Why are there no games featuring a mother? Over the past two generations we've fallen more into father/child dynamics but we never see the other side. God of war would have been much more interesting if it was a mother learning to let her son be independent rather than a father hiding emotions. It's not like it's a stretch either, my daughter is adopted and I'd easily kill to protect her.
Why are there no games featuring a mother...
Other urls found in this thread:
Are there any games featuring straight shota?
Someone post the story
I don't get it
am i supposed to look at this pictuere bottom right to top left like anime or top left to bottom right like western
>God of war would have been much more interesting if it was a mother
It should've been pic related
>bottom right to top left like anime
Have you seen the state of single mothers and their offspring? That's why.
never ever unfortunately because normies start getting uncomfortable with mother son relationships. Father daughter is fine but m/s gets everyone whispering incest for whatever reason.
>I will now buy your game
What story?
Men only want to play as a girl if they can imagine being in a relationship with her, if she's a mother that means she's already taken somebody else's dick.
That's a bit depressing don't you think? Are men incapable of seeing a woman as her own person?
Nothing in that post indicates that men are incapable of "seeing a woman as her own person", as vague as that description is.
About a man named Brady?
Summertime saga
That is one buff man on the right.
>the Mother trilogy
>Bayonetta 1
>Metroid Other M
Highly relevant.
Women don't play games, hence father
/daughter or son shit.
which is irony because f/d incest is much more common than m/s but people just assume sons only interact with their mother because they want to fuck her.
Mother/daughter dynamics end up the same too because everyone jerks to any sort of affection as lesbians. The only thing people never cry incest about is father/son.
Well the way you describe it. It sounds like if she's not available for procreation then she's not worth following or interacting with.
Bayo/Jeanne is my favourite queer couple and NOTHING will change my mind.
>It sounds like if she's not available for procreation then she's not worth following or interacting with.
Yes and that doesn't mean I don't see you as your own person it just means you offer nothing to me in a relationship. All relationships come from mutual needs.
>queer couple
fuck off back to plebbit/ discord/ retardera/ twatter/ whatever hive mind you crawled from, you fucking faggot
Because women don't play video games
>Bayo/Jeanne is my favourite queer couple and NOTHING will change my mind.
They both seem like the type who wants to be on top, that's gonna lead to trouble in the bedroom. Or very rough sex.
Who was busy with three boys of his own?
Or the one of a lovely lady?
But that's not what I was asking. I asked why there are no mother protagonists, and you said because you can't be in a relationship with them. That's why I'm confused.
You know sometimes people form their opinions on their own. Also try and convince me they're not big ol dykes.
whoops haha
Is the holocaust ryona yuri rape thread?
Why does anime girls dying make my pp hard?
It is now.
white people chimped out and saved the planet
I love mothers and I want to see more in video games
Who would want a dish washing or sandwich making simulator? Besides, mothers that is, but they don't even play video games.
>my (black) daughter is adopted and I'd easily kill to protect her
The absolute state of white people.
>I love mothers
patriarchal bigotry
Who knows
>I asked why there are no mother protagonists, and you said because you can't be in a relationship with them. That's why I'm confused.
It's not fucking complicated
>Game lets me play as a cool knight
>"Oh great I wish I could be a cool knight"
>Game lets me play as a warrior chieftain father raising his son
>"Oh great I wish I could be a warrior chieftain and had a son"
>Game lets me play as a cute girl
>"Oh great I wish I had a cute girlfriend like her"
>Game lets me play as a mom
Why the fuck would I want to play as a mom
is there more??
Which is ironic because f/s is the most sexualised combination when it comes to female writers, similar to m/d for male writers.
video games don't revolve around your interests user.
>self inserting
I don't like it one bit, sir.
pochi is my spirit waifu
Well if we're going by that argument, why the fuck would I want to play as a dad?
