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EDF 5- Steam release July 11
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they better not have the nerve to charge full price again
Japanese companies almost always do this with niche games. Just look at Koei's Dynasty or Romance series.
silly baka gaijin, you pay full price for old game.
They will, and I'll buy it. It's one of those instances where they know the fans will pay and they're the one ones into the series to begin with.
Oh well, I need my EDF
Is the air raider still the best with that one attack whale arty that recharges instantly?
Will this be more mod friendly than 4.1?
is there any news on the west getting the Starship Troopers DLC?
SO FUCKIN PUMPED! God I love edf and I can't wait to try air raider!
They will and you will pay
Anyone have that webm of the giant spider level starting, the spiders all leaping, and the player quitting out?
there was no starship troopers DLC. it was just a cross-promotion.
>finally bought a cheap ps4 to play a multiplat that runs nicer on it
>plan to get EDF 5
>now it's suddenly got a release date for PC
oh fuck off
I got you, brotato fries
You rock, dude.
gonna dump some edf stuff. I fucking love how much they doubled down on fencer's already insane mobility
is the ammo in this game unlimited? this shit looks overpowered as all hell
it's balanced by reload times
have you seen the enemies we are up against?
OH yeah it fuckin is, trust me edf isn't easy by a longshot, you need those weapons to be as overpowered as they are
that's because he's using overpowered endgame DLC weapons on a mid-game mission in solo. lv100+ weapons are balanced for 4 player rooms in the DLC missions
Yeah weapons all work on a cooldown but levels can get ludicrous with the amount of enemies
ah, i see.
Wing diver is cute! CUTE!
Cute butt!
The cutest
>class to play? ranger of course so i can gather all the chests for my friends
Fucking cocks, I just convinced a friend to get 4.1
I couldn't wait and had to buy it for PS4 during a sale.
You guys are in for a treat if you like EDF.
The things they've done to my boy air raider is just sublime.
I like ranger
Will I find groups to play this shit or will it bomb just like Insect Armageddon?
Post EDF music
you will absolutely find people to play it with, I guarentee it. I still find people to play 4.1 with.
Say something nice about female fencer!
I can't wait
>Air Raider has requested 150mm Cannon Type C (Attack Whale)
>Air Raider has requested 150mm Cannon Type C (Attack Whale)
>Air Raider has requested 150mm Cannon Type C (Attack Whale)
Post more EDF fanart please!
I'm only at 54% in EDF4.
Why are they releasing it so soon?
>Year and a half late
>so soon
EDF 5 released on the PS4 in december 2017
How about edf troops with cute dogs?
Don't you mean cute EDF troops with cute dogs?
yes, of course, my mistake
>lancers can go fast because of an unintended animation cancel
>remove the cancel and just make it a feature of the class while expanding it 100x
Sandlot are good developers.
They even made a group of fencer npcs called the grim reapers who were programmed to fight like they people played them in 4.1, and they kick ass like it's none of their fucking business.
>Bought a new car 2 months ago
>Have seen an explosion of progress in the gym this past week
>Bought a new computer yesterday and it's arriving Wednesday
>See this bit of news today
After going through so much shit last year and the beginning of this one, it's enough to make my eyes sweat a little.
Wanna bet? There is a reason why some jap games never recover from "obscure" label: zero marketing and never ever being on sale.
Catherine is nice example.
forgot pic
>being the item cuck
There is a clothes mod in progress for DOA5
>that mission
I like to challenge myself to keep the NPC forces alive and not get overrun by the red ants.
But, why?
>steam released date breifly said "july 11" but now it's just "july"
That's cute! I love the wingdiver!
>blow it all on the sale
>no money to get this on release
it's not fair
>tfw no Muvluv game like EDF
Can I get a tl, Dr?
So they could port it to DOA6.
>only thing I bought this sale was borderlands 2 collection at 97% off
>buying borderlands 2
EDF isn't one of those games
>buying borderlands 2
Got rid of the air raid fun bucks system and made air strikes just reloadable, vehicles have absurdly more armor, like if i remember right some vegaltas have armor well over 100k, and they do SEXY amounts of damage. It's been a minute since I've looked at edf 5 but if I remember right you can call them from your vehicles, or maybe just certain strikes from your vehicles
It's like $5 for pre sequel and tons of its dlc so why not
yeah but catherine's biggest flaw is that it's not edf.
Sure, thats why i have never seen it on front page. Only place where i see it is here on /v.
maybe you should just open your fucking eyes, and you'd see it more
Could it be because it's almost four years old and you're late to the party?
