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FFXIV Shadowbringers
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Shit game
Shit lore
Shit thread
Inb4 paid shills
Shit bait
Nude mods for sin eaters when
>Main theme hits
>Final phase theme hits
King's Honor, friend.
I think it goes without saying that they're always worth using, but even then a good deal of the potency from SS/TS is compensation for the potency you lose by it replacing your GCDs.
>469630331 (you)
Enjoy that extra 50 necklace juice you got payed for that wowfag
Left or Right?
Man of culture right here
redheads a shit
Can someone explain machinists single target rotation, do you spam heat blast and ocds or just use it for the dmg up while working on battery?
>Me: May I ask you something? Why are you casting single target spells on aoe packs?
>RDM: oO i was casting aoes xD
>Me: I saw a bunch of Jolt II's.
>RDM: just sometimes
*Turn on ACT*
She was using Jolt II to insta-cast Impact and barely touched Verthun/aeroII. In an 80 dungeon. Doing 1.5k more dps than her tank boyfriend.
I just wish every shitty fucking dancer in DF actually used both. See far too many that don't use SS on CD, even saw one that didn't even use i t more than once or twice in a full expert dungeon the other day. And fuck every faggot DNC not using TS for aoe on trash. Even with that 75% penalty after first target it's a fuckload of damage.
I legit was about to hate Ryne until she actually became Ryne. If she had stayed Minfilia junior she would've been just as shit if not worse than Lyse was in SB. Also Alisiaie is the right answer.
This looks incredibly bad, like they are made of latex
>le amaurot's the greatest city guys!
>"rot" is literally present in the name
nice greatest "city" you got there amaurotards
You cannot tempt me
the fuck is this esl saying
>has a face on his chest
>0 dps healers
God i loathe and detest this games community. These same people are the reason why gameplay has taken such a fucking nosedive
Can anyone pls tell me the name of this music
i'm trying to find orchestrion roll of it
This is why you pick up healing yourself. Not because it's fun or engaging, but because the french must never be allowed to be in charge of anything important.
Crystal Exarch is a cute bimbo!
Latex is my fetish.
have sex and you won't care about things in game
and here comes the amaurotard, cant even think up a good response
kys pretentious pricks
Todd aged so poorly wow
pretty ridiculous how good side quests are in ShB. They're full of lore or just funny
You'll be perfect fodder for the rejoining.
Liar. The tranny janny here has never lost weight.
How about 0 dps ASTs that throws all their cards at the retarded RDM that can't figure out how to aoe instead of the BLM?
>The sidequest chain in which pixies are being turned into beavers
>now is the best time to get into running EX primals in preparation for raiding
>still too scared to join a pf
I've played since 2015 and still never even tried an EX fight
>He doesn't know about Innocence
>the onsen sidequest in the crystarium
People like you are why I don't miss this game at all.
I have a similar story
>Be rdm in 71 dungeon
>doing aoe rotation on mob packs
>tank telling me to toss some scatters
>had to spend the whole dungeon telling him scatter doesn't exist at that level anymore
Innocence EX is almost as simple as the normal mode version if you want to start easy.
>tfw finally transferred off aether
hope my burger friends don't randomly decide to pick up this game
>eat more sin eater flesh
>still lose all that weight
How the fuck does he do it?
Do mods need to be updated or do they still work?
Just do it user, both trials are only slightly harder than Lakshmi EX
>join pf on sch because they have a whm
>try your hardest to out dps them
>6k dps triples theirs and beats the tanks
>primal dies anyways and the whm tells me I should dps more because I'm indomming his holes
I know release primals are always awful... but will it improve this time or get worse?
I'm dropping nin to play sam, fuck this perfect nip ping double weaving shit
Samurai is the best job.
Do not respond to me.
Which one is that? I just came across the hot springs out in Lakeland a couple days ago and thought it was interesting that it’s just kind of there and didn’t really seem to have anything going on there. Is there a quest involving it?
Delete these at once
I'm responding to you whether you like it or not, dumb faggot.
Shoha could do with a complete rework, maybe something related to Third Eye, but otherwise SAM is pretty good.
Why, it's simply because THIS IS THE PASSION OF MY ASCENSION
I'm going to keep playing AST and nobody can stop me!
I can't hit only assassinate in TA window. But it's fine.
Go to The Pendants and take the quest from the male midlander
LA-HEE, o great serpent of Ronka
What was this guys fucking problem?
Cool, I’ll do that, thanks.
He underestimated the power of Weaponized Autism.
Katanas are very scary.
fuck that, I can't do fucking anything well because my gcds are all behind
>dude use meisui to have bunshin in ta xddd
>at like 66 ninki when it should be happening
How do you get the shoebill minion?
Just pick a sprout group and enjoy ruining people’s runs until you know the fight
pugging is painful but it builds character
Sup bros, heard you all had an Ascian problem.
Last dungeon
He unironically fell for the katana meme.
Run Amaurot till the god graces you
Ascians? No Ascians here bro, we're all good.
>enter LotD
>Stardiver into a big pull with all buffs up
We already have a samurai, can you go sch bro?
I think we should ban katanas.
What would you guys reaction be if the final boss theme was Thunderer?
I do this too and it's better than sex
Great idea fellow mortal, they cause nothing but misery and destruction and strife and scary dreams
No worries bro, my DPS is fucked but I'll still do it.
It's a rare drop from the dungeon
Ride or Die SCH here. Keep fighting the good fight, and I will too.
There are people in this very thread, of age to post on Yea Forums, that were 9 years old when XIV first came out
*thunderer plays*
Sup bro, I've just invented a device to ward off katanas-- oh, I thought you were a fellow Ascian. Nevermind.
