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He kept saying it

k e e p
s a y i n g
i t

Keep saying it

I don't get it.

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not even close babey

it stops being funny after the 7th video

someone added dunkey's voice to a video of a girl getting pounded by some black dude to try to make it sound like it was his gf cucking him

keep saying it

The voice is original, nobody added anything, it's just a big coincidence.

That was actually him tho user

His league era vids were the only good ones. Dunked worked best under pressure, and that situation he was in when he moved to Texas and. Told barely afford to live pushed him to make videos not only frequently, but the best he could make. He's the kind of guy who under delivers without pressure.

While I'm super happy he found a GF finally and hit it big and has his own place now, he has grown complacent and let the hubris of his past league fame get to his head after quitting league vids ( which is bad because that was the only game he could work his humor into well given the random nature).

Now that he's already 'made' it, he wastes his time doing whatever he wants and uses his status to grind his axe against games he doesn't like, but tries to cover his ass by making a positive review every now and then.

>wants to be a super serious reviewer
>has literally lied about games he's played like he's CinemaSins or something
>also wants to be a comedian at the same time
>keeps using the same jokes



Dunkey it's too late. The damage has been done.

I still can't believe they got trolled into replying to that video.

i wish

that last mario maker video was pure shit and you know it.

How can it be? When I'm sitting at home, but I'm inside the screen?

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Keep saying it

he's beginning to take his opinions too seriously


Once you've seen one video you've seen them all

coping cuck

got a link?

tI gniyaS peeK

i've seen the original full length video and it's not leah and dunkey is nowhere to be found

someone just cut 20 seconds of the girl face down on a bed and added dunkey's voice

You wish what?

Literally who?

Sigue diciendolo


keep saying it

Dunkey or not, why does she say thank you?

search FIVE ONE FIVE EIGHT on pornhub and you'll find the original video without dunkey's voice added

Steinfeld ruined it for everyone. Fucking Steinfeld.

>We gaming Youtubers will replace video game journalists by doing the same shit and get away with it
The list goes on

well link it, dunkey

>someone added dunkey's voice

Nobody added shit. Dunkey removed the ENTIRE FOOTAGE of him repeating "keep saying it" and then tried to claim that was the original even though it's obvious that that part of the video was just removed.

>I've seen the original full length video
woah there buddy

I find Dunkey to be alright for a quick autism fix now and then, but what's worse is the redditfags who keep posting "DUNKEY BEAT SKY IN SMASH" and "THANK YOU DARK SOULS" 500 times each video for the past 5 years that it causes me physical pain each time I accidentally scroll down to the comments. The dead horse was beaten so badly that all that remains is some dried blood on the dirt where the corpse used to be.

A girlfriend or he got married, either way it's always a girl.

>he wastes his time doing whatever he wants
uhh how is that wasting time

Do you think we'll look at e-celebs the same way we look at journalists now, or are their cults too big?

Best videos

>i've seen the original full length video

The original full length video doesn't exist.

I honestly don't know how I feel about him anymore. Because on the one hand he put in the work for fucking years to get to where he is now.
But on the other hand his new content is absolutely irredeemable shit that's just RIDIN THE WAVE of whatever is controversial at the time for easy views. Plus he brough his friends to the top with him, which is a nice thing to do, except his friends all range from being boring-as-dry-playdough to genuine unlikable shitheads.

I dunno. Fuck him.

Kaya can fuck off and stop whining all the time but the recent videos with his dad are great. His dad should replace Kaya

I remember when he used to be good.

Why does everything always turn o shit?

he got boring and his reviews got boring just like with cr1tikal

also he's horribly inconsistent unlike civvie 11, Ahoy, and LGR

Critikal is a washout hack now
I get he just wants everyone to watch his boring fuck streams on twitch because he puts even LESS effort in there but Jesus. Just stop making fucking videos then, you know?

Dude is clearly one of those "doesn't realize the only reason he gets to live like a goddam bohemian is his fanbase."

he's a hypocrite

League videos were shit and you know it

No, never.
Everyone hates journalists because they're faceless corporate entities who are basically required to invent controversy to get clicks. Like, honestly, everyone here says they hate video game journalists but I bet almost everyone here would be hard pressed to name one.

eCelebs on the other hand have a face and name attached to them, so it's simple enough to just go "Oh he just has a stupid opinion" and wash your hands of whatever they do. It's only when they do something fucking awful that they get any real, lasting controversy, and even then.


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>no link
C'mon now

keep saying it

Yeah I stopped listening to Dunkey after he said Final Fantasy 7 fallout new dawn of the past of the future Layleey Tooie part one of two of the planet of the apes the third was bad.