I'm a lot of things pol hates
Didnt that one story game about escaping the plague have an older sister and her two youngdr brothers? That's the best kind of "paternal female" role I can think of, but it's just about assuming responsibility
Otherwise, most video games prefer the combat aspect and, unless the mother is in a combat role, it'd be shamed for sexism. But you cant have a feminine woman on the battlefield, you gotta have a tough as bricks, concrete biting dyke, so you're pretty much still having a father/child relationship except she has tit pecs.
It would be fun to have a game where your mother is a mage or something, and helps support you be a warrior, gorwing up over time as you become able to protect her instead of the other way around. She'd still make comments whenever you talk to a girl, however, "Oh, she's cute, user, why dont you go visit her more?"
Correct it revolves around what the mass wants and clearly nobody wants to play as a mother
...as supportive NPCs
Damn whities
>Well if we're going by that argument, why the fuck would I want to play as a dad?
Men want to be father and women are attracted to fathers
Post more dieing anime girls damn it
GOW was about a mother. Freya.
It was pretty much single mother horrible, single dad not okay but not better than single mom.
Ara, too old to be your real waifu?
holy shit. please post more. these images of people facing mortality are interesting
>unable to bear children
>will never become a single mother and raise a cute son
Just fucking kill me bro's. All I wanted was to become a single mother with a son who I will pamper and disconnect from any social interaction, turning him into an incompetent loser, who will have to entirely rely on me to survive. I wanted to be the only person in his life he can fall back to. He'd get homeschooled and I'd install a firewall so he couldn't look for lewd things on his own. He would have to rely on me providing him with porn, until eventually I'd take it away until he begs me to jerk him off every day and at every occasion. Is that really too much to ask for, god?
>Why are there no games featuring a mother?
The answer is simple. Motherhood is associated with traditional female roles, which is considered politically undesirable in modern western society. It has not been long time ago when an open push to remove mother-like imagery from popular media was publicly advocated, and to be frank, with a great deal of success.
Despite what most people think, second and third wave feminism has been misogynic, rather than misandric, which is while male role iconography survived better than female role one.
Really. Every man wants to be a father and every woman is attracted to fathers.
It's gonna be AOTY
Yeah it turned into LITTLE BROTHER HAS SUPER POWERS AND CAN CONTROL THE RATS. Instead of just a weak girl and her brother trying to survive.
it not being done =! nobody wants it
besides, nobody is seriously advocating for a stay at home mom sim, it would just be nice to see a m/s relationship applied the same way f/d has been for years now.
>Sit your read hora, and let onee-san with you!
>Lady shota's vigerously ...the stroked cock as they French kissed...
>Isn't that great? What she next? Do you she do will do what think will next hora?
No, but enough of them to sell video games featuring fathers
Let me guess, the reason you can't bear children is because you're a tranny?
No. If anything, I'm too old for her and just as much (if not more) of a jaded shut-in to be in any capacity a viable romantic partner. She's too good for me.
>not wanting to be a plague lord of Nurgle
Are you talking about the artist's chuuni-ass post regarding the backstory to the image?
"...I finally found you. Do you really think you can just keep living after what you've done, "Master"?
N1RV Ann-A is a sequel to VA11 Hall-A where the protagonist is a single mother working as a bartender.
Why is it every single thing Alice writes is fucking garbage holy shit
ruined it
How the fuck did you interpret it as that?
Do people think this is good writing?
What's the tldr version?
I read saved this from a previous thread and it made my PP hard.
I'm not reading this shit
There, there, user, dont fret. Mamako will make you feel better
Trash, bland and boring series. Do not bait these retards.
She's ready for her "punishment" and has considered suicide. The rest is rambling.
I'm fairly sure that story is made up by someone other than the artist though.
>ywn find a pure Aryan waifu
There are games about motherhood or being a mother. Like Bayonetta or 'Smoke and Sacrifice' or 'Blood of the Werewolf'.
My disappointment is immeasurable.
