Time to buy lads

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Other urls found in this thread:


fuck them all

The customization looks interesting but the gameplay doesnt seem that different from Chivalvry.

>offended players should use mute
Based as fuck. This is the sort of attitude we need to bring back to online games.
Use mute, tranny.

waiting to see if they give in or not

didnt go on sale so im not buying

>Yea Forums devs don't pander to SJWs
wow color me surprised

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I would 100% buy this if it had a single player component. Not interested in multi. Still, based devs.

Funny how weeb news actually try to rely what happened, while mainstream media tries to force a narrative.

I'm going to buy this game just in order to use mute function.

this game needs voice chat so bad

we gamers are so oppressed. but that kotaku's title... holy fuck who the hell can anyone enjoy or think that they get filled in reading their shit

>they will add niggers and women
thats a no from me bro

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This. Keep it historical, keep it based.

mordhau chat feels more like the old internet than Yea Forums does

I'm glad there's finally a fucking multiplayer game that doesn't police communication. I've always admired classic cs and gmod for this reason.

Is this loss?

All posted almost 2hr flat from each other.
Dare tell me all those (((journos))) aren't all jerking each others off in a private discord to push their SJW garbage

Time to go back.

What are you gonna do? start harassing women again?

it sure is summer

are the females and black people in the games?

Not yet

>buying video games
developers/publishers are not entitled to currency
journalists should be shot
these are facts

You dont want to decapitate blacks, women or black women? What are you? A normie?

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Okay but what if:
>they add nonwhite character options
>they also add a bunch of new non-European gear to go with it, and some new maps

Shortly after these hitpieces, they apologized publicly, said they'd be adding women and minorities, and cancelled the previously announced option to hid non-historical characters client-side, while apologizing for having announced it.

>game isn't constantly babysitted by some moderators + word filters and instabans à la Blizzard and Ubisoft
>journos aren't happy with the mute function, everything must fucking cater to them
>bully dev by creating slanderous articles
Fuck them

why are retards capitalizing every single word in a sentence?

Man, I really like Mordhau, but I don't have that much yime to play so everyone is way better than me and I always get my shit pushed in.

I heard this will come with a "turn off" feature that removes black and women models from the game

Stop giving dying clickbait game journo sites attention. The whole point of their articles are to anger the average sane person and draw in clicks.

Why do devs even do this? These fags have literally no power over them and they still get down on their knees and beg for forgiveness.

Yea Forums when A Hat in Time has a trans rights fllag: ReEeEeE StOp EnFoRcInG yOuR pOlItIcS OnTo Us REE

Yea Forums when mordhaur devs openly support and push racist pseudoscience and conspiracies into their games
DoNt LiKe It? JuSt MuTe

>Mordhau's developers are on some bullshit.
Is Kotaku unironically using niggerspeak to advertise their article? Holy kek.

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morhau chat is full of cringy children

hello bait

have at them girls

so, this board then?

why are games journalists such scum
why would you make up bullshit about an innocent indie dev team just for outrage clicks

i fucking despise these filth

They cancelled that after the articles.

They backtracked on that. After they got heat.

Imagine buying Mordhau or Chivalry 2 when Bannerlord is coming out tomorrow with these digits

i support using mute instead of reporting but ive never used it myself and preferred to shit talk with whoevers talking shit until one of us shuts up

but then the other faggot gets mad and reports me

t. 3x league permabanned player

add modkit

Too bad the game is shit regardless of the devs stance toward these kinds of issues
How do I get into vidya journalism guys? I wanna get my hot opinions monetized

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>Yea Forums when mordhaur devs openly support and push racist pseudoscience and conspiracies into their games
>DoNt LiKe It? JuSt MuTe
hold on, I have a brainlet wojak somewhere to set you off. wojak-posting is like my trump card for riling up shit-tier baitposters

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>no Remove Trans Shit button in the game in Hat in Time
>Mordhau HAS a mute button
I don't understand what you're trying to point out.

sounds like a real game

Voice chat would be hilarious. I hope they add proximity chat.

The devs are Slovenians.
They don't have any obligations, historical or otherwise, to any race, religion, or you dumb western trannies and faggots and your dumbshit westcuck women.
The only responsibility they have is towards their own people.
Seethe more trannyfaggot and keep your toxic philosophy within your nu-western borders.

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What happened?

arent they croats

>ou dont want to decapitate women
I don't fuck goats, user

fucking incredibly bad bait
you and everyone who replied to this unironically all deserve the rope

Nope, Slovenians.
Crocucks love Western sperm too much to not abide by the SJW philosophy of the nu-wet.

