Why are we so obsessed with this game?

Why are we so obsessed with this game?

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Contrarianism since most of the world prefers Fallout 3.

to fit in

because it's the best open world rpg of all time

not true at all

Most of the world are fucking idiots

fallout 3 is empty compared to fallout new vegas

incel fantasy game

This, same with the faggots who claim to like Doom, Deus Ex & God Hand

how do i make this game fun


Cope more, that's how most of the world views Yea Forums. Even Yea Forums considers this board the scum of the earth

depends on what you're looking for, NV has a story that is ways ahead of anything Bethesda has ever done, while Fallout 3 has a better world to explore, so if you're the average retard coming off of Skyrim and play both games to just explore and stumble into shit to do, Fallout 3 will be the better game, similarly how Fallout 4 will be superior to Fallout 3 because it does that aspect so much better while it is horrendous dog shit in every other aspect.

Where my LUCKy bros at?

Based. Only autist who want to "stick it" to Bethesda pretend to prefer the desert walking Sim that is NV

bent tin can

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Do like I did, install realism mods, get distracted jacking off to naked corpses and never finish the story

Cope what? When NV came out all my normie friends would say it's good and better than 3, I argued 3 was better at that time becuase I had nostalgia. Now with modded NV and playing it completely I realize it's the better game.

Fallout 3's only flaw is that they didn't spend the entire game in the vault & have it end upon reaching the wasteland after hours of it being built up as some paradise


>new vegas drones

How is this the best RPG ever. It sucks so much. Its buggy and cities have 12 peasants in it.

I mean all the fallout games are pretty garbage in their own right, but NV is definitely the best one.

for me, it's the Tops

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>new vegas drones

Nice try faggot go back to where you came from.
Dumb faggot, it's clear you've never read a single thread on the topic in the past 9 years or choose to ignore them.
I also accuse you of being a bandwaggining faggot since your whole argument is based on popularity, go back to tumblr.

Because we hate Bethesda games so much we pretend to like a game that has many of the same problems just because it wasn't made by them

it's not the best rpg ever, but unlike fallout 3 it tries to be one.
It felt more like an actual sequel to Fallout 1/2, although it feels very restricted because of the engine it's in and the time they had to develop it

Well it doesn't have the problem of having a completely garbage story and lifeless/soulless factions. It does have actual rpg mechanics so there's that.

>no hookers

Fair enough, can agree with that. There was a lot to like about the game but I start playing it because it was hyped as fucking amazing and it really wasn't.

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>but I start playing it because it was hyped as fucking amazing and it really wasn't
could be that a lot of the fans fooled you into thinking it's a flawless game that everyone should play.
Truth is NV is more like Vtmb or Deus ex, a deeply flawed game where the good aspects are so great that people love it despite its problems.
so if you're the kind of guy that can enjoy a clunky game like that, you'll love it, but if you need a more polished experience you'll just end up confused

I miss him bros.

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not only are there a bunch of mods, but the mods have become streamlined so you don't need to dick around for three hours to get the game working
oh and just ignoring the main quest

>Pete increases with game difficulty

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I never got the love for this game. The first part of the main quest (finding benny) is basically just an on rails experience going from town to town until you get to the strip. Then you get to the strip, and the game is now "choose your faction". So you choose a faction and they all basically have the same quests (boomers, brotherhood, omertas...). I agree that the game has really great dialogue options and an interesting faction-based approach, but the game is more fun to talk about than actually play in my opinion. I like Fallout 3 more, I just think a lot of the missions feel more substantial, going into more developed interiors, with a more variable landscape and better rewards to find while exploring. And the lower prevalence of caps makes you feel a lot more like a scrounger.



Based, Fallout 3's world and atmosphere is GOAT

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One of my friends has like 2000 hours in this on steam. how can you possibly play one game so much? I've never gone over 100 hours in any single game.

Why is the vegetation in Fallout 3 nonexistent? Shouldn't everything be overgrown like Chernobyl?

It's fun to re-discover after giving it a rest for several months. There's always a new idea for a character build or new mod to try out. Kind of like with Skyrim, which keep reinstalling twice a year.

why does it matter?

