What's with the general hostility towards anyone that makes a GTA V thread?

"old game faggot kys"

"6 year old game who gives a fuck"

"Yawn we don't care about a 6-7 year old game"

"imagine still talking about GTA V, off yourself"

I mean other older games are discussed all the fucking time yet if someone dares to make a unironic GTA V thread he will be chased off the boards. I bet if the game was full of Asian characters you'd have zero issue discussing it for decades

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Other urls found in this thread:


It's just a boring game.

>What's with the general hostility towards anyone that makes a GTA V thread?
trolls being trolls i guess?

i loved just driving around the entire state in my Coquette Classic. i'd buy it right after the first raid and ditch the missions entirely...

jesus, i oughta finish the campaign one of these days

e-celebro say game bad so me too tink game bad

their egos can't handle good games
see how many angry (you)s i'll get

It came out a long time ago, hasn't had any new content in 7 months, and any good new content since the doomsday heist in 2017. And most of the games people post on here that are old have replayability due to being RPGs, like FNV or VTMB, that or they're just autist cult classics.

The singleplayer doesn't have much replayability and has a lot of boring missions, such as a huge chunk of the game just being stealing cars for some rich guy.

Then online missions mostly follow this same sort of design. Except team deathmatch or race modes, which whilst fun, are locked behind a bunch of slow loading screens, waiting for people to join (which won't happen for the deathmatch modes, it just won't) and poor netcode. Heists are mostly inconsistent in their fun and suffer from the same loading screen downtime hell, so you're stuck on freeroam playing SDSDSDSDS marksman rifle hell whilst trying to dodge the flying rocket bikes of doom

weird seeing Yea Forums so desperate for dlc to a complete game
I remember when Yea Forums despised DLC

I like the game a lot (singleplayer) but GTA Online ruined Take Two published games as a whole. It's the reason why we never got the promised SP dlc (yes it was promised, read Rockstar's newswire) and it quite possibly delayed other Rockstar games by quite a lot. So yeah, that's why people are angry. I am not angry myself, just sad that we don't get more frequent Rockstar releases and no SP dlcs anymore.

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Elaborate. What is a take two?

DLC isn't really a bad thing when it adds more to a complete game. Look at the DLCs for GTA IV or like The Witcher 3. It's the dumb lol we locked you out of this so pay up goyim xD shit that's the more annoying thing

>What is a take two?

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>play gta online
>get spawnkilled by hacker until you leave the server
>join another server
>choose to play a heist
>it's in the middle of a story so you have no idea what the context is
>fag manages to die to something
>fag manages to die to something again
>fag continues to die until an earthquake in his third world country ruins his internet connection and boots him from the game
>finally get to play
>shoot guys then drive while shooting guys
>experience zero thrill, just annoyance
>finish mission
>get ingame dollarydoos which you can barely spend on anything
>buy barebones shithole apartment a brazilian miles away from everywhere
>try to park good-looking car you stole in it
>can't because ???
>receive notice
>you are a bad sport because the retard from the heist kept dying, all your possessions have been confiscated
>alt f4
>uninstall gtav


There is no fucking reason to talk about this anymore unless you are some faggot zoomer that larps in this game with his favourite twitch heroes.

Take Two Interactive is a parent company of Rockstar games. Some years ago they said that all of their upcoming releases will have some options for engagement after the initial release, which essentially means that the games will be supported and monetized after launch. It might not be a bad thing in theory but that means instead of singleplayer campaigns we have constant dripfeeding of GTA Online content (cars, weapons etc.) and the game is heavily monetized - all DLCs are free but you have to grind the missions in Online which takes forever or buy shark cards that are very expensive. That means the days of expansions such as Episodes from Liberty City for GTA IV are over, and from now the only post-release support is for Online titles. I still hope we will one day see Rockstar doing support for singleplayer part of their titles, but I am not holding my breath.