>adding politics politics to your game
>literally not enforcing politics in your game
Bro it's the same the thing!

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oh shit, didnt even know we had devs in this shithole

literally nothing

>game about brutal Medieval fighting in Europe
>devs tell whiners to simply use mute
Neat. I might buy th-
>adding wahmen and nogs

>loss became a reddit meme

is nothing sacred?

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kill all muck-raking smear merchants in runescape

absolutely based
Mordhau is a fantastic game in its own right
this is the way free speech ought to be handled on the internet anyway, there really shouldn't be any systems for reporting communication when there are in-game mute functions

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All of the 3 big ex-Yu nations have one.
Triternion is led by Slovenians - Mordhau.
Stygian Software is led by Serbs - Underrail.
Croteam led by Croats - Serious Sam.

I wish it was actually a good game so I would want to buy it

>proudcuck connected
>”they’re onto us”
>”start publishing harrasment articles”
>”fuck these racist niggers on fourchan”

Why even bother at this point? That won't make SJW's forgive them after their refusal to ban problematics.

triternion's issue is that they capitulated to these people and gave them any sort of recognition, if they just kept quiet and did what they wanted these retards would go elsewhere for their clickbait

Are you implying i shouldn't be allowed to kill women and niggers in a medieval battle royal?

But it is a good game

i can't wait for all the club-wielding cavemen and spearchucker builds
the salt will flood the land

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>gayming journos seething at getting told to just mute people they don't like


jesus christ modern gaming was a fucking mistake

Crusade maps when

bro the very first thing I will do is make a spearchucker. I'm hyped as fuck.
don't forget to pick up horseshit to throw as well

missed it on the kickstarter stretch goals, but since the game did so fantastically well they'd be retarded not to do an expansion / pump out content. the game is basically dying because there is no content anyway.

>Keep it historical
But the game isn't set in a fixed historical period?

I wouldn't mind adding in black/indian characters if they added weapons from that part of the world

>can't refund it anymore

I mean this is how it should be right?
keep to your ideas and if people stop playing because of it then thats just how it goes

Companies listening to Twitter and treating Twitter as a litmus test was a fucking mistake.
Twitter doesn't represent general society, it represents a fringe of mentally castrated retards who spend 16 overly vocal hours on Twitter while their brains rot both in IQ and EQ. Modern Urinalists forming ideological bubbles on Twitter instead of being separated as independent competing entities was the biggest mistake.

However, these garbage urinalists are dying out now thankfully.

>Deadspin, Gizmodo/io9, Jalopnik, Jezebel, Kotaku, Lifehacker, Splinter
>worth 1.5 Billion in 2006
>The Verge, Vox, Polygon, Curbed, Eater, SB Natio


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this. they don't even buy these kind of games.

I don't understand, why are they expecting the same amount of player police that Blizzard or any AAA dev has? Isn't this game made by like 10 people

I don't know user. I've been watching for too long. Outrage culture is probably the point where I hit that rope.

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You guys need to understand that we are dealing with a generation of emotionally and mentally stunted adults.
Children in adult bodies in every sense.
Take the VOX hypocrite homo as an example.
The man unironically stated that he expects the real world outside of the education system to operate in the same way as his high-school, with principals and such intervening when he suffers a boo-boo.
These "journalists" are literally high-school children who have never grown up and now project their stunted mental state onto the real world and expect a high-school safespace everywhere.
This mental and emotional stagnation is how societies die out and are replaced by ones that aren't sissified and follow the law of the jungle.


If it takes place in some indian shithole, then by all means make them indian. But don't go giving women swords. Shit is always so unatural looking.

>that clip of that one Mordhau dev shitting on nerds ingame and calling them bads

They seem like cool dudes.


Nah, a fit Slavniggers who swims and is tired of you nu-western sissies shitting everywhere.

>Mordhau's developers are on some bullshit
The fuck does that even mean?
>It's actually just a blog post from some asshole that read the PC Gamer article
Fucking Kotaku, I swear.

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The game already takes place in nondescript shitholes

They will regret this.

It's "get woke, go broke".
Also, I think you left caps lock on, bro.

>Kingdom Come
Why do all the based devs always make games with shitty gameplay?

Breitbart is also dying, T_D got itself destroyed and all the "anti-SJWs" are forced to Gab.

>that shitaku tagline
fucking lmao

But without poops, so it's not so bad

FOX is meanwhile experiencing constant growth and new employment, while every SJW big media like CNN, NBC, MSNBC has lost most viewership and is sacking tens of thousands.

