What is the worst looking Yea Forums remake?

What is the worst looking Yea Forums remake?

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ME Catalyst

Attached: me comparison 2.jpg (2795x3264, 781K)



Why is Disney remaking all its 90s shit?

I think it's a wash actually. Catalyst looks better in some areas and has significantly better character models. I would say it's just less consistently great than the first one.

Attached: catalyst.jpg (1920x1080, 488K)

Not a remake.

>That Scar
Black mane is actually a thing on lions why not keep it that way

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Attached: pokemon-lets-go-pikachu-switch.jpg (400x400, 37K)

Because jews are devoid of original ideas and they know they can sell this shit to shitskins and not have to do anything creative.

>live action lion king remake
>most of it can't even be live action so they just make it CG
>looks like shit as a result
Why does Hollywood insist any popular animated property be remade in live action, it never looks good

Because people keep watching this shit. Everyone wants to watch a trainwreck not realizing that it causes more fucking trainwrecks.
The recent ff6 stands out to me as pretty bad.

Do upscaled ports count?

Attached: batarkj-noscale.jpg (1024x576, 62K)

Wasn't Beauty and the Beast the only profitable one of the live-remakes so far?

Secret of Mana on Steam

>all that post processing shit
>generic as fuck artstyle

Because they can#t come up with anything really new. So they remake old shit with a new spin, like "live" on it.

unironically soul/soulless

and the next mulan movie isn't even going to have singing in it which means there will be no 'ill make a man out of you' in it

I don't get it it looks good just from the screenshot. knowing CGI in motion it will look pretty bad

It's shit. Get over it.

Good god, that was terrible. Looked like a shovelware wii game

>No i'll make a man out of you
Then what is the point of the movie?

an attempt to revenue copyright or something

Let Go Pikachu/Eevee, no idea how GF got away with this game while SwSh (which also looks bad) is getting so much shit

Silent Hill dude