RPG of the decade?

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That’s an awfully funny way to spell “Skyrim”.

*boops ur nose* XD

Todd, please leave

Oh, It looks like you spelled it wrong! I think you meant ‘Fallout Shelter’.

I finished it, but wanted to replay it - until I realized that I'd have to condemn my last party to death if I wanted to get a different experience.

*blocks your path*

It's a buggy mess, but still slightly better than DOS2

Here's hoping BG3 raise the stake

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at this point yea but honestly the competition has been pretty slim. I'll give it to them when baldurs gate 3 comes out depending on bg3 I would say yea or nah

Larian has unironically never made a good game.

Name some better RPGs then. What, fallout 4 and Witcher 3?

Those are on par with Larian games.

Dragon Quest XI

>100 hours in
>half way through
Jesus fucking christ this game has a shit ton of content. I'll be honest i'm getting real sick of the kingdom management though.

JRPG fags need not apply. Playing the same rehash bullshit since the mid 1980's? No thanks.

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DOS1 was better and had more SOUL. DOS2 is still great though.

You’re actually retarded if you can’t distinguish the two. Hell, comparing fallout to Witcher is moronic

While I liked this game conceptually
>the alignment system feels somewhat meaningful actually (it reflects your choices, dialogue options and so on)
>NWN-tier build making (even though like maybe 5% are viable)
>just a big game to really sink your teeth into
and I did play it for roughly 200 hours with 1 completely finished and maybe 3-4 other playthroughs inbetween, trying out other builds, I just don't like the way it plays, I don't care for the lore/world and the characters are all dull and unlikeable as well
Shit like Linzi stealing money from MY treasury and I don't even get the option to burn her at the stake really annoys me, they go so far with their openness in terms of roleplaying and then they still put massive roadblocks in some of the most obvious places, I know this is nitpicky but come on, my lawful evil character would never tolerate this shit and I just have to swallow it because the """"story"""" wouldn't continue if she weren't here to do that 4th wall breaking narrative garbage

I'm also a huge brainlet when it comes to cRPGs in general, and this one in particular I went in blind and it honestly overwhelmed me, my first playthrough on normal difficulty got to like act 5 where I just quit out of frustration, blame me for playing a fighter in this game but FUCK these devs for making melee characters the most unviable shit imaginable

>I went in blind and it honestly overwhelmed me
>FUCK these devs for making melee characters the most unviable shit imaginable
This is mostly to do with DnD/Pathfinder itself though, like having shit that causes permanent level/stat drain that requires you to stop for 3 minutes and spam a shitton of prebuffs before fights.

>fighters aren't viable
Huh? I have valerie as my main fighter with a dip into rogue for sneak and vivisectionist for buffs and AC and shes a goddamned power house even with her shitty stats.

I can't stand those fucking ghosts deleveling me every hit, it's just annoying, stat decreases should not be part of any game if just any enemy can apply it nilly-willy
That's just my thoughts though

It's the impression I got after actually getting a bit more into the game (reading/discussing on Yea Forums), rangers seem to be the absolute top tier class in terms of damage, and any melee that isn't your friendly neighbourhood golbin is just shit tier comparatively
Not that it's completely unplayable but you're always better off not making your MC melee for some reason which I find actually disgusting

>I can't stand those fucking ghosts deleveling me every hit
Use Death Ward. But yeah it's an annoying mechanic.

My MC is an unarmed Eldritch Scion and does boat loads of melee damage though as well as being a great spell caster and having an AC higher than my tank in full plate +2 and a tower shield + 2. Shit's cash.

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Yea I get that a lot, the game obviously has solutions for every problem but me being incredibly lazy and also a bit shortsighted and such, I just can't be bothered most times and so I end up being annoyed by the most minor things that have a clear fix
That said I do enjoy cRPGs basically only for the character interactions, world building and story, stuff like Icewind Dale I wouldn't touch with a 10feet pole, even though I played that stuff as a child

That soudns nice, I tried one of those prestige class casters that get the sneak attack thing with the dragon blood line so I'd just transform into the fuckhuge dragon and hit for millions of damage but it turned out shit and I just stopped once I reached the part where you enter the fey dream world thingy

>somehow managed to make a sneak attacker shit in Kingmaker
youre just bad at the game dude.

Yea that's probably true, as I said I just can't into these games when it comes to mechanically deep diving, my brain just stops because at some point the interest fades instantly
I don't know what happened with that character though, I suppose I was playing it completely wrong, I did literally no damage even though it was supposed to be a great build

I made Harrim into a summon/shapeshift druid. How bad did I fuck up?
Protip: I didn't and he is a truck in Shambling Mound form with a Smilodon that can't be put down.

