Kids play easy game like devil may cry 5, men play sekiro

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Kids play DMC5 and Sekiro
Adults play DMC and Demon's Souls

What difficulty is that on user?
Not to mention that the Faust hat requires grinding red orbs to use.

i played both, now STFU

I like both. OP is a fag.
Moe me if you want anime titties.

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DMC is better

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>Used 110.000 red orbs
>Super Dante
Weak b8, sneed.

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Kids play video games.
Adults have lives and do productive shit that will benefit society


Way to spend over 100,000 orbs on getting a garbage rank.

The only reason why I don't play DMC 5 is because I'm a poorfag.




Played both, loved both. Weak bite.

both 10/10
based 2019

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i unironically died more playing through DMC5 than Sekiro

cringe. Adults play all of those games

Literally git gud. Dmc5 is the easiest of the franchise.

dmc5 is hard on dmd, and dmd is the difficulty you should play on from the start, but brainlet devs want you to beat the game TWICE to unlock it, what a shitty design
sekiro is good too, both are great.

this, 2019 is the basedest year 2010 or os

Look man I loved Sekiro but 10/10?