motivations from all the alien races are human behaviors.
Like Tali!
What a shitty excuse to just save a bit of money on CGI/makeup
Isn't Tali a lizard or something?
>no non-human hero because it can alienate a lot of people
>make games with disabled trans black "women" as MC
Character creators are always a solution to this. Everybody wins.
Even fucking Star Trek has better looking aliens than that.
>Non (binary) human hero
Why is it that I always see women and minorities bitching about representation? Are they brainlets? Wait, we know the answer to that.
I prefer white male protagonists in my games. I can't relate to subhuman niggers or women.
I want to be a nautolan
Or maybe a Bith
>play jedi academy
>make kel dor protagonist
>non human
>ITT: furfags bitch and moan that games tend to feature humans instead of fursona abominations they want to fuck
That was pretty neat.
>the fucking samurai armor with a mandalorian helmet in that scene
nuSW is so ridiculous.
>people can't relate with non-human characters
When will this meme end?
The truth is they aren't wrong. I know its hard for you to fathom but people want something they can relate to. The closer the protagonist is to them the more relatable they are.
So if its a Sci-Fi were the Protagonist is some sort of Laser Monk from the Fringes of the Zagnut Galaxy then he has to have a kind heart and love his family at least because that is something that people can relate to but it requires that they first CARE about that character and their family.
How do you do that? Well you make your character look like the audience because people naturally relate and connect to those that look like themselves. You give them a bit of hard luck and make the audience feel some sympathy for them to get them on their side. Then you do the tricks above with their family and shit but the bottom line is none of that matters if they look like a Rancor and the audience is unable to establish a connection to them.
>babies can empathize with colored shapes before this clown can empathize with a robot
Yup they're brainlets because they let their human emotions consume them, though the correct term is lack of self awareness but you've also got those that are aware yet exploit the emotional brainlets because we're a hierarchy species so you will always get those who have the will to rule complementing those who have the desire to follow. Most people in the world need purpose wherever they see it, it's a blessing and a curse for the human species.
She's a human but with lines on her face and less fingers.
for me it's the opposite the only reason I want to play someone else is due to fact I am already confident of myself
>Alienating people.
Is that a pun?
I hope you are talking about these shitty monster from the cantina like the wolfman
>Non-Human characters
>Tiny robot with human features evocative of a child
You are pretty much proving the point. The movie wouldn't have been nearly as effective if he looked like a T-800 endo-skeleton and that looks super human.
they went with a white fucking male because they don't want to risk the game flopping
>we can't have aliens now because retards would call them racist/sexist
Yes but why couldn't they have picked an attractive black female sidekick instead of black shrek?
It's Star Wars.
Fully agreed. Space and aliens are cool and all, but only if we experience them from a set of human eyes. If I'm an alien in an alien world, all this shit is normal for the main character but new and odd to me. Having a human character makes it more relatable, no matter what. Even if he sees aliens on a daily (galaxy doesn't have days but whatever) basis, his humanity is still something we have in common, and we can work from there. Also. This should go without being said, but humans >>>>>>> any alien. Aliens are gay as fuck
man jka2 now that was a game
>Aliens are gay as fuck
Sounds good to me, dude.
Connection to protagonist, who cares? When games were first created you were a rectangle that could only move up and down or a circle eating other circles.
As long as it's fun, I'm fine with being anything.
So its like any other game ever made.
It's such non-news, you have infinite options of what sort of creature the playable character could be and you settle for one that makes sense given the market you go for. If you want money from white brown haired males making a character that sorta looks like that is least riskiest choice.
What? Why isn't this thing a white female human that I can self insert as? I can't enjoy a game if it doesn't constantly tell me I'm special and empowered!
Did they get lazy and forget to put the computer in his gay ass bracelet?
Holy shit, just give me a fun game to play. I'm trying to escape reality not relate to it.
Wait, why isn't Fox McCloud a white female human? Everything needs to be about me all the time, I'm special and rules don't apply to me! Give me what I want right now!
games are based on aspects of reality, so you'll never truly be able to escape anything.
But all the weird alien shit is completely normal for a Star Wars human as well. They have nothing in common with Earth humans. How would it be different if you had an alien lose their family to the Empire and then join the Rebels? Especially considering the fact that most Star Wars aliens are basically just blue/green/hairy/slimey humanoids?
Someone post that "OH NO! I can't relate to this character!" comic. You know the one.
Come on user, can't you think of anything creative than being a one trick pony?
From this thread and others, that doesn't seem to be exclusive to women.
>Series that sold only okay
>Series which is based around not the characters but the ships themselves and did not have much of a story
The only reason why they raised this topic is because the main character is clearly European and male by them I mean the games activists.
Respawn devs are smart enough to understand that the game needs to sell copies. No one will buy a star wars game with a tranny alien as the main character which is what the activists want.