I honestly prefer the map and atmosphere of 3, but I hate how it kinda forces you to play as a good guy with the reputation system and the singular faction

Multiple playthroughs

Fallout doesn't follow the main world's rules, don't think about it too much its a video game.

But thats still an insane amount of hours

>everywhere cloudy and dark
Fucking yawn

Which is why Bethesda can't even follow its own lore.

a full playthrough with all dlcs is 150hours, more than that if you go for completionist

Because it's good and Yea Forums are contrarians.

I've beat all the main quests and all dlc and my steam says 67 hours

why are you such a faggot when there's tons of attractive females in the world?

It's unique. Cloudy, desolate, but weirdly serene, and everything feels tinted with radiation.

I liked it when it came out and I still like it now. It's one of the better Fallout titles and I put it on par with the first two. Faggots hating on it are the same assholes now on Yea Forums that are shitting on STALKER even though it's been a beloved series of games on Yea Forums for a fucking decade.
Fuck off.

you clearly rushed everywhere and didn't explore shit nor did all the side quests

if you don't play Tale of Two Wastelands you are gay

Obsidian made a more "lore faithful" version but that's about it, everything else is basically trash and even the most important thing THE OPEN WORLD, I saw yet another thread yesterday about someone complaining about Cazadores we're in FO3 you can walk around the whole map and explore as you please and don't get swamped by OP enemies spawning because the dev team wants you to pad your play time.

I have over 1k hours in NV and more than 700 in STALKER CoP. If there's a game that tickles your autism it's something you can keep coming back to and mods can prolong a game's lifespan almost indefinitely, see Doom and all the .wads for it.

I like to get through games as quickly as possible so I can move on to next game

Bitching about hard enemies at the start of a game makes you a fucking casual. They made a world, not a playground, areas are going to clearly be more dangerous than others, the NPC's tell you this, and you choose to ignore them. The world of the game doesn't care what level you are, if you go in unprepared you get your shit wrecked. That's how RPG's that don't do level scaling, aka most old ones, work.

Maybe I'm just not a hardcore gamer. My longest played game on steam is 92 hours (CIV 5)

Sounds like you don't really enjoy playing them.

The atmosphere of Vault 22 was incredible. The sign outside saying "the plants kill" made it really creepy as I just walked around this overgrown vault, even the still plants creeped me out. Best part of the game for sure.

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Do you not try getting good at them? How long do you play a multiplayer game for? A fighting game spends like the first 100 hours of it just becoming competent, not even good.

TTW can fix the level scaling and shitty gameplay of 3 but it can't fix the abysmal writing.

it feels very artificial in new vegas though, its clearly just meant as a block to steer you in the right direction

Pic related.

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I don't play fighting games or multiplayer games. I only play single player. CIV V is the only game I've really played in multiplayer but thats just with friends or family. I don't really care about being good at games whatsoever.

Maybe. Its just something I've always done to pass time.

It's a great game, despite some flaws. I wish there was some game that could recreate the feeling of immersion you get while playing it for the first time, trying to get your bearings in the weird wasteland of Mojave, scrounging for ammo and supplies, coming into Nipton the first time...why does have to be everything so streamlined nowadays?

Then it's a shitty game design, there's no point in making an open world game if you are locked from exploring it until the game feels you're allowed to.

There's nothing casual about wanting to do what you want in a sandbox styled game, if anything letting the game guide you with OP enemies they don't want you to fight and forcing you on the "correct" path is more casual because they don't allow you to think for yourself and force you down a pre constructed laidout out path for you to easily level up until you can go to other areas they want you to be able to handle.

you can always play 3 and 4 if you havent before, the writing and rpg aspects aren't nearly as good but the aspects you described are on even ground or probably better

That's...not a good argument at all. The majority of the world also prefers Game of Thrones over Rome, for example, but Rome outclasses it as a show. Appeal to popularity never casts a good light on whatever you're trying to prop up as "better", it only proclaims "this is the more easily digested piece of media and thus it reached the widest audience".

