Challenges that are OK for everybody are possible

>Challenges that are OK for everybody are possible.
>More stimulating, skillful gameplay is more rewarding.
Agreeing with either is experiencing objectivity in designs and critiques.

Warm memo: This is vidya.

Attached: Objectivity (Strawberry, chocolate, and brie).png (628x882, 879K)

Other urls found in this thread:!!gB9mwtD+ha7/"warm memo"/"skillfulness"/ is surpassed by MP/

Quality is not objective by fucking definition. "Quality" or any evaluative statement is a matter of priority assigment, not of a any criterion independent of an observer. Quality may be subjective, though to have relevance it generally is best treated as normative. Objective is quite literally the sole epistemic form that it cannot have. At absolute best, it is rooted in consensus.

Both of your premises are patently incorrect. There's is no point in the conclusion because the premises are objectively flawed.

Read a book. Quality is absolutely objective as there are patterns and designs that work objectively better than others. Video game design isn't art it's engineering.

Quality isn't objective, you're just trying to make so that people can't question your dumb opinions.

>Quality is absolutely objective as there are patterns and designs that work objectively better
Objectively better at WHAT. You have to have a defined function to establish a priority list, and function, as you should well know, is not an inherent property of the object itself.

Also, don't tell people to "read a book" when you clearly haven't read so much as a dictionary entry, much less anything actually relevant on the subject. I don't mind you being an idiot, but being an idiot arrogant enough to insult others when they are trying to help you is pathetic and you should really snap out of it before it is too late.

Where's your trip nutriment nigger? When are you going to start posting a bunch of unrelated shit and claim it corroborates your retarded claims?

>Quality is not objective by fucking definition.
You're just stating this to get yous so here is your you mother fucker.

At being good which is can be found with an objective standard (ie a standard that is consistent with reality). You need a human for objectivity. Read a book.

I'm too retarded for this please explain before the threads take off

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>At being good which is can be found with an objective standard
Are you this bad at baiting? God damn. And I thought this might be actually interesting excercise.
Obvious circular reasoning ("quality is objective because quality is objective" is a really bad bait, it just makes people instantly lose any interest in further debate. Or to put in more layman's terms: "Don't go full retard".

OP is bad at trolling. There isn't anything else to explain.

It's a nutriments nigger thread. It usually follows the same formula:
>Broken retarded OP that makes no sense.
>Grammar marks will be used improperly and randomly.
>Retarded phrases like "warm memo" which is one of nutriments nigger's bread-and-butter nonsense ESL sayings. Other nonsense includes describe qualities using 'of' like a crazy maniac (example, "this design is of objectivity").
>Will always have some batshit crazy claim about objectivity in game design.
>Will back it up with nonsequiturs and false equivalent """evidence""" like charts related to random science shit.
>One of his pieces of """evidence""" is some Alex Jones-tier Super Male Vitality about nutriments.

There are certain qualities that are almost unilaterally agreed upon to be good; things like performance, visual quality, sound quality, etc. These are pretty close to objective agreement as you're going to get within reason. But how games come together isn't objective. Basically all design aspects outside of things like performance are up for subjective interpretation and this is what OP is talking about.
Yes. Games are technology. They're also art.

is this the same autist that says MMOs should make botting an official game feature and that when you die you should drop all your loot and start new

based user calling out OP's faggotry
seriously I don't understand why this nigger is so autistic, he makes all these retarded threads that barely get any replies most of the time

The problem with this discussion is that Yea Forums wants to have it in bad faith. Let's say quality IS objective, well then you could just be a giant contrarian faggot who insists that everything is "objectively" bad.

Attached: 1556338601846.jpg (813x960, 68K)

To be honest, OP bailed literally after fifteen minutes.

>bad faith
Fuck off, this isn't genuine discussion, this is nutrients nigger spamming the same shit!!gB9mwtD+ha7/"warm memo"/"skillfulness"/ is surpassed by MP/

why is fireden so fucking slow nowadays

The problem here really is that the argument is fundamentally oxymoronic. You can't take "in good faith" something that is a contradiction in terms to begin with.
It's like if someone started a discussion by stating that black is not a color, it's a shape. There isn't that much you can do with it.