Realistic humans in general are a mistake in games.
They cripple the gameplay horribly and replace it with boring stories.
Human characters give us the strongest thing to identify with. That's why 99% of stories are about humans. Humans are the default and for good reason. Calling that "dull" and wanting to "subvert" it just to be different makes it pretty clear you are either a self-hating misanthrope or have no other options for making your already dull characters interesting. Most of all, it's about the need to connect, to relate to the struggles, the journey of the characters. Humanity is what connects us to the people around us, it's what makes the stories of old pass from generation to generation. A strange world inhabitated by strange creatures has it's charms, but it wears off after a while.
>You know the one.
I do not. Please post it.
>Most of all, it's about the need to connect, to relate to the struggles, the journey of the characters.
Characters don't need to be human for that, you know.
Having an alien character may actually increase peoples ability to emphasize.
>The researchers also showed clips of a needle pricking a hand painted bright purple. Both the Italian and African participants were more likely to empathize with this intentionally strange-looking hand than with the hand of another race, which implies that the earlier lack of empathy was due to skin color, not just difference.
It's just laziness. There's plenty of media disproving the notion and you can make people related to a fucking circle if you're good enough at writing/scene directing. All the big name animation studios would exist if people could only relate to humans in media. They also don't want to put the effort in animating and rigging nonhuman skeletons for characters or designing clothes/armor for them.
>universe filled with so many different races shown since the original trilogy all the way to RotS
>Disney Wars uses only humans and ocassionally Chewbacca
They already alienated a lot of people by only using humans in a sci-fi setting filled with hundreds of fictional races through different planets.
Aliens and fantasy races aren't people. Only humans are people.
So you're saying people don't naturally care about characters that look different from them? That sounds pretty racist.
Yeah, I've heard something about that kinda thing as well. When they're not human, people are then unable to focus on whether they're black or white or whatever.
Seriously. It's creatively bankrupt.
if you like robots so much why don't you marry robot?
I prefer someone I can identify with. A white cis Male
Yes I am claiming definitely that there is a scale on which people care about thing that starts with themselves and their family and loved ones and ends at Yog-Sothoth. People that look like them fall somewhere between their family and Yog-Sothoth and people that don't look like them are some undetermined distance after the previous placement dependent on every person.
They don't need to be aliens, either. The truth is, most people want aliens because they think it would be a breath of fresh air, but really the race doesn't matter. The problem is that most writers are creatively bankrupt. And having an alien MC won't change that. It would be just as generic.
I just don't want to be a Jedi
>ywn play the cancelled SW game that featured a gun shooting bounty hunter
Worst timeline for Star Wars
This, can we just be a mercenary again instead of having to be yet another special snowflake jedi?
So it's okay to harken to people being uncomfortable playing as other alien species, but they won't own up to people being uncomfortable playing as a white dude? yikes.
Thing is, with Star Wars, basically every protagonist has been a human so far. And in a world full of aliens, that's the annoying part.
the long star wars has gone on the less interesting jedi/sith have become and the more interesting storm/clone troopers get
There's yet another star wars game being made?
I get that. But as I stated, our character would still be a generic cookie cutter protagonist. Does the model's appearance really matter that much when it would be the same exact story?
But user, Bounty Hunter came out ages ago.
>Does the model's appearance really matter that much when it would be the same exact story?
Eh, visual variety can help.
Fuck you I didn't see that
>Its the most normal and natural thing in the world
Self-insertion is the most basic, narcissistic and selfish form of emotional connection a human being is capable of feeling. It's natural, sure. Human beings are selfish creatures by nature. But we've reached a point in history and culture where selfishness is a trait that should be looked down on and avoided. To connect with someone or something that looks like you is superficial and disingenuous.
yes you might feel less connected to him.
but at the same time you are playing as something cool and unique that not enough videogames don't see people complaining about feeling alienated when they play mecha games or stuff.
surprise surprise: there are other things that exist to make someone feel attached to a character, like customization, cutscenes, a goddamn heartfelt story, getting through hard parts of the gamewith him.
All stuff that AAA can afford.
hollow knight, baba is you, crash bandicoot series, and a shit ton of other popular games kill this argument
James Cameron made a gorillian dollars and made people want to be 9 foot blue cat things.
>Oh look at how enlightened I am
>See how I'm enjoying something that is so DIFFERENT
>I'm so enlightened I'm not an animal at all
You are a literal cuckold. Nothing is more selfish than not letting your loved ones freely fuck the people they want to right? Since you are so enlightened you must let them fuck freely since jealously is a natural, basic and selfish desire. Right? It should be looked down upon. Great work cuck.
>Kel-Dor and Rodian have the same voice as the others
They could have at least added a filter to make the voice sound more alien. Rodians speaking english just sounds wrong
Self inserters are cancer
Hell, people loved the Prawns from District 9.
