I want to have sex :I

i want to have sex :I

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Other urls found in this thread:


I'm 26 and never had sex, I don't even care

rape is the only solution

But then you care for a bit again the moment you see legs like that in public

based and reedpilled

Exercise until you're at least normal looking. Cut your hair. Buy clothes that fit. Then go on holiday somewhere. Your foreigner power will probably help you. Unless you're not white, in which case I don't know.

31 years old here, have never put my hands on a woman, I did hold the hands of a girl when I was 9, I still jack off thinking about it sometimes

>new york city

those women are garbage

Start getting /fit/ and lurking /fa/ for fashion advice. Presenting yourself like a peacock is half the battle.

have sex

have sex

Nigga I coudn't care less, I made it through 26 years without it and suddenly I'm supposed to care? Please. If I want to see legs and ass and tits I can google it

also 26 and not had sex. Skinny legs though

Sex is overrated, I can tell from experience. It is a fairly natural and neutral event. It is glorified in modern culture.

There are way more important things in life.

based and redpilled


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>i want to have sex :|
pic related
Same except for the part about holding hands.

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I lost my virginity at the age of 27, ama

start your transition

I've had sex
Playing videogames is honestly a lot better and more fun.

That's the same bullshit rich people say about money being overrated

>It is glorified in modern culture.

So clean yourself up and get a date. It's not as hard as /r9k/ makes it out to be. Just don't be gross or creepy and shoot within your range
>if you're a 5 don't aim for the 10


give money to a pretty prostitute. they're not even that expensive

I just want to suck on them toes

Why limit yourself though? Having sex with a 6/10 is still better than fapping if you've not had sex for a month, let alone ever.

Mmm, that's so nice. Damn.

>paying for something thats free on the streets
wew lad

literally anyone can have sex

I'm a manlet and, while I'm not a complete goblin, my proportions make me look like crap.
Gave up on finding anybody for me be it man, woman and whatever unholy thing in between.

same but I’m 22

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>have sex with some random whore


I don't believe you, you only truly stop caring at 30. Or so I've heard


Then lower your standards, because no way in hell you'll fuck girls with legs like that without paying for it.

Just fuck a hooker, you weirdos.

>tfw virgin until 27
>tfw new years resolution this year was to meet someone
>tfw my girlfriend told me she loves me yesterday

Life gets better bros. You just have to know where to look. Get the fuck off Yea Forums and start hunting some puss.

Sex is overrated, my dear incel

There are midgets who are married to normal sized women. Drop your excuses and get your lazy ass to the gym

hey hey i'm just saying

Limitations are all in your head. Ignore them. There is no reason to think masturbation is not a proper way to take care of your needs so you can dedicate more time to what actually matters in life.

Cute legs and feet.

ex texted that she's coming to town
would it be better if I avoid her?

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If it were free, prostitution wouldn’t have thrived for thousands of years.

What’s stopping you from looking like this dude? He’s five foot seven
Stop making excuses
Go to /fit/ and read the sticky

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Those are pretty average legs.

if you pay anything in any shape or form for sex you are a cuck, women wants dick and ONLY dick everything else is just distraction

>Just don't be gross or creepy
You're doing a lot of some people here.

holy cringe

This. I don't know if they were all loose or if my dick is small or both, but with the three girls I've done it with, it feels like nothing. I've never been able to cum from it. An onahole or even my hand unironically feels 100 times better plus I can actually cum.

Sex is cool and all but the best part about is not the pussy itself but the moaning your partner does and how she reacts to your manmeat which you only see as a way to piss and jack off with

dont you know hes a lady's man. they buy him dinner and take him out on dates just to fuck.

If you use /fa/ for fashion advice, you're clinically retarded. They don't know two shits about looking good.
/fit/ is based though, definitely lurk there, but don't post if you're a newfag. We don't need more of those.

i'm american
paying for an escort is a felony

Thought I had it this year boys.. I was so sure. I'm 28 and still a virgin, she got tired of my ass and got pissed off at me so she told them I was stalking her and they fired me.

4 more years until you're a wizard, keep it up user!

Yeah, meaningless self satisfaction is just as good as an extremely intimate interaction with another person

muh dick

Have sex.

I just can't imagine it being worth more than five dollars or so.

>know where to look
Where do I look for quiet, introverted girls that won’t expect me to have an active social life but still want to have regular sex?

Well go have it then. Buy it or earn it.

