P4 is more comfy than P3 and P5
P4 is more comfy than P3 and P5
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As a P4 seether I... might agree. In some way yes.
Thinking of getting P4, should I just get it on my PS2 or is the Vita version actually worth getting a Vita?
Just emulate it, silly
emulate my boi
I don't enjoy emulation and want to up my physical collection.
persona 4's setting is more comfy, do much so that when the fog sets in i get a little UNcomfy.
I can agree to that. P5 is still better, but P4 has an undeniable comfy factor.
PS2 version is actually better
Yeah no shit it's more comfy, the setting is literally in a rural area.
>so much so that when the fog sets in i get a little UNcomfy.
Well, yeah. P4 has (in my opinion anyhow) one of the darkest endings in Persona after all. That one end where shadows take over the world, and the last thing you hear from Naoto are her bloody screams over the phone
No it's not
I think the Vita version is better, though ymmv if a Vita/PSTV would be worth it.
>we're all trapped in a maze of relationSHIPS
Life is too short to play Persona.
Some of 5's 'endings' are pretty dark too, like if you dont succeed fucking over fat yakuza man Makoto is last found being basically drugged out and probably worse
PS2 is better. The presentation of the game matches the themes better. P4G is mostly fanservice, and only Marie's dungeon is worth looking at.
Oh boy, what a discovery
Of fucking course comfy countryside life is comfier than rush hour corrupted tokyo and a dorm full of emo orphans that know the world is ending
It's got the worst cast and even though there's QOL additions to dungeon crawling and battling it's somehow less enjoyable. I'm almost done with P4G and while it's not bad it's definitely a disappointment. Maybe I shouldn't have gone right into after P3P, but I'll take my break from Persona until P5R comes out. I don't wanna burn myself out on the franchise.
i don't remember that
It's not as bad because they legitimately could never have happened and are just considered an adverse reaction to the shit you were injected with before the interrogation with Sae.
P5 is still the best though
P3=p5>my dogs penis>p4
It may have been a Golden-only ending, but here ya go
persona 3 is the best persona
go fuck yourself
What will P6 have?
How can you not enjoy emulation? Are you sure you're doing it right? Just plug in your controller to your PC and try playing P4 or P3 at an x2/x3 resolution. If you have to feed the physical collection autism just buy the game and put it on your shelf. Emulation is the future of console gaming and the only way you'll be able to play classics in some years, so get used to it unless you wanna comply with whatever lawyers and copyright law allows you to play.
"comfy"fags need to fucking die
yeah it's golden only
P4 is me least fav nu-persona and even I won't deny this
>Being a clutter fag
Haha imagine if there was a doujin about this ending haha
but MUH comfy
kill yourself fatlus neckbeard
PS3 classic works just fine for me
based and redpilled
I love Fuuka!
your dog must have some good dick
>imagine sucking doggie dick
Fuuka is really useful too. She's the one who helps you blow past the mobs.
>Worst cast
Gonna hard disagree there buddy
shh, talking reason to a tard won't work, it will only provoke him
how in the world is it worse than 5's