Fucking Avatar, one of the most overrated movies I've ever watched.
Cameron had psychologists make those blue fuckers be empathetic as fuck. Gave them big eyes and other childlike features to tug on your heartstrings on an unconscious level. You may not have noticed it, but your brain did.
Never heard of the Lifeboat analogy have you? Because you are a prime example of someone who is going to get replaced by people who put themselves first.
I didn't play FFXV because it's not a "and they all lived happily ever after" ending. I avoid all "life sucks, and then you literally die" games.
How do you know people don't want to play another race?
Almost in all fucking story games you play as a shitty little human, every single fucking time.
I want special abilities and shit not some monkey who learnt how to make a fire
I'm not a retard that needs to self identify to enjoy and empathise with a character so no.
a fucking shrimps
the movie was ok
Though I liked prawns a whole lot more than the Navi. Of course, they did have large eyes too, from what I remember, at least.
I don't play games with character editors because I literally cannot self-insert that way, it has the opposite effect.
Ever since Disney took over their designs for aliens is just plain ugly, just look at the alien dude left of him. WTF is that who thought it was a good idea.
Not to mention more and more in the newer films we hardly see any of the god tier aliens like twileks or togrutas, so if it the protagonist was an alien it wouldnt be an alien we already know
Most people want to play humans. Look at the WoW race breakdown. Its just them being lazy that you didn't have a player creator which would satisfy the most people.
The guy looks like an alien anyway
>alien protagonist alienates people
Does a black protagonist make people blackened?
>Missing the obvious BLACKED
>Prequel Aliens
multicultural and multispecies giant universe
>Sequel Aliens
a bunch of mutated space jews
Look at these asshurt replies. Your philosophy lines up perfectly with identitarians who only feel empathy with mirror reflections of themselves. It's straight up sociopathic behavior.
Never grew up with Star Wars, what's the appeal?
It had some 10/10 games and TCW was a great but I had no strong feeling for any of the films and never got that deep into the EU.
thanks for remind me that shit exist
space samurai wizards
And scientists still can't recall a single line of dialogue in that movie.
>wahh why do women and minorities need representation
>game includes a black character or woman
>the correct term is lack of self awareness
jesus christ
>selfishness is a trait that should be looked down on and avoided
It's okay to be selfish, we wouldn't get shit done if we didn't each have the desire to take all, the problem lies with how far you go being ultimately destructive to you and everyone around you which is the problem.
I like playing humans on my first run and others in a second run. If I can't play as a human its not a deal breaker for me.
>Most people want to play humans. Look at the WoW race breakdown
It shows the race with most people, at like 16% which means 84% have something other than human, granted some are very basic variations of a human like elves but still
It's my product, I pay for it. This is literally like paying for hentai with a a story you don't like, and being told "muh empathy". What empathy? It's my item, if I wouldn't be turned on by an idea like that in real life why the fuck would I be turned on by that shit in fiction I paid for?
I guess they shouldn't have made them into superstitious savages with backwards customs then because if there's one thing that is bound to make a kitten anything but adorable is them attempting to crucify you or something.
>Not addressing the fact you are an actual and unironic cuckold
Oh my fucking sides
Or it could be the sign of a stunted ability to actually empathize with others, the player can only be made to care about someone else's trauma if the character looks enough like them so they can be led into caring due to a "oh wow, that would suck if that happened to me" factor.
These are the kind of corporate decisions that i hate the most because it's a decision that out of touch corporate suits take. Majority of SW fans would prefer to play as an alien species since everyone is tired of humans only
Difference is that shit its being shoehorned in and over represented in everything. Plus its often a red flag for a shit game anyway. Nobody is scrambling to force you to play as an ayy lmao
>Nobody is scrambling to force you to play as an ayy lmao
I wish.
Yes. are you a shield wielding dog? a fucking magic duck? no you are a human, and nothing is greater than that.
>b-but I like elves
Fuck off knife ear.
>Star Wars
>pretty much all aliens are just rubber suit people
>no "real human connection"
how does one be this daft
>white men screaming about white women screaming about white men
Why can't whitoids just scream themselves to death already, then patriarchal minority societies can throw Progressivism in the fucking trash.
I think the general public does prefer human characters for some fucking reason but for star wars I don't see why people would be against playing as another race. It seems like a dumb shallow attempt to try to get a braod demo but why would anyone buy star wars shit if they weren't a fan in this day in age. Or Devs are hacks and are the ones who can't into non relatable human characters despite one of the main appeals of sci-fi is races that aren't human.
You're an idiot if you think adding a minority or a woman is a problem. How many times has it got to be said that the SJW's do it because their intent is social engineering. They believe that to fix societal ills, to bring about utopia the medium has to be presented in a specific way. They are the modern day inquisition trying to purge what they consider heresy.