Otherwise, recommend me something on sadpanda with NTR, Anal & my self-insert sucking a cock

>sex is overrated
but love isn't , when you love someone so hard tha you don't even know where you end and they begging is a feeling like nothing in the world

It is literally against the law and cops go undercover when they're bored to book your ass.

prostitution is for desperate people or someone with wife and money. If you are single there is no excuse you can't go our right now, meet a girl and fuck her if she lets you

Who are the two asian qts in the OP? What country is that?

>If you use /fa/ for fashion advice, you're clinically retarded
This. But they know their frags at least. Just don't listen to the faggots that try and convince you to wear Kouros unless you're a gay man looking for other gay men. It literally smells like a public toilet.

same but for 40, my mom got me a skateboard for my birthday so i can fit with the other lads and hopefully get a girl buy my black stepdad snapped it in half and said i have something called altism. i heard my mom crying from their bedroom that night while the bed was squeaking

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>Woman competing at the highest level romantically and financially in the best city are garbage

Makes sense

This post gives me hope
>just turned 27 on the 3rd
>told myself it's time I at least try to get a gf
Just talking to women has been tough, but apparently I'm not a creepy as I thought

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Is it true that women can pretty much have sex when ever they want?

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There is a reason she is your ex

Only if you have had bad sex.
If you had "good sex" you would know it's not overrated.

sex for anything other than reproduction is meaningless self satisfation

I don't know man. Nothing feels better to me than slam my GF doggy while she moans that I need to spank her harder. Creampieing her while she cums is the best sex-related feeling I ever had in my entire life.
She might not be a 10/10 model, but she's very pretty.


Yes. Yes it would.

Muchi Homo Kanojo

Hunting your own game for meat is free too but I bet you say fuck that and just buy hamburger patties.

There is honestly a limit for girls on muscles, and what they want is a lot more easily achievable.

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Can anyone explain this to me - if you want to have sex this badly why not find a hooker? I imagine one night is not that expensive even for a neet.

Literally the internet.

..And catch limpy lmao
Most hookers don’t give a fuck about you and that feel sucks. For them it’s a work, even if you’re handsome

>sex is overrated
you sound like the fags in /ic/ claiming that talent doesn't exist

Assuming her standards aren't sky high then yes.

I love legs

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>LARPing as your future self

Why don't you become one and tell us?

Not cause of the fucking.

The main thing for most people who complain about this stuff is that they're stuck in a child mentality and the people around them have transitioned into adulthood. It's almost always 20 somethings. Here's the best advice you'll get: put your pride in the toilet. It's false pride. It's the pride you developed as a child to give yourself a sense of belonging in your peer group, but your world has changed. It's time to grow up and that means, yes, giving into social norms, rules, authority, in order to fit in and be happy and successful. No one will protect you anymore, so you have to protect yourself, and that means developing a new sense of pride based on your position in adult society and not your own fantasy world.

prostitutes are cheaper than girlfriends m8, and they actually go to the doctor more than sluts off of tinder

Oh, come on. The odds of getting caught are 1 in a million.

>What’s stopping you from looking like this dude?
I’m not a manlet and that amount of muscle on my frame wouldn’t be impressive to anyone, yet the amount of mass needed to have that physique at my height requires inordinate amount of effort, food and drugs.

I worked my ass off in T&C/gym for 6+ years and never approached anywhere near this cut.

how can i find traditional japanese waifu?

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Once you expereince something that's praised ase THE thing over and over enough times, you start to see how worthless they actually are.

Why does so much shit like this always have the boy look like 100% a little girl.

Then go get it, dumbass

I fucked up my wizardry because of Yea Forums. Sex is not worth it, the only thing I got from it is a girl emotional blackmailling me.


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talent is an excuse for people to lazy to practice

but millions in the country have been married for years, you only have to pay a fine if they leave you

yeah but that doesn't mean I should have sex the next day I turned 20, give people some freedom, who care if someone is 26 and never put a penis in a vagina

>Lower your standards

No. Fuck you.

OK, be a monk then. For the rest of us on planet Earth, occasional sex is a million times better than endless fapping.

We're talking about autists that browse Yea Forums. None of us have fucked legs like that without paying for it, stop lying.

condoms won't protect you from HSV2 and HPV or syphilis

I have it you dingus.
>Discussing that I have the billy bod with gf
>Starts laughing at me saying I don't have shit
>She thought I meant billy harrington

You're still gonna spend money either way. Whenever I'm between girlfriends I fuck hookers. That way I'm not so thirsty that I'll settle for just any thot.

