Dokkan Battle

Only 13 more hours until they go live. Are you summoning for them?

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Other urls found in this thread:

Only planning on doing a round on Vegeta and will only touch Goku's if the discounts are good. GT sucks and the zamasu banner coming up is way better. Plus there's the download celebration and the guaranteed LR banners to budget in also.

Zamasu banner won't have tickets likes this one though.

1350 stones here , ready as fuck but i'm scared to only pull crappy unfeatured shit like teq vegeta or trollhan

also here's the simulator if you want to try your luck

It will have Broly, Turles and the new Zamasu, though. On this one I'm really only after Vegeta and Turles. And I badly need the Zamasu.

tfw i'll NEVER EVER get this actually lucky in-game.

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Me tomorrow.

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those threads are pretty dead recently, they use to be more lively than this

Maybe because dokkan reddit is better place to discuss the game.

That's the plan. I only have about 240 stones f2p but I'm optimistic about Vegeta's banner.

Why is /vg/ filled with gacha game threads but there's none for dokkan? If you post about it in the /dbg/ thread it ends up ignored or scorned. As for me, I have 50 stones in the bank and I'm not expecting to walk away with anything from this anniversary. Saving is for cowards.

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650 stones. Going for goku banner mainly because I already have gogeta. However if i get lr goku on an early pull I'll put the rest in for vegeta

>reddit, where you get moderated andb anned for the most minor shit and where you get downvoted to hell if you get a different opinion or don't agree with their math autism
>"a better place to discuss"
fuck no

Dokkan discussion happens in the Dragon Ball general.
Hell, there's people talking about it now.
There's no general specifically for Dokkan because it doesn't get much discussion beyond the biggest banners.

Also, during the anniversary we are getting about 900 stones, so be sure to do all the missions, farming and the EZAs.

Hahaha I too enjoy forced humor that tries to one up the previous post, legitimate petty jealousy over pulls, over moderation, and a hivemind mentality. Upboat my friend!

Not really, it's a massive circlejerk where, if you even hint you got good pulls, you get shit on.
It's useful only for news and leaks.

Ya wish

Unironically this.

>Rolling on these trap banners

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Fuck off Truth

chill homie chill

300 stones. should i keep farming till i have 500 stones?

how much for full cycle on each banner and who should new plays go for

either banner is great

Vegeta has more meta units but Goku has a solid banner as well.

We are possibly getting a discount on the first cycle of 3+1 so it might only be 130 instead of 150 for the first round of summons

Id say 2 full 150 stone summons on each banner will give you a good shot to pull something that will help a new player

we will most certainly hit top grossing in the next 2 days so hopefully thats another 100 stones

Yeah, because of the upvotes farming, like you faggots do here for the (you)s

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>wasting stones on women, let alone yuri
Go advertise some more stone vendors you wigger

Post Cumber!

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I'm pulling on both. They're great units.

God this Goku Jr event is fucking awful, he never drops and you get a pitiful amount of potential orbs because for me the cloud never appears

I'd legit be happier to pull teq caulifla than the lr.

Just rolling once on either of them.

Zimzam and Thots are the better cards for me, the family categories have huge overlap with pure saiyans and such.

Do you need 400 stones for the LR banner like the new years?

Honestly just pulling for Transforming Frieza and Lr Gogeta

haha no, but indeed for any question you might have about the game the wiki pretty much has answers
God I wish that were me

Is there any calculator to see how many stones I have left in shit I haven't completed? I'm up to like chapter 25 of story, can I get a rough estimate?

I think the total amount of stones you can get from quest mode is around 700.

I miss back when they made Boss Rush hard.

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>That team
>31 minutes
>Used a ghost usher
Holy shit you're bad

Transformations eat up a whole lot of time and Turles thought it would be funny to keep transforming. Also I want to see you tank Spirit Bomb Goku when he decides to attack first slot.

Next one should only be 1 round, so 200. Though they might give you more on the dl celebration or again on new years. Maybe on Christmas considering how much they butchered the last one.

>luck based game

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how much stones should i have to do both banners and be in a sweet spot

Why waste ghost usher when you can use Baba?

>wasting luck on rolls that don't count

>use my 45 tickets
>get shitty future trunks and mai LR
Fucking bandai and their shitty ass gacha


Pretty okay.

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Dunno, user, but around 1000 for each. I got shafted in the Gogeta banner with 1600 stones.

Post underrated units that you love to use.

For me it's this guy. The insane ammount of healing he does makes him a must have on battlefield.

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>Want to go through new BR with Wicked Bloodline
>TEQ GF EZA never ever

>him and LR Goku Black in battlefield
>mfw invincible team with only 270k health

>use tickets
>get a LR
Man I haven't gotten shit
Saving my luck

Not him, but it is possible to tank it. I brought my Wicked Bloodline team because I knew I would need AGL Golden Frieza if I didn’t want to use an item.

which one is it?