>3x league permabanned player
That's what you get for playing tranny vidya

Wait until they actually make the changes and then ask for a refund directly as the game no longer fulfills the criteria under which you purchased it.

Absolutely based.

>These fags have literally no power over them
They do. When you can write an article that lands on a game's first page of google/twitter results you have power over them. And they aren't being impartial, you click on those links and it says Mordhau devs are explicitly pandering to sexists and racists. The narrative is now that Mordhau devs are bigot sympathizers and since the journos and their hive of twitter accounts have a louder voice than them, it's on the devs to prove otherwise.

>shit gameplay

>all the "anti-SJWs" are forced to Gab.
Being kicked off a platform by those in power is not the same as being ignored by your audience.

if they dont cuck out then ill buy it

same cunts who applaud political violence because "speech is violence" or whatever

>Telling players to use their anti-griefing functions like mute, vote-kick, and leaving the server are not considered enough
Hooooooly shit, i thought that comic was a joke, but SJW fucks seriously do just want to jump into whatever game and get their kicks off of punishing other players

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Ok but we're talking about video games.

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Who gives a fuck about kikebart

How does brown people made the game worse?

Fuck, could you anons imagine if some rich ass conservative bought these media outlets and just made them churn out super right wing news all day

The tilting would finally be enough to sink California into the ocean

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God thats going to be great

Right now it looks like medieval europe. Any other setting is worse IMO.

>Keep it historical
they have weapons and armor from ancient greco-roman all the way to the renaissance, along with weaponry from Scandinavia to early Persian.
The fuck are you on about

It's a wildly inconsistent setting though. We have weapons and armour in game that span a time period of at least 600 years so it's barely based in true history.

You'd never see a knight with a heater shield and a rapier, or a Viking with an Estoc so why does it matter?

Black people existed in the medieval period

All over a misunderstanding. Seems pretty silly.

But it drew out all the people who want to “fight” for their precious right to say the n-word without repercussions. Pretty pathetic honestly. This whole thing has really made our community look like shit. If you can’t understand why having endless screenshots of racist garbage in the game, and then a subreddit full of people deliberately and desperately defending the people doing it is bad for the image of the game, then I’m not sure what can be gained through conversation on the matter. It seems like people just demand they be able to say a few words that pretty much all of society has decided are worthless except for their ability to alienate, offend, and otherwise turn people off the current activity.

I know we can mute them. And I do. Triternion says in this post they are working on in-game reporting and I can’t wait. There should be consequences for spouting this nonsense in chat, and if you can’t understand why then you’re part of the problem. New players, twitch viewers, game reviewers, all of them are going to see the first impression of our community that the chat provides. If it’s full of racist garbage and no report system, the message sent is that we are a place for racist assholes to hang out with impunity. Fortunately the people actually making decisions for this game and the community think that there should be ways to get racists out of the fucking game or chat for good.

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wtf i'm gonna go and buy it right now even though i have no interest in playing it

>not playing dota
You know how many times I've called someone a nigger, and whenever I played with Jews I called them kikes.
Never been banned in my life and have 0-3 reports pr. 25 games.
+ DotA is also way better than League in every way.

okay, sounds reasonable enough

>Kocksucku offended

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niche gamer ftw
meanwhile, cuck kotaku getting triggered, as per usual
fucking liberals ruining gaming

Bought it the other day and I love it, haven't had so much fun in ages. But it is full of tryhards and Russians, and cry babies. And plus if you are the type to kill playing bards then hang yourself, you ruin the game.

Its a comical interpretation of the times. I'd be ok with black characters if they were voiced by martin lawrence.


That was rumor attempting to stir shit up.

Already did a chargeback because dedicated server doesn't work on HYPER-V hosts.

T. Gay bard

So the players are garbage and they want them to police them?

People are such sissies nowadays. They want everywhere to be a safe space

Too bad retards like yourself only know how to create racists and don't do shit to eliminate them. Calling someone a racist has less meaning than ever before these days, and that's because dumbasses like yourself slapped the word everywhere and anywhere until everyone became desensitized to the word. Well, racists are here now to stay and growing.

Realism creates racists.

Ahh, stuff like this is why I'm glad I'm not a consolenigger.
The beauty of an open platform where most games will let you host whatever kind of server you want.

strange that all these articles come out at the same time, huh?

Being bard is one of the funnest things to do, you fags who use them as easy kills are just kids who take the game too seriously.

