Oh no, please God no!
I JUST bought an Nvidia GPU!
Oh no, please God no!
I JUST bought an Nvidia GPU!
Other urls found in this thread:
I am going to get a 2060 super. Fuck blowers and amd drivers have given me trouble with my 6870, 7870 and Althon 200ge
>buying AMD
What are you poor?
AMD has by far the best drivers these days. The Nvidia driver is a joke not to mention Geforce Experience being literal spyware
>AMD has by far the best drivers these days
this bait wouldn't even fly on /g/
Nvidia might cost twice as much but it's still a 30% increase
AMD cards have always had better price/performance
The issue is that they never really have any performance
On what, GFE being spyware?
>bro just login to the software you downloaded that by every metric should be offline sans the routine update check
>complaining about cost
NEET, pls go
>$650-700 AUD for lower than mid range RX 5700
>$600-700 AUD for 8 core ryzen 3000
I bought a fucking PS4 Pro for $350 AUD. PC Gaming is dead.
Here is a big red pill: en.wikipedia.org
PC Gaming is and has always been a scam.
in the 5700 and 5700 xt review they couldnt even overclock the 5700 because of the driver. fuck off. amds drivers are dogshit.
I literally vomited when I got my first Nvidia GPU in a decade and the control panel still looked like it came from 1998.
Nvidia is also falling behind on features. No performance overlay and I was shocked to find Nvidia gives no option to limit framerates.
Did you completely forget about Nvidia drivers literally reducing your performance?
Truth is all drivers are shit.
Are you saying hardware that was midrange at best years years ago is cheaper than components released literally yesterday? No way...
>ryzen 3000 performances worse than Intel in battlefield V
>unless you change windows scheduling and core affinity to 1, then it runs way better
enjoying still being conned?
>falling for the PC gaming Jew
What did he mean by this?
imagine being this stupid
And what games make use of a thousand bucks card? Modded GTA?
this meme was already debunked, the only times it happened were with bad driver releases that hotfix'd shortly after
4K resos
PS4 Pro is slower than a RX 580 you fucking retard, why compare high end parts to PS4?
Not debunked at all, I have first hand experience.
I'm not saying they were doing it deliberately, but who knows maybe they were.
Not an argument.
By all means, keep playing your limited selection of console video games at low-mid settings, just never forget you picked the poverty option and received a poverty experience.
sony's film studio is run by jews
144p 144hz
Even the most powerful GPU on the market wont run some modern games at these settings.
*kills PC performance*
My 2013 PC runs Yakuza Kiwami 2 better than PS4 Pro even dreamed to.
well i have a 2080ti and so i am the gpu king. No matter how much i have paid, i have the strongest gpu by far. I will be able to play at 1440p high graphics and 60 fps for the next 5 years.
>assuming im a basednegro
I guess there really is something to this R E N T F R E E meme eh?
>What did he mean by this?
In Doom 2016, when Vulkan API was added via a patch, RX 480 at the time saw a massive 35% increase in performance, while Nvidias GTX 1000 series saw little to no difference.
meanwhile, Nvidia gets games like Crysis 2 to add tons of tessellation just to win, in shittier APIs.
AMD has always had the best hardware, while nvidia and intel rely in software.
AMD Ryzen 3000 hardware is so good, it completely eclipses in software benchmarks designed for intel. because the software companies like adobe and the others refused to fix the problem, AMD had to make hardware so good, it won anyway in shitty software.
Why do you think Meltdown, Spectre, etc, only affected Intel and not AMD? What, you thought it was just because "AMD has better security"?
Are people just fucking retards?
good job missing the point retard
I don't need to argue with retarded sheep.
AMD GPU's have poor performance in OpenGL, that's why the Vulkan API gave AMD a big boost
AMD has always had superior drivers. Meanwhile Nvidia drivers start housefires. Fuck off with your FUD marketing campaign, Nvidia shill.
Vulkan = 35% more performance from AMD hardware.