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MK8 had good DLC
Assassin's Creed has bad DLC
Basically, DLC should be an expansion pack, not parts of the base game.
If it's cosmetics, it should be pennies
I'm actually not a fan of Smash's DLC either

It's because GTA 4 had good expansions that were like half an extra game in total. Better than the norm at the time for normie games, which would probably be COD and their overpriced map packs

Loved 3, VC and SA back in the day, didn't touch 4 and pirated 5 yesterday.
What am I in for?

i dont care about online shit so this game was overwhelmingly disappointing and i have no interest whatsoever in the future of the series since its just going to be more online nonsense to keep everyone else hooked on the cash cards. oh well, at least i can replay the old games.

>mash X to run
>can't unlock infinite sprint
>no infinite sprint cheat
why did they do this

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Yea Forums has a sizeable portion of eternal zoomers who were obsessed with GTA IV in their formative years.

a lot of uneventful and pointless missions

Most side activities worth doing are RDR1 style stranger missions and aren't repeatable, heists get you fuckall for money and unless you look up the guide on how to exploit stocks for the Lester assassination missions you won't have any worthwhile amount of cash by the time you finish storymode(your enjoyment of the story is up to personal taste), online is the only mode where anything fun can repeatedly be done but you're not a buyfag so I won't go into it about the glaring issue with that grindy hellhole, Rockstar actively stopped making online vehicles available for SP so enjoy having jackshit, driving around is more fun.

Get dabbed on V fag, Big boys only.

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Why not do both and make even more money? Rockstar of all companies is capable of checking the "all of the above" box.

Because they spend hundreds of millions making games, Sharkcards and GTAO updates are more cost efficient and more profitable. It's shit but it's true.


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Currently replaying it, and it's better than I remembered it. It still has issues like you don't get perks for hanging out with your friends only backstory and dialogue.

There are also a big lack of things to do when you hang out with them. But as of right now that is the only complaints I can think about since they did that aspect better in IV

2K 60fps > 4K 30fps

Sure but they cannot just flood the market with three times as many online doodads and make three times as much money; there are diminishing returns so they must be trickled out. Doing SP campaigns on top of that is diversification. Though at that point Rockstar would have enough staff to invade Europe.

I dont have the 100% a game kind of autism not the patience to grind. I'll just play the main story.

Rockstar is big but not that big to relocate their resources to both Online and SP support, so Online takes the priority because it makes more money. Besides Online isn't supported by as many people from the studio and most of the developers work on new games.

Too bad the next gen grass kills the framerate

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>literally the biggest failure of a video game of all time
>the most expensive game ever made which was praised as a "good thing"
>turns out that means they blew the entire budget on worthless shit instead of actually making a video game
>rush out an unfinished piece of shit with absolutely no reedemable qualities
>take two realizes they aren't going to be making enough money off it
>design microtransactions, cancel singleplayer dlc, make entire game revolve around the shitty multiplayer part of the game that doesn't even fucking work with wireless wifi
>realize they aren't scamming the players enough, and decide to further ruin rockstars next big project, the amazing RDR 2
>literally ruined a game that was supposed to be the greatest game of all time, + ruined the greatest game changer so far
>underage retarded OP asks why nobody gives a shit about his fucking stupid biker/night club and stupid car
>doesn't even know who take two is
go play more of your glorified fucking pachinko/tablet game

woah GTAV looks like THAT

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Yawn we don't care about a 6-7 year old game

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IV had the GOAT friend mechanic and if you didn't want to take a hit to your reputation with them then all you had to do was call them back and cancel if you didn't want to hang out.

>>literally the biggest failure of a video game of all time

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I prefer playing golf and tennis to everything else. I wish there was air hockey, pool, and darts like in IV.