What's that one dungeon you want to get shoved into, but never do?
Still waiting for some sprout to drag me into Baelsar's Wall already
Explains the tired unfunny memes people keep posting.
Is photobombing bannable?
Someone afk'd in front of my picture.
Why is no one talking about the new role added
Finally in addition to Healer, tank, and DPS, you have SCH with their role “queue popper” now since they aren’t DPS
Post SB or post HW dungeons. Never seen them
Make sure you side with best bro and let the restraint collar kill the healer.
How hard will Grasp EX be? I want something that shits on Shinryu.
>80 dungeons
>tank doing acceptable pulls
>sam still runs ahead to pull more
>sam doesnt even help finish the mobs and runs to fight the boss
>eating all the aoes
Is there a more autistic dps?
Aurum Vale but with a competent party.
It's actually pretty quick. I've got it done in 20 minutes with 3 wipes.
I can only imagine how fast it would be if people weren't braindead and "accidently" pulled mobs.
1.0 servers when, fuck this gay ARR nushit
Tempting, but I just want an excuse to write SLOPPEH when someone fucks up mechanics
>this just happened to me
>waited 150 minutes in que for nothing
How can the player base be so fucking retarded?
Just dont stand in the aoe or ledge that glows purple.
>Amaurot dungeon OST
if it was an acceptable pull then there would've been a wall to stop the SAM from being able to pull any more
>wipes in Aurum Vale
lmaoing at your life
Just give us back a Sen consumer so it can become freeflowing again. I don't want to be a strict gcd katana Dragoon.
N i g h t m a r e
What happened?
I really want WoW classic to succeed so there's a chance of FFXI classic
>waited 150 minutes in que for nothing
I have instant queues with my Alisaie and Alphinaud
What do I do for BLM AOEs? Do I still just spam double Flares?
>Nobody picks up the fruit.
>Healer is undergeared and DPS keeps "accidently" grabbing mobs.
>dps "accidently" pulls a huge mob and ask ranged DPS to LB their shit so we don't die due to undergeared healer.
>they don't.
So what happened to that scene with Alisaie engulfed in darkness?
I just explained. They kept dying to the last boss because they were standing in aoes or going to the ledge that glows and crumbles when they stand on it. We wiped 7 times before the abandon
So where do they go from here? The scale was so ramped up in ShB that I can't see anything in eorzea not feeling underwhelming in comparison. I mean we've now seen the original world and beat the antagonist most concerned with bringing it back. Zenos and the Garleans just feel so petty in comparison
The Lost City of Amdapor. I absolutely adore that dungeon but I don't think I've even been in there since Second Coil was current.
Did ya tell them not to?
They could be bots, did they respond?
I always die on trash as DPS when I get tethered by one of the bombs and I don't know how not to
Freeze, filler (foul or t4 or sharpcast t4
If you have swift/triple cast ready then go fire3 then flares until out of mp
Freeze repeat.
If you don't have any cast cooldowns up then you can cast Flare straight from Umbral. It's a bit faster than casting F3 then Flare and it does similar dps.
pure kino
I told them not to and all I got were silences from the dps and the healer saying sorry over and over again when they stepped into aoes
>the guy who killed his father to save you and millions of people
>Black Rose is used somehow.
>For some reason they can't use time fuckery anymore to fix it.
>Be in Post Apocolypse Eorzea not to fix things but to at least take revenge for the lives that are lost.
>Everyone retreats to the moon.
DRG is going to get nerfed to shit when SE catches on so gotta enjoy it while it lasts
Just play healer
I haven’t had a wipe there in like a year
No idea honestly.
where alphi is holding her? it's before the last trial
Zenos planning to harness the power of Zodiark is anything but small and petty.
It's more that Elidibus is just a fucking disappointment that can't manage anything on his own whose only plan and last resort is trying to sic another Warrior of Light on you.
You have to focus down the bombs first.
Tell your group to stop AoEing and just focus on taking down the bombs.
Wait, Freeze is actually not useless? No using B3?
Jokes on you I anticipated this so I'm not even leveling it
You just single target them from what i can tell and ignore aoe. They'll get stronger the longer they are tethered to you
I wish DRK kept power slash instead of Soul Eater
The Soul Eater animation is so floaty and the sound effect has no weight behind it, easily the worst tank finisher move in the game
Wait and see what Eden is about, it's going to be an MSQ raid.
but there was no darkness engulfing her in the game proper, in the trailer it looked like she was being consumed by darkness
fuck healer.
I only play the easiest jobs in the game.
Least amount of work, yet I still get primal drops fast.
Where the fuck have you been mate?
it's ok, even if the rest of the expansion isn't as good we're still getting yoko taro
Fake spoilers
Not to mention summoning WoLs from other shards for boss fight.
I didn't notice to be honest
I just started leveling my BLM from 70, I didn't know they changed Freeze.
Yeah it does but hopefully this is going to land with Elidibus going “you know what would be a great idea? Let’s give Zenos Hydaelyn’s blessing and let him duke it out with PC”
Then Zenos will wipe the Scions, kill one of the twins, and we’ll go crying back to the first
What sort of yoko taro mechanics arw we getting aside fron alliance raid bullet hells?
We don't know. Yoshi said he decided not to tell Taro how the game works so he doesn't stifle his creativity.
Ryne/Minfillia was so pointless
like honestly what was the point of her
>Specific parts of the raid have imposed arbitrary limitations like "No sprinting" that result in immediate death
>Complain about pugs
>Don't make friends so you don't have to deal with pugs
You brought this on yourself.