>smilodon crutch

I'm playing on hard and these games are great for the fact that you can make god-tier builds. Games that hamstring you out of that are gay.

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>its gay if I can't mindlessly crutch on something overtuned
okay zoomer

making single player games balanced is a fools errand though because it goes against everything that stands for FUN, the only problem here is the availability of information through the internet because if it didn't exist, every gamer would have that "heh" moment when he discovers something incredibly broken and gets to abuse it for a more or less easy win
I miss that feel

just bought this on a whim since it was 24.99 CDN for PS4, is it playable with controller? planned to play local multi with my nephew or friend

this game is fucking fun. i had a lot of trouble for the first few levels tho, now i'm level 6 and i'm going back into that stupid fucking fort and killing all the goddamn magisters i can

See these kinds of games are effectively lazy ports of proper pen and paper games. I call them lazy ports because when you sit down to a game at the table you have the DM/other players to point out if your build is retarded and what changes you could make to improve it, as well as the ability to straight up scrap a bad character, roll a new one, and continue straight on from where you were before basically. The devs for these games assume you either have plenty of experience from the tabletop or will just find some cookie cutter build online to justify their lazy bullshit. This shit is my biggest complaint about cRPGs and why it's so hard to get new fans into the genre.

also you can get through tabletop D&D without min maxing, and even if you don't and have a TPK its still fun as hell, and you can get many fond memories with your buddies, but game overing in a video game if you couldn't reload isn't fun, unless you are min/maxing and doing like some iron man run.

Smilodon isn't even a crutch you faggot. Keep playing on easy and being mad the game isn't balanced for your 1 single class character. Top kek. Go play fortnight.

I'd say I'm a huge fan of the genre but from your point of view, you'd probably not consider me as such
I think these games open up the playing field for incredibly deep character interactions and expression no other genre allows for, be it with your builds or just the way you respond to the shit thrown at you
The main thing I want from a game with choices is that these have actual consequences, I wanna see the peasants start a riot because I chose to burn some shitty village filled with diseased inbreds, I want that and not BotW dumpster tier breadth where you can do a million things in different ways but they don't have any lasting consequence or meaning, I don't find joy in games I have to make my own fun in

I dont like how the combat is balanced. You either abuse crowd control and stunlock your enemies or they do it to you.
It takes variety out of the builds.

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maybe in your gay larp group but there are existing dungeon crawl modules for pnp that are notoriously difficult

gtfo, powergamers are just as obnoxious as "no talking out of character" types

Very good core game in terms of music, animations, graphics and the flow in general.

Falls incredibly flat because the developers stumbled completely on the most important part, which is the actual gameplay. (Which is kind of laughable, since anyone that actuall plays the game can spot these things in a matter of hours).

Literally no customization at all, since all you do is spam your main stat and warfare/x spell school. Couple it with everything except stuns being useless and focus x armor type completely murdering all variety.

t. critical role fan who makes le wacky shit builds but its okay because the dice rolls don't matter

i just finished it on tactician and holy shit dude lucien fight with dallis reveal was the most hyped for a game ive been in a while. I literally did not see any of that coming
too bad it was almost instantly ruined by braccus the incel and his insta kill worm with Default FUCKING Combat MUSIC.
Other than that. yeah divinty 2 is top 5 of all time and Yea Forums is just mad per the usual

i think d:os2 is overrated

I'm probably retarded but the last few fights for me became AVOID GETTING STUNLOCKED and DONT USE YOUR DOPE FIRE POISON SKELETON because both elements were heavily resisted or absorbed in the final act

2 > 1 > 4 > 3 desu

Do you import a save from DivOS 1 and continue from the same level?

Didn't they fix a lot of the bugs with the two most recent updates? Haven't picked the game up since it launched so I can't confirm but it's what I've heard.

t. has no friends lmfao

No both games are set thousands of years apart and there's not much lore consistency in Divinity titles.

I haven't hit a bug in 120 hours of playing if that says anything. Game would be GOTY if it came out in 2019 and not in 2018 as a pile of buggy shit.

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Gimme a quick rundown on this and whether or not it's worth a buy

so basically, you find a bunch of paths to make a king...royally.

The writing kinda sucks but everything else is great. Worth it if you like CRPGs 100%.

>Laredditian Studios
Nah. Isometric CRPGs are trash.

I know. Fallout 4 and Final Fantasy 13 are the epitome of great role playing.

For me?

Pillars of Eternity.

overrated hipster garbage that gets a pass for all the suppose probelms poe and divinty had

Not so fast there, OP.