Are you in Australia? There are fucking hundreds on Tinder for some reason.

no you want to have sex with attractive women

sex with hot girls is the fucking best, anyone who tells you its overrated is either full of shit or never fucked a truly attractive girl

This is disgusting, men should take care of themselves but when they are obsessed with their own bodies to this degree it's actually repulsive

I'm not a fatty.
Getting fit didn't help unfuck up my self esteem

Those are some great legs and feet.

The person I'm in love with is a guy but I'm not gay


Self improvement is masturbation.
Also, fuck /fit/niggers and black niggers.

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>You're still gonna spend money either way.
If you mean spend money for a living then yes this is the world we live in, but there is absolutely no reason you should spend anything on a girl. NONE


whenever you see those innocent looking kawaii girls in japan, they are the biggest sluts

Then stay a virgin or continue paying for whores. Suit yourself. You're probably too lazy to get /fit/ to go for the girls you WANT to bang, so lowering your standards is your only option of getting a woman that actually wants to fuck you.

Any self respecting man will avoid sexing a whore if they can help it

As long as you aren't a 3/10 and don't ask weird personal questions, you're good to go. Only person I've heard women outright say is creepy, was this guy asking about their sex life and stuff when they are barely acquaintances.

I wish I'd had sex earlier because all of the pent up frustration caused my to develop weird fetishes which I can no longer get rid of. So yeah, at least for some, earlier is much better than later.


24/7 Hentai

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ur just death gripped, easy on the porn

how about using that energy doing something productive?

>Most hookers don’t give a fuck about you
And you don't care about them. That's the beauty of it. Fuck 'em like animals, cum on their face, go home, and relax. No need for cuddling or talking. I can't pull that kinda shit with my gf and I miss it sometimes.

That's just sad.

I doubt it's about that, I know what good erotic stimulation feels like and that should be enough. There just isn't anything deeper about it, other than the physical experience and the emotional connection.

That's true whether you fuck a prostitute or an easy slut from Tinder.

I can find enough foreigners passing through my country's capital to get laid, but for the life of me, I can't form a relationship with anyone.

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I chuckled.

>It is glorified in modern culture.
they don't glorify breeding or forming a family, but consuming a product that """omg feels so good dude""""

op is on basically a drug addict

I think those are lesbians, user!

it's not that hard. girls today are now degenerates and often make the first move. go to every party your classmates hosts. be sure not to get too drunk. be sure not sleep before anyone else. you're bound to get laid that way.

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>quick masturbation for quick pleasure boost
>fucking some roastie for whom you had to spend yout time and resources to convince to have shitty sex with you
yeah, no

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Do you think sex would magically solve all future problems? Doubt, it's Yea Forums who gave you fetishes

No, you misunderstand. You'll spend money on her, if you want to date her. You think gas, dinner, and a movie are cheaper than just fucking some whore?

Are you on anti-depressants?

Being /fit/ != not being a fatty.
Not being a fatty is the bare minimum, but only if you're not a mr. Skeltal as well.
If you're actually /fit/, and well groomed, you won't need confidence to bang chicks, they will come to you.

24 and I never even think about it.
but some times I do and the lack of a meaningful relationship is what hurts more than anything

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Have sex.

Because I have test

Should have waited longer. I went full circle and now I'm back into vanilla.

Lost my virginity at 18, and am currently married to a beautiful woman 10 years later: sex isn't that great.
Blowjobs and cuddling are way better.

If you want a girlfriend/wife, just focus on improving your habits and attitude, and spend time with people with similar interests. Obviously if you're still in high school or college it will be a lot easier to meet people, but if not just join some kind of activity that you like.
Don't try going to a bar or using tinder, don't go to a function specifically to get in someone's pants. You could try dating websites, but I can't vouch for their effectiveness.
The main thing is to just enjoy your life and be someone other people want to be around.
Being interesting and confident is more important to girls than being handsome.

Same here m8 but I'm starting Uni in September, I wonder if things will change.

>for the life of me, I can't form a relationship with anyone.
Welcome to the world of hypergamous women. Thank your liberal friends for this world where sex is easy and love doesn't exist.

>You think gas, dinner, and a movie
absolutely not necessary if girl is into you you can just walk with her into the park or go to her place

It's hilarious watching virgins try to convince themselves sex doesn't matter.

You can fuck a hooker if you want sex so badly.