Well go read your tooltips.
Garlean War of Succession where the new emperor is far more competent than the last and only didn't rise out of respect for the old emperor.
I'm sure there will be sidescrolling platform sections with forced camera angles.
I haven’t got up to Shadowbringers, but assuming that even if she seems pointless now there are a lot of upcoming patch quests that will remedy that
So Gaius?
I am rushing through the post ARR stuff and just so fatigued. I think I'll get to shb and feel the same way, ultimately realizing that anime always has and always will belong in the trash.
You must have a lot of friends to have 3 available for whatever you need them for 24/7.
>Doing level 77 dungeon
>Nin in full speed run mode pulling mobs to me. Dont really mind.
>Get to last boss. Dancer is a first timer so healer and I wait for them to finish the CS.
>Nin pulls boss and healer and I both just walk out of the area and procede to laugh.
A meltdown was had.
>what was the point of her
what is the point of you
that's stupid, I was thinking of that scene all throughout and it's literally nothing
Had a dream where the WOL defeats the ones Elidibus sicks on us and we accidentally forcefully fuse with them and ruin their worlds by doing so. Don't remember the rest.
Keeping the Light from eating you, and character development for Thancred
C___ & F____
To save WoL. Build up Thancred and others characters who appears in game. She doesn't exist in vacuum.
Freeze has been a useless spell for the longest time, I've not even had it on my hotbar nor did I even think to look at it when I was reading all the other spell tooltips for changes.
I'm still waiting for a boss that has an instakill attack that you have to use an emote (like /kneel) to avoid
To give Thancred closure you retard.
Dunno why you guys are so autistic about this.
I only get that mad when I give advice to fix it and they don't take it.
However, just silently judging and then complaining about it later is a bit wack.
How the fuck are they going to top the Hades fight? The area, boss and music were Kino.
What the fuck was his problem??
Please, please, please, please let her appear in Eden
minion too please
Babbies first trial lmao s-so kino
It was alright but I genuinely enjoyed Innocence more than Hades
I wish they had just let Thancred be the one to end Ran'jit
I didn't give a shit about seeing WoL defeat him because he was just a contrived Zenos clone without the actual shock of Zenos beating you easily so I didn't mind the constant "Oh no Ran'jit we have to run" shit aside from it being bad story advancement
I pointed it out to them. Why should I have to teach someone at level 80 how their job works?
This user gets it.
The wow kid is back
Two of them.
>the area
>another fucking circle
>no, TWO fucking circles
>boss is a bigger joke than susano normal
>music is gay buttrock to generic orchestra that sounds juuuuuuuust like nidhogg
Sorry, that's not kino
It's weird how the WoL doesn't even give a fuck about him.
It's not that hard to say, "Hey guys, this evening, lets grind dungeons together so we can get a full set of badge gear/do roulettes/grind exp dungeons together," and find three other willing people to do it, especially now. The modicum of planning spent getting a thing together is worth the faster completion, lack of queue times, and overall better performance compared to attempting to chain queue for what you need as a not-in-need job.
The only good part of that fight was you releasing the light out to just overwhelm Hades. Everything else just felt underwhelming.
The game’s biggest weakness is that it has decent pacing when you’re done with content, lots of characters that have developed personalities, quirks, moments, tone changes but it’s always a gradual change. But when you’re trying to catch up, all that slow pacing turns into bullshit you don’t care about so you slog through oceans of trvial shit until you’re not even invested anymore and hate yourself for it
Your options are
A) force yourself to slow down, you have like four months to next content patch, enjoy it piecewise, let yourself get distracted and do other bullshit
B) bite the bullet and chug through like a freight train, then go back and watch cutscenes in your down time
Back to your dying mmo zoom zoom.
Why is people so buttblasted over circle shaped arenas?
Did they make this game too addictive?
FF XIV is literally dude references - the game
>tfw the Twinning
It's most effective bait. Always works.
Back to your dead mmo kid
Sorry you have such shit taste user
What area is this?
The fight itself was ok, everything storywise surrounding it was so great people don't tend to notice that Shinryu had more going on.
Even 1.0 had non circular, multi tiered arenas
In ARR we had a person who was a god at creating trials, he ended up leaving and so the person took over who only did circle arenas.
In the town with the dwarves. Theres a building in the center that only lalas can go in.
The Innocence theme might be Sokens finest work. All of the lietmotifs, the instrumentation, the pacing; it's absolutely fantastic
All of ShB's soundtrack is ridiculously good really
Am i missing something or is flamethrower completely useless now?
>most coils
All of those were circles
What's the point, the game is shit without at least CoP + ToAU and then Abyssea will just ruin everything again
I liked WoTG too though
>the town with the dwarves
How so? It seems fine so far if anything alot of classes feel strong but are just ok. I dont know how endgame mch holds up but i still nut every time i use drill
but pretty much all of them were circles as well...
Did I miss something? Twintania, Garuda, Ifrit, Titan, Shiva, Ramuh, Nael, Bahamut, Phoenix, Ultima were all fucking circles
Even joke instances like Battle on the Big Bridge were circles
What the fuck WASN'T a circle?
Nit him but I read everything. Every singe side quest but barely can remember names. Simple names is hard to remember for me.
Never played it, trannies lmao
Twintania had hills and dips
Nah, it's the other dwarf town, the one with no quest givers. Tomra's easy to remember anyway for anyone who played FFIV.
Thanks dude.
