How do we fix Western gaming?

How do we fix Western gaming?

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remove gays

put naked slutty children (fictional) in them


Saitama fucked this.

Proof right now


Make gameplay too complicated for brainlets

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isn't she like 27


27 months?

28 years old.

How do I unironically get a body like Saitama and fuck girls like Tatsumaki? Please respond.

post more please I need to fap

Why fix something that isn't broken?

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add cunny

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Why not go to /h/ /d/ /e/ or /u/? Why do you want a different dude on a videogames board to post more images when you want to fap

because the pics posted on these boards are fucking awful

Start a thread youself and improve the boards. Go to a porn site

A minimum tutorial where you have to hit The Hive in Dungeon Crawl before you’re allowed to play other games

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umm excuse me this is the cunny board

>improve the boards
you can't do that
just see this board

Well if 1 user is improving the board it's a step. If we all just sit back and let it happen nothing will change

You can't, just accept reality.

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get a life mr basement dweller

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