Hints: Off

>Hints: Off

Attached: 3a62n1wawcdy.png (230x328, 11K)

more like
>anti-aliasing: on

>Auto-target: On

Attached: 1543195065266.jpg (1024x768, 55K)

>tutorials: off
>no clue how to do anything

>Tgm: on

Attached: 1513233619269.jpg (1082x695, 287K)

>hints off
>crosshair off
>ui off

>Difficulty: off

Attached: 1561924878385.png (662x478, 22K)

>Tips: see Instruction Manual
>Internet: Off

Attached: Yummy.jpg (700x700, 47K)

>Reverse god mode: Enabled

Attached: Cosmic_brain_apu.gif (755x708, 1.04M)

>Sound: Mono

Attached: 3B80EB41-D1E3-4D39-B516-0DAD6BB66C90.jpg (265x331, 12K)

>Aim Assist: Off

Attached: 1427162342675.jpg (295x418, 66K)

>casual filter: on

Attached: 1558362491594.png (938x789, 880K)

>Dead zone aiming: On
>Manual bolting: On

Attached: 1559176744451.png (356x326, 107K)

>You have to be an Epic Gamer to unlock this option
>Sign up for Epic Gamer Rewards? $19.99 a month

Attached: no.png (1271x719, 1.11M)

>head bobbing: on
>trails: on
>motion blur: on

Attached: puke.jpg (420x408, 31K)

Realtalk do you think it would be possible for a mortal to complete every Runescape quest blind without using guides?

how many years would it take?
you know some quest are absolute bullshit and vague as fuck in what you have to do.

>Games: 5,000+
>Total Spent: $0.00

Attached: 1531576799222.png (327x297, 49K)

What is dead zone aiming

Like Red Orchestra where the weapon moves independently of the camera.

>turn tv/monitor off

Get on my level plebians

>Hitbox: on

>wait a minute, that card

Attached: 1504909709662.png (612x491, 98K)

I'll never understand why they greenlit that

They're developers, not gamers.

>no FOV option

Attached: 1537163639519.png (900x1042, 90K)

>black percentage of game population slider

I swear every garbage walking simulator does this shit, it's like they don't even want the tiny niche of people interested in this genre to bother playing their game.

Attached: 1549622795467.jpg (750x750, 91K)

>white percentage of game population slider

oh..wait.. thats soon to be a reality

Attached: 85a.png (990x1146, 963K)

anyone come to mind?

>breed out white people
>no more white girls

U mad blackboi?

>Master Volume : 0%
>Switch to another windowed game in your one monitor
>switch to another one after completing one mission

Attached: UltimateRugalshirtrip.gif (300x380, 83K)

>"I don't like (Feature)"
>"Turn it off"
>"B-but the game is built around it"
>Literally completed the entire game without it
>Guy proceeds to argue about how if it's in the game it's been tailor made to be used by everyone
That's how I know someone doesn't have a PC, the type of retard that would have a 770 and refuse to turn off anything and then bitch his FPS is shit

>no more hot white pale girls
Thank fuck I will be dead by the time this happens.