>actual and unironic cuckold
I think you mean "figurative", "non-actual", "metaphorical", something along those lines
Take a break from Yea Forums dude, it's not healthy for you.
man, there were a lot of things wrong with episode 2 but the ayyy mommy wasn't one of them
>needing your character to be a reflection of you
This is very likely due to confidence/self-esteem issues. People who do this are constantly seeking validation.
I don't know what you're talking about but I do know that half of the users in Resetera are essentially pedophiles and sexual molesters trying to hide their tracks by pretending to be progressive so I'm going to take the picture you posted with an extreme case of salt.
I mean it literally as in you are sitting at your computer wearing actual horns of your cuckoldry as your significant other fucks some Philippino gardener. You literal cuckold.
Take note of how many times they use words like "icky" and "gross" as well as how they attempt to slip in that little bit about "pure evil."
They're trying to make it seem like they're objectively correct because these things that they're fighting are not only logically, but MORALLY reprehensible on an objective level. That's obvious as fuck, but also keep in mind that they will never, ever be able to 100% wipe out anime titties and the like and they fucking know it; they're desparate to make themselves look like the good guys. Every post you see about "winning the culture war" is bullshit; they're fighting a fight they will never win because they're fighting against human nature. Societal views of sexuality pander to men because men are the gender that chase sexuality; sperm is cheaper than eggs and an incubation period, and women are biologically inclined to be picky.
Both Resetera and Reddit are pozzed as fuck and a complete embarrassment, but it's not too late for video games as a whole or for this place. Remember that tits and ass are forever, and long after we're all dead there will be tits and ass in all forms of media because it sells and is the baseline of the human experience. This is not a war, so it's not correct to treat it as one; this is a cultural fad that will die long before your ability to watch boobs bounce in a fighting game will.
>your significant other
Don't you remember where you are?
I play games that're good. Human or non-human is irrelevant. And I don't think I'll be touching this game, not until it's on sale for $10
There is nothing saying that said gardener isn't just forcefully raping his right hand against his will.
user replied to my post sarcastically with irony over lack of self awareness. I then made the point that those who criticize SJW's don't give a flying fuck if a protagonist is a minority or a woman, the kickback has always been over intent of social engineering.
Fuck this shitty game, who wants to play as a jedi cuck. Bring 1313 back so I can be a scumbag bounty hunter and capture deathstick dealers and shit.
I disagree.
I think it's more about getting a sense of moral superiority, projection of their shame of their own or as I said in my other post a way to pretend to be the "good guy" so people won't figure out about the skeletons in their closet.
Look at it this way. If they actually succeed in their social engineering, then who are they going to be superior to now?
What a dumb piece of shit.
>that pic
Good shit.
>Self insert
I prefer animal people.
is that why they made him white?
Jesus man, have sex.
Gay shit. This is why we never got a Halo spinoff where you play as an Elite in a Spec-Ops unit under old Halfjaw cleaning up political insurrection in the wake of the Covenant disbanding.
Ah. The facade slips away.
>I then made the point that those who criticize SJW's don't give a flying fuck if a protagonist is a minority or a woman, the kickback has always been over intent of social engineering.
This is a paranoid delusion, user.
It would only alienate one person
He isn't wrong.
I want to play as a Trandoshan.
Yes, he is. He's making a meaningless distinction and throwing around scary-sounding words like "social engineering" to make it seem like something nefarious is going on. What do SJWs actually want? More minorities and women in games. Why? For the sake of it. The agenda doesn't really extend beyond that. The only "social engineering" going on is that people will see that the world doesn't fucking end if a character is a black woman and hopefully go on with their lives. So if you already do not have a problem with that, what actually is the problem?
that guy is going to be the only white male character in the entire game and it´s still going to be full of sjw / feminist momemnts
I cry for the potential.
Disney wars is shit no matter what they do
>for the sake of it
To normalize them as the norm in the west while they're stealing what is rightfully yours, retard. That's why you have black Lancelot, not "for the sake of it".
Hell yeah.
This guy DOES know that Exhentai has a femdom category, yeah?
>while they're stealing what is rightfully yours
Are you retarded?
See Image @ ()
> True balance would mean allowing women to domiante narratives for a time.
>for a time
Delightfully ambiguous, and most definitely more ambitious than simply wanting more games featuring more women and minorities.
You are either uninformed, or being disingenuous.
>He's making a meaningless distinction and throwing around scary-sounding words like "social engineering"
The Resetera post I uploaded is evidence enough that SJW's are networking to social engineer creative works. It's not an opinion it's a fact and besides, societies have always had and always will have social engineers because heretical purging is part of the human condition.
>>the world wouldn't end with a black woman as protagonist of a game
Of course not, but I have no interest in playing a black women or any other sort of minority for the majority of the game and I will not buy a game where I am forced to do so. The only exception I am prepared to make for this is for Japanese characters in Japanese games.
