Imagine thinking sword and shield won’t be the best Pokémon games

Absolutely based

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>series is called pocket monsters
>the monsters are shit but the humans are 10/10

I dont get it

one of my friends is buying a switch literally to play the new pokemon

pokemon is trash for manchildren

They should call it Pocket Humans and you catch people instead.

He has good taste

>the entire plot revolves this guy and the champion are shitters and you put them in their place

Found the slaves of Masuda.

Imagine thinking that people don't already "know" Sword and Shield is the worst pokemon game yet.

he hasnt owned a nintendo since he was 7

Welcome to pokemon masters on your phone.

Pokemon Design is getting shit as newer Pokemon are less animals, and more objects.

a fucking set of keys

Hopefully he waits for the mini switch

is that vinny vinesauce?

No its sans undertale

Fucking You faggots have your own board for a reason. Why aren't mods enforcing this shit?

If I wanted to catch people I would move to Texas and join the border police.

Why is Fernando Alonso in a pokemon game?

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ahhhh... Kanto... now *THAT* was a good region.

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I wholeheartedly agree!

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Because the mods like and praise Nintendo stuff, exactly the same with Etika who was a Nintendo youtuber.

it is
that's why they keep leaning on it like a crutch


now I can't unsee

I can't even bring myself to pretend like these games look good just for the sake of shitposting
at least the girls are cute

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>¥100 have been deposited in your account.

Oh, you are right... ahhhhhh.



God I wish I had a bimbo secretary to take care of my cock after every board meeting

At least mods on /vp/ ban your kind immediately since it actually breaks one of the rules

Fuck Masuda

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Wait this isn't Lewis Hamilton fan art?


So, are they finally adding dating simulator?

White genocide.

I thought the national pokedex whining was just a joke, but then I saw a tweet from the official pokemon account and the replies were nothing but bitching. I thought the fandom literally couldn't get more pathetic anymore.

Then leave the fandom and stay with Masuda, who will reward you with games with massive content.

I think the dex cut is going to be a long term pay off with them giving each pokemon unique animations like they are saying. If they even are unique..but I think they will have them complete then they can slowly add more back in over time

it'd be more pathetic if they weren't upset. it's pathetic that the outrage is solely about the national dex and not about the low quality of the game
they're not unique and a lot of the animations are the same as they were in the 3ds games. masuda's excuse falls flat because they're not actually improving other aspects of the game. they're phoning it in to make easy shekels

The game is not that long from release, they are not going to fix it.

>and not about the low quality of the game
Well this I do agree with. Pokemon has massive actual problems they should fix instead of wasting millions on pandering to probably less than 1% of their audience with the national dex. Doesn't seem like the saved development costs and time are going into those problems though.

*ring ring*
ayo, lil cheetus?

Yeah I didn't think the new one animations they shown were that different the only one I can think of was waterfall I believe they had Nessa use it with Goldeen and it reminded me of stadium. I guess we'll have to see what there plan is for the next games after sword and shield with how they will handle the dex in the future. I think if they could wait one more year it would be much more complete but The Pokemon Company I think wants them to have a yearly release

the problem is they really wouldn't be wasting millions by adding in those pokemon seeing as how they're using the same models and animations from the 3ds games. I imagine people would be understanding if they were making new models and animations and said "it's unreasonable to have all 900 pokemon in at launch, so we'll work on providing content updates every so often until all the pokemon are included"
also you know, 90 billion dollar franchise.

Interesting, I saw Lewis Hamilton.

Imagine being past the age of 10 and still caring about pokéshit

I thought he was Fernando Alonso in the thumbnail

>gotta catch them al..a few!

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