How hard is this nigga?
How hard is this nigga?
he has a pretty reliable blindspot behind his hip. i just dodge there and then attack
Not harder than Cleric Beast
hardest boss in the entire franchise
He's really not that bad, people just get spooked by him when they first fight him and spam dodge instead of trying to lean into his rhythm.
Orphan can jump into your face.
Pretty much this. He’s quick and he’s got reach but I didn’t struggle with him. Laurence and Ludwig were very hard for me but I blew through the rest of the bosses.
One of the hardest. The trick is to fight him in the sea.
I'd say Skeleton dog in the loran basement is harder, if only because of the inconsistent framerate fucking up dodge timings
easier than Ludwig imo
At least you can cheese Ludwig hard with the whirligig saw.
Very hard. My process towards beating him was 2 straight hours of sucking dick until dodging his moves became muscle memory and beat the fight spending only 5 vials.
Hardest boss in the entire series for me, one of my favorites as a result. Motherfucker is legitimately terrifying and also has great music.
Uhm i just spammed shots and fucked him up pretty easily
this guys's difficulty is kinda overrated, he tries his hardest to miss you with almost all attacks
hardest boss I've faced across the series
agressive as fuck
I've noticed that people claiming he's easy almost always play them first on regular NG instead of NG+3 and beyond, while on a BL 120+ character. Same with any Souls bosses really. Gael was this way since a ton of newfags jumped into DS3 as their first Souls game with the DLC editions and fought Gael on NG at SL 125. Play him on NG+5 and up and your experience will differ greatly I assure you.
kosmic hard
I played Orphan for the first time on NG+.
He really isn't that bad.
>Gael was this way since a ton of newfags jumped into DS3 as their first Souls game with the DLC editions and fought Gael on NG at SL 125. Play him on NG+5 and up and your experience will differ greatly I assure you.
Nah Gael is a meme.
All of Ds3's DLC was trash and the bosses were jokes.
He's alright when he's not skipping frames. Fight him in the water too.
imo the stagger resetted his animation