The problem with the discussion is it's purported in bad faith with a forgone conclusion.
You don't evaluate games to find which are good and which are bad on objective grounds—it can't be done. You evaluate games to find consensus and suss out their qualities through discussion and argument.
Nutriment nigger's thread is pointless because everyone already knows this, but he's so fucking retarded you just want to dogpile him.

Botting economies are good. It's mega fucking gay.

It isn't in contradiction though, that's a very layman way of thinking about it. It's more that it's contextual. Commercial quality will guarantee more sales (most often at the expense of personalized quality), personal quality will guarantee a deeper experience for the niche group it satisfies. Being objective is recognizing that something is of high quality for a niche but it not appealing to you. Therein lies the problem of "bad faith" i.e. it doesn't appeal to me therefore it's bad.

Cold memo: This is getting out of hand

If it's contextual, you moron, than it is NOT OBJECTIVE. Hence the fucking contradiction in terms. Quality is normative at it's best: it is established in relation to desired function and comparison with other referential material.

That is why the argument cannot be taken in good faith. You can argue in favor of particular value system, and then based on that value system you may argue for preferentiality of certain functions or certain value-context above others - it is fine. But it's not a matter of objectivity. It can't be a matter of objectivity. It's always purely a discussion of values: normative models.

>nutriment nigger
is this a particular autist i should be aware of, or a group? wheres the name come from, is he a /fit/shitter originally or something? never heard of him before now, but i have seen a thread like this a few times.
nutriments are pretty good, especially vanilla

I ascend to the game realm and my mind experiences the objective truth of gaming.

Unless the "quality" of an object or product is controlled and checked to make sure that it matches up with the criteria set to be that products baseline standard, like in a factory, it is impossible for it to be objective. Video games are not designed to be exactly like each other, unless we're talking about multiple copies of the same game. Not all games are designed to appeal to everyone, or to convey the same feelings, ideas or experiences. Tetris is nothing like RDR2, aside from the fact that the player uses a controller to input commands that are carried out on screen.

The concept that the quality of games - which are made solely for the enjoyment of humans, who all have varying tastes and opinions - is somehow objective is absolutely fucking retarded. Until you let a robot create and review your games for you, there always be subjectivity in the games reception, be it from players, creators, or ""professional''" journalists

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Not him, but this inference is flawed.
Commercial quality doesn't guarantee sales.
Personal quality doesn't guarantee a deep experience.
I'm not sure if you intended this or if the key word, 'quality', is about to run a gymnastic routine... About that's how I interpreted it.
Being objective is the evaluation of something without personal bias. In the case of analysis, "objective superiority" is the idea that something can be unilaterally seen as superior and is removed from all analyst bias. Basically unilateral approval.
The idea of objectivity is a lay idea is sort of silly because muddying its definition to allow you to fix arguments with it is what hurts the meaning of the word. Keep at it, and soon 'objectively' will take in the connotations of a word like 'literally'.

I don't know where he's from. I like nutriments too, but I sure as fuck don't use brain scans measuring alpha brainwave activity to confer my taste for "botting economies in MMOs" to be a "of objectively superior game design."


Hi based redditor

>Menanons, post what's exciting your fantasy.

>Femanons, post what's getting you into skillfulness.

>Warm memo: Energy levels, personality, social interest and investment, and other aspects of genetic expression are basing on nutrition …

jesus shark jumping christ. thanks for the heads up, never replying to this idiots threads again.
you're a top lad, user

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Oh yeah. That is pure nutriments nigger talk—you can pick that shit out of it was written in braille.
>The ass-backwards phrasing like he's a fucking AI.
>The weird pairings of words and nonsense saying like they're standard colloquiums.
>Retarded claims hiding in wait just below the crust of nonsense word and grammatical salad.
I didn't know he was on /fit/ too. I hate this guy because of how he uses English. Every post is pure havoc.

Don't bully the autist lads he's been trying to communicate for like 5 years

Well Yea Forums, what's your objective 10/10?

How? When people find something hard enough they think it is good. But when something is too hard they think it is bad. This is the exact reason why Dark Souls is such a hit amongst mainstream video game consumers. Same goes for rating Mario Maker levels.