>if you can’t understand why then you’re part of the problem
No, we understand perfectly well. We also understand how to press k, removing the chat system alltogether, having the "replace insults with over the top compliments" setting, initiate vote kicks, console command request admin, or -and heres the big one- leaving the server
Don't drag us to your pathetic level of thin skin and realize the world is not obliged to agree with your infinitesimal tolerance for others while demanding complete compliance of yours.

They've given you a myriad of tools to stifle your would be "aggressors", but you don't want that, you want to be the cause of someone elses suffering. So kindly fuck off and play another game,

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M**rs have very little involvement with European conflicts and affairs

>Mordhau already fills what is essentially a vacant niche.
>Have a committed player base.
>Fucking outsiders demand they turn into the cluster fuck and make it "safer" for people who don't, won't, and will never play the game.
I have 80 hours in Mordhau and the worst I saw is someone call someone else a faggot. The word "Knigga" gets thrown around a lot and there's some salt in the chat, but its the usual multiplayer shit flinging.
They're just words, words can't hurt you, grow the fuck up.

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it reminds of something, but I can't quite put my finger on it, huh

Is this porn?

>Niche Gamers has the most likes out of all three

So this....is the power of journalism...

They conquered all of fucking Portugal and 85% of Spain. Not even mentioning their bedding and trading of almost all of Italy

Again, what the fuck is Yea Forums on about

Well, let's see:
>made in RPG maker
>big-tiddied anime girl is front and center
yep it's porn

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Killing bards and making you mad is one of the funnest things you can do in the game. People who RP and get mad when they die take the game too seriously.

Its as if... Theres a gate... To the gamers...

Probably because they're the closest to just being impartial and reporting the facts instead of posting some retarded clickbait headline.


>Kill Bard
>Kill shield boarder
>They ask me what the fuck is my problem
>"We're playing frontline and you aren't taking points"
>They can not give any response that justifies their antics
Every time, you turn the team on them, and they either play, or they leave

>people who don't play the game want to censor the playerbase because "its the right thing to do"
>developer doesn't give a shit, wants to keep their playerbase around
why can't all developers be like this? left 4 dead 2 had another great community. if you didn't play well or were a hindrance, you were kicked.
play well, earn respect from your team members and you will never have a problem, you can get away with shit talking as well since you're backing it up.

>who swims
you mean as sailor?
no co tam rybaku?

Of which times though? It's not fixed within a set period, brainlets just generalise it all as medieval but it's not

>They conquered all of fucking Portugal and 85% of Spain.
Those were Arabs you mental retard.
The Moors were formed looooong after when Muslims penetrated west of Ethiopia into Sub-Saharan Africa and started enslaving black people to use them, and the Moors were only partially blacks while overwhelmingly Caucasian from around the Meds.

Not RP, and I don't get mad because I rarely play bard but it is a fun little thing to have in the game that everyone abides by leaving the bards in peace to play their music, faggots like you are why games like this will be ruined because no fun allowed.

>taking frontline or the game seriously at all
just let people have fun you tryhard sad lad

Or better yet if you don't want to play well just join a server where you can fuck around.
Plenty of those for both L4D2 and Mordhau.

>The Iberian Peninsula, also known as Iberia, is located in the southwest corner of Europe.
So are you just pretending to be retarded, or has your stormfronter education reduced you to just Germany and Scandanavia as "muh white land"

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Absolutely not.

probably cause Kotaku thinks if they use ebonics to speak they'll be more down with the black folkx and other dregs of the internet

I hate american politics so god damn much.
Can you guys leave the entire world and go all of you to space?

I'm pretty sure they are paid to shit on things because everyone knows what they are. Games are instantly better the moment (((Kotaku))) and (((PC Gamer))) unclench their assholes. Worked for Kingdom Come.

Women and skin options were announced in beta. There are literal female morphs in the main files.

It's a snowniggers.
The only thing they are capable of is starting a world war in the middle of Europe, fracturing it, and murdering millions of Caucasians, while allying with Muslims, as is the CV of their dear leader.

They’ll give in eventually. All do

I'm aware that women, specifically, were a promised feature already. However it had been stated that you would have an option to not see them if you wanted your historicity. That feature has been rescinded.