But what sheep don't consider: In any other API, AMD GPUs lose 35% extra performance by default due to garbage APIs
But go ahead, enjoy the $400-500 usd "mid range" and super big boy cards using shit API software and windows scheduler you retards
AMD are a fucking joke I won't ever use them again after the abortion that was the 390. They're garbage hardware AND software wise. Their relive trash is still way worse than shadow play features wise and theres no ANSEL and stuff and the drivers suck complete ass try using autodesk maya and see how it fucking spazzes out. Fucking garbage products.
Yes, because it never happened. You fell for the /g/ meme.
more like first hand faggotry, delusional nigger
weird because when games used Vulkan even the 390 surpassed the GTX 980 and GTX 1070. Strange, that is.
I'm using a GTX 1070, I can play everything I have at max settings without issues.
PS4Pro is slower than an RX 470. So is the XboneX.
>AMD has always had superior drivers
>AMD shill desperately trying to cope
Just face it
AMD GPUs suck ass.
So just a res that would go unappreciated unless you are playing on a bigass TV and not a monitor?
what game?
Wait for 3rd party Navis. They might be able to fix the noise/heat problems. If not then .. to be honest I would just buy a second hand card. Nvidia just don't deliver value.
>b-but ps4 pro is slow old shit retard LOL
does it cost fucking $500 usd for the GPU of it and $400 usd for the CPU? that doesn't factor any other part.
you poor retarded sheep. when the PS5 comes out for like $450 USD (conservative estimate) and can run every game at 60 fps 1080p even 1440p, it is over for PC.
No, you'd notice it more on a monitor, far less on a TV, unless you were sat very close.
then why dont AMD just make their cards perform well in both HUH
4K is plenty visible on a 27'' monitor at destktop viewing distance.
i had a 1070 and no you cant play them maxed unless you dont care about 60 fps.
>AMD GPUs suck ass.
didn't read LOL.jpg
another sheep.
Go look on the Vulkan wiki page how many games use Vulkan API. Like 15-20 games in many years. Nvidia and probably intel too, pay developers to not use Vulkan.
Why would developers purposely use a worse API? oh, money.
stay asleep.
All games on PC
Sample was taken from Talos Principle, but this heartbeat issue is pretty much deeply integrated into all PC games because it is direct x basically
>Geforce Experience being literal spyware
Are you delusional? Radeon Software being spyware too.
I'm still buying a 2060 Super and paying the $50 nvidia tax over a 5700
Rather have the consistent optimization out of the gate for the 75% market share than waiting for AMD to release drivers for a new game
Only thing I'm pissed off about nvidia is having to use software I need to sign in for
And it'll still be a locked down toy with paid online, that you can't use for anything excepth things Sony explicitly allows you to do.
Consoles literally don't matter to anyone accustomed to PC.
you cant make your card performance better at the software level if the fucking software is so shit it won't even use the hardware that is there. Ask yourself why developers still use a worse API instead?
>and can run every game at 60 fps 1080p
it is over for PC
Is it 2013 again?
Consoles would never make 60fps a priority.
The 5700 and XT are good value cards but the lack of an equivalent feature set to ShadowPlay and Ansel hurts.
AMD driver is very fussy when running the oldest games and emulators. Good luck on finding a right driver to run perfectly.
Nvidia driver is all about .... it werks ....
yes, it werks
>PC in 2013 cost: $700
>PC in 2019 cost: $2000+
>y-you're just poor!
>use new driver
>40 fps in game
>revert to old driver
>60 fps in game
hmm I dunno guys seems pretty clear to me I'm pretty sure 60 is more than 40
Imagine actually clicking post on this. Fuck AMD I'm glad nvidia is shafting them. They ruined my gaming experience for 3 years because of their abortion product.
>b-but Vulkan
Yeah I should really keep a card which only runs non shit for those 10 games instead of the 1000s of games which don't support it. Go back to r/AMD cuck.
>The 5700 and XT are good value cards
nice joke. the same tier of card as those in 2013 cost $149-$229 USD. What happened?
>Buy a lesser product that's bad in 95% of games because it's a bit faster but still worse in 5% of games
You're a literal braindead mongoloid you do realise this right?