Oh god
don't forget the single most important feature: background reloads. You no longer have to stand with nothing out for 60 seconds as your buff tower reloads
the new air strike marking system is great too. assuming you dont already know, it zooms out and shows you the whole map and there's a highlight marker that shows you the entire bombing run's path, which you can turn, and move wherever you want.
they made air raider s-tier and I don't want to ever go back
So is Iron Rain coming too?
EDF has appeared on the top sellers before, maybe your mommy didn't buy you your gaming PC until recently
Redpill me on this game
I wish I could drive a tank the size of a 2 story house.
The EDF are heros!
It's a crazy fun shooter about killing bugs and aliens, and still manages to be fun after about 100 missions of killing bugs and aliens, and even after replaying it on every difficulty. all the characters are super fun, especially the fencer with his speed and extremely powerful weapons like in this webm
So what are the major changes with each character, I already read about the Air Rider buffs that seem amazing but what about the other 3
That beach is like the final destination of EDF, I'd have been disappointed if it wasnt in edf 5
fast and loads of firepower
>Wing Diver
Mobility like no one else, still decent amount of firepower
>Air Raider
chad, nothing else needs to be said
literally what is the point of this class? He uses gay normal plinky guns and some bazookas sometimes. Shit mobility and nothing special
Fencer can use his jump and dash together, and over and over making him even more mobile than in 4.1, and the meta is now no longer just a melee weapon and shield, now you can have all kinds of variety with melee weapons, autoguns, artillery, and the like. every single one of ranger's weapons got beefed up considerably, except for the snipers (which got nerfed only in the way that you can only take one of the same type now) so now he's all about running in close range and ripping asses. for example his shotguns now penetrate enemies up to a certain distance like the slug shotgun did in 4.1. His sprint is a hard positioning move, and has 0 evasive potential but it's great for getting from point A to B. Wing diver's energy system got unfucked so she's a lot more fun to use and her air dodge is great.
Ranger is the uberchad
Why do Redditors and normalfags pretend to like EDF? They play for 2 hours, upload their "crazy and hilarious" reaction videos, and then fuck off. I don't get it.
This guy gets it.
Healing and tanking you mongoloid
With reverse shooter X you can heal your allies and yourself and basically prevent death many times over
Not to mention the AF100 or lysander Z combined with the reverse shooter basically allows you rekt shit on inferno and tank everything
What do you mean by they unfucked wing divers energy, do weapons still use energy to reload
and I forgot to add the reverse shooter X has an insane AOE that blasts enemies miles away while healing everyone
Really useful to give everyone some breathing space during swarms
Ranger has vehicles now?
Every class has an armor slot that can modify their base abilities, and Wing Divers lets you modify her loading core/energy. Dashing in the air also lets you move laterally faster for less energy. All of this is easily searched online since the game has been out for 2 years. Why do mustardbabies need to be spoonfed all the time?
You use energy to charge up your weapons instead of it just reloading, so you can control exactly how much you wanna use, instead of running out of ammo and eating your entire energy pool to reload.
Yeah but air raider has those+all the crazy mechs and shit.
>...why not?
If you're planning to play with randoms then it's partially okay.
If you're planning to play alone or with friends then get a refund because the games doesn't have DRM.
You can play through Hamachi/GameRanger/Tunngle flawlessly.
I'm just glad armor and weapon pick ups are shared among classes now
Grinding in EDF is such a waste of time and counter to everything EDF games are about
How is EDF 5 different to 4? pls respond, if it's only minor changes I'll wait for a sale.
4 was my first and I enjoyed it but I don't want to spend full price on it again.
Oh my fucking god. I just had an erection.
Can't wait until July 11.
Read the thread, we've went over it already
Not sure i like the look of those deroys.
no hectors? what the hec?
Humanoid aliens are 10x better than those whack-ass Hectors.
Why would they announce this after I just spent fucking shit loads of money on the sale for fuck sake
hectors were gay.
frogs are cool.
japs are retarded and cant into timing
I like em, they make me think of war of the worlds.
Humanoid aliens are CUTE! I'm still gonna kill em for what they did to earth though.
Aren't there lines about the frog aliens that go like "THEY LOOK JUST LIKE US!" or something
I just enjoyed the ravager aesthetic. And armies of soulless hectors marching down on you just seems more threatening than ayys.