>feels artificial
Not really, they say deathclaws rolled into Sloan after they ran out of dynamite because the blasting had scared them out of the area previously. There's a reason why everything is where it is in NV.
Wanting everything to be your level is fucking casual you retard, because then there's no challenge to it. Super mutants didn't have damage threshold, and their damage and damage resistance scaled directly to your level and damage output, meanwhile in NV if you have a bad gun, regardless of level, you aren't going to hurt them. That also means with proper equipment you can go in at lower levels and clean house if you know what you're doing. The game presents you the world and gives you the choice to go where you want. You are a pussy and take the easy road. It's that simple.

It's also a good example of how to write a quest that isn't just "do you want to be GOOD guy or BAD guy?"
You could argue that saving the research would be more beneficial as long as people work in a controlled environment, or that the monsters are simply to dangerous or would even be used as a weapon by the military


this is what's wrong with you and tons of others faggots on Yea Forums

3 is the first one I played, I loved the atmosphere but I found it not so great on replays, especially once I've played NV a bit. I think it works really well the first time around, because it feels just the "right amount of empty", when you don't yet know in which areas are the important quest and story developments going to take place. After a full playthrough though, it starts to feel too empty, once you kinda remember which areas have interesting things going on and which ones are just generic raider outposts. NV is better in this aspect imho, as the writing carries it better even on subsequent playthroughs.

>The game presents you the world and gives you the choice to go where you want
Except it literally doesn't and that's the thing your are actually arguing for, In FO3 I found the sniper riffle with the old man very early by just wandering I had your shitty starter pistol from the vault, I dodged his fire got close VAT'd his ass took his riffle and proceeded to defend myself against and group of bandits, exploration rewarded

With NV you're literally not allowed to do this because they don't want you to have something that powerful so early so they spawn in enemies that will curb stomp you because you dared to go to a point of interest. You can know every mechanic of how the game works but you'll get spit roasted because of the enemies being way higher leveled than you and only to restrict your growth.

3 embodied the nightmare fuel that was palpable during the late cold war era. It scratched an itch that I all but forgot about, but felt great to have been reminded of it. Shit felt raw.

NV is more like a Fallout game. Quirky, moody, ocassionally clever, clearly has a stronger vision, but not nearly as visceral. Packed to the brim with content - sometimes to a fault, but less respectful of the open-world map design that FO3 established prior, which I did not appreciate.

New vegas is a much better fallout and rpg, 3 is a much better post-apocalyptic and exploration game

You can explore quite a bit once you get past Novac. And there's a lot of interesting areas with really cool lore and unique items that reward you for exploration. Like that vault in which they used to execute the overseer every year.

post your characters

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You can always try 4 then

Having a lived in world with dangerous areas makes it a good RPG you fucking idiot. Wanting to go anywhere and do anything right out of the gate is fucking stupid. You are fucking stupid. You don't just wander out into the Californian wilderness with a .22 wanting to hunt grizzly bears. You don't go to Kodiak Island, or to Siberia just because. You get prepared, you get equipment, you learn about it, people tell you it isn't safe. It's reflective of the real fucking world, you aren't a demigod like in every other bethesda game, you're a fucking mail man. Next you're going to start bitching that joining one faction cuts off interactions with other ones. Being able to join every faction simultaneously in elder scroll games is fucking dumb and you know it. Shitty writing, shitty world building, shitty gameplay, you are a fucking casual for the game to hold your hand and tell you it's all alright because regardless of level you can always kill that deathclaw. In the first Fallout if you went after deathclaws with anything short of a turbo plasma rifle and power armor you were going to get wrecked. Some enemies, some areas, some factions, should just be off limits until your character is ready for it in the game. It may not be "open world" like you want it but it makes the world more believable.

It scratched a very specific itch that few games coming out scratch. It's similar to Morrowind vs Oblivion/Skyrim; the former presents an alien setting full of shit going on that you want to learn more about. Anytime you arrive at a new place, you want to see what's going on, you want to talk to an NPC, pick up a quest, see what's going on in the world. The latter is a comfortable, predictable theme-park that is nice to walk around and see, but doesn't feel like a real place you're walking around. The only game in recent memory that has scratched this specific itch is The Witcher 3, which also utilizes the "nation at war" setting to create a very active space to explore full of interests and opposing sides that are actually motivated by said interests rather than the assigned D&D alignment as in Fallout 3.

