Ps4 exclusives in 2019

>ps4 exclusives in 2019
are there any left?

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>Are there any left

They always had 1 : Bloodborne
Thx for Betatesting So(n)ytards

NEVER EVER. THIS IS A VIDEOGAME Yea Forums your eyes do not deceive you though you may have thought it was a picture of real life it is a game. AN exlusive game only on playstation

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Woah, the mod for spiderman 2 hd is already out?

No, Spiderman Ps4 free dlc. ONLY ON PLAYSTATION.

that game was ass
fuck all the wimminz and nigro missions

I'm not a Digimon guy, but how are these games?

A bit easy and too grindy on hard. If you don't mind that it has an insane amount of mons in it.

they are pretty good, its pokemon games but if they were still good

Digimon is having a great year, bros. I'm so happy.

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It was on the vita retard

It's more SMT/Persona than Pokemon.

What is Nintendo's deal with the Switch? Why are they finally introducing so many popular vidya franchises on their consoles? Crash, Devil May Cry, Digimon, Katamari... not to mention the classic collections like Contra, Castlevania, FF and more even. Do they want the Switch to be a video game all-star hall?

Whatever happened that one Digimon game where the chick on the cover had a zipper just for her titty? Or something.

Sony doesn't acknowledge the Vita though.

I want to fuck Palmon

switch is trying surviving hard with Vita scraps.

Good ones?

The biggest incel in existence has spoken.

Its for quick easy cash. Most dont put in effort towards the ports and just overprice them

Why make new games when you can just repackage old stuff with no new content and charge more?

It's also getting the upcoming games like Survive and the next Story though.

Portability means there's an actual, tangible reason why people might prefer to have all of these games on the Switch. People really downplay just what a big deal it is to a lot of people.

>Vita scraps
lmao seething Vitagen

Because the Switch is unironically the hall of fame video game console.

True. Those old games are worth the money anyway compared to most modern games charging $60 for mediocre, unfinished garbage.

Some companies try to take advantage of that.

Capcom is the prime example. No new games, just endless amounts of old ports, no new content, the same old games for more money than other consoles

>old games are worth money compared to new games with new stuff

lol fuck no
RE4 is not worth 30 dollars with no new content and no gyro controls because Capcom was too lazy to implement them

>Capcom finally decided to make some good games again
>but fuck the Switch for no reason, let's not even make stuff like Ace Attorney 7 for it

They want the Switch to be the Smash Bros of consoles

>RE4 is not worth 30 dollars with no new content
You're right. RE4, one of the greatest games of all time, is worth at least $100. I dont care that's it's old. Its fucking better than anything that came out this entire gen.

I'd unironically rather pay for every port in this console than the new Pokémon game

Ps4 has all those games and more not on switch.

PS4 has literally no exclusives.

And before someone mentions bloodborne, spiderman, god of war, etc: those don't count because I said so.

LITERALLY no games.

Nintendo wins again, as always.


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Uhh, yeah. Here you go

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Not portable, who cares

>ps4 games are all shit lmao
>digimon gets ported 4 years later

Gimme Gravity Rush 2 and Tetris Effect. Trash the rest.

>can run games at 1080 60 where switch runs then 540 22

>my exclusives are interactive movies and capeshit

How many 3rd party exclusives does the Switch have?

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>How do we sell these Digimon games what should we put on the box art?

How many third party exclusives does the PS4 have?

>bought a PS4 for weebshit
>it keeps getting ported
Kingdom Hearts on PC when?

You unironically want to pay $100 for a fifteen year old game? Nintendo fans are nuts.

>Unironically they port trilogy the only games worth playing

I completely agree fellow nintendo fan, PS4 exclusives are all boring cinematic garb- OH SHIT SWITCH IS GETTING A PORT OF A PS4 GAME? YAAAAAAAAAAAAAS

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This is the first generation where I'm not buying the new pokemon. I need something to fill the gap. What does Yea Forums recommend? Cyber Sleuth or Yo Kai Watch 4? Or both? I know literally nothing about them but heard good things.

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Exactly. The age of exclusives are over.

To be fair, Japanese-made PS4 games are the only good PS4 games left. And theres very few nowadays.

Never was PS4 exclusive.

What a boring time for gaming then.

Cyber Sleuth is fun

Maybe if you buy bad consoles.

>God Tier
>A demo that you can't even download anymore
>god tier
>top tier
This list is ass. Also, I believe Star Ocean came out on the PS3 as well. Wipeout is one of the few titles that belongs in god tier.

Who gives a shit about some old port, when will fucking Digimon survive get released. that's the actual only worthwhile thing to come out.

>>can run games at 1080 60

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Yeah, but I already saw the original on PS3 and thus on PC via emulator. Having played the original, the incentive to play this one is rather low, just with Persona 4 Golden and Catherine.

For now Trails of Cold Steel 3,4 and Ys IX.

Vita had most of those games though.

Kinda. First party exclusives still exist. Sony, MS and Nintendo games will never be ported.

You can't even list 5 games that run at a stable 1080 60 that aren't fucking indies or fighting games

if you're not a digimon guy, they're worthless.

>ps4 can run games at 1080 60

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Said no one ever because the 3ds is drowning in monster tamers.

Including 2 digimon games. Now to be fair one is a port of a psp game with extras, the other is appmon, and none were localized, but still. There were plenty in DS too WHERE IS LOST EVOLUTION YOU FUCKERS

>and none were localized
That's kind of a non issue nowadays given how easy it is to hack systems.

Switchlets with Sony on their head 24/7
Mind broken by a billion dollar company

They aren't the ones falseflagging when they lose games.

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What the hell is a cyber slut?

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Kill yourself

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Sony's customer data