>haha many sales mean game is good
shut the fuck up you retarded autist, nobody gives a fucking shit about sales, the only thing that matters is the game itself and the GTA 5 is barely a GAME, go back to red dit, seethe, cope, have sex, and kill yourself

>perform a grand theft auto in los santos
>beaner national anthem starts playing

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>old game

>Nobody gives a shit about the best selling game for two gens in a row

lol okay dude

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Popularity is the reason it's hated. On top of it's focus for multiplayer.

GTA games were always most popular among contemporary 10 year olds.

What I'm interested in is how people feel about V in a few years, whether or not it will inspire the same amount of nostalgiafagging as VC or SA.

It's a mix of Yea Forums contrarianism i.e this post hereas explained by this guy hereand finally a bit of of what this guy saidOh and for quite a while the multiplayer for this game had connection issues out the motherfucking ass.

Because it's a shit game

highly scripted lowers the replayability so people are less inclined to revisit the singleplayer, and the only alternative is the soulless GTAO

if you wanted to replay SA, you could breeze through Los Santos in a single afternoon if you know what to do. in GTAV, the fifth playthrough will take about as long as the first because missions are paced through dialog and event triggers.

I think they dulled it down because they jealously saw how much fun people had with a simple, onnocent swingset.

this is some good bait

>He still plays the 3D games

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They’re better than the hd games

this is just retarded, because after gtav we got red dead 2 which, no matter what you think about it, is comparably very risky and single player focused.

And for 8 years work, it's not much to write home about.

Nearly everything is downgraded from GTA IV.

like i said though, it has none of the cancerous multiplayer influence everyone thought it would have. didn't launch with it and didn't gain much attention when it did come out.

Did you read my post? I never mentioned that singleplayer in RDR2 or GTA V is lackluster, in fact, it has never been, not even in GTA IV or RDR and yet those games got singleplayer expansions while V got nothing. I am sure Rockstar still cares about singleplayer a lot, as you said RDR2 was SP focused. It's just that the Online component is now priority and since they keep the game alive by supporting that, there is very little incentive to make more frequent releases of new games.

We're not talking about Minecraft

game was underwhelming and a downgrade even to 4 in many ways and the multiplayer came 18 months after release and was a pay to win no fun allowed shitfest riddled with kids

I feel as though GTA IV is the best game in the series.

i love the game, probably my favorite one. it has many flaws but overall i think the game's the best gta. i don't get why people get so triggered by it. i mean, i understand why some people dislike it but it gets to a point where every discussion ends up being
>muh physics

guess we'll have to wait for GTA VI to come out so the hate is redirected to that one and we can finally discuss V properly

take off the goggles bro

GTA V is soulles and focuses on mtx in multiplayer

Except the graphics

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It's trash an we're sick of faggots like you shilling it.

>guess we'll have to wait for GTA VI to come out so the hate is redirected to that one and we can finally discuss V properly

time wont make it better. its obvious 5 was rushed out to cash in on the last gens install base

mods can put 4 on part with 5

My pet peeves
>can't sprint for more than 5 seconds or you have a heart attack and die on the spot
>can't crouch anywhere you want, have to use the retarded cover mechanic
>all the missions feel samey (drive somewhere, shoot guys, you win)
>franklin has no character
>trevor forgets that brad died the second he gets back to san andreas
>michael's family is useless

graphicsfags should be shot

The scripting mods are awesome. You can do so much with them. You can look up and pick a 747 out of the sky with your mind (actually w/ a gravity gun mod), reel it towards you at 500mph like a fishing hook, and let go of it at the last second to see the pilot pull up so hard 1 inch over your head that he'd be passing out from the G-forces if it were real life. Or you can just slam it into the ground (and do the same with slinging cars around like you're Magneto). Or you can teleport inside the driver or passenger seat of it while you hold it. Then grab it again while inside it and propel yourself wherever you look, like you can fly. Or grab your character and ragdoll fly wherever you look. And that's just the gravity gun mod

you sure about that?