It's typical anime writing, honestly, but it did warm my heart a bit
For people like and >person holding photo is someone from the other side of the war
>she thinks they're here to kill her
>is cool about it and ready to accept her death
>they are not
>will share war stories later
One of them is Japanese, the other two are virtually unknown. Compare it to the sheer number of father-role focused games in western main-stream industry.
Oh yes
How can a human being be this degenerate? Who touched you during your childhood? Did what you describe in your post actually happen to you and you're that fucked in the head because of it? I'm not religious in any way, shape or form, but I hope you find some god, you need one.
>we've fallen more into father/child dynamics
Because most game devs and game dev teams are male, who are also fathers, so they know what it's like?
Give me an example of a good game where the lead designer was female and how that worked out
The artist's story is her getting shot and seeing the last moments of her life go by.
>this far into the thread
>only /ss/ material is some tranny lamenting how they can’t have a son to turn into a sexually degenerate loser who has to ask them for handjobs, complete with a big sister/little brother pic that’s got fucked translations
A saint
Because mother/son duos can only be used for fucked up shit because single mothers can only produce manchildren or men with life crushing insecurities and no knowledge about being men
Give me one game where the lead designer was female.
t-thanks mom
>Why are there no games featuring a mother?
Small, niche target audience, if it has any at all. Men don't care about experiencing motherhood. It would only sell if the MILF is hot and that would be the only reason people would care about it.
>I'm not religious in any way, shape or form, but I hope you find some god, you need one.
you can smell the liberal leftie in this post
>my daughter is adopted
Because I'd much rather play a father/son game and I guess the mass audience feels that way too. But I guess there's some niche game for you out there
>Give me an example of a good game where the lead designer was female and how that worked out
Assassin's Creed is a very successful franchise, you know?
Where the fuck is 2?
thats not a mother that's a factory
Exhale sweetheart holding your breath is bad for you.
Different user but I had cancer in Highschool and my parents shuffled their feet on me banking sperm. My biggest fear now is meeting someone I love and being unable to have children. It sucks because it's an extremely real possibility.
>The Council has your mom being a pivotal character and also a mentor
shes actually your sister...
Shame her ravenous cunt ate David Jaffe's career.
Its easier to write a father than a mother, and for videogames purporses a father dynamic of teaching is much more useful than the mother dynamic of protecting
>watched the Witchblade anime recently
>the best mother/daughter relationship I've seen in any media in a while
>people will only remember it for the WACKY SEXY MAGICAL GIRL FIGHTS
Goddamnit, just give me a game with something like this please
>women want to be moms and men want to fuck their moms
Except video game dads aren't very fuckable except for niche interests, nothing like milfs.
>Why are there no games featuring a mother?
Fire Emblem: Awakening
Fire Emblem: Fates
Dragon Quest V
Final Fantasy IV: The After Years
Chrono Cross
Ultra Street Fighter 4
The King of Fighters XIV
Mortal Kombat XI
Guilty Gear Xrd Rev2
Blazblue: Central Fiction
Tekken 7
Dragon Ball FighterZ
Oh my...
how many of those are a meaningful role though? any game can go
>this is your mom
and never bring her up again
I only listed games where the mother is a playable character
Define meaningful
Imagine thinking only commies don't believe in a god. I bet you're one of those people that think you can't be moral if you're not religious.
This but a cute yostuba like daughter without the lewd stuff.
Half of those are fighting games with barebones story modes.
I was pointing out the fact that he was trying to not hurt anybody's feeling by implying that it is okay to believe in a figure in the sky, but that he himself prides himself in the virtues of atheism. That's a very liberal cuck move.
thats an objective fact retard
FFX. Yuna is the one who brought Tidus into the world and he only grows up once the game is over. Tidus wants to have an Oedipus style romance with her, but they knows it's impossible.
Even if she was my mom that'd be hot.
I'd give such a cute girl a sandwich.
I really enjoyed playing Jade's game.
What in the living shit are you talking about? And also, i'm the same person who wrote that.