>try EDF 4.1 because Yea Forums shills it
>only 4 classes
>extremely simplistic gameplay
>grind grind grind
glad I pirated it so I didnt waste money
Yeah, they got 2 eyes and a mouth. JUST LIKE US!
can you imagine actually being this braindead?
ravagers were just a bit too chrome for me, but I feel the way you feel just a bit inside. I wish we could have the best of both worlds user.
Fuck I'm only half way through Baldur's Gate, gonna need a couple months to blow through 1 & 2.
Fuck already spend my vidya money in the sales
So glad i didn't buy anything from the summer sale, plenty of cash to burn on EDF!
Why do their fingers smell so good?
Does 5 still have that stupid as fuck gear level limiter in multiplayer?
This, actually I'm curious to know too
how to get giant frog bf?
It can be disabled, dummy.
>still no hotdropping into matches
>lobbies close when host leaves
Fucking trash
ribbit nicely, and be yourself.
257 hours into edf 4.1 and still won't let me turn it off, can you tell me how to do it right, please?
You need 100% completion or a cheat engine script.
You need 75% completion in online mode.
When you finish all the levels on all difficulties with one class you get 25%
ah fuck, that'll take a hot minute, won't it? thanks though
Is there a crack for multiplayer? Don't feel like shelling out 60€ for a game my friend will barely play
>low winged C-130
this removes all of the utility that the design has
thats the wing's shadow, user
what a dummy
Price is 30 USD for the base game, no sale at launch. DLC is full price as on PS4 and has the same items available. I'm not LARPing.
I'm going to pirate it, fuck paying for digital
Even $1 is too much for a download, piracy digitally distributes games for $0
Prove it.
Just wait till the 11th, kiddo. You'll see that I'm right. I'm not divulging my sources.
I'll pirate it on PC and buy a physical copy for consoles to support physical copies
thank you for bringing this to my attention user
it will be $50 like 4.1 was
Nah the Japs are learning, as someone who has zero influence in the decision making progress I'm actually impressed. Releasing it outside of the Steam summer sale and with a lower launch price. The PC port was actually ready for some time.
TIME TO BUY THE GAME AGAIN BROS!~ (I already bought it at full price for the PS4 please dont make it 60$ for pc please oh god)
Where's the source?
70% actually, but yeah.
just pirate it, you already bought it for PS4, hopefully a physical copy
I prefer your design to edf 5's fencer
>expecting me to appreciate art in 1.5 point perspective
I feel like the PC should have a setting that detects your machine's hardware, and increases the number of enemies until it hits a framerate target of around 10-15 FPS.
I just picked up EDF 4.1 on Steam, anyone else have any performance issues with it?
We need a EDF Band of Brothers series.
English or Jap VA?
You know that battle is already lost right?
Do you have Gsync on?
Mine eyes have seen the glory of the killing of the bug
We stamped it like a nigger then we drank all of its blood
That’s how we eat their souls and keep the Jewish golem dead
The EDF deploys
>drinking a nigger's blood.
You drink the blood of your slain enemies to absorb their life essence to keep the jew machine dead.
I guess this is why it took so long
english, this is pretty much the only jap game where you should play in english
>make a fuckyou big tank
>the cannon's recoil STILL sends it back at least 20 feet
Never change, EDF
What the hell is up with that preview video on the steam page? Dubstep? Really?
This, the english dub sees how cheesy everything is and hams it up to match, giving it a faux 60s scifi feel, the jap dub plays it totally straight, and is much less entertaining
I remember reading that Armor Boxes are shared by all classes. Is that true?
I do not, no
They get a fraction of the armor you got. It's not much but it's way better than nothing.
You get full armor gains on the class you play, and a portion of that is given to all the other classes
Full armor gains is a little misleading though, as all classes get a % of armor picked up as health, fencer sitting the highest at .8 hp/box
To save our mother earth from any alien attack
Seriously EDF is the best mecha series out there.
From vicious fucking niggers whos skin is very black
It was always intentional ya dummy.
That because they stuck an equally fuckyou big cannon on it!
Also you can potentially pick up weapons for other classes too, so if you decide to switch you wont be starting at square one.
>Team Sonic Racing
>Total War
>FFXIV Shadowbringers
>Bought two games in the Steam sale
>Mario Maker 2
>Thought it was all over and now this out of nowhere
Jesus Christ at least give me some time to breathe. I'm made of neither money nor free time but they just keep throwing games at me.
Steamdb says July 31. Did it get delayed?