No, I don't pay for digital distribution. Only the mentally ill pay for digital distribution.
They are SJWs though and so is anyone that pays for this or uses Steam, charging or paying for digital distribution or thinking it acceptable to charge or pay for digital distribution is SJW and communist - see Karl Marx' labor theory of value
>waah support the developer

zero effort

Mordhau is fantasy with realism as a setting, this comes from the devs own fucking mouths

i was already 3+ years deep into league before even trying dota2. no FF, people leaving and the long ass games kinda turned me off it

also i sucked shit at it

> Triternion says in this post they are working on in-game reporting and I can’t wait.
They aren't going to ban players for wrong-think like you want. Don't get your hopes up authoritarian retard.

>not contributing to the point capture by boosting your army's morale
People like you belong on a cross.

Attached: siegfail.png (693x576, 499K)

portal mario was also made by a Janez

>get really good with maul, always top of the scoreboard
>stop playing and come back to it during the steam sale
>i am absolute garbage, i cant even feint properly and everyone is level 70+

By virtue of being occupied by Moors, its not Europe.

>How does brown people made the game worse?
They're brown

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Your Hingrish is an example.

>Only the mentally ill pay for digital distribution
So you should buy it

>The only thing they are capable of is starting a world war in the middle of Europe, fracturing it, and murdering millions of Caucasians, while allying with Muslims, as is the CV of their dear leader.
Yes whites can declare wars too you know

Yeah just not really in europe

You can play against bots. Why do you dislike online?

Nigger COPE

I agree with the last part. People desperate to say nigger are making things harder for people who just want relaxed moderation and an option to not see black women running around in a medieval knight game.

However the journos were absolute faggots for calling the devs bigot sympathizers. Those were hit pieces to strong arm progressivism into the game, that's beyond "silly".

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you must not have played the PvE mode

So the last remaining bastion of europe is switzerland?

i didnt complain about ahit. like most rational thinkers, i modded it out

That's how the internet was before zoomers took over. *sip*

Honestly I haven't been offended online since like '98 but I still report all the time because getting teenagers banned is hilarious to me. My favourite thing to do is to make them mad as hell, then act like a victim in chat for the chat logs then report them. Often the whole server will if you do it right.

Ask me anything

user, you should stop playing that shit is unironically bad for your health.


How old are you?

>No, I don't pay for digital distribution. Only the mentally ill pay for digital distribution.
>They are SJWs though and so is anyone that pays for this or uses Steam, charging or paying for digital distribution or thinking it acceptable to charge or pay for digital distribution is SJW and communist - see Karl Marx' labor theory of value
I just gotta get this out of my system, but Valve is very much a capitalist company that does it's fair share of economic exploitation.
Why did you bring up LVT? Are you trying to imply that only middlemen or people who work for corporations that pay wages deserve your money?
>waah support the developer
Not paying for things is kind of the ideal of communism.

30. I think it's important to value the simple pleasures in life as you age. A good cup of coffee. A walk on the trails. Making the life of teenagers worse by any means necessary.

Bardfags are the worst. Every one of them thinks they're some hilarious and original comedian because they downloaded lutebot and stand around repeating the shit they saw in a "Mordhau epic moments compilation" video

fucking amen
reminder youre doing those kids a favor so they know exactly what to do with the little shits when they get our age

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What did I do wrong lads?

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Why the FUCK did you make a square if you didn't have 4 articles.

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dont forget they all play the same songs
i bet every single one of them uses memes and internet lingo in real life interactions

Is this game actually good?

What's the problem? Also the game looks cool.

Have sex incel.



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Who the fuck even cares about what journos say?

This is it, Yea Forums. This is an actual shill thread.

It's okay, some players are turning into whiny faggots that'll bitch if you beat them and some loadouts require low skill to play


"good" is debatable but its definitely full of dumbass funny moments

Fag month is over Kotaku. Fix your shit.

They plan on caving so I am not buying it.

Thanks man. I'm against censorship and bans but as long as they exist I might as well make lemonade and punish teenage fucking shits who dare to use my internet.

you should be censored

fuck off

What is this from?

same, almost bought it after hearing the mute function bit.

write this to them
they'll understand what it means

Kuga s mә glih kәr reku, ti kurba mәjhna? Jest tә puvem, de sәm zvežban holcar pa de sәm biu že doskat zravәn, k sej kramper pubirou; saj 300 gajb ga mam že nabranga. Drva znam cepәt z eno roko, traktor uhkә pa u miže furam. Tuko tem žvajznu, de teu du Buhina pa nazaj udnesvә, vrjem mә. K to pišem, že brusәm skiro pa vežem štrәk. Mrtu s ti, toja držina, usә toj prjatlә, pa še ceu toj rod za sto generacij nazaj. Ščijem pu grobovәh tojga roda, ungavәm tә use babe u držin pa use drva tәm ud bajte udnesu. Suvata nәjt u cvet pride pa mlek nәj set skisa. Ti nis nәč u primerjau z mano. Upam, de vәm vәs pәrdelk preč pride, pa usa žvina crkne. Dep te kura bәcniva pa pәs puscau. Vem ke žviš pa vem, ke mate kluče ud bajte skrite. Merkej se, k bom zj hmau pršu. Frderbou tem preh, kokr uhkә Učenәš zmolәš.

