THIS IS A VIDEOGAME. Name 1 (ONE) game that looks better. You can't

THIS IS A VIDEOGAME. Name 1 (ONE) game that looks better. You can't.

Attached: this is a videogame.jpg (1920x1080, 442K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Hmm...Any vidya out there? No? Because this game is mediocre at best? Ok

Oh, we're doing this now are we? posting the same OP line multiple times a day for a game no one talks about anymore.


>720p 30fps game
>looking good
pick one

>Muh grafix
Who cares when the gameplay is balls


Man I spent $60 on this game and played half of it because it just would not stop repeating the same boring quests or throwing shit cinematics in my face



Attached: 3E21267C-A4A1-4A14-B7A9-38B72309BF9A.png (431x336, 266K)

looks bad

Attached: Marvel's Spider-Man_20180909012752.png (1920x1080, 2.92M)

Red Dead Redemption 2


Attached: file.png (1838x934, 1.35M)

so this is how it looks like for real without photomode?

why are dmcucks afraid of posting the in-game characters?

Attached: 20190627144742_1.jpg (3840x2160, 1.12M)

thats with photomode and a little bit of sharpening

I hate capeshit, so anything looks better than this.

It's better than Arkham and Arkham combat is decent. Spider-man has aerial moves that combo with ground moves as well as smoother traversal.

all those pictures are in game user

Attached: DMC-5 (2).webm (1280x720, 2.79M)

God of war>horizon zero dawn>the order>gt sport>rdr2>Spider-Man.
This is the correct order image how good these games would look with decent hardware.

just like uncharted

Attached: uncharted.png (2233x980, 3.15M)

GoW is by far the shittiest looking games there though, followed by GT Shart.

Attached: God of War_20180429150649.png (1920x1080, 3.85M)

post a real spiderman game next time kiddo

Attached: qdoiy8cbop521.jpg (640x479, 102K)

thats from the CGI trailer reveal of the game

all DMCV pictures are rendered INGAME

Attached: DMC-5 (11).webm (904x514, 2.96M)

this threads are just annoying, i don't like when op and other assholes making much graphics threads and posting only bullshots
they cannot handle how games are looking worst during gameplay and need to use fucking photomode to cover it up? they should grow up and stop shitposting all the time

Attached: 20181103115950_1.jpg (1920x1080, 383K)

dmc doesnt even have ao in gameplay lol

Please Gow is easily one of the best looking games this gen. Gt sport gets a pass because it actually runs at 60fps and is highly detailed for a simcade

so are the ones in uncharted

once you are actually in-game, the characters look much worse though. thats why you are afraid to post screenshots of the characters ingame

Attached: cfa9fc743ffd4dac367be3ad0043f612.png (450x413, 317K)

you need to play more games

Attached: God of War_20180502121730.png (1920x1080, 3.07M)

>Muh bullshots
>Muh photomode
Kill yourself.

Attached: Spider-Man PS4 screenshot 12.jpg (1920x1080, 1.9M)

This is how game looked like on min settings in 1366x768.
Don't lie, turn max settings and HD res on.

thats literally from here and thats running on max settings

not even him but dmc5 is a 60fps game.

DMCV, Resident Evil 2 Remake and Horizon Zero Dawn are looking pretty good.

>max settings

Wow, this is almost as good as modded GTAIV

Wow a still image what looks better than Gow in your opinion?

if the game wasn't piss easy and consisted of 70% *beat up 10 mooks + 2 special mooks* then that may have felt more fulfilling

>i-i-iit looks good in motion!
almost every new aaa game on pc looks better

Attached: God of War_20180430005944.png (1920x1080, 2.4M)


There it is.

RDR2 is by far the best looking game on consoles, but of course still beaten by games on PC.

maximum cope

so why post it in a grafix thread?

I still havent figured out how to do that pink explosion

Attached: Unity.webm (900x506, 2.84M)

GoW doesn't look good still m8.

