Steamcucks on suicide watch
Steamcucks on suicide watch
you mean the platform which the company that made the game actually sold the game through it?
i also have it on gog, but ofc steam will have the highest % of overall sales, im ok with it as long as it supports CDPR
>supporting those hacks
>signing a contract of slavery to shill a game 24/7 when it comes out
>egs shill trying to pit gog and steam against each other
nice try tim
God imagine the pressure
It's currently the most anticipated game and it's being made by a euro developer which made 1 good game
Do you even know what that means, retard?
GoG is the best platform for games, in that I don't need to use a launcher. I wish they had a bigger library. Fuck Steam, I'm done with that shit.
I'll be playing on console. PC gamers are weird and smell bad.
Hasn't GoG been having financial troubles? Good on them for getting more sales either way.
Are there any preorder bonuses?
nothing wrong with gog, epic fag
>100% of your money goes to CDPR
So taxes aren't a thing? They get to keep 100% of the money they make from sales and just give good ol' gov't the finger? Makes sense to me.
>Epicfag trying to make GOGbros the bad guy
Fuck off.
Feel free to disconnect your internet and just play offline for the next 65 years.
Dilate sweetie
And don't forget that one good game is over a decade old.
I want chinamen off my board
>being a steaminputlet
who in their right mind would buy something from steam if it's available for the the SAME price on gog?
Hey now, Witcher 2 and 3 are both good.
some people cuz of regional pricing actually get cheaper prices on steam
this is what real, healthy competition looks like
Does GOG/Epic handle patches and updates like Steam?
>Preordering literally anything at all in an age of digital downloads
Why the fuck do people do this? Preordering used to be so that you could secure your physical copy on release day, rather than taking the chance of it being sold out.
Digital games can't be sold-out, preordering makes zero sense unless you're such a fucking brainlet that you forget when release day is altogether.
GOG has opt in updates and can actually deliver updates, unlike EGS where it's either game update or fortnite update
So 66% of the sales on PC are on Steam? Lmaoing @ GOG.
I don't think anybody cares if it sells on gog.
please don't bait a war against GOG. They literally let you pirate their games, so if you have a problem with GOG just pirate it and keep to yourself. Don't try to cause a hate train over it. It's getting old that you attention seekers want to turn everything into politics.
>Gog and Epic colab soon to kill steam for good
poor little buyfag cant handle people smarter than him
that means 2/3rs were ordered on steam you retard
Pretty much. A lot of corporations have overseas tax havens, so not only are they not paying shit for income takes, but some are even getting millions in tax rebates.
>1/3 GOG
>2/3 Steam
>0/3 Epic
post tunes
Steam here. I like GoG.
100% of the money DOES go to CDPR, its just some of it THEN goes on to pay taxes. But if you're going to pedantic, technically its still 100% being received by them, in contrast to something like steam where they get a smaller percentage of the sale price.
Good. FUCK Epic.
Go home Tim, you are not fooling anyone
I think GoG is just a product by CDPR. Literally their version of Steam, just different enough to warrant using
OP literally seething.
I'm doing my part!
I'll never buy a game on GoG, they love talking about how awesome they are what good they do to the gaming industry, yet I took a look at their ToS and they are just as terrible as every other company, sure, I skip a launcher (unless I want all the features) but I can still get banned if I share any of the games I bought, what's the point of being drm free then? Being a cuck that pays for a cracked game and can't share it? No thanks, I don't feel like doing them a favor, hopefully I'll die soon, GoG is a barrier that is preventing true drm free experience (games being associated to a code or something, like bit coin that would allow full anonymity and thus guaranteeing that you keep the games forever)
what if epic buys exclusivity rights at the last moment?
I will buy it in gog. But I never preorder.
I'll never buy a game on GoG, they love talking about how awesome they are what good they do to the gaming industry, yet I took a look at their ToS and they are just as terrible as every other company, sure, I skip a launcher (unless I want all the features) but I can still get banned if I share any of the games I bought, what's the point of being drm free then? Being a cuck that pays for a cracked game and can't share it? No thanks, I don't feel like doing them a favor, hopefully it'll die soon, GoG is a barrier that is preventing true drm free experience (games being associated to a code or something, like bit coin that would allow full anonymity and thus guaranteeing that you keep the games forever)
>hopefully I'll die soon
>he uses memes
holy shit he really IS /ourguy/1!!
