Yep you read right its coming on steam this Thursday. Im so happy!

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>PCunts in charge of buying games

how is it different to edf 4? not trolling, I liked edf 4 - just need to mentally settle on how much I want to pay for it

You tool, for playing online you need to buy it and not pirate it.

Btw stay mad we got another one of your "exclusives"

why would they port it if no one bought 4.1 then user?

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Bro idk very much about 5 but its a sort of soft reboot and everything should be improved in this one, btw i will get it by key sellers for getting it cheaper

how much is it gonna be?

EDF 4.1 launched on steam for like $50

Everything will be fine as long as Persona 5 isn't ported to PC.

50 or 60 usd with 50 usd~ worth of DLC

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Thank god, I've been waiting for this
The fencer looks like so much more fun in EDF5

Apparently it totally fixed the loot RNG as well so you don't get 99% duplicate drops all the time

This, but unironically. Unlike with 4.1, it's going to launch at full price, mustards won't buy it.

Not much, honestly. Same engine and gameplay as 4.1, same enemies (with the exception of the humanoid aliens) with different skins. Tadpoles instead of dragons, flying types look different, etc. The major difference is with quality of life improvements; ranger can now sprint, wingdiver has a dash, air raider is just godlike. Also, armor pickups partially carry over between classes. Beyond that, it's the same game. If you really like EDF, then go for it.

Attached: sora shiina.webm (1280x720, 467K)

I got this one free for Xbone and I really liked it. How good is 5? What's new?

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See I'd recommend getting 4.1 since it's way cheaper, and 4.1 is a completely new game compared to 2017. You can check to see if 2025 is BC on your xboner, since that was actually playable on 360 onlike 2025 on PS3 (4.1 is just a current gen port of 2025 with very minor adjustments and a few more missions)

>mustards won't buy it.
I'm buying this shit day one. I didn't really know what EDF was before 4.1 so I bought it on sale. I'm sure there will be a lot of other people who loved 4.1 and will buy it full price.


I have very bad news for you

It's a lot like EDF 4 but basically everything is improved.
>Air Raider got tons of awesome changes like being able to precisely place air strikes, air strikes now reload based on time instead of with kills, now has super low cooldown (like 1 second) air strikes, turrets now reload in the background
>Ranger now has access to some vehicles as part of his kit and can run really fast
>Fencer can fly now
>Wing Diver got some more mobility
>All classes got new weapons
>New enemies including big ass aliens in armor that will take cover behind buildings and shoot guns
>You now get a circular pickup radius while you're in a vehicle so it's way easier to pickup armor and weapons

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He may as well skip 4.1 and go to 5.

So I take it that Iron Rain flopped beyond belief?

4.1 is $10, 5 is full price.

Pretty sure Iron Rain was outpacing EDF 5 by a good margin at release.

Dear OP

Hes a pretty cool guy.

t. shot gun fag

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Release pushed back the end of the month.

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>Releasing their game right after big sales
I can already smell the flop.

pls no

Thank fuck. I need time to recoup funds from the summer sale.

It's getting released in the same window as 4.1 and that did great.

What about Iron Rain?

Well if we do some math based on EDF 4.1 coming out the June half a year after coming out on PS4, same with EDF 5, Iron Rain will probably be out by October or November.

I think we're much less likely to get Iron Rain but you never know.

>50 or 60 usd
I love EDF, but this is horseshit. EDF is a budget series. The original 3 games went for budget prices, and 4.1 was released at 40 on PC. 60 for EDF5 is crazy.

I don't really see the issue. You can easily get 80+ hours out of the game or more, that's easily worth 60 bucks.

It was a budget series back in the PS2 days but not anymore. And 4.1 launched for $50 USD.

The songs the troops sing in 5 are way worse.
>Rangers lead the way. The og class and only true choice.

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The EDF games are 2 hour games stretched to 20 hours. Don't pretend like there is 80 hours of original content in these games.



that site just defaulted to the end of the month because the steam page was changed from "July 11 2019" to "July 2019", it still might be coming out this thursday

maybe they did that to remove the actual day of release and just make it say "july 2019" on the store page

That's like saying Path of Exile is an 8 hour game because you can beat the campaign that quickly. It's a grinding game son. It's about unlocking all the weapons and grinding up armor so you can beat the hardest difficulty.

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>EDF on Thursday.
>Metal Wolf Chaos next month.
Feels good.