I love her so much, bros

I love her so much, bros...

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Other urls found in this thread:


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Older version or bust

My daughter and future wife.

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I really like the 80s shoutout style

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I wanted to fuck just about every female in that game that wasn't fat or old, but Veronica didn't even make my dick twitch. I really don't understand the obsession with her, she's not even cute in a non-sexual sense.

Understandable, not everyone is into lo-
>she's not even cute in a non-sexual sense
fuck you

Why is she still a loli after getting her magic back?

Gross. Get some taste.

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Marry her then

>That round, cartoonish face
>That ugly hat and outfit

The notAndroid 18 lolis were much better, I don't know what happened with Veronica, even her older version wasn't at all attractive.

Should I play her game?

That's too cute, user. My heart hurts.

I think you should leave now. Veronica is super cute and her ADULT form is super hot and sexy. Please stop spreading slander.

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YES you should play her game!

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is this DQ ? never played DQ before

What does her older form look like? Waiting for it come out on Switch.

It's DQ11

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Well, you should.

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Fuck I don't know.

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You may as well wait a couple of months for the Switch version, which will be the definitive one.

Damn, nice. Does this show up anywhere in the game or just fanart?

Buy the Switch version instead, it looks to be the best version by far.

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That would end up being 3/4 times that considering I don't have a switch.


It shows up in the game and saying anything else would be a massive spoiler.

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Just pirate it.

You should get one anyway, that'll be the weeb console going forward.

DO NOT pirate Veronica's game! Support Dragon Quest in the west!

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I love her too. Little girl potato body aside,i love her fuck you and everyone else attitude and her accent.

I love her too haha

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Sweet. Can't wait to pick it up later this year, then. DQBuilders 2 in a few more days, too.

>DQBuilders 2 in a few more days, too.

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don't worry, neither has OP

I'm not giving money to square enix so just like the PC version, I'll pirate the switch one.

Uh why did they edit out her water bottle?


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Bitch I've platinum'd the game and I've unlocked all skill trees. I have over 230 hours in the game.

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Fuck Square Enix
I like the game but I'm not giving those kikes a cent from my wallet.

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Aquafina logo branding expired so they had to alter it out

Why is she so cute and so funny?

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My wife is so stunning

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But did you max stats?

>I like the game but I won't support it
Then you won't be getting a sequel, retard.

Why is she making that face.

Attached: DRAGON QUEST XI_ Echoes of an Elusive Age_20180906034511.jpg (2379x1437, 607K)

Reminds me of my cute little sister except I can actually touch and hug and kiss my cute little sister

She's pretty excited to see me.

Top tier taste.

Only Veronica's magical might since all other party members are only allowed to cast buffs and use MP regen items on Veronica.

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>Dragon Quest
Good joke user

Serena's tummy is looking very kissable

Hope you know Japanese then.

She's also the first character you see in the opening cinematic


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After how they fucked over the early adopters and supporters? I’m never paying for a DQ game ever again.

I went in to the first game expecting very little, but wow everything was so charming, and this one looks better in every way. A friend is coming over and we are going to get our copies together and build some badass castles and houses in cliff faces.

I guess this is what you're looking for

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>wake up
>see this
What do?

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Respond "Good morning, Norberto."

It's true and I HATE it.

What is this from?

Based new fag

Hope you nintendies enjoy DQ XI because its the last one you're ever gonna get, SE is gonna pull a Monster Hunter World and DQ will stop getting held back by Nintendo like MH was.

Huh...you got a source for that?

>Using based Dragon Quest to start console cuck wars.
Dragon Quest is beyond from any kind of faggotry.

Why are you falseflagging in this thread nincel?

please tell me

His ass.

there is no porn of her if thats what youre getting at

>tfw she still looks attractive

Umm wtf I'm not in Gilfs but my friend says otherwise

No i think she is cute i am ok with not having porn of her

Pee on my dick, Veronica

her shenanigans are so cute and funny

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/djt/ memes

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>Post activity in the thread starts to slow down as more Veronica pics are posted
What did they mean by this?

perhaps this thread needs 'another' kind of veronica pic

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this dragon quest game and trails of mana remake give me a headache
i don't know if i will enjoy them but i would like to play these games
also i don't know if i should play older titles as well and there's so fucking many of them it just scares me off

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it shows up a couple of times in the game
one of her pep powers with Serena has her turning back into her adult form too

Play the new player friendly DQ games like 3, 5, 8, and 11.

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but what about the other one? i cannot just leave my autism behind and play other games from the series without release order

No epic store no buy.

post it

>playing an unconnected series like dragon quest in release order

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That's why you play the most recommended games first to actually see if you like what the series has best to offer first before playing the other games.


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>He didn't have the twins in combat at all times despite how useless Senya can be

I don't give a FUCK about Dragon Quest
Just start posting the cunny already, that's what we're all here for

>he probably didnt even equip her with a spear ethier just for fun

>unconnected series like dragon quest

I've been going through the ones I missed over the years lately. 4 and 5 are great. 3 is almost great except for a couple major bumps in difficulty that required grinding to get a specific skill to survive, well, at least one bump. 6 is absolutely beyond saving and should never be given a second look.

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It was good while it lasted. See you next thread Veronica bros

>Another brainlet who got lost in VI.
Sad! It’s is one of the best, with both Toriyama’s design and Sugiyama’s score at it’s peak.





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Cute and _____

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>support soulless, out of touch nips that have no idea how to market their flagship franchise in the west
>despite them continuously fucking us over for three decades and pretending DQ doesn't have western fans because it's not hitting final fantasy numbers
DQXI is worth my money but squeenix will never see a fucking cent of it

Shoo, snoyboy

Made me drop the game and not look back, no other JRPG party member has managed to do that so far

____ and funny

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>Massive spoiler
>Literally the first person you see in the opening
Okay lmao. It's not like there's time wacky stuff in this game that makes her grow.

Keep trying, nincel.

Game is cute and all, but I can't resolve myself to play it through. I think I quit right after I took my boat searching for orbs, is it getting a little bit better ? Less on rail ?

The ending was heartbreaking for poor old Babs though

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It's a shame she's stuck in a Dragon Quest game.

That’s what makes her the best DQ girl.

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play the Alefgard trilogy, every game after is more (6 onward) or less (4,5) on rails.

>Time-wacky stuff
Haha yeah nothing like that in the game haha...

Should I get her game on Switch? I like JRPGs but never played DQ before

>Page 10
Goodbye once again, Veronica Yea Forumsros

Can't wait to marry her in the Switch version.


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