Seething retard.

sorry youre a poorfag who cant have more than one console so you have to delude yourself into thinking god of war looks amazing

Attached: God of War_20180501092316.png (1920x1080, 2.75M)

there really isnt anything on PC that beats RDR2.
t. pcfag that played rdr2 on an xbonex

no, you should off yourself fucker, i get you can make nice screenshots with photomode in spiderman and other games, it's okay but you faggots are using it wrong, just to shitpost how playstation exclusives are the best looking games when in reality they are not
also every fucking time assholes like you post how grafics is all that matter and 5 minutes later autistic screech that it doesn't matter when game is also on a fucking pc
fucking corpodicksucking faggots, i swear to God

Attached: carma-whiteYOU GAIN brouzouf ILL WEAR YOUR FUCKING FACE AS A MORON PARTY MASK .png (640x400, 76K)


Attached: 1537230218857.jpg (1250x1400, 351K)

gta v with a lighting mod looks better than rdr2 on consoles lol

but he's right

This isn't from photomode You can't make the map visible in photomode.

>almost every new aaa game on pc looks better.
Ah I see it’s a ps4 exclusive so it must be bad cause it isn’t on Pc. Quit being a child do you scream at other drivers on the road because they don’t drive the same car as you?

gaming is dead

pretty much every game looks like shit because there are no good artists left

Attached: Devil May Cry 5 Screenshot 2019.03.12 - (1920x1200, 3.78M)

>Ah I see it’s a ps4 exclusive so it must be bad cause it isn’t on Pc
Exactly, it's running on hardware that was outdated in 2013. Of course it doesn't look as good as games on PC.

Shouldn't be that hard to understand.

Attached: God of War_20180430005655.png (1920x1080, 3.13M)

Wrong. Many good artists have moved to indie games.

>many good artists are working on shitty games
ok and

>He keeps posting the same pictures over and over
Stop posting bullshots. God of War on PS4 looks better than majority of games on PC.

>grafix whores
disgusting, good art style easily beats any of this shit, kill yourselves

>It doesn't have a big publisher so it's shit
You know what, just stop playing games. You don't deserve to play them.

>nooooooooo stop showing how bad the game looks
>retard doesnt know what a bullshot is

Attached: God of War_20180501092648.png (1920x1080, 2.18M)

i didn't say that one is photomode i guess the reflections would look different in photomode and wall texture on left would have more details
op's one is, still new spiderman game is looking good, the best looking game? i don't think so

There are a lot of PS2 games that have more consistently pleasing visuals than that GoW game.

Attached: 867921747600736259_867921747600736259.webm (800x374, 2.82M)

There's nothing wrong with the idea of indie games, but they're 99.9% shit.

What does that lightning effect look like on the PC? Because this is just ugly.

That looks good though.

Pc isn’t a platform there is no standard for Pc spec right now people are playing fortnite on toasters at 23fps.

Here you go.

Attached: 2019.07.08-18.22.png (1920x1080, 2.21M)

Attached: 1516259312092.jpg (1680x1050, 456K)

Attached: God of War gameplay 2.webm (700x328, 2.82M)

you know your posts are anonymous? you dont have to pretend that this looks good

Attached: 9cadc3953cd2b7cfcef7fcc44aa72b2d.png (940x507, 1011K)

Looks fucking horrible.

You've posted this thread multiple times snoygger, get out of here with your poor man's Arkham

although it still sports some incredible technology, crysis hasn't looked good in a while

Can someone tell me why people love this game?
It looks nice and the swinging is good but no where near as good as the swinging in some other spiderman games.
Everything else is really boring generic bullshit

The lighting on the water looks decent the trees not so much it kind of looks like a game from 2013.

Attached: comfy112.jpg (3840x2160, 3.7M)

Attached: God of War gameplay 3.webm (660x310, 2.71M)

Rise of The Tomb Raider, a game from 2015, looks better on PC than any console game while maintaining an optimal frame rate.


they shouldnt have made this colorful area
the complete lack of AO makes it look disgusting

Attached: God of War gameplay 4.webm (600x338, 2.86M)

You console fans are so funny.
Most PC gamers have at least one current gen console as well.

Hell I am just some poor college student and even I have a PC and a PS4 Pro.

I have played God of War and visually there are even better looking PS4 games without even having to bring up PC games.

Attached: Sort of Poor College Student 12.jpg (3999x3238, 3.48M)

Attached: comfy130.jpg (2160x3840, 2.93M)

Point launch already makes Insomniac's web swinging superior to any previous games.

can't see shit, can you post some other screenshot user, this one is really too dark

This is literally the weather and it’s there for one mission

You have never been a "poor" college student. Not the first time you posted this image, and not the 50th time either.

Why are you playing with brightness at -10.