U moj drušnə so usə jagrə u far; skəp ga pjemo usək dan pu šihtə. Skəp pupjemo več šnopsa, kokr ga u ceumo let u petəh občinah nardejo. Duma mam tri puše, ut tga dve šnelfajərce pa eno pušo z rešpetinəm. Z enmo šusəm uhkə frderbam tri vepre naenkat, auslezvam t jəh pa tuko hit, de tut za pumežikənt nimaš cajt. Ti se kər devej kunštnga, sam de se nauš krvau useknu, pruklet baštart.
Čep ti vedu, s kerga se kle norca devaš, nep tukole guvoru. Tis gutov tak pauliha, de hodəš u gmajno srobret rauhat; jest grem skor usək dan pu južnə u gmajno žagat tuko det puvem de səm že dost takəh pankrtov stumbou, k so pu moj host vandral.

>charging or paying for digital distribution or thinking it acceptable to charge or pay for digital distribution is SJW

Attached: The inner machinations of my mind are an enigma.gif (400x480, 204K)

It really wasn't, but keep telling yourself that, zoomer-kouhai.

>Pretty pathetic honestly
ora ora, tomatoke omae sora moe kora motokoko
ima erowa kosatsu omae torano wa daiske

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>T_D, which was populated entirely by pro-gay, pro-immigration liberals who just thought it would be funny to vote for Orange Meme Man

Nothing of value was lost.

>I'd be ok with black characters if they were voiced by martin lawrence.

I'd buy five copies if they put in black characters and they're all voiced by Chris Tucker.

The is exactly the kind of game that would attract such a retarded fanbase so why would you actively want to participate in the community.

Mute and use Discord to communicate with your core group.

A documentary about the end of the colonialism in africa.

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shit balance and no content drove me away from the game, not trashtalk lmao

>but that kotaku's title

only a deranged tranny could conceive that title.

This. Mute functions exist for a fucking reason.

>it really wasnt

im not sure what it was like before 2004, but in online games up until around 2013, you could say almost anything and not get banned

Why though? They could literally just ignore the bullshit and continue on their way, nothing woukd happen to them.

Weeb one also has more retweets and likes despite being posted hours later

>you should stop playing that shit

i have. the game is no longer fun
im back to playing mount and blade all day

Based Slovenians.

It's Chivalry but fixed.

This exact problem extends to vr chat.
People use avatars with gimmicks as a replacement for genuine interactions. At least in it you can remove those fags from your plane of existence.

Didn't they already cuck?'

I don't know why anyone even give a shit about kotaku and other shit-tier rags bitch about. If anything, those types being pissed is a blessing that will just make people like them more.
Literally all you have to do to beat these fags is to just ignore them.

You forgot the articles where the veterans were begging for the whites to come back and also the one where they overthrew Mugabe

Don't quote this it makes mustard gas

>bards arent real tone cable compatible so you could actually play some notes instead of downloading premade shit

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How come these people don't get mad at Twitter for not regulating their website, making them resort to using the mute feature (the block button)? Yet this triggers them to no end?

Just because it puts trannies on suicide watch doesn't mean I'll buy it, shill.

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>I don't know why anyone
Does the studio have investors? Or maybe the bank threatened them?

>How come these people don't get mad at Twitter for not regulating their website,
They do though. And Twitter does frequently bend to their whims and block tons of people that they mass report for hurting their fee fees

Reminder bait and low tier posts are bannable

Fake backlash. "Journalists" are getting paid by Chivalry 2 to write negative stuff about something you could easily mute.

>conquered all of fucking Portugal
Não, não, paneleiro


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Women voice acting in war games is always ALWAYS grating trash

>Mordhau's developers are on some bullshit

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To be fair, the toxicity and racism in this game is far beyond any other game.

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>I don't know why anyone even give a shit about kotaku and other shit-tier rags bitch about. If anything, those types being pissed is a blessing that will just make people like them more.
>Literally all you have to do to beat these fags is to just ignore them.
Game journalism is hilariously disassociated with the actual gaming audience, but they matter to sources of income and future prospective backers.