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>You're only allowed to like 1 out of these 3 games.
Imagine being this much of a contrarian faggot. All 3 games are great and anyone fanboying can die choking on their own piss covered shit.

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Lol did i make u mad pathfaggot? This is literally the divinity is too good, pathfinder is better tho, no i'm serous" cope thread.

most crpgs is just spam your best spell while keeping your frontline alive
Lmao div2 is still miles ahead of the competition

For me it is

>imagine thinking someone could be mad that there are multiple choices of games to play instead of just 1
>imagine being (you) and thinking that if there is more than 1 choice you have to hate the others at an attempt to fit in with faggot Yea Forums culture.
May as well GYS.

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beat me to it.

My crpg power rankings of the decade

>inb4 muh boondogs
Why do people get so upset about other games in the genre that aren't their fotm favorite? It's really weird and I honestly can't say I've seen it anywhere near as bad as with cRPGs

Is the DLC worth it? I played it on release and got my shit pushed in but wanted to pick it up again.

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Those are shit too, fagtron.

It's just trial and error, bro.
If you're being buttfucked really hard, you're probably not exploiting a weakness of the encounter or the strength of your build
It's worth it.
That or savescumming but you wouldn't do that would you?
Good luck out there man.

This. For me it's Assassins Creed #13. That's GOAT RPG role playing gaming for me.

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Strawman harder, bitch.

Well, that doesn't sound fun at all, desu.

D:OS 1 and 2 are my favorite RPGs because they just ooze that comfiness that I want from a game like that

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Time to pick up the books, user.

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I can't tell what's fun or not for you but getting caught off-guard is part of the experience.

>Check on steam
20 bucks, 40 full price
Yeah I might have to playtest this for free

Might want to take your own advice there bud.

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My first playthrough I went like 30 hours and got hard locked out of progressing because I couldn't do enough damage so had to start over. My scientist type build was just too weak to continue.

I was gaslighting you you dumb faggot. There wasn't even an argument to prop a strawman on. Now move along or keep bumping the thread. I don't care.

You should probably look up that word in a dictionary before you start throwing it around bud. If you don't know what a dictionary is ask your sisterwife.

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>73 metacritic

restarting when you lear nhow the game actually works is half of the fun of the genre
knowledge is power, and it just feels good to learn something you didn't before

based, larian games always have top notch ost's

>doubling down on retardation

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So now you are more prepared, right?

>when your backers make up half of your playerbase

It's a nice complex game in the style of the old Baldur's Gate series (with the complexity of the newer D&D ruleset). Highly recommendable if you have the patience for it. You can make some pretty broken builds, and still get raped by the game's highest difficulty setting.

You don't know what gaslighting someone means and you don't know what a strawman is.

Both of you are faggots.

I played it on release and im reinstalling it right now.

What are some interesting builds? i played the most vanilla stuff when i first played it.

2009 to 2019?

fucking DRAGON AGE 1?!?!?!?!
you REALLY THINK you can beat DA1?!?!?

Yah i remember they saying that poe2 flopped , never checked the numbers myself , did it really do that badly?

This game drives me crazy and I love it.
>name charname
>choose build
>choose portrait
>choose alignment
>choose companions/mercs
>name barony
>name settlements
>choose advisors
Thank God most of the bugs have been squished and that it has some great QoL mods. It's honestly become one of my favorite games now.

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God damn I love Myth. Myth RPG/RTT when?

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Origins was fucking great.

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The armour system kills the game for me, hate having to waste time chipping this shit off every battle just so we can actually start fighting

Also the quest menu is far more confusing than in 1

Good taste and a good question.

>the best games are rereleases of old games
Jeez, nostalgiafag much?

Aight, what are the "must-have" QoL mods for it? Been thinking about trying out but the only thing I hear about it is either "its a buggy mess" and "game balance is fucked"

>make a better game with half the money
Americans BTFO

I just never actually got into the games until recently and at that point I just played the EEs since they're convenient so I wanted to count them, there aren't a lot of cRPGs anyhow so the list looks longer this way

Wrong pic.

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real talk i agree, but I like POE1 better than DIV1 and div2 better than poe2

BASED Anarchy >>> Chorussians > Disfavorcucked > Rebelosers

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This. Based and originpilled.

someone post the feminist fantasy bio

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>not stabbing her to prove how alpha you are

Killed her immediately.

>wasting one artifact and [fear] opportunities

The only thing i don't like is the fucking camera. It'd be better if the controls were like that of DA:O. I sometimes forget to turn the camera and waste a couple minutes looking for something. I think the turning is good but after playing isometrics it's something that takes time getting used to.