VR can help with the emptyness

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hurr durr testosterone

It's a slippery slope. The environment does shape your actions to some extent. I don't think people had half the extreme fetishes they do now in pre-internet days, for example.

Lol. You niggers know that people used to have a lot more sex in the past than they do now, right?

Real nice talking to you, buddy

sex doesn't , love does
you can buy sex, you can't buy love

>five foot seven
>thinking that's short

I'm 5'3 dude

Literally do some research on how to have better sex. People who say sex is overrated never had actual good sex. Once you had that, you'll suddenly understand why people are so fucking ecstatic about it.
I was the same

I'm a Britbong and 90% of our women are fuck ugly. Competition for the 10% of non inbred looking women is ridiculously high.

I wish I was American. Average American men don't seem to even do basic grooming and they're pulling women who in Britain would be considered 7/10 or 8/10. It fucking sickens me.

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Oh I'm not blaming the women I get together with. I'm just not well suited for relationships myself, as I tend to get along spectacularly well for the initial 5-6 months of the relationship and then I simply lose all feelings for them and find myself bored, at which point I just break up.

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24/7 Hentai!

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>Have you ever had sex?
>Are you on the left or the right side of the political spectrum?
>What consoles do you own? (including PC)
>What height are you?

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>haha let's just spend the evening at your place

Unless you're a gigachad or she's some super slut with every STD under the Sun that's just not gonna happen on a first date.

doing it for sake of getting your willy wet doesn't matter. It's like saying buying a car will solve all your problems and make you a better man.

Uni is fucking awful.
Nothing will change except for more stress due to lots of homework and exams.

I said that sex should be for lovers instead of just a casual activity once and I got fucking flamed by libs online. Great world we live in.

Tfw fit, but lazy to play shitty social game “dance around that bitch so she’ll notice you”. Nah, I’d rather stay home and play some vidya. Hookers are shit as well.

American women are even worse, dude. The average american woman is 5'3 and 165lbs, according to statistics.

I was thinking this. How the actual FUCK do you attain a cut like this? Is DNP the only solution

Jesus you never had a gf do you? Life is not some dumb ass movie of extremes

Same. I just don't care.
People who form their sense of self from how much or how little sex they have are funny to me.

>modern gen? ps4, pc, switch

Both do, but yes love matters more.
ps4 pc
193 / 6'4.

was he gentle?

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Im not your buddy. how about you take responsibility for you life and actions instead of acting like a helpless victim to hormones

having absolutely no interest in bodybuilding?
not wanting to spend money on huge amounts of food to get your daily worth or gigantic calorie worth?

>Lol. You niggers know that people used to have a lot more sex in the past than they do now, right?

based on what? you fucking moron.
sounding exactly like a basic bitch sneering at her father for telling her not to be a whore.
They had more children and bigger families

>omg that crazy nobleman was a fucking huge degenerate old people were so rad and progressive

PC and PS4
170cm (around 5'10 I believe?)

I've been with my current gf for 1 year, actually. Sounds like you're projecting to me.

>Life is not some dumb ass movie of extremes
Then why did you phrase it that way, you cretin?

right classic conservative
PC, PS3, Wii , 3DS

>I wish I was American
Said no britbong ever. Fucking Amerifat larper

become a likable person
before you say it, i'm not saying "just be yourself"
you've been yourself, yourself sucks, yourself is unlikable and useless, be someone better

Yeah. The whole thing just doesn’t appeal to me. It just sounds gross

economy left, society right
pc, ps4, switch, quite a few old ones

Most people do.

Didn't have sex until I was 28, 29 now, it's okay, feels better than masturbating, but not a whole lot.

Just buy it

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I had a dream about having a kid and I'm a little down because of it, but I'll be fine. Just gotta focus on the stuff that matters. I want to accomplish my personal goals, and nothing in this world is going to get in the way of that.

Socially conservative, fiscally liberal

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So you are saying your gf will drop you if you don't go to the movies with her, don't drive her around or buy her shit? sounds like you got yourself a golddiger m8

>Probs moderate
>PC, PS4, Switch

My fave game is probably Overwatch

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>“In the space of a generation, sex has gone from something most high-school students have experienced to something most haven’t.”
>"People now in their early 20s are two and a half times as likely to be abstinent as Gen Xers were at that age; 15 percent report having had no sex since they reached adulthood.”
>In the U.S., “about 60 percent of adults under age 35 now live without a spouse or a partner.” (Of course, that does not mean they live without sex – more on that later.)
>In Japan in 2015, 43 percent of young people (ages 18 to 34) were virgins. Married people were not having much sex, either: 47 percent said it had been more than a month since they had sex.