Seriously don’t have time for all of that shit. Here to get loot not lore.
alexander has more soul than pretty much any raid tier in this game due to it actually feeling like your in a raid zone
And? Still a circle
fuck casuals holy shit I'm tired of partnering with tanks because SAM has no idea how his class works at level 70-something just what the fuck
>Here to get loot not lore.
Final Circle: Circle Edition
and people used them to get rid of mechanics. thats why we have circles now
Which didn't actually change the fight at all because none of the mechanics made use of them other than being a convenient place to dump shit like positioning dive bombs when you ran out of the trench
What? No it didn't. Tier 1 of coil is the only raid tier that felt like an actual raid. Alexander had like two trash pulls before a boss and that was it
Thanks for the input. The feelings behind the plot are very polarized... this is sensible.
Coil 1 Turn 2 ADS was the best raid in the game before people figured out the enrage strategy
prove me wrong
wowfags like big areas full of nothing
I'm late to the party, but why do airships look so dumb in this game? Literally a flying platform where the riders look like they should be tumbling off after every turn.
We went from a shitter filter crumbling arena to a circle. Hades was shit, deal with it.
I'm about to run Castrum Meridianum for the first time. I'm nervous. Hold me Yea Forums.
>Bikini glamour
>literally a circle as well
They're modeled after FF2/3/4 airships
Shinryu :^)
Don't worry, you'll have at least half of your party from Duty Roulette. Meaning you can just go afk follow, they'll carry you.
It gets worse as you go. Most people are familiar with their mains, but once those are maxed, they play other jobs they don't really care about just to get exp. I should know, I have every job at 70 and I never played a healer outside of alliance raid/MSQ so can't actually solo heal if I needed to. Best I can do is keep up Medica II/Regen/Succor/Aspected Benefic and spot heal while chucking broils.
Wrong. It's epic and big.
But that's the fun one!
After that is Praetorium, which is pure suffering.
I'm not looking forward to it but I'm really enjoying the ride
>tfw erasing a group of adds with stardiver + Lance Charge + DS
pure sex
now go look at karazhan/ulduar
tell me when ffxiv will be able to achieve that, and that's coming from longtime ffxiv player
based shrek asking the right questions
Pure kino
>Get into a party with Highlander or Roe healers
>topless dudes in speedos, every time
>literally a rectangle
this is what wowfags think is any different? the only difference is you cant fall off and die like you can in xiv, if anything its just proof that xivs arenas add another layer to bosses you have to worry about
>it was Emet-Selch fucking with you the whole time
Think about it, Ascians can create creatures with their mind for specific purposes right? Well you get the Shoebill minion from Amaurot, so it's obvious he made it.
If you're new make sure to pull the massive army of adds so it saves your party time to do the mechanics.
Anyone else is sad because they never bought the shiny aura/relic aura armors again since 2.2?
It could make crafters relevant again.
>Someone in my FC frothing about not being able to beat the Ran'jit solo instance in Eulmore
>Pretty much plays the game just to craft
Do aliens play this game?
Why does everyone talk like this expansion was better than every other when the only thing it actually did better was the fucking story? Like what the fuck? I get that the gameplay on each expansion is so fucking the same that you dont have anything else to compare it to, but come on
>ARR had all these creative boss arenas
>Yoshi got pissed off so much with the trench strategy that all we get now is WoW style flat squares and circles
Life is suffering.
stop shitposting ZR
>Boss Theme is Thunderer
>It turns into a more epic version with Thunderer as leitmotif 20s in
Enjoy smacking everything to death easily. And watch the cutscenes since it forces you to do so anyways now.
People can complain about circle arenas all the want, but the true villain are cluttered UIs. When are we going to get an MMO without having health and ability bars clutter our screens?
Why not both?
I got the caster one from a venture so keep hitting that slot machine
>creative boss arenas
>literally one feature of one map that was otherwise a circle
>creative boss arenas
Name 5 and make sure they are not circles.
You literally auto-regen health faster than Ran'jit damages you if you dont stand in the orange
No, I dislike glowing armour and glowstick weapons.
I mean they never implemented them again
Binding Coil of Bahamut
Needs a "you don't pay my sub".
Also, the weakest part of the game by far is 2.0-3.0. Loads of dumb filler shit. Getting to lv51 quests hurts, but once you’re over that hill it turns fun again.
Turn 1
Turn 2
Turn 5
Turn 7
>literally a circle
You're quoting a post that was explicitly only talking about the plot you ding dong
I guess they didn't want to go the wow route of big glowing shoulders since i dont know of any besides those and the elemental armors
>adventurer in need is healer everywhere
the absolute state of yoshida
>wtf why are people talking about the story in this heavily story-focused game
>watching all those memeloving fucks doing final cutscenes with their lalas
>Emet-Selch cowering in utter disbelief from fucking potato in a slutglam
Although fitting as your average reaction to a talking vegetable, that's still not ok. Lala purge when?
Turn 1 was a circle
Glows are already dumb on weapons. We don't need it on armor as well.
Because there were a lot of complaints about it because at the time people were complaining about relic weapons having generic glows.
Nigga what
bros nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
Makes it easier to level my whm I guess.
One of the scions is leaving the group to stay on the first, right? I can see it happening.
Copperbell Mines / Copperbell HM
Cutter's Cry
Dzemael Darkhold
No it wasn't.
s-stop!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! its different you dumb weebs!!!!!!!!!!!
We are talking about Ex and raids
>tfw I always marked the fucking doors because nobody else could do it competently for some reason
As if thancred is going to leave his new pocket puss behind
You look worse than a lala in slut glam. You're wearing a fucking isekai outfit on a mhigger you retard. Lalas in proper gear is pure FFIII kino.