No, but you are. Kill yourself for the sake of it.
I love playing as Lester the unlikely
Yes, and it's all for literal cuckolds. That's his point.
See, this is what I was getting at with "paranoid delusions".
Also, don't claim to be fine with minority characters when you think accepting minorities is a conspiracy to hurt you. Why the mental gymnastics? Just say you hate minorities, damn. It's fucking Yea Forums. You're anonymous.
What's your point?
Again, if the extent of the "social engineering" is just getting society to accept minorities, and you claim not to have a problem with minorities, then there is literally nothing to complain about.
Thank you for your boilerplate Yea Forums opinion, really adds to the conversation.
Stop getting so triggered.
This is true, even when they give you the option to be an alien it has to be an humanoid.
>there are anons in this thread who don’t want to get down with hot alien babes as a glorious human male
Weaklings the lot of ya
>Rube's females
Another one.
The whole thread about this interview is impressive, they are literally racist against white (male) and mixed people.
> What's your point
(You): "What do SJWs actually want? More minorities and women in games. Why? For the sake of it. The agenda doesn't really extend beyond that."
> Provides exert of a SJW rambling about their ideal endgame
Me: "(This is) most definitely more ambitious than simply wanting more games featuring more women and minorities."
Jedi Academy was/is a fucking good game.
Hey Jaden
I do because I play games for spectacle and story and if I cant satisfy my narcissism by making my character look like me and look like a bad ass narratively then why bother?
>(This is) most definitely more ambitious than simply wanting more games featuring more women and minorities.
But it's not. The part you wanted me to read was literally about more games featuring women.
>Again, if the extent of the "social engineering" is just getting society to accept minorities, and you claim not to have a problem with minorities, then there is literally nothing to complain about.
Yes there is because the intent is to control everyone's choices to bring a utopia. SJW's are not just making creative works and then putting them in a free market, they are trying to change other people's creative vision either through state censorship, corporate censorship, regional editing or god old fashion mob shaming.
Besides video games have never had a problem with representation, ever. I'm 38, grew up on SNK fighting games, it's all there but it isn't enough for SJW's because they want totality through force if necessary.
>Pick up new RPG
>Make my character
>Intro starts with a giant dragon burning down a village
>Your MC goes "whoa, fuck that"
>Goes home and shitposts on his wooden computer
No, dude. They're trying to change people's minds by exposing them through alternatives. It's the whole point of free speech. People aren't being controlled by SJWs any more than they are by society in general.
>game features black female
>game features white male
make up your goddamn minds, Yea Forums hivemind
That post starkly expresses a desire to alter, or *engineer*, the games industry in order to operate in a particular way.
And while this single SJW may not have the clout required to enact his desires onto the world, there is a precedent these sorts of people to band together and employ various soft pressures to individuals, groups and institutions in order to change their behavior.
>make up your goddamn minds
SJW's don't operate like that, these past 5 years have shown that they are quite happy to twist and disrespect established creative works and spit in the face of those who complain over the disrespect, accusing and calling critics all manner of criminal behaviors under the sun and if that doesn't work, destroy their careers by contact their places of work so they get fired and become unemployable.
>By exposing them to the alternatives
>SJWs proceed to attempt to censor literally every opposing opinion and shame, ban berate and attack those that defy them
>they aren't try to control anything bro
They quite literally fascists.
>nigger joke
Does Yea Forums prefer the same shit everytime for their games?
>That post starkly expresses a desire to alter, or *engineer*, the games industry in order to operate in a particular way.
Actually it's just wishful thinking that the poster admits is unrealistic without any plans of achieving it. Again, you're resorting to scary words to make it sound like something bad is happening when it isn't. Even if they had "clout" you're not really describing anything other than "convincing people your ideas are good".
Not really. I think Yea Forums has had more success with those methods in the opposite direction.
Drop the ridiculous hyperbole, please. You share this board with plenty of actual literal fascists, I don't think they'd appreciate the comparison.
All political rhetoric aside, is there anyone that doesn’t think this game looks fucking terrible?
I do because humanity fuck yeah death to all xenos! Humans are the master race.
>Not really. I think Yea Forums has had more success with those methods in the opposite direction.
Most of Yea Forums just want their shit left well alone, if they had a problem with minorities and women you wouldn't get the minority waifufagging over Darli Dagger for example.
The problem has always been the agenda, not minorities or women. You will always get some cunts who's do hate women and minorities here but they are not the majority. As a whole the majority of the gaming community doesn't give a shit, they just want the shit to be good.
They are both actual fascists. The SJWs just happen to be in power at the moment. The other side would be doing the same in the other direction. They aren't in power though so we are dealing with these fucking people.
>The problem has always been the agenda, not minorities or women.