They will if you care. They won't if you don't

I've often seen pretty plain looking dudes to generally ugly dudes with banging hot bitches hold'n hands n' shit.

Because by the time you hit 30, you realize that you've gone nowhere in life.

Sounds like you've fucked up your ability to pair bond. The more partners a person has the harder it is for them to pair bond. It happens faster for women than men but men lose that function too. I bet you still remember your first partner but struggle to remember details about some of the others. It's quite common. I'm sorry for your loss, user.

>go to uni
>class is 10 people 1 girl
>is super short and she looks 12
>has some dork as a bf
One of her friends is a qt3.14 but I doubt she would make us meet if I asked her

But otherwise uni is so fucking boring I barely know anyone and we are all dudes, noone fucking hosts any parties its like a joke

I guess it's more accurate to say I wish I lived in America

Are you retarded? Serious question, because you can't seem to follow a conversation. We're talking about a FIRST DATE.

cia niggers
all need to die

>genxers and boomers are degenerates
who knew

You can move to America then. Most places in the UK are just where the old, ugly and stupid go to die. Visit London for a few days and see where the beautiful and successful live.

>kill the bourgeoisie

Yeah then read my first post, you can take her to the park on a first fucking date, you are a dumb cunt if you can't get a girl to spread out for you without throwing tons of money at her (or you are just plain ugly)

Holy shit I hope thread is still up in half an hour to save this pic

Not sure, probably somewhere in the mid, but I would avoid the person in the pic if that tells anything.
PC and an unplugged PS1

26 year old khhv reporting in

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Do research on how to have better blowjobs and cuddles.

So you're a short virgin. You could have just answered.

have sex

have sex

i've had sex once with a prostitute, but years of fapping porn, hentai and doujin with a deathgrip made me couldn't feel women's pussies anymore and it's hard to get aroused..
it sucks.

I actively avoided going to my GF's house this weekend so i could play vidya

>oh no we're not fucking as much as the hippies
go kill yourself fucking retard and don't ever think about replying to anybody ever again

>taking a girl to a movie or restaurant on a first date

lmfao it's not the 1950s anymore bud

You take her to a bar or just go over to her place for "netflix" these days

I'm all over the board, but lean slightly left
PC, Switch, PS4, 360, Wii, ps3, ps2, n64, 3ds. Got an xbox original too, but haven't plugged it in, in like 7 years, so it's probably dead.

Give me sauce for that

This. If you wasn't in love with gf, your live is empty.

I think you date sluts user

Zoomers are too socially retarded to get laid. Not surprising.

I lost my virginity at 15

>Cheating (NTR)
best tags

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I'm generally a fence sitter/think they're both shit

PC, Xbone, PS4, Switch, Xbox 360, PS3, Nintendo Wii, 3DS, DS, Gameboy Color, PlayStation, N64, Sega Genesis, SNES, NES, Sega Dreamcast and... I think that's it.

6 ft

Have had 8 partners before my GF of now 8 years and only remember the 4th relationship very vividly because I was actually in love and not just lusting.
Currently in love as well, and pretty sure we're going to end up together forever. Not sure what the future holds ofcourse, but I'll probably ask her to marry me soon.
Don't know where you get that theory from, but at least it doesn't apply to me.

for a cück

>tfw boring and live in the middle of nowhere
>only hit I ever got on tinder was when I was literally out innawood over thanksgiving and she just wanted to bitch about her relatives

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>heyyyy gurlll im bork as fuk , wana sex
Stop larping lmao

why the fuck are you on Yea Forums?

GBA SP, two DS lites, a Wii, a 2DS and a PC
6 feet


>Xbonex, ps4, switch, pc

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im a 18 year old meme spouting zoomer virgin yes
where do i subscribe for the most based and redpilled /pol/ memes?
asking for my 12 year old brother so i can redpill him ;)



That's because women have a sharp decrease after the 2nd partner. Men don't start to see a decrease beyond the 10th and it drops even more rapidly than women after that point.

Only if you envision yourself being cheated on instead of the cheater.

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girl here, you guys are pathetic lmao
like a bunch of cool-wine aunts moaning about their love lives and lack of kids over a box of rosé

how was the girl?