Lmao, you sure got him here!
Thancred. To stay with his new not-imouto and to Finish off Ran'jit
Glowstick armor looks like trash
On the bright side next expansion is guaranteed to have a new healer since at JP Expo they confirmed 6.0 is in development and he asked the crowd what job they would like to see and new healer got a loud reception.
Whatever you're thinking of, it ain't T1.
T1 is the honeycomb platforms with the two snakes.
yfw community gives the middle finger to yoshi and all raiders go solo heal whm
Yes, Yshtola will stay behind so she can get barbed every night.
>he thinks imouto means daughter
you got him
Damn.... this is actually really sad.
Lala looks good in this scene.
>clothes given to you in an MSQ are now an isekai outfit
That's Scion's Adventurer jacket my man. Leave me and my cosplay tastes alone.
look at the state of sch and ast. you dumbasses really want them to make another healer they cant even do the ones they have right
Only because WoW has literally no other content
>Old hunter Father Gascoigne has been summoned.
they really captured the essence of a shoebill. 10/10 best npc
There was no way to know how bad healer balance would be when they announced no 4th healer.
Given how it's turned out I think plenty of people are fine that there is no 4th healer.
Personally I still think DNC could've been a fine healer and the healers could be balanced with 2 Raid Buffers (AST/DNC) and 2 Throughput/Personal DPS (SCH/WHM).
>solo heal WHM
You mean solo heal SCH
all content so far can be done without even touching seraph
Yes, it literally is an isekai outfit you dumbass. It's a highschool uniform you'd see in God Eater or SAO.
>wearing a suit and fedora in high fantasy
>not absolute cancer
You're only digging your hole deeper.
How many mobs need to be present for RDM's AoE rotation to be a dps gain?
Shoebills are CUTE
literally circles: the game
You look like shit
Fuck off weeb
whm has soloed the current content too. Expansion is a joke
>You exist because we allow it
>And you will end because we demand it
potency wise 3. i don't know if the mana aspect applies
Wearing any kind of modern or casual clothing is equivalent to slut glam and bunny ears. You're probably worse because at least slutglammers know how stupid they look and don't care.
>bringing an RDM anywhere
This is what the balance autists have listed for RDM AoE.
You can see same casual clothing in First tho. But whatever
>Healers constantly running past me to pull shit
>Get queued into Dohn Megh
>Had enough of this shit so I do s fuck huge pull
>Party wipes
>Ask SCH if I should pull less
>"I honestly don't know"
I hate healers now
>all that shit just to say use ver2 spells with 2+ mobs
DNC or MCH? I love ranged, not sure which to go with.
Ah damn it's been forever since I seen that spread mechanic in Sephirot Ex
>Double teaming her with Esteem
In XIV you can at least remove most of that shit if you don't want it.
>can't read
the absolute state of scholars
>calling it a fedora
>"literally isekai"
>when there are manservants in tuxedos and people wearing literal suits
So BLU is also isekai then, or is looking like Tuxedo Mask lore-friendly in their case?
All these spoilers
Holy shit fuck you guys so much
This is why reddit will always be better
>your party still benefits from Embolden in AoE!
>dark knight, any healer, and BLM/SMN
>there has yet to be a fight as fun as A11/S
Why does S-E hate fun?
Anyone have any dnc openers/rotations?
You look like a fucking joke, dude.
>i'm cosplaying lol that's what makes it ok *tips fedora*
Don't criticize other people's glams when you are a literal fedoralord
>not with her brother
Casual taste.
>tranny discord
No thx
Before you start the run always ask the healers if it's okay to do big pulls and also inspect your DPS players if they are even capable of doing big pulls. Because you don't want to do a big pull with a level boosted healer and DPS wearing shit gear.
Someone edit this to have Toshida as god and then soken and some other devs ads the people behind him.
It's pretty much equal to SAM in damage, still has utility with Litany and tether, and is an AOE god in dungeons.
His point isn't wrong though, if you have literally anyone other than what you mentioned it would help.
The only Healer AoE worth a damn is WHM anyway.
Avoid Yea Forums until you were done, like everyone else here did. It's literally not our fault you lack self control and came here.
Can anyone tell me how many quests are in 5.0 msq?
The scion outfit is based on isekai designs, yes. Why is that so hard for you to understand in your tiny mhigger brain?
>when there are manservants in tuxedos and people wearing literal suits
Are you man servant? Are you saying that Emet-Selch losing his shit over someone dressed as a Eulmoran slave is somehow intimidating? Get some self awareness, holy shit.
We told you for months now to avoid these threads if you don't want spoilers.
Player who's new to tanking here, just got Gunbreaker to 69 and I've been wondering about the combo bonus of Brutal Shell? Just how does that work and am I supposed to use it in a specific way or something?
>someone wearing a bikini looks stupid
>but me wearing a fedora is cool!
By the end of ShB we'll probably discover that we NEED to rejoin all of the shards to keep hydaelyn in check. We'll be the ones reviving Zodiark... just, our way.
>>you guys are going around spoiling things
>>I'm the one without self control
Shut up, you are only making yourself look stupid
Weak bait. You can hide all images and hide all others posts except (You)s and your own
Go finish the game instead of shitposting on Yea Forums.
Both are fun and in a good spot right now, although MCH gets spammy as fuck later on so pick/avoid depending on how much you like to play piano on your keyboard.
Who are these guides for? I know RDM is brain dead but why is a guide needed for it
I'm convinced that you are for some reason defending lalas right now. It's okay if you or someone else thinks that I look like shit, or an edgelord, or fedoratipper, etc, but having a serious cutscene in any shape or form with lala WoL is just nonsensical, and that's without the fact that if not for them, WoL would at the very least be able to interact with other NPCs more.