>PC Gaming is and has always been a scam.
i like how console faggots always use the big initial purchase as an excuse to not buy but then they spend considerably more money in the long run on higher priced video games. enjoy "saving" money with your console you fucking retard.
I'm not even an AMDfag and love my 1080Ti, but AMD ReLive is literally a carbon copy of ShadowPlay, with instant replay, separate audio tracks for voice and gameplay, and recording desktop
Ansel is a personal thing, I've never used it
It's called Relive with AMD and you don't need to install spyware to use it.
Nobody in history ever actually used that and it also requires the aforementioned spyware.
>b-but Vulkan
>Yeah I should really keep a card which only runs non shit for those 10 games instead of the 1000s of games which don't support it. Go back to r/AMD cuck.
This is what amazes me. You know AMD runs better on Vulkan, but then immediately dismiss that, and say Nvidia is better on the shittier API, so thats why you paid higher prices for the Nvidia card because it is "winning".
This is amazing.
>what is inflation
it is 5% because of nvidia, intel, microsoft. you dumb fuck.
The only reason consoles keep a reasonable initial price is because they suck like 3 different kinds of subscription out of people and still rely on attach rate to break even.
Ayyymd has gone jewry because Dr. Lisa know there are many desperate AMDfanbois will eat up the shit they spew.
who the fuck installs geforce experience anyway?
this is like saying macs are better for gaming because they can't get viruses
Are you clinically retarded? First off AMD isn't better on vulkan anymore because turing has getter hardware support for it. Secondly why the fuck would someone keep a card which is only good and doesn't stutter like a motherfucker in 10 games when the vast majority of games are based on another API of which there are superior products which utilise it better. Seriously how retarded are you? Neck yourself already.
found your problem. You need to find a job paying better.
>Nvidia and probably intel too, pay developers to not use Vulkan.
Nvidia literally developed the RT extension for vulkan jfc. The fucking CEO of vulkan is am nvidia employee.
You're a liar or underage, but amd drivers were really shit for a loooong time.
Some games wernt even playable on day one if you owned a amd card.
Nvidia drivers are a bit shit lately, but with nvidia you can forget to download drivers for over a year and everything will run just fine
here is my counter to you, sheep.
Even on the shitty API, AMDs hardware is so good, it ties with the 2080 ti, a card that is 4x the cost. Don't (you) me again, I don't need to lose brain cells.
Are people surprised that higher end cards have a higher price per performance than lower end cards? I thought this was common knowledge or am I missing something?
Chronos group*
Vulkan is a bitch to work with tho
>game made for AMD based consoles ported to windows runs well on AMD
fuck this stupid benchmark
>literally vomited
I really hate the word literally nowadays, and no you literally didn't you literal retard.
Now do 4k
>game made for AMD based consoles ported to windows
So literally everything that's not indie or Total War these days?
Now show me another 10 games where this happens. I'll wait.
>nJewdia pays devs to ruin AMD performance
>one game that was made for consoles runs better on AMD
>game that's actually optimised and doesn't use stupid amounts of nvidia tessellation to favour nvidia cards actually runs better on amd
Who cares about the reason for it? It's there, if you want to buy a garbage GPU that works well for 5% of games go ahead, I'll buy one for the 95% and be better off.
It's not a hard concept you retard
Oh sure, let us just time travel and pull out a gorillion magic benchmarks for a GPU that released a few hours ago.
>m-muh 1440
beggin ya to have sex already
i know i'm perpetuating a bad practice but the fact still is that nvidia works better. if you're not invested in the GPU wars, that's what should matter to you, not the theoretical possibility that ati would work better if everyone just adopted their API
also, portraying AMD vs nvidia as a David / Goliath war is completely false. every console for the last two generations runs on AMD hardware, and the next generation will be AMD too. nvidia couldn't just steamroll them by bribing developers
Forza is just a really well developed game they extracted every little bit of power from the xbox one and its one of the best performing and looking games on the system. It's not optimizations to benefit AMD as such its just the devs really got the best out of the hardware and that hardware happens to be AMD and so AMD benefits from it. In reality through it doesn't even mean much because 99.99999% of games aren't that well optimised and so buying a GPU based on that one benchmark which is an outlier and anyone who isn't a biased shill would admit that, is retarded.