God that Game was so fucking good wtf

i don't mind the rain user

Attached: 20190516224255_1.jpg (3840x2160, 1.3M)

Don't have too many. Here's some vegetation. Game looks better with lower brightness in the brighter areas imo.

Attached: 2019.07.07-16.56.png (1920x1080, 3.06M)

Attached: yikes.jpg (1920x1080, 248K)

Who said I was a console fan? All I said was Gow was one of the nicest looking games this gen then some mouth breather just has to tell me about their computer and how great it is. I don’t care I like video games I don’t care about your box


Really pretty game this.

Attached: 2019.05.25-12.49.png (1920x1080, 3.88M)

Crysis (2007).

>thats from the CGI trailer reveal of the game
looks like your DMCtard brain cant comprehend the fact that cutscenes and gameplay have different models
that uncharted screenshot isnt from the CGI reveal trailer, that is ingame realtime rendered during a cutscene

meanwhile during actual gameplay Nate looks like ass just like Dante

>Gow was one of the nicest looking games this gen
If it was on PS3, then sure.

Attached: god-of-war-_6028801.jpg (1920x1080, 723K)

Keep seething

Attached: God of War gameplay.webm (670x314, 2.84M)



Attached: 1562589475325.jpg (3840x2160, 1.08M)

No it doesn't.

>can only post edited webms from twitter

Attached: god-of-war-_6028802 (1).jpg (1920x1080, 743K)

Looks fucking horrible.

Attached: 25C3CE0A-83DD-494B-8E87-25712E279766.jpg (960x535, 163K)

Attached: gown.jpg (1921x2160, 2.32M)

that screenshot doesnt look good tho

>Consolebabbies think they have good graphics on their phone hardware machines
Can the latest XBOX even run Crysis: Warhead on max settings at 60fps yet?

Attached: 1499393549794.jpg (730x780, 46K)

What about screenshots of cinematics when the Visual Effects are turned up?

Attached: z35arb0woqfqh4vimybc.0.jpg (1200x800, 138K)

They're not edited you mentally ill cunt.

I play GTA on PC on max settings and it doesn't look that good anymore, at least for me. When it came out, sure, but there a better looking games now.

damn that looks gorgeous and I have a Radeon VII

the fact that RE engine needs to have different models for extra detail in cutscenes on such a small scale maps and areas is already shows how shitty it is


Attached: index22.jpg (150x150, 6K)

they are.
theyre from the same guy who also made the ffxv, horizon and dmc webms. hell he makes these for almost every game.

Attached: god-of-war-_6028800.jpg (1920x1080, 534K)

Yes it does.
>Autochess player thinks he knows something about console games
The fact that God of War and Spider-Man look better than any games available on PC is fucking embarrassing.

Attached: Spider-Man PS4 screenshot 14.5.jpg (3840x2160, 1.31M)

My settings were fucked when I took that screenshot, stop trying to use it to shitpost.

Attached: Spider-Man PS4 screenshot 13.jpg (1920x1080, 1.83M)

no it didnt, it was an empty street and blurry as fuck

I don't understand PS4 games. In some screenshots you guys posted the games looks gorgeous, in others it looks like complete shit. Take the one you just posted as an example; beautiful. Now compare it with this one . Doesn't even look like the same game. The same goes for GOW4 and RDR2.

You should probably play the game yourself and not look at compressed screenshots..?

>turned up the contrast
looks even worse. saving that one as well

Attached: 1546639474758.jpg (568x447, 37K)


I don't have a PS4.

>looks like your DMCtard brain cant comprehend the fact that cutscenes and gameplay have different models
not on the RE engine dipshit otherwise model swaps would not work on cutscenes

Attached: file.png (1280x720, 928K)

my eyes are about to bleed

thanks for confirming to be a brainlet retard

the game looks great during sunset but bad at any other time

>The fact that God of War and Spider-Man look better than any games available on PC
Again, Crysis, a game made in 2007, looks better than your kiddie toy stories.

that sure looks pretty but it doesn't really show off the gameplay

It’s very easy to pick a single screenshot and say the game is good. But what you simply don’t understand is that there’s way more to a game than just looks and you should definitely already understand this.

Killzone: Shadow Fall

Nothing on PC looks this good.

