How do we fix Western gaming?
How do we fix Western gaming?
remove gays
put naked slutty children (fictional) in them
Saitama fucked this.
Proof right now
Make gameplay too complicated for brainlets
isn't she like 27
27 months?
28 years old.
How do I unironically get a body like Saitama and fuck girls like Tatsumaki? Please respond.
post more please I need to fap
Why fix something that isn't broken?
add cunny
Why not go to /h/ /d/ /e/ or /u/? Why do you want a different dude on a videogames board to post more images when you want to fap
because the pics posted on these boards are fucking awful
Start a thread youself and improve the boards. Go to a porn site
A minimum tutorial where you have to hit The Hive in Dungeon Crawl before you’re allowed to play other games
umm excuse me this is the cunny board
>improve the boards
you can't do that
just see this board
Well if 1 user is improving the board it's a step. If we all just sit back and let it happen nothing will change
You can't, just accept reality.
get a life mr basement dweller