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I got fucking tired of looking at chinese women when I was in London despite being a yellow-fever fag and going to London for the Babymetal-concert, bitches are literally everywhere, always in groups, always pale as ghosts always blabbering in their gutterlanguage. And they always wore dresses or pants that were ankle-free for some reason.

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Man, you've never had girlfriend if you think like that. Either that or you're still in high school, where expectations are so low. I am nearly 30. I have an actual job and a car. I would be ashamed of being so cheap that I can't treat my date to a nice dinner or a drink somewhere. GTFO with this kiddie walk in the park bullshit.

And no, my gf is not a gold digger. She always insists we split the bill.

None of you have had sex
Stop lying

It’s hard to fall in love if you’re over 30 and never had gf.

i want to do it naturally, i'll try to cut off my porn for few months someday.

This is why I want passionate sex with a cute waifu who will love me and this is why prostitute means nothing :(
It's not just about putting your dick in the hole, it's about the rest too

Exercise hurts and my heart rate these days during moderate movement/activity is usually in the 150s range.

why can't we just beat women and play video games

Kind of lame. I didnt enjoy myself until i had sex again at 17

being a cool wine aunt is literally my life's dream
i like hanging out with my twin sister's kids but i'd never want any of my own. sometimes giving them back is the best part of seeing them

I've had amazing blowjobs. Even once from two girls my GF's best friend. We were high on molly and my GF wanted to suck my dick so bad, she asked her friend if she minded and she joined in.
Not trying to diss you user, seriously do some research. It will give your relationship a new boost.

>You take her to a bar or just go over to her place for "netflix" these days

I don't date whores, user.

>None of you had consensual sex

>Being interesting and confident is more important to girls than being handsome.
user, I appreciate your help, but this simply isn't true.
The vast majority of us need all three of these traits to get girls.
For example: Have you met a ugly and not wealthy guy get with a cutie or a regular girl nowadays ?
I'm pretty sure the answer's: never

Femdom is mad cucky.

Does anyone else get frustrated with these 'have sex' threads on Yea Forums all the time

what do you mean by that?

>I have literally never been hunting before in my entire life

You're fucking retarded.

Why is her finger so long?

Zoomer incel cope.

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>date with GF
>she fatasize celebs
>her phone is Kpop. her room is full of Chris Hemsworth and Elvis Presley ans some westlife member poster.
what the fuck? am I not good enough?

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Paleocon sorta. I believe in conservative social values and libertarian personal values (such as owning guns, free speech, free press, right of assembly, etc), but while I believe in a free market I don't believe in a totally unregulated free market and am open to the idea of some social systems such as free community college / trade school, a pay into government health care option etc.
I mostly play on PC and Switch but also have a PS4 and a dusty hasn't been used in years Xbone

>Female coworker the same age as me who is engaged with another coworker of mine announced she's pregnant today
Meanwhile I'm still a kissless virgin
Feels bad man

>Third Position.
>PC, Wii U, Wii, SNES, NES

girls are whores these days

We all have the same destination anyway though, funny how that works

Because I'm a jobless nerd who enjoys vidya, why else? I've been playing vidya for almost 20 years. I just got extremely lucky with my looks and personality I guess.

I want to say right/center but in america it's probably "left"
PC ps2-3-4 (ps1 died) i had a x360 but it died

I'm 30. First date is usually coffee and a walk. If it goes well then we go for a drink.

normies have taken over even Yea Forums
there is no hope left

And both are right

Tinder tends to be either straight up hit or miss. Matched with a cute girl, talked for days, and when I brought up meeting each other, going out for a date, she just kept putting it off, so I eventually unmatched and move on. Another time, matched with what you'd basically call a thot and got to hit that for the next few weeks before she moved away. Surprisingly, the thot was really kind and considerate, just also very upfront about wanting to fuck and dressing that way.

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what do you think user.

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you don't even know english

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no its not true. i still care, but i've had it a lot for some time

show your work then.

>virgins actually believe that having sex will fix their shitty lives, as if they're not the cause of it themselves

> don't be gross or creepy

So are you unemployed or do you just date whores?

so are men but nobody throws up a stink over it

Where the video games?

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No, you do not NEED it. No one needs sex. Despite what these morons tell you, it is not a necessity.

So have sex

center but leaning right
pc only
174cm (asian)

Reminder that ALL women want a strong man to lead them.

You can't get a girlfriend because you've been brainwashed to treat women as your equals, or even your superiors. You think being nice and respectful will win them over? Cmon now.