Why would they even be on sale?
One of GOGs strong points is that you can choose which patch you want to use. You can do it with steam by fucking with the download package but you're obviously not meant to be doing that
Based GOG vs the beta reddit tier Steam
Steam users don't give a fuck what GOG does because GOG actually competes with Steam like an actual retail store, offering SERVICE and prices to compete instead of moneyhatting exclusives to screw people into using their store.
GOG says "we have the same games, but offer them at different prices, with no DRM". That's competition-- you can CHOOSE to use GOG. You can't choose whether to use Epic for some games, and because of objectively worse service, nobody would ever choose them over Steam unless they valued the 90% developer cut over every other benefit.
GOG Galaxy has autoupdate and rollback. This is specially useful for games that went ScummVM, like Leisure Suit Larry 7.
Regular GOG tells you when there are updates available on your library. Sometimes they make a patch, sometimes don't.
Lately they have forgotten to update the offline installers.
Why would the company that OWNS GOG give exclusivity to a store that competes with GOG? They stand to make more on their own store where they literally make 100% of the profits.
They have to thank people somehow. Otherwise they'd feel neglected for their efforts to praise cdpr.
Like how you get messages in csgo for people you reported being vacced.
It could be a Ubisoft-like deal.
Correct me if I'm wrong, but dont you automatically get a GoG copy whenever you buy a CDPR game on steam?
What's the difference?
Obviously he meant The Witcher, the only good game they've made.
>still don't have galaxy 2.0 beta access
fuck you too, I didn't want it anyway
I always buy CD Project's games from GOG for some reason.
>witcher ever being good
Lmao go back redditors
me because regional pricing, sadly
would buy on gog if they pricematched
If everyone was as "smart" as you are, who'd be making the games?
Witcher 2 is the third best RPG ever made.
Nigger slaves
It's nice that people are excited for it. Hopefully it turns out to be good.
>Lately they have forgotten to update the offline installers.
People made a thread about it.
How do games update on gog?
GOG is the store which has suffered the most under Epic's attempts to strongarm a monopoly
can't get major AAA publishers on-board thanks to no-DRM stance and AAA publishers all trying to launch their own storefronts
now the Indie devs proved to be little shits who'll take chinkbux up-front so they can help kill every other distro, at which point Sweeney will laugh his ass off at how these morons thought he wasn't going to change the cut he pays developers once the other stores have been knocked out. Maybe they could take a lesson from a little store called Wal-Mart on how everybody will get fucked
What other digital platform is it on? Steam and EGS? And EGS is an utter trash of a shop, so very few people would buy CB2077 there, much less than a third, so at least half of the copies must be sold on Steam. And GoG is CDPR's shop. They're basically advertising the fact that they're not very good at selling their own game.
Are the first two Witcher 3 and Witcher 1?
>third best RPG
>spam Quen to win
Epic mostly bought AA and AAA games that weren't going to GOG anyways.
Indies literally never were a killer app.
Epic did hurted with that meme share.
Just like on steam.
Tim what'cha doing?
>good old games
>game not even out yet
>pre ordering at all
>not just waiting for the game to go on sale with all its problems fixed and all its extra content released and bundled together for the same price as release or even lower.
You've waited this entire time for x game, you can wait a little longer and get a better finished and full product by waiting for it to drop price. They are never going to run out of copies digitally so pre ordering is useless and the "extra content" for pre ordering always comes out later, and it always turns out to be pointless throw away content or quickly disposable stat wise.
>Dao MIng Zhu wants to demonize GoG in order to improve social score to both Epic and to the CCP.
Tiananmen Square Massacre!
Winnie the Pooh!
They dropped the "Good Old Games" like 8 years ago.
>trying this hard to make GOG vs Steam a thing
Fuck off Chang, as long as it's not Epic I don't give a shit, now go back to eating your unborn fetuses or something.
What does gog stand for now?
>he needs to spam quen to win
Galaxy brain: pirate on release, purchase the enhanced edition with all DLC later on a sale for your second playthrough.