For me, it's PHY LR Trunks. I have him with two dupes and I run him out at any excuse.

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japan as the banner are not global yet, then you chose banner 528 and 531

Same here. I’m not complaining, though. I know from my experience with LR Bardock that all gacha LR’s are solid.

2k. I've gone into banners with 900 or so stones multiple times before and missed out on the unit I want while others I do a single cheeky pull and get a featured I couldn't care less about.

R8, and should I buy a SS4 Goku dupe with my coins or save them to get Dokkanfest STR SSJ Goku when he returns, since I don't have him yet?

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reroll your account its garbage

>1500 stones to get a single LR Vegeta
oh boy I just know I' getting fucked on live

Bringing Teq Golden Frieza or something for just that one phase of a fight would be dumb. I wasn't trying to speedrun or no item the Boss Rush or anything.

Eh i've got like 500 Ghost Ushers, so i'm not going to miss it.

I had my eyes opened to how good this guy is when I did the Extreme Teq SBR run. Healing up so much HP is great and when he gets a stun off it's huge.

Gohan, SSJ3 Goku, and Majin Vegeta are all trash LRs that are worse than current dokkanfests.

I'm okay with this

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Goku yes, but Gohan is still a fantastic unit and Majin Vegeta is secretly a monster on Vegeta's Lineage.

How is Majin vegeta a monster on vegeta lineage? I have him and Im kind of dissapointed with him

Gohan is trash, because he eats up damage like N rarity card.

Stick him on a rotation with Bulla or EZA support Trunks and watch him shit out damage like he just drank a gallon of coffee. His defense is shit but he hits extremely hard, with the added bonus of wanting to AVOID his 18ki super so ki isn't an issue for him.

There is no mode in this game where that matters except Legendary Goku. His low defense is irrelevant on SBR when he just fucking one-shots things.

HAHAHA ok yeah try that in Hybrid Saiyan SBR where in the final phase he has type disadvantage and the other two there's multiple enemies attacking so you can't just oneshot an enemy to cover up his defensive holes.

Doing 1 rotation on each banner and saving the rest for K&C. I just dont care that much about GT and i have almost every featured unit already

I keep missing them.

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2057 stones at the ready. If transforming Frieza is replaced with Transforming Vegeta I'll fucking cum hard

>Unga bunga keep units locked in rotation
Hybrid Saiyans has multiple excellent tanks. Use them to cover slots receiving multiple attacks while units like LR Trunks or LR Gohan smack shit in safer slots. This is basic strategy and your argument is that if you play like an idiot and try to faceroll you'll be punished for it

as much as i would love that its not happening

outside shot of evolution blue vegeta getting replaced since he was just on the LR Gohan/Goten banner

Naaah i'll just slap a better unit in his place that isn't a defensive liability that potentially loses me the run, like even recent trash dokkanfest units like Future Gohan.

And in case you're STILL gonna bitch and whine, here's a run I did before all the best Hybrid Saiyans support and tank units had even been released.

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>not a single dokkan exclusive after spending 1k stones in bluegeta
>get bardock lr from tickets
Did all my luck go into that lr?

Cool you had a LR Trunks to carry the load


>lol no you can't cover low defense units with tanks it's impossible!
>lol that run doesn't count you did that thing I said can't be done

You had a 23 minute run, so it's clear RNG was super on your side in this case. I imagine you probably had that shitty Gohan in the 3rd slot so he didn't get his ass raped right out the gate.

hey guys dokkan noob here. should i reroll my account for the new LRs? don't know if what i already have is good or not

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user you just said he couldn't do it and he did.

>Moving goalposts

No clue how. I can get him to 4.5 million on resurrected warriors without dupes.

You're trying to make me mad. It's working

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Gonna have to try harder next time dude

>First roll with tickets

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stop! you're wasting your luck!

>LR Uub is fucking perfectly tailored to obliterate the Battlefield Jiren
>All the megawhale Dokkan youtubers keep throwing teams with no attack lowering at Jiren and wondering why it's so fucking hard
I hate thems so much

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to be fair, I don't want to waste my diamonds on Uub when I know frieza and king cold are coming

holy cringe

i was going to get uub the second he was available but king cold and freiza are just so much better

I'm going to pick up one copy of this guy then just stop. I'd rather save for King Cold and Freeza than get dupes for this shitter.

But he's a...N-

He's a poo you dumbass. Or whatever Nam was supposed to be.

What King Cold and Freeza units?

New Battlefield LR.

wont be out for awhile on global but this card is great

Akatsuki insider here. Turles will be taken off the Vegeta banner and replaced with Omega Shenron and UI Goku will be taken off Goku's banner and replaced with SSJ4 Gogeta to make some of the different for Global getting tickets too. Please understand.

Use a di mod

I only roll for the shotas


keep bumping for another 10 hours and we'll then have something to actually talk about