>that alundra music

I don't think dunkey even knows alundra exists.

He's a cuck. The video is real and it's him.

Why do you faggots want to watch cuck porn so badly?

>Yea Forums is into cuck porn
Of course.

>When Dunkey is good
When he's playing a game and just having fun with it.
When he's playing a game with his awful friends and just shits on them.

>When Dunkey is shit
Whenever anything Nintendo is brought up
When he tries to review a game
When he tries to give honest opinions and be serious about anything
When he plays a game with his wife

The dude has a fucking ADHD ten year old's view on what makes games good and is a genuine idiot on top of it. His friends and wife are all somehow worse than him, though.

grrr me no like youtuber, grrr me post about it on imageboards

Well if it is him, then who is that girl? Because that sure is not his gf. The ass was too fat for example.

>be a weeb
>hate how based dunkey keeps dabbing on your jrpgs
>sup bros i was watching cuck porn again and i found this epic clip where if we edit dunkeys voice in we can pretend that hes a cuck, unlike me, i just love watching cuck porn

He's a fucking joke and his mm2 vid was lol watch me curse every 5 seconds. It's shitty 13 year old humor from a man who's almost 30.

I just googled this whole keep saying it thing and got absolutely nothing, I think you guys made this shit up

Keep saying it.

He says that Banjo Kazooie Nuts and Bolts was bad.
This sick fuck degenerate
How dare he have a different political viewpoint! Doesn't he, as a YouTube creator, know that supoosed to agree with every thing I think and always conform to my narrative and cater to me and my personal taste only?!?!?
This stupid fucking onions boy zoomer SJW fucker godfucker fag!!!

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Same thing happens to literally anything popular on youtube.

I'm catching this ban so you fags better fap to this shit.

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>Hahaha the AVGN is a cuck XD
>Hahaha Dunkey is a cuck XD
Who will be the next literal who Yea Forums decides to project their fantasies onto?

I like cr1tikal less and less the more time goes on. But I like his friends. They are all pretty chill guys.
Kaya is great. I heard a discord call with him a few months ago and there was a depressed and abused gay dude and he told em just to get over it and suck it up. It was savage

I'm a weeb and I like dumko


This is my favorite

Probably every YouTube channel ever.

>page not found

18+ website.

Pretty accurate, but I don’t mind getting his opinion on things so long as I take it with copious amounts of salt.

It’s disappointing that he’s such a big influencer on people though that his fanboys will completely write off The Last Guardian and Octopath Traveler on his word alone

He literally made an entire video about how he's not a serious reviewer, he's a casual reviewer like you'd ask your friends for their opinions

He's just another one of those retards who lives in hiw own bubble and hates anything he isn't intimately familiar with, he grew up playing on consoles so has since concluded every PC game ever is shit and overrated, while he simultaneous gives every bing bong wahoo game he plays a 10/10, I mean they're good games but he clearly isn't willing to try and enjoy anything new, which makes watching his 'comedy' reviews pretty pointless.

>Kaya is great. I heard a discord call with him a few months ago and there was a depressed and abused gay dude and he told em just to get over it and suck it up. It was savage

I would say go back to R.eddit but you'd probably be better of going back to Instagram or something.


Why can't Nintendo just hire him at this point? It's plainly obvious already

He's a paid shill, his Microsoft sucks video said 'psn is great cause it's free' and never mentioned the hacking. His opinions are flavor of the month and his humor is as deep as the kiddle pool his wife got diddled in.

Isn't dunkey a black grandma like pic related shows?

pretty sure he said new super mario bros 2 was fucking garbage and his favorite game last year was god of war

you guys come up with the silliest reasons to hate on someone lmao

I think he's alright. More hits than misses in my opinion.

>too many "watch me being whacky and silly while playing the hottest FOTM AAA game" uninspired videos XDDD
>he started to make cringe self-serious "reviews" and "opinion pieces" even though he has the most normalfag-like, boring, uninteresting tastes and opinions ever

People who actually go into a job and sometimes put out subpar work werr never as bad as people who make a lavish living making fullon memes of themselves on purpose and hearing themselves talk for ten minute chunks at a time. I hope so badly the bubble bursts and we can see these professional narcissists scurry to manage an ordinary income and show barely enough aptitude to flip burgers.

I think he's funny, but the games he covers are shit. I could not care less about nintendo mario donkey kong smash shit, but that's his favorite thing to cover.