>this is a lie
Don't say twin, that was a circle with bumps, and it caused a lot of problems where folks could cheese the shit out of stuff. Though seeing as you said ARR, and every single fight was a circle, you're being an idiot and posted before you could really think about it.
You can control yourself, you cannot control other people are you know Yea Forums is full of assholes that won't hold back. Who do you blame in this situation?
>caring about spoilers in a chinese p2w mmo
Then go back you dumb cunt.
So was Balance Tranny right about MCH ?
I'm super late but for 2 targets that's actually the correct rotation. Anything above use the new ones.
This is something I was thinking as well. The whole freaking magic ploy has always been about keeping a balance between darkness and light and we already know what happens if we tilt the scale a bit too much on the light side.
Because the average person doesn't read skill tooltips or understand how anything works.
It restores a small amount of HP and grants a shield equivalent to the restored HP. It's just a extra small mitigation tool to deal with auto attacks, don't think too hard about it.
You dont need a rotation to play dancer, you literally have like two weapons weaponskills and then everything else is just an ogcd you use on cooldown
The only non obvious thing you need to know is to save fan stacks and espirit for when you have devilment up. Should only be using stacks outside of it if you're going to cap on them otherwise
For the average person that uses The Balance discord. Notice that reminder to use your oGCDs at the bottom? That's for them.
It needs a picture of the DLC horse armor, that was the end of the no-DLC bullshit era.
Except lalas looks good in serous cutscenes unless you wear clown glam.
Okay, thanks.
Not in the least.
>MFW got him as a minion at the end of the last dungeon.
You'd be surprised.
ARR dragoon relic armor is the most based set there has ever been
Of course not. He based his claims entirely on watching a video of someone in NA playing on a JP beta test server with lag instead playing the game himself.
>lalas looks good in serous cutscenes
So I should always save the fans???
And when should I use the dances or refresh them?
What the FUCK is the soft sps cap for blm at 444?
I healed as WHM for years because I liked it and didn't care if it was optimal or not. Rock on you glorious bastards.
Why the FUCK does none of the Machine skills proc Wildfire when you summon him? They're labeled as weaponskills dammit.
>except lalas looks good
Do they? Do they really? Do you honestly think that? Serious question
Epic pic dude
This reminds me
> lvl 80 dungeon
> do big pulls
> healer is complete shit, have to pop every cd to make it through
> do single pull next
> SAM goes ahead and pulls next pack
> we die
He did this twice before healer cried about pressure and left
Your enochian timer is incredibly lenient now.
Use fans when devilment is up. Or if you hit 4 stacks since otherwise you're wasting them since you can't have more than 4
Dances have huge potency numbers. Use them on cooldown
I know that from leveling RDM. These were large pulls in Akademia.
I know I'm late but LA-HEE
>Potency is increased by 200 for each of YOUR OWN weaponskills
Based tooltip-illiterate user
Ruby Dragon tonight brothers. It ends tonight.
I feel like thats a unncessary restriction to an otherwise good first interation in 5.0.
Fucking someone while someone else fucks them is just a slightly more acceptable kind of cuckshit.
So now that max lvl is 80
Can I solo farm Hw primals and maybe Alexander or do o still need a group
>reused assets the expansion
people pay... for reskins?
How did Emet-Selch sire children?
>last boss of amaurot
>sam standing on the broken platform
>sam dies
w-whats that user you want your trick atack? o-of course i will be glad to service you and the other 6 bulls
Since surface slap's buff isn't removed until you CATCH a fish, does that mean we can surface slap some bitchfish to remove it from the loot table and thus increase our odds of a ku'er bite? Since it's a legendary tug, it isn't like we can pick the wrong one.
Where's Alphinaud? He is the best one.
So who were the three unsundered? Emet, Elidibus and?
>subbed 2 weeks before ShB
>got 2 jobs to BiS already
>can't buy into the loot treadmill happening in 5.01 and 5.05
I guess MMOs aren't for me anymore, I'm glad the MSQ experience enough felt worth my money / time. I'll end up being one of those players YoshiP talks about.
When he took bodies, he remained in those bodies for the entirety of their lives and considered them his. He considers Varis his actual blood.
Lahabrea, who died in 3.0.
nigga back in HW I killed extreme ARR primals as a solo SCH and solo WAR
you can hella do it
Still need a group
The retard in charge of Akademia
Wow holy shit way to deflate Ascians in one patch.
So is MNK and they have Brotherhood and Mantra, why don’t you have a problem with them too? Reality is SAM needs a buff if anything.
I know this game is old but it looks fucking ugly.
You and Esteem are the same person.
>Hated Mech since the update, felt like it was lacking in large damage and was brain dead in rotation
>unlocked drill and found out it works with reassemble
>suddenly love it again
Holy shit it’s about time things started being fun again.
The raid fights are probably cool enough that they warrant subbing to play, even if you don't care enough to do them weekly for irrelevant gear.
zoomers love it
god i cant wait til classic so this weeb trash finally gets put in the dirt once and for all
Would you rather have higher APM jobs but less actions overall? Or slower APM jobs but with more actions to use?
Im more curious how those three escaped getting split. How do you manage that
Certain ones have mechanics that flat out can't be done without a group, like Sephirot.
They do.
I've been experimenting with minimal UI, but it only really works with BLM and PLD since I don't need to watch for when cooldowns finish. GNB's variable timing with their combo means I have to use bars for him.