Mordhau was already pandering to you alt-right crusade circlerjerkers anyway, they're just going to end up looking like retards when their flavour of the month trash dies in a month or so and all that remains of their legacy is that time they defended the rights of teenage nazis lmao.

I'm not going to rush out and buy a game just because someone has common sense.
I will however NOT buy a game if the developer bends to SJWs and crybabies.
It's as simple as that.

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>Player is annoying
>Call him a faggot, mute him, or vote to kick from server
>Player is annoying
>call him a faggot
>get banned from game with no refund

The game is fun. Simple as.

Believe it or not this is actually true, a month ago CNN was ahead of Fox by a small bit, checking again just now they pushed ahead over CNN. They could be fucking with the results somehow, but as if now Fox News is #1 in America.

>Playing multiplayer games in 2019

The first mistake you made.

*as is

>To be fair, the toxicity and racism in this game is far beyond any other game.
I'm loath to defend anything related to deus vult cunts, but what would you expect of this kind of PC game in this kind of climate?
I'd much prefer an equal opportunity garbage fire, but with only this kind of shit being targeted in other games, it all congregated to this one.

If they actually did their job, then Twitter wouldn't be an absolute shithole for all

what is chivalry 2 then

Not being racist or sexist isn't SJW, it's being a decent human being. That's why we call sexist feminist cunts and racist BLM niggers SJWs.

It's the only good thing to come out of it

They don't make single player shooters man


Yeah cuz medieval England wasn't a plague infested shithole. The state of white """"""people"""""

An Epic Games store exclusive

A game that took too long to be announced.

arabs weren't niggers

>dev wont police their fanbase
remember back in the day before zoomers shit everything up that online servers were all dedicated and hosted by actual people that enjoyed playing video games and the rules were up to them since it was their server? You faggot niggers have literally ruined online games.

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The fuck are you on about, teenagers are the edgiest people in online games.It's faggot journalists who don't even play games trying to get gamergate mouthbreathers to read their article out of outrage


Define medieval

Everyone is cheering on the shit going on in Mordhau, but actually looking at the stuff going on ingame, when did shit stop being a bit?

For every person that is being an edgy dumbass or a teenager, there's several grown ass men being a hundred percent genuine. Kotaku can go fuck themselves because they lack the self awareness to self examine but how did shit get this bad?

Didn't they already cave and say they're going to add women and a bunch of other ethnicities, and then backtrack on saying there would be an option to toggle them off? Didn't they also just recently backtrack on the mute thing, and say they were implementing a word filter?

Either way, I have no intention to buy a game that even remotely addresses the whims of a bunch of outrage peddlers that try to bully every game developer to fit their world view. There is literally no detriment to just ignoring whatever dumb bullshit some neon-haired Kotaku writer comes up with.

You'd have to ask them. I assume they're afraid of having future opportunities closed off to them if they get dragged by all the major game journalists as pro-facist.

>It seems like people just demand they be able to say a few words that pretty much all of society has decided are worthless

Isn't it funny how black people say it the most tho.

>They could literally just ignore the bullshit and continue on their way, nothing woukd happen to them.
This is the opposite side of the naive idiot spectrum with the Journos on the other side.

Shut up nigger

suck my dick the fact there's renaissance equipment in this game is fucking retarded
at least the viking stuff is in the medieval period, and adding arab/mongol/slavic stuff would be both fitting and good for variety
the game is already getting boring with the shit maps and a terrible objective mode

Answer the question faggot.

It's like the issue with the jannies. The problem is twofold: not deleting stuff that should be deleted, and deleting stuff that shouldn't be.

In twitter's case, it's a one-way street.

Little baby wh*te afraid hes gonna get stomped by a moor?

Name ONE(1) game that flopped solely because of game """journalists""" throwing a fit.

Colonized your unwiped ass

This, I warned you'll negroes back when that controversy with MW2 not having private servers happened. Now it's standard, and everyone is forced to follow bullshit one-size-fits-all moderation standards instead of people just being able to naturally gravitate toward like-minds.

It's not about a game flopping, it's about the perception of a company making a game due to journalistic attention.

Look less at release and more at corporate meddling as a result of what they believe to be negative press.


hehe he look funny

I play every game except cs with VoIP disabled. I just went in assuming mordhau will have rabbid "dus voolt" inbreds. I've been having an amazing time so far, but I have seen the occasional chat message describing how toxic the VoIP is. Still better community than league of legends.

>look guys i know kotaku is retarded but how could anyone be racist on the internet?