Devs will sooner go with another decade of DX11 over going Vulkan, nobody has been using Kronos API's beyond id in the AAA space for a long fucking time
Why don't they just sell frames in bulk?
>cherry picking
>Who cares
and this is the way the world ends. not with a bang, but a whimper.
who cares retard? team green wins 95% of the other games because they don't use the 5% better API. Why? I dunno. You're just retarded! Now I'll take my double/triple cost hardware that is actually shit hardware relying on software/apis/windows scheduler and be happy with that. #winning
>Even on the shitty API, AMDs hardware is so good, it ties with the 2080 ti, a card that is 4x the cost.
Where are my 10 extra benchmarks after you made the claim?
>pay 100 bucks more for just 3 more fps
Based Nvidia, tha's how competition works.
that's the most retarded way compare cards
>100 bucks
you mean 300+ bucks user. a big boy super GTX 2080 isn't cheap.
I meant the 2070 Super compared to 5700XT.
>A NEET who can't afford a proper GPU think he's akin to the hero of the chernobyl disaster by shilling for a company that would flip the script in an instant were the roles reversed
Oh god I'm fuckin' dead
>directX 11
don''t even need to (you) the others who hid it.
can't tell sheep anything.
should be useful for people who operate net cafés where they're still a thing
Is it intentional that the difference between 5700 and XT is so small?
It's 50 bucks, and there's the same gap between the 5700 and the 5700 XT, so not sure what you're going on about
Here's one for mr Vulkan shill wherever he is
Why not? Performance is the same and its cheaper
I am tired of AMD BSOD issues
You're like a 12 year old who things you're the saviour of the world and destroyer of corporations.
You're not.
You're just getting a worse performing product to feed your strange ego.
Of course, AMD cards always SUX at running DX11 games. I want to play old games from time to time. AMD is out.
>>nJewdia pays devs to ruin AMD performance
I don't think that's true. It's flat out illegal. There's no grey area whatsoever.
I bought an RX 570 8gb for like €150. Playing everything on high or ultra with 60fps.
You have some sort of brain deficiency that disables your reading comprehension?
>>directX 11
So....the most widely used API which nearly every game in current development and in the last 8 years uses? What's your point?
Show me the dx12/vulkan renderer for GTA5.
It 100 bucks difference in yurop here though.
>not knowing it is obvious delusion from seething madrones.
A PC with a mid range CPU, mid range GPU, 16gb ddr3, 1tb hdd, motherboard, power supply, case, etc. in 2013, this would cost you a modest $500 USD for the entire build.
in 2019? a similar mid range cpu, """"mid range""" gpu, 16gb ddr4, 1tb ssd, motherboard, power supply, case, etc, will cost you $2000 usd or more for the entire build.
bringing this up anywhere online is met with "lmao poorfag" or "inflation lol".
It's not illegal because it's a feature
That AMD cards suck at
It's mean though and worse for everyone
The 1 benchmark that favours AMD is still retarded though
€2000 would get you everything top of the range.
€1000 would get you everything mid range.
Says the faggot who bought a no game station.
By actually taking sides in this stupid red vs green conflict, you only prove how much of a useful idiot you are.
Look at facts and make a decision, there is nothing more to this. Stop being fucking loyal to megacorps.
>keeping up to recent graphic cards
>end up playing garbage that doesnt require even 50% of your card's power
And to add, it cost me €150 to turn my old PC into a mid range PC just this week.
>tfw 4c/4t and have resisted upgrade brainwashing by /g/ and reddit
I'll just be here waiting until there's a real reason to upgrade whilst you guys squander your cash on toys
Sony and AMD are both cancer.
Get a load of the COPE on this kiddo
what the shit, I knew I felt that no matter how smooth I can get games running, there was always something causing hiccups. can you share more? googling directx heartbeat got nothing.
That's why you need an adult while mounting or buying a pc.
>Retards than don't know how to read the WQHL certifications and put anything they thing is "cool" because streamers.
