What if it isn't at TGS?
What if it isn't at TGS?
I'll pray that it's in the next Nintendo direct
r/megaten will be on suicide watch.
think you mean I will be on suicide watch
I would cheer for Atlus focusing their resources on games more than 4 boomers want to play.
SMTfags will be laughed off of this board
This series only got popular because of Persona.
All i know is its gonna be absolutely kino when it comes out
Ill play P5R
>people don't remember that they did the same thing with 4 and P5
Rather they take their time and make something good
The wait for P5 was filled with P4 spinoffs and other Persona content. The wait for SMTV has had pretty much radio silence on the SMT front
>implying it won't go multiplat on release
Switch is too gimped do display impressive games on.
It won't be at TGS, Atlus is busy with shilling P5R now.
Hey bro, you're pretty hot. How about you take me to Yoyogi Park?
>they can't shill 2 games at once
Quick search says P4 was revealed in 2008 and released in the same year. P5 had the excuse that they were working with a new engine and had to make all new demon models and the like since they couldn't reuse shit anymore.
Fuck you
It was cancelled.
And look how bad they turned out
I will wait, no matter how long it takes.
Then it'll be somewhere else later.
It won't be, don't get any hopes up for it showing up at any events that have any Western focus.
He's talking about SMTIV you mong
Hey Yea Forums, I've never played an SMT game before but I am in the mood for a JPRG. On my 3DS I downloaded both SMTIV and SMTIV Apocalypse, which should I play? As I understand it from just the briefest of research SMTIV Apocalypse is some alternate version of SMTIV. Is SMTIV good for a newcomer to the series?
Start with IV, it's a fine place to start. It has some issues, but it's still a good game on the whole, and IV:A, though it has its own issues, fixes almost all of the issues that IV has, so that's well worth playing too.
but Persona is a SMT spinoff, so you technically do have a lot of content between SMT IV and V
/smtg/ shitposts then dies for real too
Basically this, but keep in mind IV:A is a sequel to an alternate neutral ending to IV if you considered playing IV:A first based on what he said
Then we wait another year.
Alright, I'll give IV a try. I have all the "DLC" for it as well, though I don't know what the DLC is. Any tips for someone who has never played SMT before?
STR is fucked up in IV so if you want to go physical invest in DEX instead of STR. Aside from that it's best you figure things out yourself.
Alright, thanks. I'm just not all that familiar with SMT so I didn't want to fuck myself over. I'll keep that in mind.
You can die easily. Always save when you can. Bosses are often a huge step up over regular fights, both in what they can dish out and what it takes to beat them.
No, fuck (You). You look flabby and weak anyways.
I be angry
Who fucking cares about reddit, go back faggot