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Would you like to point out the zoomer in pic related? Millennials are responsible for this safe space bullshit. A generation of snowflakes and crybullys.

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May this hasten the end of the SJW monopoly of thought. Kotaku and RPS have gone to such utter shit.

Except that the devs caved

>look guys i know kotaku is retarded but how could anyone be racist on the internet?
Are you ESL or simply very good at being retarded? There was always racism online and in games especially if you played FPSs and trawled around the FTP market. Nexon was a wonderful hub of multicultural hatred. But it was usually just people being stupid and the toxicity was more related to someone just losing their fucking shit at being bad at the game.
Trying to argue that the climate hasn't changed also on the side of edgy bullshit is stupid. It has changed on the side of people wanting everyone to stop saying racist shit, but it has also gotten worse on the other side of the spectrum.
So how did shit get this bad? I think about some of the year long bits I saw back in the days of Counter Strike, a dramatic reading of the Turner Diaries and don't really see that anymore. Maybe it is nostalgia but random bullshit like that seems impossible, either because you'll be permabanned, or somebody will take it seriously.

Uh what

game's good, fun combat, rewarding

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damn thats a good case study

Shut the fuck up nerd, you think i'd make an effort to make a pretty picture for special boys like you. Off yourself

>why are do people say more mean edgy stuff on the internet don't say edgy stuff i don't approve of don't be unironically racist it's triggering
Because fuck you.

Sadly this. They should've just stuck to their guns, either doubling down or just ignoring kotaku and their oy veying. Instead they're going to start making concessions, giving inch after inch to people who fundamentally will never "forgive" them for whatever perceived injustice they committed

imagine making this picture, fuming all the while

This. Ill just make a new account faglord, report me nigger.

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He was making a lot of sense and then he went full retard at the end.

He mad .

So you're not ESL, you're just genuinely retarded because the ESL would have just not responded.
It's not a matter of people saying edgy shit. It's that the edgy shit has become concentrated to the point that the harmless edgy shit is no longer a thing that can be done for fun unless you specifically isolate yourself. Do you know why I mentioned Kotaku could go fuck itself? Because I knew that a retard like you was going to respond and due to being a fucking a fucking retard or someone who doesn't understand English, they'd miss the point. So let me spell it out for you.

How did we reach the point, that ignoring what is going on on the SJW side, which has been discussed to fucking death here, where people stop playing to bits and just jerk themselves off genuinely to dumb edgy culture war bullshit in such large concentrations.

>tfw i know to play that game but i'm afraid people say the n* word on the chat
it will trigger my ptsd all over again pls devs send help

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no he didnt

A desperate attempt to reclaim the spotlight Mordhau stole from them

Because SJWs.

Based digits nigger

>How did we reach the point, that ignoring what is going on on the SJW side, which has been discussed to fucking death here, where people stop playing to bits and just jerk themselves off genuinely to dumb edgy culture war bullshit in such large concentrations.
Games start permabanning racist jokes but ignore other forms of toxicity. They move to other games and get permabanned there until eventually you reach the point where everyone who is sick and tired of it is in one place and because of the fact that they're all there due to similar reasons, it seems far worse than it actually should be.
Ironically if most games were consistent with the way they ban people the situation would be better because there would be more diversity in terms of the shit people are saying.

well theres titanfall 2, but you can only play a campaign so many times no matter how good it is.

The moors were mostly Arab not black.

They already said they would put wymen, fuck them.

Are you an American?

Whining about to censor and ban people rather than just telling them to fuck off and ignoring them is SJW

>people unironically using the term ("(toxic)")
Old internet is never coming back is it? Was it social media? Was it helicopter parenting gone too far? What was it that made people such insufferable little faggots?

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>Whines about people using the term toxic
>Nostalgic about old internet
When the fuck did you hop onto the internet?

It was the iPhone. Suddenly every normie had 24/7 internet access in their pocket.

Yup. One of the few decent hrpg maker games on steam. Hopefully we will get more with passing time.


>buying a game because of some dumb agenda

No, I identify as a citizen of the world, borders must be abolished, fuck drumpf.

What shithole are you from?

I came from the cum hole not the shit hole.

>Shit English.
>Now defensive about being a third worlder
Hue Hue faggot.


>Broken netcode
>shit ma>and now this
Goodbye mordhau, you're the best 3 weeks game I've ever played

The more you imply England was as shithole, your colonized shithole looks doubly so lmao


I really like this image.

vaporware, the trailer was made out of the first game.