Persona vs. Final Fantasy vs. Dragon Quest

Persona vs. Final Fantasy vs. Dragon Quest
Which are the best games of these series and which series is the best overall?
Choose your top 3 in this poll, let's settle this

Attached: DQXI x P5.jpg (1335x850, 388K)

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Also I forgot to mention I included Megami Tensei games as well with Persona


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Xeno > SMT(Spinoffs included) > Tales of > DQ > FF

Abhorrent taste

is that supposed to be Haru ? why is she blond ?

Great taste, don’t let the hivemind tell you otherwise

It's kind of brownish blonde which is what her hair looks like

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her hair is way too blond in the op picture and its hard to recognize her without her huge forehead

>FFVII only has one vote

I want to fuck the short blonde and the nerd girl on the right!


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Persona 3+ > FF before 6 >> Dragon Quest >> Final Fantasy 6+ > a pile of dog shit >>>>>> The fly shit on the dog shit >>>>>>>>> Persona before 3 = SMT series in general

Jesus Christ

Have you not played either game?

Etrian Odyssey series > FF5 > these gay ass games

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>etrian odyssey

For me, it's SMT and DQ.

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If we're talking overall quality and enjoyment then for me it's Persona > FF > DQ. FF peaked and has been not as good since, DQ is fun but a lot of the entries are spotty for me.

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better than the cutscene garbage in the OP for sure, lol

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What are your top 10 games from that list?

Obviously Final Fantasy hasn't been very good recently but Final Fantasy in it's prime is far better than any of these series.

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Final Fantasy has been losing a lot of its charm over the years but pre-FF12 is still quite magical to me.
Dragon Quest is a relatively good game series that ultimately feels it plays too simplistic. I get that's the appeal and that it plays without too much change but it's not really for me.
Persona pre-3/FES was interesting but had weak & tedious gameplay while afterwards had weaker themes and characters that favored style over substance.
Shin Megami Tensei has the biggest draw for me by showing me the world/themes/demons/Kaneko's art in general is pretty superb with only having some of the weakest soundtracks and graphics in comparison to the other series on this list.

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Nah, rpgs are gay. But blonde girl and orange girl can GET IT.

My personal list

1. Persona 5
2. SMT IV: Apocalypse
3. Dragon Quest XI
4. Digital Devil Saga
5. Persona 4
6. Persona 3
8. Nocturne
9. Final Fantasy X
10. Persona 2: Innocent Sin

Play the games


P4 doing pretty good

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I thought FFV, VI, and IX were a lot more popular here what happens? Is it just a loud minority?

Good taste

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Normalcuck ironic weeb trash

Faggot with shit taste

because it's a OP with a Persona image


It's Dragon Quest and Persona


Persona and SMT are the best

imagine thinking it's not FF

It's not.


Megami Tensei > FF

FF > Megami Tensei


>Megami Tensei > FF

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>persona 4 on top
seems Yea Forums has good taste after all

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Valhalla is a fucking banger don't even pretend it's bad
Valhalla >>>>>> Overworld


Nah lol

1. Final Fantasy (The run of masterpieces from 6 to 10 hasn't been topped)
2. Kiseki
3. Persona
4. Xeno
5. Dragon Quest

I'm surprised Nocturne isn't higher, it felt like there was a time on Yea Forums when everyone was sucking its dick.

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It is FF, but the best games aren't FF.

That was an embarrassing time on Yea Forums
If you're going to be an SMTfag at least don't pretend you're cool and edgy for dick riding the entry level game in the series.


P5 > all


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The rock solid legacy of the FFIII-FFVII era is unrivaled.

The one with no grinding and no "you have to rush navigating the menus" bullshit

They’re getting BTFO by Persona and DQ


God, maids make my dick so hard. Not even fetish maids, like ones with true maid outfits like in the pic. There's something so servile, so submissive about it, ughh

FF = SMT > DQ > Persona
>all these votes for PErsona 5
I can only understand this opinion from the point of view of gameplay exclusively

P5 is the best stop being contrarian