Everything just feels better when you don't have things cluttering your vision, though I doubt I'll ever be able to move away from boss health bars and upcoming casts.
More actions. Complexity is better.
depends on the fight and class
Wait drill works with reassemble?!
You are yet blind to to the real truth, which is timing Reassemble+drill with the last second of hypercharge, and having a rotation with basically 0 downtime - a miracle for MCH.
And $13 is joke money.
WoW looks like trash holy shit
even standard dungeons look cooler than this
You hated MCH since the update but never played MCH before?
Higher APM with less buttons on MCH shows that it works imho. Looking at metrics like "APM" and "how often someone uses 'x' button" is the slippery slope that Blizzard has been doing to try process 'fun' and 'enjoyment' as some computer quantifiable quantity. Look where that good them.
I killed them as SMN. Even Ifrit, those last nails were insane at level 60. RIP soloing as SMN now since there's no more tank pet.
I liked timing the cool downs and rushing to get my burst done.
Honestly the update it positive, and better overall it just me complaining about feelings.
Probably managed to escape to the void somehow.
More actions. APM is fucking meaningless if you're just hammering the same button every 0.5 seconds or whatever.
wow's gcd is 1 sec
I once ran Bardam’s Mettle and the WHM was having a hard time keeping the tank alive using Cure I.
I told them Cure II would be better for single-target, and both the healer and the tank said Cure I was fine.
Am I missing something here? I get that Cure I has lower MP cost and can make Cure II free, but when your tank is dying and your MP was full anyway, that shouldn’t be priority, right?
High APM sucks in this game because you'll be clipping the shit out of yourself unless you live on top of a datacenter. But low APM is too prone to useless bloat with braindead BOOST UR DAMGE skills and 12345 combos.
You know it, does massive damage. Works well if you combo off it, overheat and wildfire.
I hate this bitch so much
Literally worthless waifu bait
There is none. Go full fast.
its 1.5
New titan skill is strong. Try it.
>no chat
oh, so you're one of *those* shitters
Stop skipping cutscenes and you may find your own answer
>makes the most obvious goddamn parallel to Emet's whole desire as possible
>user still doesn't get it
>less buttons on MCH
what have you been playing, my man?
it used to be Split-Slug-Clean+HotShot+Heat Blast+Rico/Gauss
Now it's Split-Slug-Clean-Drill-Air Anchor+Heat Blast +3Rico/3Gauss
And that's without small piano that you do as an opener if we're doing the current hypercharge+wildfire combo.
That's more button presses now.
This. Any other response is stupid. You can't quantify fun based on APM or some other stupid metric. RDM is one of the most fun, most played jobs in the game and has a relatively simple rotation compared to other specs. People love SAM and RDM and there are tank retards that actually think their simple 4 button rotations are complex.
> do the lvl 73 dungeon
> part where you have to walk across the pit on the tiny bridge
> dragoon jumps to his death and WHM pulls tank into the abyss
Dumb game
>warrior APM
oh no no no no unga bunga bros what do we do? We're the tanklets
I'm melding exclusively skill speed as MNK this expansion once again because fuck min maxing, I just want speed.
I'm at 1.88s GCD with barely any gear and cheap SS melds - I'm aiming to get it to 1.6 by the end of the expansion.
>Monk can also use their one unique Vpose or whatever ti was to backflip over it but you gotta time it just right
Here's mine.
I guess there is two logical ways, lower cure is faster by a second and more mana efficient. But this is a WHM in Bardam's Mettle so they have so many oGCD buttons and fucking Holy Spam so the fact it comes to this confuses me.
I'm no healer main or anything but all I've heard is that you should waste as few gcd's on heals as possible and therefore it's better to cast 1 Cure II than waste 2 gcd's on Cure I.
I went into a holminster switch run as a tank, did a double pull and noticed the black mage was only casting fire 1 and fire 3, he ignored my suggestion of aoe's, this continued into the first boss, my suggestion of using enochian and spells other than fire 1 resulted in a "oh my god shutup" and then he logged off along with his dancer buddy.
holy fuck this would have ruined this scene if I had to look at that ugly thing
MCH has by far the cleanest hotbar out of all the classes I've leveled to 80.
More tools, less spam. I played Paladin in vanilla, although that was too slow even for me, I liked the idea that you could easily drop a heal, use a spell, anything you wanted as the situation demands it. Modern rotational systems just feel like DDR, mashing buttons in a pattern and attempting not to deviate.
cure 1 is good enough for spamming at someone but when things are getting dicey you should be throwing out beefier spells yes.
was he not using regen at all/ that spell practically exists to give you room to read a book while playing one handed.
You can't argue with lalafags, they're delusional.
ive only played bard for dps in this game because everything else seems slow. is mch really around the same apm now?
*pats your head and gives you a lolipop*
Some people just are mentally ill, user.
Is Cure Waltz supposed to feel paltry? Or is healing like that across the board? I pop it during aoes but it's all of less than a 10% heal
Keep your faggotry out of here both those metrics are gay
A good variety of skill and speed reliant jobs with unique vibes and fun design is what I want and what I have
APM is meaningless when it’s just the same three buttons in a row and abilities are meaningless if they aren’t individually impactful
WoWfugees stay the FUCK out of job design
bros... i miss shield swipe
It dings when someone talks in Party or FC.
I wish chat had a fade time like other games though, where messages fade out in a minute after they're said. Would be far more elegant than having to reopen chat every time someone talks.
>become the warrior of darkness
>no you're still just the warrior of light
This is bullshit.