>not the best place to bug youtubers, fuck with people, and play games with friends
I hate the discord trannies too, but that doesnt mean the platform itself is irredeemable trash
Its not like its a new word invented by zoomers, genius.
Man you summer fags try too hard to look cool and blend in.

Attached: Screenshot_20190708-162632_Chrome.jpg (1290x664, 193K)

I swear he's released this same video like ten times now already, AAA games are trash, we get it. And yet he says this while praising plenty of other AAA games that are equally as shit as the ones in his video, it's no wonder some people don't like him.

Fuck off e-celeb queer. You've been posting this image for years now.

Sure thing bruv.

Dunkey is a white fat dude in real life you dumb ass fuckers. Whoever thinks it was him in the video is an absolute fucking idiot.
Proof right here:

Attached: jason-gastrow-s-youtube-career-made-him-a-celebrity-know-his-career-affair-and-girlfriend.jpg (728x455, 45K)

Despite this, his fanbase can't stop regurgitating his opinions and he constantly acts like he has the defining opinion on things even when he's outright lying about games.

Whats one serious review he did?

I wish he would stop making fucking overwatch videos.

I sincerely hope you're trolling at this point.

You should probably get some exposure to the world that isn't youtubers, my guy.
Because this shit right here is fucking pathetic.

>but that doesnt mean the platform itself is irredeemable trash
Sure it does! If people I don't like use thing then thing must be bad.

anything with "Dunkview" on it. He can pretend they're not real all he wants but it's clearly his opinion

Hahahahha, Jesus Christ he has gotten FAT, the dumb fuck.


Dunno what youre on about. Sounds like you need to get laid.

He's supposed to be the guy recording

No. Game journalists literally HATE video games and it's too apparent. I think one guy posting on this board admitted to being a gamine journo and hating games like Dark Souls and Bloodborne because they aren't cinematic cakewalks like Witcher 3 or TLOU. They hate when they have to review those games, because you can't just start it up and walk to the next cutscene. You actually have to play it, and that pisses them off, having to actually do what their job implies.

e-celebs at least play the games on camera

I stopped watching his podcast a long time ago, but decided to listen to one of the latest episodes for whatever reason. They started off by saying how every episode should be assumed to be someones first and not use too many in jokes, and then Kaya proceeded to spend like 40 minutes talking about some other podcast they have some weird history with. I was so fucking confused how it got this bad.

I'm still subscribed for the once in a blue moon gameplay videos he does, but goddamn are his endless streams, shitty reviews, and complaining about literal who drama is wearing me down

>youtuber gets a girlfriend
>she's now in 50% of his videos
>youtuber and gf get engaged/married
>she's now in 90% of his videos, his podcasts, his livestreams, etc
Women were a mistake.

>2015: Dunkey is black
>2019: Dunkey is blacked

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Or mabey, he just has different opinions and more different taste than others do.
That's something I don't see people consider when it comes to any YouTube gaming critic. You don't really have to agree with him.

Sorry big man whos too cool to play youtube videos in the background. Ill try to be more like tou.

I was more dumbfounded that you're unironically citing the historical use of the word savage as even remotely relevant to your obvious zoomer faggotry.

Why would you believe someone when they pretend to be someone you don't like?

>He believes random anonymous posters

Jesus, go back.

Why are you guys so tilted by that? *Orange justice in ur face*

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This wouldn't be a problem if his fanbase didn't listen to everything he said

>hes only good at doing the thing ecelebs are best known for
>hes garbage at everything else, including trying to be serious
sounds about right

I swear you're the same idiot whose been posting in multiple threads recently, your shit is low effort, just go away, this is a mild inconvenience at best.

I will say for certain that is not true. This is the first thread Ive done this in.

It's not about him being wrong or not, he's just so boring and bland, he's basically a very, very average american Nintendo fanboy that likes AAA games and whatever blockbuster is hot at the moment, and honestly you would expect more particular and interesting tastes from such a creative, sometimes brilliant guy.


Nah. I'm not buying he was actually recording it.

keep saying it

Well, he started semi-seriously reviewing games, and of course opinions are always going to piss people off. Dunkey generally has a pretty good eye for games that are just plain dumb fun, something that is antithetical to Yea Forums (although, his love of the Uncharted movie franchise is a bit inexplicable). Generally, he's willing to overlook the flaws and nitpicks that would drive Yea Forums nuts so long as he can goof around in a game and have fun. On the other hand, he also has very little patience for dumb, tedious, or otherwise time-consuming mechanics, and will give a negative opinion of an otherwise well-liked game if he encounters those sorts of things.

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keep watching it