I'm not saying be an abrasive asshole, just that you need to stop overthinking your words and behaviour. If you act completely comfortable and talk freely, like you usually would, around them then they will automatically feel comfortable around you. This is what Chads mean when they tell you to "be yourself".

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>fox and grapes

I'm 30 on the same boat.

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If you're attractive enough or rich enough you can get away with having a shit personality, yes, but that doesn't make it more important.
Try improving yourself. Given how much of a misanthropic sad sack you are online, I'd wager you're even more unbearable to be around irl.
What you do matters.

it's summertime my friend nigger blue

>get your hygine in order
>get a haircut/beard that suits your face
>learn how to dress yourself (don't go to /fa/)

That's pretty much it.



no, I mean shes occupied. shes mine alone.

>tfw best friend who is 22 is engaged while I’m still a KHV

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cast us a spell

>rationalizing your lack of having had sex
wew lad

Not him but I am what you described, /fit/ and well groomed
Why are there not a single girl falling for me right now? And why is it because I have 0 charisma?

For a lot of you it's going to come down to genetics, genetically you will never be worth anything, but you'll find an ugly chick to breed with eventually, best of luck to you

I'm ready to die

thats the thing though user you only see leg and ass and tits
you COULD be fucking them
think about it you're so used to watching porn you've forgotten or not realised that there's a whole interactivity that comes with sex that you're not getting from just looking


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if you imply that people are whores nowadays the mod will lynch you

>Keep being a virgin
>Start calling yourself a girl, wear a wing and a dress, get ass fucked by creepy fetishists and fellow """women""" with dicks so you can claim you had sex on an anonymous weeb imageboard
Uhm, i don't know fa.m, maybe being a virgin is the better option overall.

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>tfw literally everyone I know just fell into their relationship and can't offer any pointers

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Imagine paying money for a woman's time. "Hey I don't feel worthy of you so here let me buy you dinner to sweeten the deal."

You're a fucking simp, dude. No woman is ever going to respect you.

if you're so far gone you'd commit rape why not just fucking go buy a hooker, they're a lot less dangerous for you and them and its obviously not like you're just waiting for the right or perfect moment anymore
just go have sex with a hooker

>Go to another state\region
>Choose your girl
>Stalk her
>Rape her as a chance happens
>Kill her
>Stole everything from her and burn the corpse
>Go home

Is a 100% guaranteed bulletproof method to get all the sex you want. You can save money on the travels in various ways.

Or you can pay a hooker, but is less fun.

I know plenty of weird looking guys who don't have great jobs with totally fine ok looking women, I know a lot of guys but not many women so I can't think of many examples of ugly girls getting with normal looking guys, if you spend a lot of time with someone, pure physical attractiveness starts mattering less and less, it's the mind you fall in love with and the temperament will make you want them to stay around

i am retarded

could it be because this is a board for video games?
no thats crazy, it must be oppression

yea go ahead and off yourself
because you couldnt get the pusay

yes (married)
Left leaning, but not full left
PC, 3ds, PSP, PS3, PS4

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she's cute I'd fuck her

no you're right moderator are scum

One of my friends who didn't even want a relationship fell into one before I did, it fucking sucks dick


Your life is not directed by hormones anymore.
You don't get crushes, you don't fall in love at first sight.
You meet girls (women) that you like, but it's not like you can't stop thinking about them and you don't care all that much if they like you back. Then you realize they must feel the same way, so even if you end up together, it's more of an arrangement of convenience than genuine passion.

Unironically buy a prostitute or a fleshlight. They're both pretty much the same thing. Fuck it take it to the next level and buy one of those full body masturbation things and log onto VRChat and find a group to ERP with. Like I did and its pretty great.

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fuck I know that feel too well, everyone always just says “I got lucky”.

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eight times in ten, people split the bill on dates
why do you make so many excuses?

If I had a magic "turn into a real girl" button I'd press it no hesitation. But I still hate trannies.

>these days
ayy lmao

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>tfw too autistic to get a woman in the same bed as me


why wont woman talk to me :(

You niggers need to find a legit nerd female who likes tittes as much as you do. Im 27 with 2 kids and happily married.

Me and the oldest run through kirby superstar and hes got 500 fickin stars in mario odyssey.

Tldr dont have sex, get a relationship and have some kids you can raise to have great taste in vidya

Hail, Wizard! What news from the arcane realm?