>Vauthry: Paint me a picture
>Alphinaud: LOL no you fat cunt
>Vauthry: [Autistic screeching]
*punts your forehead*
I miss when i had 43 apm on speedSAM
cute walking onahole
>Boss that will instakill anyone left alive after their big raid wide damge
>But you can bypass it by playing dead
Cure Waltz is just pithy, I'd be surprised if it didn't get a bit of a boost in a week or two.
My lala is a cute FF3 WoD. It is peak Final Fantasy. It looks better than that other faggot's fedora mhigger. You may like looking like a fag, but that's you're prerogative.
Leave him alone, he's never played a video game in his life
So you skipped every cutscene?
How can one man be so fucking redpilled
>Emet will never bend you over and fill you with his seed while Alisaie watches
>Did he just insult me?
your forgetting the awkward pause that lasts long enough for alphinaud to leave before he realises he was just called a lardass.
>Emet-selch keels over laughing at you.
>can't self-insert
You're the player that used to bitch about people playing Night and Blood Elves being gay and obsessed about the appearance of their characters while constantly gushing about the big, rippling muscles of your Dwarf or Orc, weren't you?
I may look like a complete fucking edgelord, but at least I'm not a walking, breathing mockery of evolution, holy shit.
I can't play NIN because I follow a very strict formula for my keybinds so they have similar purposes across all jobs, and mudras are too unique and feel uncomfortable everywhere.
Q and E are always mobility
1-4 are always rotation
shift+1 is always a self heal, shift+2 is always a DPS cd, shift+3 is always a resource spender, shit like that.
Hades is the complete package. Music and story and build up is incredibly important to a fight's memorability. Shinryu had a lot of shit going on but the story and build up around it was extremely weak. The music isn't even that good.
HAHAHAHHAHAHHAA your character is fucking hideous
What the fuck user
Game is so boring and dull.
I have been playing for years, didn't make a single friend and haven't joined a single FC, queue times literally take forever if you're not doing fotm content, and there's almost no max level content.
WoWfags should go back to their game
S-ssstop! I am the warrior of darkness! I am serious and formidable!
>War of succession
>When Zenos will fuck off if you ask him to since he doesn't give a fuck about Garlemald or the empire
i miss aero 3 so much...why not just make dia aoe please square
Disgusting. Lalafell players truly are a cancer on this game.
Tri bind is in game. It's called outburst now
To figure out whos at fault here you need to look at the basics of what the healer should be doing:
Was regen on you?
Where they doing holy spam with ogcd heals in between?
Despite all this, if keeping the tank alive was a chore big enough that they resorted to being mp efficient instead by spamming cure 1 then the problem could be:
Were doing large pulls and dps werent burning them down fast enough.
Tank wasn’t using cooldowns for big pulls that he was making.
No, not really. I actually mained one in TBC as a warlock, because that was fitting and they were a new race. My wow race allegiance was always with trolls though.
Is he going to be the final boss in the final expansion?
OwO wook at my cwute wawafeww i bet he make big stinky in his diapew
as it turns out MMO's are social games.
I agree, but after the magic fades and getting him on a roulette queue is the only time I see him, I'd rather Shinryu than Hades. Hades is still far more important though due to his story.
>insecure mhigger starts typing in caps because he got called out on being a m'lady fedora tipper
>being this mad your dying mmo doesn't have villains like this anymore
>Amaurot's end was caused by a sound from inside the planet
Guess again.
>consistently release less content every patch and update since 2.0 while still invalidating everything before the latest patch every time
I wish WHM had more oGCDs.
>queue times literally take forever if you're not doing fotm content
maybe you should actually try to make a friend or 2
I thought Hades was pretty forgettable mechanicswise outside of the slowfall meteors that inevitably wiped at least a few parties that were wondering if someone was supposed to stand in them. Shinryu was really memorable with the stage getting smaller and smaller.
Where's your beard race traitor?
Imagine completely raping a Lala Wod/WoL to death and then finishing the Rejoining.
>This is Hydaelyn's champion? Pathetic.
I am aware of that, but FFXIV apparently is the exception to that, because in literally every other MMO I played I had absolutely no issues making friends and finding guilds.
>the pedophile begins to avatarfag to cover up his insecurity about his ugly character
fucking kek m8
Yes, that's why there'd be a war of succession. The throne is completely empty.
B-but muh Sylvanas and muh old gods.
I'd rather get Hades than Shinryu, and not because shitters keep dying at the first water spout. Other than being forced to run from one side of the arena to the other, I think the fight is actually pretty boring. Once the second phase starts you can basically just stand in the middle anyway. Shinryu felt like a more involved Bardem's Mettle.
>Remove miserys end
>Don't give the delicious 200 potency repelling shot had
Fuck S-E and fuck Yoshi
i wish misery was an ogcd
>faggots beginning to avatarfag
whelp these threads were fun while they lasted, guess I have to go back to reporting them on sight now.
>yoshi says that moving forwards he wants to release more content faster
how the fuck
are his employees even allowed vacations
Stop this shit and go back to /vg/ you disgusting nigger
I wanna craft it myself instead of buying it like a lala jew. I'm a real dwarf now, I swear.
You're actually seething now. Step back a little and look how silly you're looking, mhigger.
You do. Afflatus solace and rapture pretty much work in such a way that give the same results as ogcds. For every 3 gcd you spend on either of those, you get a 900 potency gcd, which is basically 3 glares. You really only lose 1 gcd per afflatus misery cast
You shouldn't have challenged our might. Lalafell for Lalalife.
Kys, no really stop this garbage
You have my lala thread as alternative:3
Lalafel players yet again show their true colors.