Because most game devs are men right now, and men would do a bad job of writing/making that game
>Ywn have a pedofiliac Serbian war criminal mom that ara ara~s you late at night
You can't be moral if you don't believe in god, you can have ethics though
Any hentai with this feel?
I don't think you know what either of those words mean.
party member or character you can interact with beyond a single text box. Has some involvement with the overall plot and removing them from it would be noticed.
So if I don't believe in a god, I think killing babies is perfectly okay? Really? How does not believing in a god remove my human decency?
Fire Emblem: Awakening
Fire Emblem: Fates
Dragon Quest V
Guilty Gear Xrd Rev2
Blazblue: Central Fiction
>perform ethnic cleansing after getting pregnant with them
fake as fuck
If you don't believe in god, or some other higher power, you can't believe anything is right or wrong, only personally distasteful.
Kid Icarus Uprising
It doesn't, morals are the problems, ethics simply analyze them, i remember a cult that buried a baby because the retards genuinely thought he was the antichrist and they were doing the world a favor, from their morals they were doing the right thing, doesn't mean it was actually good
I do in fact, had to take the ethics class for the university
And how exactly did you arrive at that conclusion? Ever heard of the golden rule? Basic evolutionary psychology? Prisoners dilemma? Theory of games?
Look, you being woefully uneducated actually does not constitute an argument.
Unlike religious people who never do bad things because they think their religion wants to of course.
>I do in fact, had to take the ethics class for the university
How the FUCK did you managed to go through ethics class without learning what "ethics" and "morals" are and how they relate to each other?
What kind of fucking "university" is that? I think you may actually have grounds to sue at this point.
That makes zero sense at all. I do not need any higher power to believe that ending the life of an innocent baby is objectively evil, no matter how you look at it.
Based 1488 mom.
One shot
All zelda games
And many more i cant remember atm.
To be fair i didn't cared aboit it too much, still, feel free to explain what they are and how they relate, i already did
Whats the point if the son doesn't fuck his mom?
>Went to war
>War ended
>Got qualifications for her new job
>Got hired
And she still looks like a high school student
can't wait for the mommy ntr doujins
are there really no big booty mom simulators where you choose a suitable husband to mate with and raise your son and daughter to be virtuous model citizens who fight for freedom and equality? gamers are so goddamn unimaginative holy fuck
First of all: there is NO actual established consensus on the use of the two terms and majority of all authors use the two terms as interchangeable.
Second of all: in the fairly limited amount of groups of authors that insist on distinguishing the two, morals are not problems, but rather norms: specific ones (you got that part right). Ethics is simply a label for a field that studies them.
Asians don't tend to age too much visually until they hit their mid 40's, more than enough time to accomplish all that.
me on the right
There is no such thing as objective evil, faggot. Not without a supreme authority to dictate it. The idea that the baby is innocent and that killing it is wrong are based on non-falsifiable presuppositions. You have nothing but your gut feeling and the social zeitgeist to tell you that what you think is good or bad. Hence, the act isn't evil objectively but incidentally.
But a higher power can make you believe that ending a baby's life is good, see the problem, you can't define what's good or bad without a guideline, because your feelings may not be shared by others, take hunting for example, some people in my country at least will see the literal devil in me for hunting boars, despite them eating the meat they buy in the market, now, if we go back 50 years nobody will bat an eye about hunting, can you objectively say that hunting is good or bad?, no, you can only have an opinion over it, it would be different if a holy text in which you believe says that its good or bad, no you can't
I've always been too stupid to figure out if that picture is of the old her or the her she's going to become.