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>Yea Forumsirgins actually believe having a GF would solve their issues when in fact it just creates a bunch of new ones instead
Making a woman the focus of your life is probably the biggest mistake you can possibly make other than levelling resistance in DkS1 (to keep it vidya)

I don't care about sex, I just want companionship.
I'd gladly date a girl without a vagina if it meant I could love someone.

you should kill some normalfags before you die

how did you meet

Neither. Coffee is a super standard first date. If you have to buy shit for someone to go out with you you're probably ugly.

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I always thought this was a load of shit but I'm lucky enough to have experienced it

You are just a human trash dude, you can't throw money at everything and hope it will take care of itself

They are. They’re qt, every one wants them. What I don’t like is they’re picky and arrogant cunts. Handsome guys are cunts as well.

>implying this is a thing that could actually happen to people and you just didn't get really lucky

Because you dont really care about women and you only want to fuck them, if you cared about what women wanted, women would want you.


I only fuck anime girls

Wizard here and that just sounds awkward and uncomfortable. I don't even want some roastie all up in my shit

This is hilarious poorfag cope. You have never touched a woman even once. Men evolved to be providers. If you can't provide for your woman and your potential offspring you are useless, just like a woman who can't be a caretaker and housewife. What you're saying is the equivalent of a woman saying:
>"Hey I don't feel worthy of you so here let me cook and clean to sweeten the deal."

Don't do it anons relationships suck and are overblown and romanticized. Spend that time and money improving yourself instead, like making robots.

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>mfw I don't have sex just to spite liberals

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my life was ruined the moment i was born i have a very low self esteem



Yeah. Coffee is good because it costs like $3 for a decent coffee and you can sit and talk to see if you can tolerate each other or not. If you can, then the 2nd date is the one that counts. If it doesn't work out, you're not heavily invested so it's easy to move on.


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I've never had a drivers license, don't own a car, don't make enough money to own my own place or rent an apartment and literally live in my parents basement and I'm 28 and actually have assburgers.

It's safe to say I will never experience intercourse, and the way this years gone to shit in particular, I'm close to blowing my brains out.

This was exactly the kind of life I never wanted.

if I get a gf now I'll be the inexperienced one and it'll just be awkward and horrible for everyone involved.

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>go on a date with a girl, split the bill cause it's 2019 and we both have jobs
>get called human trash by a bunch of bitter NEET Yea Forumsirgins

The cope levels are off the charts.

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wait what

I just want to be loved by a non blood-related female

starting to realise why all these dudes are unsuccessful
they watched too much media and think real life is like that shit where you take em on dates and shit
you literally just meet up and hang and if you fuck you fuck if you dont you dont
there's no fucking transaction of goods lol you don't owe her dinner and she doesn't owe you sex
people are a lot more casual about it these days especially women because there's no real expectation or difficulty on their part so unless they're weird or some shit they dont know to have expectations with you beyond thinking you're hot and shit

>"""""providing""""" for a woman you don't even know, on a first date

absolute brainlet.

>Somewhere along the middle but leaning more towards traditional values (so i guess right)
> PC
> 186 cm (I think like 6'1)

What even people talk about
What do people do with their free time
I am starting to feel so detached from society, I have no idea how normal people even pass their time

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Given you've posted a picture of Matsumoto, I'm inclined to believe you.

Finding a girl like me is quite hard though because I'm a degenerate and I'm terrified of social interaction, so I assume she's in a basement somewhere or currently putting the gun in her mouth.

>Have you ever had sex?
Yes. Right now I have it very regularly. I was a very "late bloomer" though. I had first sex in 22 - for the longest time it I seriously believed I don't have a chance for normal social or love life.
>Are you on the left or the right side of the political spectrum?
I'm a firm centrist, but I believe that currently, the left is the more pathological force on the political spectrum, which makes my views far more aligned with the right. Philosophically, I'm a continental conservativist.
>What consoles do you own? (including PC)
PC only.
>What height are you?
189 cm.

Shit yeah, rolled a nat 20 on luck, but when you see that 3 or 4/10 wearing anime and vidya t shirts you jump on it and pray she isnt taken

oh yeah dont forget your wife gets 50% of your wealth when she flund jamal big niggercock :333333

the most based post itt

Just tell her beforehand. If you find a good girl, she'll show you the ropes

Tinder bitches love popping cherries as long as you're not hideous.

I just don't get how relationships/dating work
I must be an autist