Let's take it from the top. If you don't break sequence by going North directly to Vegas, you encounter the meat of what's going on in the region you've arrived in. You find NCR outposts, a town razed by the Legion, various predatory gangs lurking the roadside. The Legion, who you just witnessed crucifying people, appear to be active on the roads but are utterly non-hostile towards you. In fact, they're actually cleaning up the roads, which the NCR won't poke their heads out of their outposts to do despite presenting themselves as the civilized "good-guy" faction. You find Khans barricaded in by NCR soldiers. Arriving in Freeside, you see even more dimensions to the state of the region, with realistically varying and valid opinions on NCR occupation and the ever-present Legion boogeyman. It does a very good job of setting the table as though it were a game of cards with everyone going all-in, falling in line with the theme and aesthetic of the game. No matter where I went or why, I always encountered something that I was actually interested in hearing.

I cannot say the same for Fallout 3, despite having enjoyed it despite its shortcomings.

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sorry user I'm not an autist

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4's shit. Good gunplay and base-building, but that's about it. The writing is weak af.

>random call of duty clone with light roleplay element game
I don't even know why thread about this game keep popping up

You can explore a lot as soon as you leave goodsprings. Just because you get fucked by cazadores/death laws up north doesn't mean you're getting forced into anything. I skipped the "forced path" which I'm assuming means primm-nipton-novac-boulder city plenty of times.

I would amend that statement; the map itself is very well-done, and it's incredibly atmospheric to the point that it doesn't matter where you're going or what you're doing so long as you're walking. However, the world itself is hot garbage, with very little thought put into any aspect of it. The world and the map are not the same thing. It's a great map, but everything going on in it is fucking retarded.

he asked for exploration and 4 has (arguably) the best world to explore between 3, 4 and New Vegas

>world prefers Fallout 3
Regardless, new vegas is the better game in terms of making sense, world-building, map layout (farms, communities, etc)

fallout 3 still has a special place in my heart. Sometimes I think it would be looked at better if they didn't call it a fallout game

Im playing through it but im struggling to find sidequests, what are the most fun sidequests Yea Forums?
Also, i sided with Mr. House, he asked me to blow up the Brotherhood, i havent done it

because deepdown we just really like cowboy games

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i miss the bobbleheads, it was fun looking where they might be, placing a spot on your map, walking across the wasteland and entering a building and going inside to get it

2/10 made me reply.

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Because you try to play other RPGs but none of them make your spurs jingle-jangle-jingle.

I loved this game. I played with god mode on and on very easy though because it was boring if I wasn't shooting at people.

If you're already vilified with the ncr that's the vast majority of the sidequests out the window

The whole: but this was for true fans™ is bait for Yea Forums, worked for FFIX as well. But in comparison to other games that get the hipster treatment it's still pretty good.

"i will go into a thread where people who like something i dont like and tell them i dont like it, and insist it is bad and that i hate the game despite posting so much in this thread about the thing i dont like"

>im a drone guys LOL look at me!

Falling into the immersion is what makes new vegas the best. It’s probably one of the easiest games to truly roleplay in because of how many different ways you can approach situations or dialogue options. Combined with the Western aesthetic it makes for a very satisfying drifter cowboy game that just happens to have these really weird sci-fi elements.

They could be considered drones.

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Because it's got crazy replay value. I still haven't done a bad karma+legion run.

This so much

I made my character a serial rapist who would target minorities.

I'm the guy and 4 doesn't cut it on the exploration front because it just doesn't have the same level of immersion that 3 and NV had. It's too arcady - the mechanics like collecting misc items that turn into generic crafting resources and randomly generated legendary weapons constantly remind you you're just playing a game. It doesn't help that there's only few really unique locations - most places have one shallow "quirk" about them that's supposed to make them feel unique, but it's never anything in depth that would make the world gel.

