Half-Life 3

Does anyone even care for it at this point?

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No, most have moved on and many hardly play games anymore

People will say that they've moved on and accepted that it will never happen, but if and when it does get announced they're all gonna flip their shit and get so hyped that the game will never live up to their expectations.

Pretty much this

I've never moved on.


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I'm just curious about why they dropped Ep. 3 entirely. What were they so afraid of?

This describes me well. Fuck Valve


No one cares, the second one came out the year I was born, that's how old it is

Fucking old as shit game, fortnite has surpassed it in every way so who cares?

The next gen Duke Nukem Forever.

They just tasted the fruit of microtransactions and thanks to their corporate structure and reward system, episode 3/HL3 represented an opportunity cost. Everybody who cared about it internally just got sick of working on it when easier work was bringing in better rewards.

No, Today HL is just another generic shooter.
And even if happens HL3 will be just another generic shooter.

I did until that fateful blogpost.
At least now I can live in peace.
Thank you, based Laidlaw.

Nope. Never cared about Half Life in the first place. But I kinda want to see what will happen if they do release it. In all likelihood, it'll be VR gimmick shovelware, and all the Valve fanboys will line up to buy their $1000 meme headsets just to finally play Half Life 3. Then when it inevitably sucks, they'll struggle to defend their purchases saying it was "worth it" and that it will revolutionize VR

I wouldn't have minded so much if Ep2 hadn't ended on the cliffhanger of cliffhangers.

I do. Nobody makes linear action-adventure like Valve. Portal 2 was a masterpiece. I'd kill for a real Half-life 3.

Nice attempt in baiting by spouting zoomer nonsense

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2019 - 2004 = 15

>Portal 2

Now that Project Borealis is actually looking like it might go somewhere I don't really see the point of a Valve made HL game. It would just be shit anyways

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No and it would be a disaster if valve released it now

The best thing would be if some up-and-coming studio had a major flat/VR hybrid game and got the rights to make HL ep 3. If they succeed it helps everyone. If they fail valve can just blame them.

It was a joke dude, I'm actually 25

>taking everything seriously on the internet, especially on Yea Forums

>it will never be made because Valve makes all their money from stuff like Steam anyway
>pretty much all the people who worked on the old games have moved on anyway

It's dead, Jim.

2004 was 2004 years ago.

Gabe is a businessman. Episode 3 would have made an absolute fortune. However, it also took resources. He discovered that focusing all resources on Steam made a bigger absolute fortune. However, outright cancelling the game would instantly kill a lot of interest in his brand, so he kept dropping hints about it throughout the years while simultaneously brushing it off as if his fans were harassing him. A clever use of gaslighting, basically

From an artistic perspective it's disgusting, but from a business perspective it was nothing short of Patrick Bateman levels of brilliant.

Im not interested in the opinions of a taco bell employee.

I don't want valve to mess with the half life ip anymore, I just want tf2 updates and maybe new portal content

>cockroach language


I stopped caring long ago. If they ever get around to actually releasing HL3 (cause lord knows they'll never do Ep 3 at this point) I guarantee it'll be nothing more than a shallow cashgrab announced at Valve's absolute lowest point in a desperate last-ditch effort to stay relevant.

7.5 cope. Enjoy your ludonarrative dissonance.

I really used to, but if it ever happens now, it will probably be a huge letdown, so I hope it never happens.

I was never excited for it because Half Life 2 was overrated garbage.
>Muh physics
>Muh no cutscenes
Being trapped in a room with 3 NPCs while they talk for 5 minutes is a cutscene no matter how much you say it isn't
>Boring gunplay

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I will

>>Muh no cutscenes
>Being trapped in a room with 3 NPCs while they talk for 5 minutes is a cutscene no matter how much you say it isn't

It's still better than a cut scene which ruins the immersion faggot.

Knowing modern Valve, it'd be crowbared in co-op ala Dead Space 3/FEAR 3, be overlong and just have generic FPS weapons with absolutely no charm.
I'm miffed we're not getting a conclusion, but considering Artifact and Dota: Underlords, it's best to leave it dead.

>[incoherent chittering]

Half Life 3 is a game everybody wants but no one actually needs, a linear 10 hour long shooter wouldn't cut it in 2019, this game design is outdated

Want You Gone > Still Alive

I've accepted it will never happen after epistle 3 but you never know

I'm not entirely sure you arent that youtube just shilling here for clicks.

I just want Valve to make a well polished single player shooter, I dont even want Half Life at this point since it'd never live up to the hype and the community is already making Project Borealis at this point. But Valve was able to make really fun games in their prime and its annoying that they only seem interested in making DOTA spinoffs now.

>this game design is outdated
and this is only one example

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ludonarrative dissonance

The game design isnt outdated. Its far more interesting, thoughtful, and artistic than any loot shooter or battle royale.

I mean, I'd probably play it if it came out, so I care in that sense. I don't care in the sense that I feel some sort of attachment or intense desire to continue the HL series, despite it being one of my favorites. It's been too long, the passion is gone.

>Half Life 3 is a game everybody wants but no one actually needs, a linear 10 hour long shooter wouldn't cut it in 2019, this game design is outdated
sadly this. Shooters have evolved significantly. I really wonder what half life 3 would offer.

Most shooters have only gotten worse and have become more dumbed down since HL2 came out. It's not universally true for every title, but it definitely is for the typical game.

That blogpost was gay
No real conclusion, no answer to the gman mystery, who was he, what was he and who were his employers

Were you really expecting G-Man's nature to ever be addressed? He's just an inter-dimensional wizard


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and what alternative would you propose? a 6 hour "cinematic experience" like what sony does?
is right, doom 2016 had the same structure as old 90s shooters and people loved it. hl3 could do the same thing if gabe newell wasn't such a huge nitpicking jewish faggot and actually got his employees to make games, But instead he gets valve to make hardware absolutely nobody gives a fuck about and an engine that no games use (reminder to everyone here that source 2 exists, remember source 2?)

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I keep thinking I'm over it but then I think about the lore some more and get irritated. I'm not upset so much that theres no end, but moreso that ep 2 ends on such a cliffhanger.
The epistle 3 didn't even bury it for me it just rose new questions. Apparently portals are the only way for the combine to get to earth conveniently, and without portal storm or the citadel portals it just stops being worthwhile to use earth as basically a water fountain. It like this bizarre mix of hope and futility.

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>half-life 3 is announced
>stop going to Yea Forums
>game is released
>disconnect internet, play total war for a year straight
>the day has come
>reconnect internet
>buy game for 19.99 USD
>play it for a few hours

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I legitimately think at this stage that IF Valve does release it, it will just make everyone call them out for being desperate.

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