On Linux it's true.
Literally the open source AMD drivers on Linux are the best in the best in the world right now.
Google Stadia will be based on Linux running AMD GPUs with the open source driver.
Valve and Redhat have been putting millions of dollars into development.
>incels actually think the ps5 will be 1080p 60fps
>ndivia 2k line is overpriced garbage
wow no shit
The entire rtx line was a mistake, they had to save face with the 1660ti which is an actual good card for its price and enabled rtx anyways on older cards
>a company that would flip the script in an instant were the roles reversed
The open source Linux AMD drivers are the best GPU drivers in the world thanks to AMD being helpful.
The open source Linux Nvidia driver is complete shit thanks to Nvidia being very unhelpful and providing no help whatsoever.
Clear difference in ethics and priorities between the two companies.
Prices fluctuate with supply and demand. More and more devices need things that used to be the exclusive purview of PC. That creates excess demand. Couple that with a culture shift towards elitism in PC gaming among normies and you get higher prices. Less supply. More demand. OK, they're probably also greedy but they were probably greedy before. What changed? The aforementioned two things.
don't bother talking to sheep user. they stay deluded.
>hey we lost billions on RTX cards
>how do we counter that
>just release more expensive versions of our existing cards, then people will buy them :)
>N-n-nvidia is totally in trouble guys, it's AMD's time to shine for real!
Oh yeah, just like Google's "Don't be evil", right? Not surprised some virtue-signaling anime faggot would lap up virtue signaling from a company that he thinks is his friend LMAO
people are stupid and have sub 2 digit IQs, don't act surprised
If you're a shareholder, these numbers don't look nice. :)
I'm buying a laptop with Radeon R5 and there's nothing you can do to stop me.
It's not virtue signalling when there's a tangible result.
AMD themselves sucking at something is not a conspiracy against them. Are you seriously claiming graphics features aren't allowed to be implemented until both hardware manufacturers have equally got their shit together? We'll be waiting forever then because AMD are notoriously slow at doing that. Crysis 2 is not an example of Nvidia bribing someone to sabotage performance on AMD hardware, it's an example of AMD hardware being behind.
>AMD cards always SUX at running DX11 games.
>that eternal shitpost to play "games" like League of legend, Honey select and Undertail
Pc gamers being more embarassing each year
It's pure greediness.
The only thing that changed is miner fad that showed ndivia that there's retards willing to pay 2k for a gpu.
Now that the craze is over and there's no dumb mongoloids chasing a fad, surprise, normal pc builders aren't gonna spend 2k on a gpu when they have years of experience in past markets.
Even less when the price point is supposedly for new features, features that won't be fully used until the 2k gpu starts to phase out.
Nvidia fucked up with the prices and their sales went down hard on the rtx series.
>b-but amd shill nice lies
You can literally google it yourself and see the rtx line has been a failure sales wise, hence why they pumped out the 1660 and gave rtx to older cards.
And who gives a fuck about amd or nvidia, this is about the overall market
>AMD hardware being behind.
>implement settings for reducing tesselation
>nvidia doesn't have that
>so all the 7xx card got fucked during 9xx release
Yeah I take AMD cards over Nvidia, at least AMD doesn't gimp older cards unlike Nvidia.
That's monitoring software problem, that's why you don't set polling interval to low values, it fucks up the frame timing, but keep spamming that picture, some retards already believe it.
The fad isn't over, and it's driven by the consumer. Also would you deny that, for example, RAM, is now in higher demand than 6 years ago?
I'm still going through it but interesting read so far and thanks for the link.
You might want to pick up a dictionary, kiddo.
PS5 will run 4k @ 30fps* and maybe later 8k @ 15fps* when Sony starts mass producing 8k TVs.
*up to
enjoy your q2 path tracing
and. and thats it
So the argument now is that Nvidia bribed Crytek to sabotage their OWN cards? And that kills AMD how exactly?
This has all been well looked into. Short version is Crytek did a shit job implementing things. Nvidia had a more capable architecture and optimized in drivers. AMD didn't and dragged their feet, as usual, with the drivers. That's it. No bribery. No conspiracy. Just a shitty dev studio and one company dealing with it better than another.