How do I avoid becoming a stealth archer, especially with INT/CHR-heavy characters? The Cowboy Repeater is a good and cheaply maintained early game weapon, so I always end up using it from a distance and score stealth archer crits.

Struggle is meaningless. Stealth archer is inevitable.

The game is really fun if you drop stealth entirely. Pump into AGI and take the perk for 10% more movement speed if wearing all light armor. Also dump points into Survival so that you can make the tricked out leather armor at the campfire with gecko skins. It'll also give you access to a lot of fun recipes like Rushing Water and things of that nature. AGI also increases your reload speed, so be sure to take the Rapid Reload perks on top of that.

You'll have a character who's fast on his feet, quick on the draw, and reloads with greased fingers. Survival also gives you access to infrequent but really cool speech options that will make your character more concrete in your head. A fast, quiet cowboy. Wits just sharp enough to know when trouble's coming, but it's his hands and feet that get him out of it, not his brain or his mouth.

Seriously, sneaking outside of very specific circumstances makes the game boring as fuck. Sneak to get the first shot in very open, outdoor engagements, but don't go through the game like you're playing fucking Skyrim.

Sounds similar to the way I play, I get 10 luck and rush getting Shotgun Surgeon and play the game almost exclusively with the Hunting Shotgun and handmade ammo for it. So satisfying getting crits with that thing.

I wish there was a Fallout/open-world third person apocalyptic rpg in which they did melee well. In a lot of the iso/2-d turn-based post-apo rpgs (e.g. Wasteland 2, Underrail, Caves of Qud), melee is an integral part of the game, especially early, and it works great. It makes the game way more interesting and immersive when you have to conserve ammo by pulling out knives and shit and when melee characters are viable.

FO4 was a wasted opportunity for making melee actually interesting in a Fallout game, given that they implemented the gunplay pretty well.

>Replay NV
>Decide to finally spec into repair or survival
>Never craft anything because I can't be arsed to look up what specific items are required and then keep a mental list of the shit I need while scavenging
Every fucking time, kill me.

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It looks like a metal version of those insuck cockinsuckers dicks from OOT/MM that would suck you in like a reverse cock blowjob.

Survival and repair are honestly the only ways I play.

repair is great, lots quest need it and it's just good in general for maintaining weapons.
survival always felt useless to me, I play on hardcore mode but never have a shortage of food anyway because there's plenty to scavenge


No one even fucking plays or talks about fallout 3 anymore except me and some guys

Flies around shit

I've got used to it from crafting armors in modded Skyrim. Try to immerse as someone who's got to hunt shit down for his project.

because it's good and nothing else quite scratches that same itch

there are probably isometric third person rpgs that have a better story/choices systems, but they all have complete AIDS point and click gameplay/combat. new vegas is just an OK fps but for people who hate isometric rpg gameplay, strapping that to a good story/choice system makes it god tier

Rad Child alone makes survival worth it, you're practically invincible at max rads

First time opening the crafting menu feels super overwhelming: suddenly there is a list of a couple dozen items you can make and their required components & skill levels which just short circuits my brain. It's just too much information to take in at a single glance.

I guess I'll just have to pick specific items I want to make, then write the requirements down and go scavenging. Though it's a bit tedious, the materials should eventually stick to my head through playing.

I don't even know how they could have made this better: making crafting recipes reveal along with the skill level would have made it impossible to plan for specific items and making most of the recipes be found in the world would have hampered player freedom. I guess the current system of seeing most of the craft-able items from the get go and only being restricted by the materials is the best compromise but you lose that gradual handing down of new information in a pace that is comfortable for the player.

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Go oldschool and keep a physical notepad and a pencil for this shit.

Best 3D Fallout and last 3D Fallout we will ever get, everything after it has had fuck all to do with Fallout besides existing in a similar world.

That's how I played Underrail until styg caved to casuals and put one in-game.

I've been here for over a decade and still think stalker is garbage. I also used to prefer 3 to NV, but I've come around on that.

Honestly, that vault is fucking boring. The ending only barely makes up for it. Me and my brother just happened to have both explored it a few days ago, and we agreed heartily on this.

Old america? Do you mean the enclave remnants?