Was Runar gay? His characters is so fucking calm

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being white feels so good

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>Yes mother

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>parsing dungeons

too cute!

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If you had the strength to stand would you?

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Please kill yourself.

Fuck off.

That looks fucking disgusting. Would not fap

looks a bit funny but cute

Yuck, trying too hard to be feminine

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>BLM/RDM (prog only)
Here's your meta comp bro

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Ribobon is such a pointless item

>DRK and MNK in the shed again


>meta in ex primals

New tank here. How do you guys manage CDs during wall to wall pulls? Typically I’ll pop my strongest CD first and arms length. Then I’ll pop heart of stone whenever it’s available. If DPS takes a bit longer, I’ll pop camouflage. I’ll save Rampart for my next pull and just rinse and repeat. I’ll use my regens whenever available, but lately I’ve had some healers call me shit and that’s hurt me. I’ll make sure I look out for tank busters etc, so I can’t figure out what I’m doing wrong.

Newfag here. Used to play Ninja but that became too difficult for me so I started DRG and having a good time with it. Also interested in Samurai. Is that easy or more on the difficulty side?

>tanks are all within 2% of each other in damage
>PLD brings fuckloads of support
>DRK is basically invincible
GNB and WAR have no purpose. There's literally 0 reason to bring either. Furthermore: DRK currently has the top parse if you really care about that shit.

Keep coping stolafags.

what were they THINKING?

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It's incredibly underwhelming as our 80 skill.

it'll be pld/pld, prove me wrong

Samurai is completely freeform compared to Dragoon. Do you like being able to choose your next combo based on the situation (SAM), or do you like the idea of having a string of GCDs that you must play in a specific order without failure (DRG)? DRG is a lot heavier on managing your buffs and timers, SAM is just ungabunga.

It's up to you. Neither is explicitly better than the other.

Nah, GNB has better DPS and on par utility with DRK. WAR has the strongest mitigation.

Parses are placing DRK above GNB at the moment.
PLD has better mitigation than WAR and also does more DPS.

>that moment when you realize youre autistic because youre picking your main job based on >>how immersive it is

DNC 80 skill is exactly the same and sucks fucking dick too.

I don't know if this is true but based on my eyeballing of tanks in general while healing, gunbbreakers feel fragile compared to the old tanks.

Glad you're enjoying the game, user

Only use 1 CD at a time unless healer is extremely bad or your gear is shit
If you have to pop 2 cd’s, don’t use your strongest one
Also, what tank do you play

DRK is by FAR the most durable. It has the most self healing by a large margin (200 literally built into the combo and a 200/target OGCD) as well as the single most powerful shield which is also on only a 15sec cooldown. WAR isn't even close.

I’m on the same boat, I think it’s because the heal and that on demand 15% damage reduction, while nice, is not a strong as TBN or a clemency cast

> imagine playing through the MSQ as a bard or caster class
This totally kills it for me, specially during some cinematics, only melee jobs allowed

Post your glamour

Speaking of that, when the fuck am I supposed to use it? It builds up Espirit way too fucking slow to be more useful than just attacking.

i played through it on a white mage so

Post more cats

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> wanted to play as lion man
> no helmets allowed
I don’t get it, what’s so different about a roe and a cat that the latter can’t wear helmets? They don’t have any protruding elements from the head like horns or big ears

This makes me very uncomfortable for some reason


They can wear all full helms as well as all "facial gear", just not some of the half helms.

Currently playing gunbreaker. I try to get away with only using 1 CD but always feel like I need to rely on more. Is it just DF players?

Only time I’ve ever used it is on phase changes like primal ults but even with the entire group next to you it gains about 6 esprit a tick so it’s useless. As it stands right now it’s just a town skill like flamethrower.

Head piece name?

This is super uncanny

Keep up heart of stone up at all times
Pop 1 cd in addition to that
Don’t forget about aurora and if you still dipping too low, get back to your 123 combo instead of the aoe