Which part of a monopoly by a company in bed with NSA is funny to you?
If the fad wasn't over the gpus would sell.
Sure it's not COMPLETELY dead but nowhere near to where it was before where people would buy a 290, an originally 200 bucks gpu that wasn't being made anymore for 800 dollars.
Why is there such a big difference between left and right?
AMD drones aren't very bright. They're buying AMD products, after all.
AMD vs Nvidia is a perfectly valid debate, but you have to be seriously fucking clueless to buy Intel now.
>those cards weren't even out during Crysis 2
user, read more carefully, it's about how the 7xx cards were fucked in games with high tesselation, e.g hairworks in witcher 3.
And those card users were fucked because they coulnd't reduce the tesselation level like on amd cards, which meant they had to buy new nvidia shit, if they wanted to have a game playable.
If you don't count China, Steam Linux usage is actually around 2%.
It was like 1.75% before China started using Steam to play PUBG.
It's more now since Proton's release last year..
God I hope you're right
i've only had nvidias since 3dfx died but the
>new gen's mid range card costs as much as the previous gen's med-high card
thing was getting a little old
the 2xx0 series broke the camel's back for me, i was going to replace my 970 but the way the prices are i'll just skip another gen
is it a new meme?
>AMD still has weird issues with load times
>AMD still has a lack of emulation support
>AMD still has issues with wattage and efficiency
Its more than FPS.
If your argument is Nvidia is doing forced obsolescence bullshit on their own hardware then fine. I agree. It's bad. But if your argument is Nvidia is bribing companies to deliberately cripple performance on competing hardware you've lost me. That's flat out illegal and it's not backed up by the real world where you keep telling me AMD is getting BETTER performance in this so called sabotage area.
>>AMD still has issues with wattage and efficiency
You were saying?
>Vega 64
What were they thinking?
>What were they thinking?
RX 570 is the best value for a GPU at the moment, retardo.
>Cost per frame
Yeah but what about performance?
>Radeon VII
poorsuckers, who bought it by felling the meme at /g/
>play at 21:9 1080p
>going back to 16:9 is out of the question
>21:9 1440p displays are fucking expensive
Well, at least the games are immersive as fuck and still pretty at 1080p for me, but I hope the 3440x1440p monitors get a bit cheaper in the future.
>Project not found
>No performance increase
What did he mean by this?
I'll sell you mine if you want
I need a new 144hz one
>vomited because UI isn't "modern"
unironically kys
shit like limiting frame rates is there but nvidiot's control panel doesn't let you access half the features so you need to use 3rd party software to change advanced settings
Where's the Cost Per Frame on the 1080 TI?
What's the point of 144hz monitor if $600 gpu only does 60fps?
I'm getting an £800 gpu though
>What's the point of 144hz monitor if $600 gpu only does 60fps?
By not playing new shit but the good old stuff.
Quack on 144Hz is amazing.
Nvidia 2 fans and vapor chamber, radeon blower with one fan with shitty emulation and older games performance.
>I bought a fucking PS4 Pro
My condolences
I appreciate your kindness but I avoid buying used hardware.
>"dude you need a 1200 pc just to get something as powerful as a ps4 pro"
How do consolefags still believe this shit?
That's some fierce projection on every facet.
>buying nvidia
literally wasting money.
amd has always had the better price/performance ratio unless you're spending meme money on the absolute top range that costs literally thousands.
fuck that.
nvidia was alright in the early 00'
>not 240hz
imagine supporting amd cancer
hbm2 is more efficient than gddr6 though
>1080p ultra wide
lol fucking kill yourself
What's wrong with 2560x1080?
Everywhere I've looked says the Super series has already released, but newegg, amazon and etc. don't seem to have it listed. Am I being tricked?
Running a Ryzen 1600 and Sapphire 290.
Is it worth upgrading to a 3600?
Also Vega 56/64 or RX5700?
lol proved my point.
Since the 1080ti is the last modern graphics card to run on Windows 7 I am officially out of the rat race. When my rig can't run modern vidya anymore I'll just buy a console and keep my computer.