>asking why wamen do things
>raising your children to die for israel
I can tell you want to fuck your mom
Yeah, thats exactly the definition of it, morals are the norms you follow based on your beliefs, while ethics are the way you use to analyze these beliefs, i am merely looking at the uses of these words from the general point, most beliefs in the world do come from some holy book or divine entity, which is why the word itself gets associated to god, now, if you don't believe in god you can't say that their rules apply on you, so you can't define what's good or bad, you can only have an opinion about it, therefore you can have ethical opinions about these subjects, ofcourse this is just by definition, feel free to use the word as you please in the normal world
No faggot, just because I dont believe the big man in the skies is gonna strike me dead if I behave badly doesn't mean I can't hunderstand society needs rules to prosper and that I need to follow those rules to, even more so, I dont do it because I fear, I do it because I'm not an ape who needs a gun pointed on its head to behave, fuck of christcuck.
But Since she's doing the raping her genes will be dominate, don't you understand how rape works during genocides in backwards countries user kun?
Letting babies die was very common during my great-grandparents' time. The idea was that if the baby couldn't survive some hardship it wouldn't survive childhood anyway. A large unmarked section of the village graveyard close to the entrance was used to bury them.
She's got the blood of my bros on her hand. There's no other option than death.
As an islamic extremist i believe its perfectly fine to blow myself up to kill as many western infidels as i possibly can, including women, children and infants, this will be rewarded to me by 7 virgin ladies waiting for me in heaven and eternal paradise, can you say this man is bad?
Hello Freud.
Fire Emblem Awakening and Fates
72 not 7
>men desire virgin women
you mean incels. normie men and women despise virgins
Weak bait
Really? Holy fuck
cool bro, thankfully the police will answer your prears soon enough in a very easy to understand language called buckshot.
>dehumanizing your own child for qualities they're born with
you sound like a cuck who puts ideology above your family's and your own well being
haha yeah
nothing makes my dick more flaccid than a tight virgin cunt
I'm not Christian though. I don't believe in an objective morality BECAUSE I don't believe in God or any supreme authority. Society changes all the time and its morals with it. I follow the rules because being disruptive to society is not beneficial to me. But I also don't judge people as being bad for doing something I wouldn't do, even if I find it personally distasteful.
Seems unrealistic given the circumstances.
But I'm an omega sucker for cute, so I liked it.
As a retarded amerimutt, i do not believe in global warming and the effects it will have on the world, with predicted consequences by 2050 in the most optimistic case, therefore i keep pumping twice as much carbon dioxide as china does into the atmosphere, potentially dooming the world into a crisis of global consequences if the whole scientific community isn't wrong about it, now, based on your earlier reply i can tell you are in fact a retarded ape unable to argue against literal definitions, but i will try anyway, do you this this country is good?
There is such thing as the golden rule though, objectively, leave poeples and their property be should come as the basics, its literally the founding principles of all human societies and the reason we aren't beating eachother to death with rocks at that very moment.
nobody thinks that but it is true you can't be moral without being a communist or at least a socialist
You dont believe in god ?
So society is your god? Have you never considered that society is a byproduct of psychology and that there are consistent moral guidelines present throughout every stage of society, regardless of current trends, based on that psychological influence?
>global "warming"
>what is the tragedy of the commons
If you start factoring externalities into your actions then you could sue the banks into banckrupsy for providing the loans the earth population is financing thier wastefull lifestyle with, or the terrible parenting of the previous generation, this shit is way way to nebulous to point to individuals, and at the level of countries its open season anyway and we should not hold countries to individual moral standards sinceby definition governing a country necessitates the transgression of those so that your particular society may survive and grow.
>ending the life of an innocent baby
Atheists like killing babies, it's called abortion.
nee-chan was just doing her job though
I fucking hate 2016 and the /pol/ redditor invasion
You have to be 18 to post on this site.
I hope a romance blooms and while they share their war stories they discover the reason for the war was artificially manifactured by rando villain so they put their skills to use one last time to punish him or them for the pain they've caused.
Coming next season.
most of those end up being horror though. Its really hard to go beyond the concept of complete loving mother only to turn into horror
>muh /pol/ bogeyman
Fair enough, but lets use it as an example of beliefs for definition purporses
What has my thread turned into...