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Well, it is technically the oldest GTA game in the sense that it hasn't been replaced by a newer title after 6 years (beating out GTA IV by a year). There are kids browsing here who have gone through school having played this game from release onwards.

why does that car have all kings of like jaggy lines all over it? just looking at that pic i started to get a headache. some settings must be messed up or something.

probably the chromatic aberration

this dude doesn't know what words mean lol

>shut the fuck up you retarded autist
read both of your posts again, boss, the only autist is you

die faggot

shut your whore mouth you no good nigger

I wish the heists had more option, as they are the main draw of the game. But most heists play out 90% the same no matter what option you choose, that is for the heists that even HAVE options. SA got away with it because it only had 1 real heist and it wasn't the focus of the game. GTAV's focus was the heists and they're really only interesting for a single play through.

>Nearly everything is downgraded from GTA IV.
>Except the graphics
>B-But mods can put 4 on par with 5
Can't fix the shit color scheme of Liberty City though. Fuck that place.

The driving is better in V. IV was programmed by someone who'd never been in the same country as a car.

The promised DLC was literally recycled into the Doomsday heist in Online. Data miners have confirmed it.

Far better. Going 25mph on a long stretch of road and then turning will send your car crashing into a fucking building. It's laughably bad in 4.

>old game
the only people that talk about it are zoomers like you, kys

More time has passed between gta 5s release and today over the time between gta 5s release and gta 4s release

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I pirated it long ago for the single player.
How's the online? Is it anything like SAMP with different servers for various game modes and shit?
I enjoyed that shit immensely when it was still alive.

Gta online is one of the best game ive ever played.

When you play with your irl friends is funny as fuck

lmao git gud. IV is grid style driving and V is a mix with a bigger influence on dirt and offroad.

There is FiveM, which is like a modded GTA Online server browser. My IRL buddy set up a dedicated server and we play on it with trainers and mods and shit. They added so many crazy vehicles with the online and you can just spawn them

GTA5 has come a long way

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Regardless of what style driving it is, it's better in five. The cars handle and behave better.

agreed, V’s driving is boring because it’s way too easy. huge disappointment to anyone who was competitive in IV’s multiplayer.

Nah I prefer car driving in IV myself, too arcadey in V even if on the whole it's more technically competent (futo bois ww@)

GTAIV multiplayer freeroam > GTAV multiplayer freeroam

Will the casino update bring back /gtag/?

Bad general filled with shitty people, it'll come back then die again.

>Worst character development of the entire series

>Worst characters of the entire series

>Worse AI and physics than the previous title

>Completely uninspired multiplayer

>Game left wide open to hacks and mod kiddies

>Focus on ridiculous levels of grinding

>Only real objective of multiplayer is to grief as many people as possible

It's pretty impressive that they got it to run on a PS3/360

splatoon2 is essentially splatoon1 ported to the new console and people still bought that.

>Gta online is one of the best game ive ever played.
How many games have you actually played?

No it isn't and nobody bought a WiiU.

>Trevor's properties earn him 5000 per week
>Franklin's properties earn him 13.000 per week
>Michael's properties earn him 538.000 per week
Could it be that the devs had a favourite protagonist?

not him but they objectively are. V's story sucks horse cock and you couldn't pay me to play it

It feels like Franklin and Trevor were an afterthought half the time. I mean Franklin's whole plot is basically left unresolved.

Franklin's whole plot is getting out of the Ghetto and making dosh, which he achieves halfway through the game. He's kinda just there for the second half.

Rockstar always shits on pcpoors by releasing their games late on pc or never at all, they are all still in actual tears about still not having RDR1+2

>discord drama and attention whoring
who cares

Above 200, been playing for 26 years

>muh story

yeah but how is the gameplay

>History and plot shits all over on previous games and characters with edgy and retarded morons on rick and morty levels of writting
>Online is shit that much the online multiplayer mod made for win xp works better
>Literally a downgrade from the previous games
>Older games have better or far superior mechanics,gameplay, characters and scripts
The list goes on beign a V-fag aint easy

lol imagine being this guy

I remember getting the PS3 GTAV bundle at launch, I was super excited and without realizing it I played for 18h straight. Only had a few main missions left after I went to sleep. Fantastic game.

that's debatable

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because it was written by a retarded faggot
i really hope rockstar do not develop a second part of bully previous games, because they will ruin it pretty bad with their tranny writter

He had this other sub-plot with his girlfriend that was sort of floating around aimlessly in the background. I doubt most people even noticed it until the cutscene where she dumps him right at the end.