Attached: Killzone Shadowfall graphics.jpg (1920x1080, 557K)

Crysis hasn't looked good in years you absolute shitter. If you unironically think that Crysis looks good you need to kill yourself. Although it still sports some incredible technology, Crysis hasn't looked good in a long while.

looks like syndicate from 2012

Attached: horizonfog.jpg (4140x1284, 1.31M)

>Boomer who hasn't played a single game released in the past 10 years enters the thread
Crysis is shit and looks like shit, deal with it.

I honestly can't comprehend anyone in this thread saying a console game can look better than a pc game. Do you understand the hardware ceiling you're dealing with on a console?

Thinking that just because some games look pretty good on console and you've never seen a PC game that looks better means that NO pc game looks this good is actually one of the most brainlet things I think i've ever tried to comprehend.

okay kid

Attached: 834.png (687x768, 229K)

I only see people posting garbage Crysis screenshots, I'm fully convinced that there's nothing on PC that looks better than console games.

looks worse than call of duty

Attached: 30466837343_db74a66c4c_o (2).jpg (3840x2160, 1.78M)

>Nothing on PC looks this good.
>jaggies, jaggies everywhere

yeah, nah. I'm going to continue to have to the option to render my games at 4k and downscale them to 1080p.

When console hardware catches up and lets you actually change settings lemme know.

Calling him a kid isn't going to make GTA V look good, user.

It looks like a game from 2013, which it is.

gd that suit is aesthetic
I wish it could be acquired earlier, I find NG+ boring as piss for most games

also, fugg, that lighting
I need to go play this game again

Someone here once told me that the game's photo mode doesn't use the actual in-game textures and other visuals, but rather superimposes something much better looking, which couldn't really let the game have a decent FPS if it was like it all the time. That true or just bullshit?

Attached: 1560285864730.jpg (1080x1350, 96K)

Looks... exactly the same as Call of Duty.

Because you've seen one or two good console games, and because you personally haven't seen PC games that look that good?

That's an incredibly anecdotal way to look at it and you're not gonna change your mind if that's the way you think.

modern console are literally handicapped PCs, so please tell me how the handicapped version of something is superior to the original?

>implying R* doesn't future-proof their engine for the PC release

even GTAIV still looks great dude, I defy you to name one better looking open world game on the PC

Maybe character models but RDR2 is the best overall package RDR2 even looks better than any game on PC

Attached: PQ8lTUI.webm (704x380, 2.33M)

True. Source, played it.


I haven't noticed the quality going up when I use photomode.

>RDR2 even looks better than any game on PC

Attached: rdr ugly.jpg (1920x1080, 346K)

Nice compressed bullshot.

It applies a sharpening filter in photomode, the TAA implementation in Spiderman is fucking garbage.

you dont know what that means


Attached: file.png (1100x619, 1.27M)


who cares zoom zoom, you collecting amiibos as well?

GTAV looks better

>Crysis again
Man, PC just doesn't have any other games than that.

I'm .
See? That's what I'm talking about.

Not even close.

Dude some of the best written books in the world are capeshit

Attached: 366.jpg (601x768, 105K)

Watch 1 minute of this. Looks better than anything on PC.

you raped OP. How does it feel?

Right, V is miles ahead.

Attached: rsg_gtav_screenshot_029.jpg (1280x720, 270K)

>It's better than Arkham and Arkham combat is decent.
no, you fucking retard

That's horrible.

no it doesn't

Keep telling yourself that

Attached: enb.jpg (1280x720, 210K)

Even if you were right, you realize how dumb of a thing that is to be proud of yeah?

Especially once they inevitably drop it on PC, with graphical upgrades.

So, if you are correct, congratulations. Literally the only reason is because of R* greed, for now. lmfao

GTA V shits on RDR2 just accept it little consolenigger.

Attached: 1562510841472.jpg (640x480, 81K)

user, that literally looks like fucking garbage from 2013. Embarrassing.

Would you mind showing some actual gameplay?

>le game looks le bad

Attached: 1562588768267.jpg (3840x2160, 2.92M)

Sure here you go

Attached: cringe.png (1920x1080, 2.97M)

Every single thing in that image looks like dogshit.

Because it can't be handled on a PS4pro?

This is embarrassing. Is this a PS3 game... wait... it's GTA V? So it literally is a PS3 game...