>he's still falling for the global warming meme
Its what happens when the pic is more interesting than the text
>It'll come out in 2017
>It's only been delayed by a year to 2018
>I-It'll come out in 2019 for sure
Face it, he pulled a Duke Nukem Forever
If you're not going to read I'm going to stop responding.
Society isn't my god, it's an irresistible force that fighting against is generally not worth the trouble. There are very few swords I'm willing to fall on and they're all selfishly motivated, I assure you.
Nothing you're saying is indicative of any absolute morality, only a set of evolutionary instincts that has, so far, proven beneficial to the propagation of the species. Or are you saying that these psychological tendencies were placed there by design? If not, then you can't believe that they are anything but the random alignment of traits from the evolutionary process and, therefore, not proof of any kind of objective morality.
>only a set of evolutionary instincts that has, so far, proven beneficial to the propagation of the species
Where do you think morality comes from if not that?
>Or are you saying that these psychological tendencies were placed there by design? If not, then you can't believe that they are anything but the random alignment of traits from the evolutionary process
Why can't it be both? A "designer" doesn't imply a person. A random sequence of events is still "designed".
I don't think morality comes form anything because it doesn't exist. That's the whole point of the conversation.
Because mothers' purpose is literally to avoid conflict and danger, and danger and conflict are extremely common elements in games (other media as well, but gameplay makes games favor conflict even more). A stealth game makes some sense, but there are very few pure stealth games (see Plague Tale which is a stealth game but the main character is still a killing machine). A game that doesn't focus on gameplay could do it, but the easiest way to dress up shallow or boring gameplay is with cool conflict and dramatic events (see Uncharted).
This war of mine?
Wow. You are both fucking retards. Maybe you should both refrain from talking about this subject.
>if your mom has consensual sex with more than 1 man in her life time, she is a subhuman whore who should be criminalized and executed
>if your mom rapes and genocides children, she is based and worthy of redemption
what do you call this condition?
give me more anime girls dying or just anime girls in general you fucking hacks.
Prove me wrong, faggot. Oh, that's right, you can't because we're arguing non-falsifiable philosophies.
A mother being out of her element and putting herself at risk for her child is like half the appeal though. It's attention grabbing because this isn't the way things are supposed to go.
Pathological edginess
I don't know which one of the mongoloids you are. The one that does not know what "designed" means, or the one that does not undewrstand basic notion of normativity?
The picture is in the past, you moron.
>Because mothers' purpose is literally to avoid conflict and danger,
nothing could be further from the truth have you not seen the sopranos? the mafia is easy it's the family that was fucking killing tony. if the only type of conflict that could harm you was physical, life would be so much simpler but it's not. emotional conflict is the more long lasting and harmful to your well being. dads are smooth brains who hit you, but your mom's tongue will scar you for life
>dads are smooth brains who hit you, but your mom's tongue will scar you for life
You're just reinforcing my point. I said danger and conflict, maybe I should have said violence and conflict. Tell me when there is a single game that constructs deep gameplay mechanics out of conversations and emotional conflict.
oh goodness
What makes you think I don't understand normativity or why it isn't an objective moral standard.
>a random sequence of events is still "designed"
I don't have an image to describe the sheer amount of retardation in this phrase
Kinda just sounds like a thursday in Serbia desu.
>posts one image
>disappears afterwards
David cage is the closest you'll ever be of getting something lime that
woah dude stop now I want your anime
Being eaten alive is my greatest phobia.
Not him, agnostic.
>Ever heard of the golden rule? Basic evolutionary psychology? Prisoners dilemma? Theory of games?
None of these describe or denote a center that can be described as good, they are all relative statements that can change their application to others based on the subjectivity of those people.
i.e They're moral relativism, and cannot be used to describe something as being bad, merely evil from the perspective of others.
now post the arm scene
>what is MGS3/Peace Walker
stop feeding the troll you fucking retard
kill yourself
I want them to have make up sex.
>white people chimped out and destroyed the planet
White people can't save or create anything they can only destroy.