Yes, so you keep saying, but the problem with that is that the agenda boils down to nothing more than "more minorities and women". It's just racism with an extra step and a built-in excuse for why it's okay when Japan does it.
>The SJWs just happen to be in power at the moment.
You are utterly delusional.
>The SJWs just happen to be in power at the moment.
user is right, though it's more they have the biggest power of "influence". See video for example.
Then you have all the stuff that's been happening to movies like Star Wars, Marvel movies, comics, SJW, sphere of influence is fucking massive that it's the dominant political force in the west.
Except for the actual political offices held by people. SJWs don't have influence, they're the people you wish you could influence because they're the ones makes the games.
sjws don't make games excepting shit-tier walking sims like gone home, they just screech and blackmail actual game devs until they capitulate to their censorious demands
>Except for the actual political offices held by people
Your argument falls apart when the UK for example has a Women's and Equalities committee.
>SJWs don't have influence
Yes they fucking do.
Why are you going to bat so hard for SJWs friend? Is this really the hill you want to die on?
> Actually it's just wishful thinking that the poster admits is unrealistic without any plans of achieving it.
"Anyways I never expected that out of this industry or any other. This whole thing is just such a nakedly cowardly response."
The real thing sounds a little different than your sanitized interpretation of it. A touch more venomous and, dare I say, spiteful than the picture you painted. It's also interesting to note that the poster in question doesn't admit that his hopes are untenable, or even imply it in fact, he just bitterly laments that they haven't come to pass.
>Again, you're resorting to scary words to make it sound like something bad is happening when it isn't. Even if they had "clout" you're not really describing anything other than "convincing people your ideas are good".
The thing you are trying, and transparently failing, to convince people of being a good faith utilization of the Open marketplace of Ideas is simply not. It's a genuine attempt at social engineering via unscrupulous means. Several other posters have already given examples, ranging from coercion to shaming to doxxing, though it is obvious you aren't actually interested in actually engaging with them.
Seriously, you cannot spin this into a positive thing. Almost everyone on Yea Forums is fully aware of what Social Justice is about.
This user here Listen I've said my piece now, you obviously need some time to digest this all in and I'm tired giving you examples. Later.
A fellow of similar feelings. Humans are always the least interesting people in a setting to me for that reason.
Rosh Penin? More like Rosh Penis!
Um, that's very non inclusive of them.
>people like to see themselves in characters and feel a connection to them
Spyro was great and I ain't a dragon. San Andreas was great and I ain't a dindu. I honestly don't understand where this obsession with self insertion came from, but it is at best a lousy excuse for not being creative and at worst ruins games such as BFV since we now half female asians running around. Just stop it
These things were my favorite Star Wars race or whatever those sexy twin tentacle girls are called.
Disney Wars continues to disappoint.
Bullshit. You're just completely fabricating shit right now to cope with the fact that game devs aren't your pals and for the most part don't share your views on race and gender relations. Either you have to admit that most devs are SJWs, or most games aren't SJW, in which case, no problem, right?
>Why are you going to bat so hard for SJWs friend? Is this really the hill you want to die on?
Because you people let this mass delusion-cum-conspiracy theory spiral out of control and it's negatively affecting your mental health.
>A touch more venomous and, dare I say, spiteful than the picture you painted.
I don't care about tone policing, I care about whether or not anyone is actually being "socially engineered" by a whiny forum post, or even a whole whiny forum. They're not.
>Several other posters have already given examples, ranging from coercion to shaming to doxxing, though it is obvious you aren't actually interested in actually engaging with them.
Yes, bold claims that none of them backed up.
What an incredibly odd excuse to bow out of a discussion.
>>Thank you for your boilerplate Yea Forums opinion, really adds to the conversation.
Cry some moar, you nigger faggot. No white man with taste wants to play as a negro in general, and frankly vice-versa is also true. But nobody and I do mean NOBODY wants to play as the sort of "female" character that Reetardera would consider acceptable.
Thank you for your refreshing honesty.
AC: we wuz and that GTA with the negroid mutt were both huge success so no.
Yes when a game is good enough it doesn't need to rely on basic tricks to build a connection to the player that is correct. Do you think that they are capable of making you care about a human much less a non-human?
I prefer it when protagonists don't even have a face.
Going full mute is a bit ridiculous, though.
>I prefer it when protagonists don't even have a face.
Hell yeah. I love full masks/helmets.
I don't get shit like this. I can tell whenever my dog is sad. Why do people need to see another human being feel these emotions? Also, why are they acting like the alien they'd have made wouldn't be humanoid in nature anyway? This shit is such goy bullshit. They made it a guy because if they didn't they'd have made fuck all cash due to people who play Star Wars games being the same autistic retards crying about The Last Jedi.
Disney has a weird fixation with everything being A canon.