Attached: OH NO NO AHAHAHA.png (1033x389, 1023K)

this look like shit you must be fucking blind
RDR2 have 1000000x better graphics

that's intentional lol

Attached: Red Dead Redemption 2_20181027112734.png (1920x1080, 2.42M)

Not him but bro, GTA doesn't look bad per se, but saying that it's on par with current generation games is ridiculous.

Pretty much every single launch PS4 exclusive already looked better than that...


No I actually have played RDR2 as well. There's a reason Ultra grass still struggles past 4K30fps on literally any PC that isn't decked out with a 9900x and 2080ti sli

Looks better than any GTA V screenshot posted in this thread.

It looks better maxed than RDR2 though

Not when it comes to the foliage lol.

You can really feel the age of the gen with this game.

Attached: 18595289_10155218599070097_4930548938112886840_o.jpg (1920x1080, 400K)

I'm not proud of it. I wish the game was actually fun to play for one and secondly i wish i could enjoy the existing gameplay as mediocre as it may be properly with mouse and keyboard and a decent framerate. That said the game is fucking beautiful.

>but saying that it's on par with current generation games is ridiculous.
but it is

>Wants to play RDR2 on KBM

PCfa*s don't deserve it

>using analog sticks in a game that requires precision

How can you guys play shooting games with a controller? I'm playing Monster Hunter World with one and aiming the bow is fucking impossible. kek

>fighting against computer AI in a game designed around occasional slow mo and slow paced immersive exploration "requires precision"

Sure if you were dropped on your head as a child.

mario 64

>look away from center of screen
>suddenly looks like a ps3 game

that's called DOF, bro

The only thing GoW had looking good was the main character. Everything else looked like sloppy bullshit, same as Spider-Man. Sony is profiting off of people not having to look at the actual game to play them.

You keep telling yourself that.

The meat of the game is third person shooting. And i don't care if you have slow mo and you're fighting against computer AI. Free aiming with a mouse is a much better experience.

But that's literally what it is :P

>The meat of the game is third person shooting.
Yeah, against computer AI
>Free aiming with a mouse is a much better experience.
Because you rely on it like a crutch? I remember when I was a KBM only scrub too

>sloppy bullshit
Stop shitposting.


This. It has such big potential but all what they did is fill up the world with the same missions.

Still laughing, faggot?

This is autistic. Overcoming shit controls might be a point of pride to you but i don't give a shit. Responsive controls matter to me more.

Just because you can't handle it doesn't make it shit. KBM would ruin Dead Eye

When you aren't held back by Xbox and PC hardware, amazing things can be accomplished.
More exclusive focus for PS5 i'm hoping.

Not playing games only for the gameplay.You graphics fags always make me laugh you casual fucks!

Attached: 6A49D13D-487A-4EB4-AA4B-477E5996D3D7.jpg (425x345, 30K)

Attached: Shadow of the Tomb Raider Screenshot 2019.02.28 - (1920x1080, 159K)

how the fuck did they made Shadow look worse than Rise

Okay faggot.

Every game has parts that look bad and parts that look good. Are you new to games?

Smaller budget from Square Enix.

Attached: Rise of the Tomb Raider Screenshot 2018.05.20 - (1920x1080, 231K)

Shadow looks better though.

Attached: Shadow of the Tomb Raider Screenshot 2019.03.04 - (1920x1080, 325K)

It's weird, sometimes Shadow looks worse than Rise.

Attached: Rise of the Tomb Raider Screenshot 2018.10.18 - (1920x1080, 303K)

Attached: Shadow of the Tomb Raider Screenshot 2019.02.28 - (1920x1080, 105K)

Attached: Shadow of the Tomb Raider Screenshot 2019.02.28 - (1920x1080, 136K)

Motherfucker he played like one hour and from the get-go disliked it without giving it a chance. I think Huggbees is funny, but it's no secret he's not a fan of most games because he's so picky.

Attached: Rise of the Tomb Raider Screenshot 2019.03.16 - (3840x2160, 678K)

Amiibos were a nostalgiafag boomer thing though, definitely not zoomer

You are dumb :D I really think you should kill yourself :3

So where the fuck are the Twin Towers at? I've been swinging for ages to find it and get on top of it but to no avail.

Attached: 10382052.png (680x680, 59K)

>Prince's Street...
>At least it was before I fucked everythang up

>GTAV looks ba-

Attached: gatv1.jpg (3843x2158, 1.79M)