Bro RDR2 has some of the best writing in all of vidya

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Yes, actually, I was playing normally and then some ugly bitch started nagging me about she being with a doctor or something.

I'll fuckin tell you what ruined GTA:O right here

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Personally I'm not too keen on GTA V's urban map design. The suburbs are great, but to me the buildings in the city are generally too far apart. Most of the upscale urban areas don't feel dense enough, so you end up driving past them like showpieces.

>pull out nightshark, terrorbyte, MOC
>watch them shoot missiles fruitlessly at you
>shoot them down while they keep trying
>teleport when the car is about to die

Ay panini, don't you be a meanie

sprint becomes infinite once you max it out, which just naturally happens by playing the game.

i dont get how you think missions are samey. theres a lot of set pieces that makes them unique. even if its just shooting some guys, the enviroments are vastly different in each one. as opposed to gta iv, where missons are mostly either "scripted chase mission" or "shoot some guys in a warehouse/apartment complex".

not being able to crouch is fucking annoying tho, and i hate the retarded health system.

sure it is

Rockstar releases "free" content that you need to pay a bunch of in game money to use. So either you work it like its a job or you put in your credit card. This model is sustained by youtubers who then write it off as a business expense.

At this point GTA V is practically a mobile game with its practices that is sustained by youtubers

GTA V is pretty bad, the online is loaded with nothing but 14 year old niggers.

In terms of the game, there's nothing to discuss. Takes forever to load, not much to do, grindy garbage.

Is the game still populated enough on ps3 so I can get trophies?

>Takes forever to load
Not a problem with my NVMe SSD drive :)

stop playing on PC you drooling retard

I can't play games on a controller what do you think I am?

It's ironic that for a M rated game, GTA Online mainly appeals to under 18s.

havent played it, waiting for the pc version

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Yea Forums is full of nintendoshills not kidding

>not being the hacker
Getting a decent menu takes almost literally zero effort , and there's almost no risk of a ban unless you spawn in money in sketchy ways, since that's literally all those jews care about.

i like cars

What's wrong with them?

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antiquated gameplay, ugly graphics

>played GTAO right when it came out
>did criminal records and supercar glitch
>reached level 120 within the first week when 95% of players weren't even level 30
>had tens of millions of dollars to buy anything relevant many times over
>bought the tank, every supercar, had a special adder chrome with money rims just to troll, all customizations, multiple apartments, would literally go into clothing stores and buy everything
>come back years later, have barely any money, can't even afford the high initial cost of the investment opportunities like CEO office and bunker
>have to literally wageslave in game just to buy an investment then wageslave more once I get that investment to get to the next one
>forced to sell many of my old supercars (which are dumpster tier today) for money
>still need tens of millions of dollars for many of the new vehicles, planes, and customization

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literally nothing
the only playable games of the series

>the only playable games of the series
lmao imagine actually thinking this

>antiquated gameplay

>Be M rated hardcore game
>Add emojis and emotes everywhere

Yup that's most games nowadays

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Getting old doesn't mean you lose your sense of humor

>Play 3xRaces
>Latch onto Doomsday heist replayers
>get 5 million in a few hours of gameplay
>purchase a bunker and a buzzard
>resupply either by doing missions or paying beforehand
>keep playing the game normally and making money while the bunker fills and get 250k each sale
I ran out of new things to buy, I even bought 3 MKII and 2 Deluxos.