Haven't played Titanfall or Apex so don't know if Respawn is a capable developer. Won't play it anyway since it's going on Origin. Just wanted to say my piece on that idiotic argument the other user was trying to push off as "people agree with me on"
It isn't an incorrect argument and it is why there is a Chinese character is most movies now to pander to the Chinese so the point is valid. The onus is just on the developer to make you care about the characters. The problem is most developers have a problem getting people to relate to human characters. See YIIK and how a sociopath to understand people at all for an example. Adding them being aliens with an entirely different set of well everything adds a new layer that they have to deal with. Its a layer of complexity that in a serious story becomes a real problem. In a kids game its fine but if you are in a serious WRPG it becomes an issue. Its the same vein as saying sex sells. It does but you don't need it to sell.
That retarded reasoning of "has to look like me so i can connect with it" is why we end up with boring pandering charactes with any sort of personality and mediocre stories...this game will be shit. Thanks Disney.
The jews making these statements aren't humans obviously.
No, I hate fleshbags. And fuck captcha and fuck google.
I don't. I'd rather play as a demon or a faefolk.
Yeah the lack of aliens in the New star wars properties sucks and the new ones they try to introduce lack soul.
>if there's one thing that is bound to make a kitten anything but adorable is them attempting to crucify you or something
Bwood fo da Bwood God nya! >:3
I don't care what the character is as long as it isn't a black woman.
Besides, those are all just excuses, they know the starwars audience consists of white men so betting on a white male protagonist is bound to be a good choice.
The only people who seethe about it are nu-feminist / sjw retards with next to no knowledge about the franchise.
They're the ones who scream of how empowering Rey is when she's the strongest jedi in history and who just asspulls all of her powers.
This is what women like, success without any effort
Based Kel-dor.
Based and droidpilled.
I didn't say it was an incorrect, just that it is unnecessary, lazy and detrimental to focus on as a developer. Which it seems like you agree with.
>Adding them being aliens with an entirely different set of well everything adds a new layer that they have to deal with
I'd say it removes a whole bunch of layers since it takes away their obsession with pandering to every ethnicity and 98 genders. Everyone is back at an even ground again. I don't understand why it is even an issue to begin with and that should probably have been the developers answer instead of making this illogical excuse
Do you guys want another kotor when EA loses the license. Watching BioWare seethe as it's made by someone else and implode if it's actually good might be worth it.
Normies are actually autistic and their heads hurt if they have to play as something they can't immediately physically relate to
List one.
>They're trying to make it seem like they're objectively correct
who makes an argument to be wrong?
Gaider had the most real talk excuse ever when he said that if it would look weird to make out with it then they don't add it as a romance option. Also apparently "no dwarf chicks" because busty shortstacks are pedo but the people who say that are gay men (like Gaider) or pedophiles (like resetera)
that said it's really dumb because Jedi Knight 3 let you choose from about 4 potential races to create your character. Humans, tentacleheads, those green dudes with little martian antenna, and like a different kind of tentaclehead.
I’m okay with playing as a non-human as long as it looks cool. Star Wars aliens almost all look fucking retarded, it’s not a series that got popular for the aliens. Hell, the only non-human, non-droid in the entire movie series that could be considered a major character is Yoda. ONE character.
Playing as a droid might be cool though.
It shows a lack of creativity.
What about Chewbacca?
Yea Forums
>Stop making women characters and niggers! No one wants to play them and most gamers are me so you should cater to that!
Also Yea Forums
>wtf why don't they try to cater to everyone?!
Oh right, him too, though he’s completely pointless to the plot.
Imagine saying so much and being so wrong.
>Characters need to have the exact same sexuality/skin color as me or I can't relate!
Also /resetera/
>wtf why don't they make alien characters that look nothing like me?!
Oh look I can argue like a strawmanning 10 year old as well.
as long as it is a cute alien girl I wouldn't mind.
>a whole lotta cartoon characters and earlier game protagonists were non-human
Yeah, and games from that era were only for the freaks and the outcasts. Normies don't want to play a blue hedgehog, a green alien chick, or a fucking intergalactic spider. They want someone on screen with at least vaguely understandable origins and motives and expressions.
Or, to put it another way, they don't want to suffer from the kind of shit a Squeenix JRPG puts you through, where you have to read a fucking in game encyclopedia and psychoanalyze the characters just to get what the fuck is going on.
Joe average does not want to have to wrap his head around the internal struggles of being a psychic green alien woman with 3 tits, 4 arms, and 2 vaginas in a galaxy where everyone is starting to hate psychics, green alien women, and especially 2 vaginas. He wants to play as a guy at least somewhat like him, someone who looks like him (or is at least the same species and gender as him), acts like him, and responds to situations like he would.
One didn't happen, so it's not even a strawman, just a lie.
