Ywn play a game that produces this feel

>ywn play a game that produces this feel

Attached: 1473504729447.jpg (1343x2000, 485K)



Dorf fort

all these

are wrong

Elden Ring...maybe

is that Duloc?

guild wars 2

Getting to the Far lands in minecraft for the first time felt like this. Too bad it doesn't exist anymore

Some of the locations in Dragon Age 3 were really impressive. Pity not much else was.


Literally Watcher's Keep from BG2

I see you have no idea how massive the megastructure on OP's pic is.

looks similar

Attached: 23443645647.jpg (730x1095, 165K)

That's at least 1000 times smaller than OP's structure.


Dwarf Fortress + autism.

Seriously, try it.
If you don't have DF, download it and read some tutorials.
If you don't have autism, get one or two vaccinations and you're ready to go.

Attached: 1473152329393.jpg (640x447, 85K)

read a book dumbfuck

That cave is not a natural formation!

>this feel
you mean the feel of quests being removed from /tg/?

>ywn play a good 3D DorfFort

I lack the autism needed to enjoy DF, maybe if the steam version comes with a much improved UIX I'll give it a try again.

Attached: 3btFDY5.jpg (700x700, 46K)

dwarf fortress is at that point of tidiom to achieve a fantastical scale where I'd rather listen to some ambiant music while lying down and let my imagination run wild. it just doesn't seem worth it, when my imagination does most of the job anyway

Dark Messiah