You do that, i only saved the webm because i've never seen an anime character melt that fast before. I did look it up because i was told i was much worse with sound god fucking damn but i haven't watched anything outside that scene.
govt already promotes singlemotherhood...
BASED warrior making the /pol/cels SEETHE
>hating your daughter because she doesn't share your color
What a subhuman fag.
Kill yourself.
>adopted black
You mean property?
What if I see nothing wrong with either of those things?
Mother's don't typically go out into the world and put themselves in danger, for obvious reasons. They stand aside, whereas fathers typically go out. A mother game would be like getting the home ready for the kid coming back from his/her adventure. Cooking Mama, for example.
>>dehumanizing your own child
>Not grooming and fucking your black (adopted)daughter
I hope the anime girl dies, to be honest.
yeah, what was their endgame, here?
Couldn't they have stood behind a pavise or something?
>You will never transform a sadistic war criminal into a loving mother and wife
It hurts bros...
haha g-good meme
>is cool about it and ready to accept her death
>they are not
>will share war stories later
This went much better than expected
I like how there is no mention that the ones hanging in the background of the pic are children that are probably the same age as the ones shes overseeing now
why do you assume that
>ywn turn a woman into a mother
>ywn be a father
At least he doesn't exist due to a failed scam attempt.
>What makes you think I don't understand normativity or why it isn't an objective moral standard.
Because you claim it does not exist, you idiot. You literally stated, and I quote, "morality does not exist".
Normativity exists. It is as real as it gets. Not objective, obviously, because it does not denote physical properties of objects, but rather permanence of patterns in human behavior, but that is still as fucking real as "information".
Subjectivity does not matter, normativity does. And it's relation to basic evolutionary theory. What I describe is moral pragmatism, not moral relativism.
so before people made up various stories, everyone would rape, murder, and steal with reckless abandon? society would never have functioned long enough to organize a religion. biologically, we're social animals, so we have instinctual tendencies of empathy.
It's called "god I wish that were me"
All you want is fucking sluts.
mlady' you deserve a good bolt from a bolter for that heresy
don't do this to me
Ten more years just in case, then I’m ending it
>so before people made up various stories, everyone would rape, murder, and steal with reckless abandon?
I fucking hate joifags
my boi nakums jakums
...And you are saying that on the internet made by whites and on a computer invinted by a white?
I was talking about objective/absolute morality, you pedantic fuck. Also, I acknowledged normative philosophy several times already.
>I was talking about objective/absolute morality, you pedantic fuck.
"Morality does not exist", you idiot, does not sound like acknowledging normative morality. If you don't want to be treated as a retard, maybe don't say retarded things next time.
>*laughs in Patrice Désilets*
>that kid that calls you daddy in yakuza 0
both too old
So what's the actual context?
>Gets called out for being pedantic
>Even quotes it
>Doubles down on being pedantic
hate when vidya promise me some simple setting playing as a common lad and it later turns out you're th3 cHos3N On3 around whom everything revolves
>Subjectivity does not matter, normativity does.
I disagree, clearly, at least for the discussion of whether or not things can be described as being good or evil without a moral center.
>What I describe is moral pragmatism, not moral relativism.
And that's all well and good, until we get into the discussion of "why are these things bad".
If the question is to be answered "because we evolved that way", then you must by necessity acknowledge that morality itself is subjective by virtue of the fact that, if a species can evolve to hold certain things as moral, they can just as easily evolve to not hold those things as moral.
For there to be some form of morality outside of that requires a center that can hand down those decrees.
>"Morality does not exist", you idiot, does not sound like acknowledging normative morality.
You couldn't determine from the conversation he was talking about absolute/objective morality?
If so, I'd have to say you're the one being retarded, unless you very well realize what you're doing and you're merely trying to tilt him.
>ywn come home to somebody that appreciates your working for them
>everyone would rape, murder, and steal with reckless abandon?
Yeah that's what people did for fun back then