>you can't hate a race that doesn't exist
Sounds like we all know what to do then.
Then remove voice acting. I cannot form a connection when Chris Nolan's voice is coming out of my mouth.
do normies really have an allergic reaction to non-human characters
its not like it wouldnt just be humanoid anyway
And needing to feel connected to a character could be the cause of narcissism.
Oddworld is one of my favourite game franchises and there's not a single human anywhere in it.
Fuck normies then they don’t want to play video games they want live action visual novels
>Watching BioWare seethe as it's made by someone else
By then Bioware won't even exist anymore. They're likely in their last fiscal year.
BioWare said that people can't relate to different people, so it must be true. They're only human, after all.
White people are the only ones who've adopted this faux-enlightened way of thinking, and future generations of whites will increasingly abandon it as they see the effects that sort of thinking has on their society.
His words still don't make sense to me. What about ME:A's story was one that'd only make sense with a human protagonist?
Pretty sure it's just memes. The humans in ME:A didn't exactly inspire empathy, apart from a vague sense of concern that there may be something seriously wrong with them.
Do you believe conservative intentions are pure and good and not literally identical to what you just said? Like, word for word.
They just need to rest their tired faces.
maybe you're the retard for not understanding that human culture is the relating point to anything.
there is NO REASON to play an alien. Unless you make humans the focus point and have your character be like: "oh, humans are so fascinating".
>What about ME:A's story was one that'd only make sense with a human protagonist?
The part where your character looks like a fucking human being, and not a green alien polyglot with 3 tits, 4 penises and 15 vaginas.
Normies don't feel comfortable playing video games where their character doesn't look at least a little bit like them. They can't distinguish between their character on screen and themselves. These are the guys at the arcade 20 years ago who'd call you a faggot for picking Chun Li, who literally threw away the second disk of Resident Evil 2 because is has a picture of Claire on it (not even joking, I knew guys in High School who did this with their copies), and who drop a copy of Metroid Prime like a hot fucking potato when someone else in the store casually mentions the fact that Samus is a chick under that suit, who freak the fuck out when a guy plays a chick in an MMO.
Just the THOUGHT of playing something different from them, even the knowledge that other people do this, is enough to make them angry and confused. Now imagine trying to market to them a game where you play as some ugly as fuck green alien thing. That's not just a failed marketing campaign, that's probably the end of your entire studio.
>non-human hero would be cool but it could alienate a lot of people
You play as CJ in GTA San Andreas and people didn't seem to mind.
Yes, I refuse to play as blacks
Maybe the white males arent crying since your fucking everywhere.
God forbid a game does not include you because you go ape fucking shit just like everyone else.
At the very least everyone else has experienced this for years and does not throw a full on tantrum unlike entitled straight white males
CJ's the son of Zeus, user. He's more than human.
> Normies don't feel comfortable playing video games where their character doesn't look at least a little bit like them. They can't distinguish between their character on screen and themselves
Mate. These are Mass effect aliens. They all conform to general human morphology and have facial structures that human brains can read.
If we were talking the Hanar or Elcor you'd have a point, but Asari, Krogans, Drell, Salarians, Turians, Batarians? Fuck man, even the Vorcha.
>God forbid a game does not include you
I don't care, I don't need characters to project myself onto, I play games to escape reality not to have my ego stroked.
I prefer them to not be human or even humanoid at all. If I had my way, I would be playing with a Two-headed Snake-ish Alien as the protagonist of every game I've ever played.
>no spinoff where you play as Blasto the Hanar Spectre
Why two heads, though?
The irony of this post.
I'd like a game where you could play as a hardboiled Elcor detective.
Or alternatively, a slice of life comedy starring a generic Geth drone.
It is correct
One head would be the player's avatar, the other head would be the main character.
Because custom protags are always paper thin and never come out right because you have to restrict everything to a narrow scope of neutrality so that the choices you've allowed that the player may potentially make can't contradict anything else.
I don't. when faced with Tolken character races I try my best to play the least humanoid character.
I go straight for the most ridiculous race or robot in any other game.
Because I'm human and playing as one would be fucking boring.
>Just want to play big dick lizardman
I used to do soap but now im clean.
>most popular hero of all time
>not human
BDZ was a monkey business.
>We wanted to add a lava character but the idea was too lit.
>we wanted to make an ice protagonist but we heard gamers now preffer chaotic protagonists
I want cool lightsaber combat, not a cinematic experience.
But they can only do the latter, apparently.
>It's now okay to blatantly discriminate against fictional aliens.
If anything Wookies, Twilek, Jawas etc. are minorities and they're deserving of the same preferential treatment in media given to other minorities (blacks). It's hateful and against diversity to have a human protagonist in 2019.
What's a surprise mechanic?
im glad everyone called you a retard for this
Yes. Only white male.
FFS, make him gay to please SJWs and others.