Gears of Gore
Once GOG galaxy 2.0 launches, assuming it works even half as well as advertised, I'll be moving there full time and buying my games from whoever has it for cheapest. The more stores available the greater the competition and the better for the consumer.
EGS could have been beloved by consumers if they didn't do their ridiculous predatory exclusivity bullshit, but they chose greed over long time consumer loyalty.
I can't wait to btfo every stupid storefront with one launcher.
>same price on both
>chose steam
Who would do this
Still more copies than egs has chang.
Most of Yea Forums, apparently
>btfo every stupid storefront with one launcher.
You still need the launchers installed.
Good. I'm happy for GOG. I'll still get it on Steam though, since it has most of my games, friends and the features I like.
>this guy's making some 1337 moves on hardest difficulty
>he plays perfectly, but wait
>model moves just one pixel too far, or otherwise just right
>to get 4x damage "Backstab" from some random pike cuke
Get real my nigga, the story was fantastic but we aren't playing Witcher games for their combat.
Whats the problem with a GOOD game store getting more profit?
It's not like they're secretly controlled by the chinese that will sell all the data or pay companies to break their kickstarter promises etc..
whenever I hear gog I actually think about gag, and I imagine a woman wearing one
Thanks for the day 1 pirate gog : ^ )
Galaxy of Games
enjoy your multiplayer.... oh wait :)
Gog-tan wearing a gag WHEN
Nah im not that asshole, if the game is good for my standards i'll buy it. IF.
>preordering games
>preordering the digital version and missing out on all the physical bonus shit
What's even the point? It's not like they're gonna run out of digital copies.
The only way I can see justifying digital preoders is when pre-loads are avaiable. Does goG do pre-loads?
When will they updgrade her already?
>epicshill tries to pit GOG against Steam
>every third sale was made on GOG
>meaning 66,66% were made on Steam because nobody buys on the Epic Fail Store
You didn't really think this through, did you?
I want to lick that tummy amd stick my tongue into the navel.
>It's not like they're gonna run out of digital copies.
It has been proven time and time again that they do run out of digital copies. See the original Prey.
Epicshills are chinks/niggers, what do you expect?
based gogerino
"Memes told me to hate this game and I listened"
>connect ALL the launchers!
>except steam
>oh and you can only start the game through the epic launcher
>bought the game on gog and you're on linux? Tough luck.
>connecting all the launchers though!
Why is Tim such a lying sack of shit?
Why would anyone ever buy a game on Steam if its on GOG?
Reminder that GOG enables you to make infinite backups, offline. If Steam one day decides you did wrongthink or someone farts your games could be gone forever.
but galaxy 2.0 connects with steam
Awww poor seething steaminceldrone finally knows how others feel like to be left out. Exclusivity sucks doesnt it huh you fat shit eating retardd.
Imagine being this hungry for (You)s.
I use steam because it has more payment options for my country
> breathtaking
Shitty devs then
Turn it down a notch Yeng, you're trying way too hard
>Epic chad btfo a steamcell as usual
Now imagine how guys at Mordhau feel.
Upam da fantom uspe.
Blame game won't change reality.
>paying for video games when you can just pirate them
Stay poor and stay cucked.
> he spams sword attacks to win
Cringe. I bet that fat fuck who said that is cumming all over himself right now. Stupid poles, fuck them
>it supports CDPR
fuck them and fuck you
practice what you preach, incel
GoG is also my favorite service to purchase games.
If i buy on GOG will i be able to play it offline? Just built my first decent PC and havent bought any games yet
yeah, thats one of the good things about gog
Gog and steam are friends retard, keep your inflammatory bullshit for epic shilling threads.
Yes, on gog you get offline installers for your games. In select few games you need gog's client to access multiplayer though.
Thread should've ended here
I don't like you guys, so i'm reducing your social score.
Steam > gocuck
Yes. That's the good thing about DRM-free in general.
poor little poorfag can't afford some games
That literally has no relevance at all.
>now imagine how this tiny game no one knew existed feels!
So long as it's not on Epic, who cares where it's purchased? Getting mine on GoG as well.
But I like GoG, so that's great.
This ain't a "Steam or nothing" issue, it's an "EGS is shit" issue.