Probably just means they don't have a exact date down yet.
steamdb automatically updates itself with information taken from steam, there isn't people manually entering info on every steam game. Since the steam page simply says it releases in July without a specific day, it defaults to the end of the month
the page just says July so they picked a safe day. The Twitter confirmed this week.
I love how quickly the song gets depressing
This coming out of the blue really threw a wrench in my plans for the timesinks I just bought. I gotta split my time between autism MHGU, gitting gud at ballisticNG, and now EDF5. All three of those are hundreds of hours each, guaranteed. I suppose it's a good thing my friends are wagies and I'm not, so I can at least play the other games a bit while they're not around.
Why did they remove the skirts on wing divers. I want my skirts.
Oh, me too. I'm 40 hours into FF 14 and just bought FF10 HD and some other shit for free with my Gabebuxs.
My backlog is fucked because EDF is a day 1 buy and play.
We'll unleash all our torches and make all the ropes go slack!
Ethics committee did not approve.
Your feeling is a feeling I feel deeply.
not shown: the ten actual minutes it takes to reload those weapons
Except the wingdivers in 5 are way more lewd in 2025
Don't tell the committee that.
*than in 2025/4.1
she’s basically wearing buttfloss
To be fair the higher level weapons also have lower reload times to compensate for the Inferno stuff.
Fuck, iron rain is a terrible game and they should feel bad for making it.
>No one plays Wing Diver but me
>No gameplay webms of her in EDF5
Any fun new toys or is it more of the same with a cute new skin and slicker UI? I don't mind the latter as long as I get my Laser Chainsaw back so I can rip and tear.
They broke her though. The idunn is nerfed into oblivion and to really get shit done it's only the starburst cannon, thunder crossbows or very rarely a plasma cannon. So many weapons are now totally gimped with the damage reduction things. No chainsaw either, in fact she gets pretty few crazy weapons, even the largw-3 and plasma m30 are missing as well.
I mean still way better than the ranger but fencer and air raider were given god's gifts.
>playing air raider on missions with frogs
>call in bombing runs on squads of them
>listen as they writhe on the ground screaming in pain when their arms and legs are blown off
This is much more fun that watching hectors spaz out
>Not playing Air Raider with the Ambulance + 2 turrets
>Not loading up your Ambulance with turrets and cruising through the battlefield in your bangbus collecting all the items and healing your team
You can't justify paying for a download.
imagine buying childrens toys and being forced to use a controller for fps
DAYUM the dash cancel in this game is way better than 4.1
I finished the last mission in 4.1 a few days ago. God damn it felt good with the chatter in the background
Same, I fucking love the chatter in 4.1 especially at the beginning. "Giant insects can't fly" was so fucking good, does anyone know if 5 has the same kind of cheesy dialogue yet? I hated iron rain because it took itself too seriously.
I wish they would have made those giant mechs a little faster this time around. They're so painfully slow that it just sucks all the fun out of using them.
Some of it's still there, but it's not as b-tier as edf4. Same for the songs as well, even though the wing diver can now sing, they don't have the same impact as 4.1.
Atmosphere 4.1>5
Gameplay 5>4
I wouldn't, but it's time to let it go.
EDF 5 has the
>No command, we have no idea what's going on anymore. They're just screaming our groups name over and over again. Tis madness.
Anyone else having problems with the mothership boss on the second to last mission?
Koei Tecmo are the EA of Japan. Definitely the exception and not the rule.
Yeah it's kind of tough if you don't bring the right weapons.
If enough people started demanding physical copies or no buy then PC would start getting them. If you're going to let go then switch to piracy and dont financially reward the cancer
It feels like the script for the frogs and cosmonauts is the wrong way round. They make sense calling the frogs inhumane and the aliums humanoid.
>EA of Japan
that's SE
How long is the game?
I thought that was part of the joke
Because SE releases games on a yearly basis all the time and is always buying up other companies?
Think before you kneejerk post about things that trigger you.
I am playing as an air raider so it is even harder, especially when the flying frogs get you.
Now that you can change the skin of a class it would be a nice touch to add the 4.1 skins in 5 to people who bought both.
Why haven't they made a Gundam game with these mechanics?
every large dev has yearly games, I'm just saying they are that bad, I don't even know about half of their catalogue
wait shit sorry I meant big
Big McLargehuge
>mfw I thought edf 4.1 was the best
>clearly it isn't
>Jukes, the destroyer of the WWE franchise, made a bad game
Whoa say it ain't so dude
It's good in its own right.