What are some shooters with bad gunplay? Pic very much related.
What are some shooters with bad gunplay? Pic very much related
Shut the FRICK up gamer boy
Its weird because i remember playing stalker for the first time and i thought the gunplay was great. Now im replaying it and its total shit
>what are some games which i can actually beat the first area without any difficulty
There are so many, its probably better to name shooters with good gunplay. You start OP.
Stalker was clunky as hell, but putting it down was very difficult.
This is one of those games that the internet said is great and sounds like something I would like. But the gunplay is atrocious. I couldn't push past it.
Haven't seen this troll OP in years, thanks, OP.
Still a faggot, tho.
Half life 1+2 and every counter strike but 1.6
Ok I’ll bite
Far Cry 2
Soldier of Fortune
I see it still triggers fanboys immediately.
lol PWNT
>Soldier of Fortune
Opinion discarded
Gamebryo Fallout games. Every gun has an irritating input delay and the engine has mouse acceleration that can't be disabled within the bounds of the FPS limit that is tied to the physics. They're not guns, they're reskinned magic staffs from Oblivion.
Deus ex
Gunplay is so bad I just use laser sword. So so bad.
Why do people say this game is hard?
I completed it on the hardest difficulty just running around in the open spraying
Nice bait
The gameplay functions haven't aged well. It has charm and atmosphere though.
How has no one said fallout yet?
It’s 5 posts above you
Came here to post this. The gunplay in 3D fallout games is dogshit and no amount of mods can fix it. The entire reason they implemented VATS is to compensate for how shitty trying to shoot enemies is.
The worst aspect is how erratically NPCs move. They have no momentum or weight to their movements. They just randomly zigzag around, instantly changing directly with zero inertia. It's what makes it so fucking hard to shoot stuff in those games.
the dragons tooth was a mistake. once you get that weapon, there's no reason to use anything else. OHKO most enemies in the game, destroy most locked doors and electronics without needing to use any lockpicks or multitools, etc. It does everything.
VATS exists because Todd wanted to sell his Oblivion reskin to Fallout fans so they hastily threw together a somewhat diceroll-based shooting system that doesn't actually work properly with the RPG mechanics of the game at all. It's painfully obvious that the NPCs have no system like that whatsoever, it's just standard Oblivion real time combat AI and nobody makes any attack rolls or skill checks. But Bethesda wanted to make it seem like it's an actual Fallout game just in first person. It was all a ruse.
>stalker soc bad gunplay