If you buy 5700 you have to go PCIe 4.0 and all the 570 boards are crap apparently.
To be fair they are so expensive because of of the shortage. Back when it launched in 2017 it was about 280€.
Nah, the 5700 is compatible with PCIe 3.0.
>you have to go PCIe 4.0
You don't have to.
Will that make a difference with performance?
Even PCIe 2.0 isn't fully utilized.
Reminder that Windows 7 is End of Life in about six months, and we are fast heading towards the nightmare scenario where game devs are only supporting Windows 10.
Everyone sitting on the sidelines running Windows 7 saying "I'll switch when the EOL date hits" should move their timetable up and be sure to let game publishers like Paradox know that they're switching.
NoVidya turds are anal prolapsing at your post but you are 100% right.
>It's 50 bucks
The 2070 Super is $500 and the 5700 XT is $400.
i upgraded my r9 290 to a 1070ti and downgraded my drivers at the same time.
nvidia drivers are fucking terrible
>If you buy 5700 you have to go PCIe 4.0
you sound like those retarded console kids who don't know what the fuck they're talking about
>and all the 570 boards are crap apparently.
> Look how many games use it.
Every modern demanding game on Linux.
The really crazy thing is the unofficial RadV Vulkan driver for AMD cards is so much faster than AMD's D3D11 stack, that you can often run games using DXVK with it and get the same or even higher framerates as on Windows.
Imagine that, a console maker has a graphics API that they force PC game devs to use on their platform that makes the PC slower so their console can seem competitive. Why do people still use Windows for gaming?
Congrats, you get literally 99% of games sucking your dick from developer deals and almost no issues compared AMD cards in terms of games habing fucked effects from devs being careless
Had ATI card a few years back. Unless they burned the motherfucker down, the drivers were pathetic. Shame, when they worked, the card was really well made. Can anybody here confirm if fuckers still have to turn to custom drivers for those cards?
Still buying a 2080 Super. Enjoy your non-raytracing cards.
fuck crypto
maybe on Linux, definitely not on windows.
>muh toy is better than yours >:'(
what a pathetic retard you must be in real life, holy shit lmfao
I don't know if you know this, but even non-rtx cards can do ray-tracing, maybe you should've said something in the line of "non-dedicated ray-tracing cards." instead.
ultrawide is a meme
>custom drivers for those cards?
This isn't 2005 anymore user, AMD has now much better drives than Nvidia, they're the ones with releasing broken drivers now.
unless they were significantly cheaper or horribly outperform the competition, why would I get a card with lesser features than the other one?
>but even non-rtx cards can do ray-tracing
I turned on raytracing in Metro with my 1080 Ti and dropped from +60FPS to 15.
So no, they can't.
>Enjoy your non-raytracing cards.
>sips some monster
>starts up Quack 2 RTX version
>silky smooth 25fps with a 2080ti
Yeah, that's the way RTX should be enjoyed.
It wasn't that long was it? ... When did FF14 first come out? ... Oh my fucking god, it was about a decade ago
No one uses linux for vidya.
>delusional linux user think it has even improved
Linux is a dead platform. It's only a vocal minority that keeps seething that their favorite devs don't want to waste resources for chump change
Quake uses EVERY raytracing feature. Other games only use one or two, like Control (GI + Reflections), Cyberpunk (AO and GI) or Modern Warfare (GI).
rx5700xt strix or aorus, buying it when it hits the shelves
cant stop me :)
Nigger, just use Linux, Proton actually makes almost everything playable
Well... Technically, they're still capable of it, even if they're not good at it which I never suggested by the way because they don't have the dedicated cores for it, so yes they can.
Here's an reactionimage.jpg just for you mr.frogposter
Which only shows that the tech is still in very early alpha stages.
>I bought a fucking PS4 Pro
lol dumb cunt
Nvidia had some spectacularly bad drivers in the past. One of them fucked with fan speeds so the GPU literally kills itself by heat.
>nvidiots will buy rtx meme cards because it has a beta test for ray tracing thats unusable
And still a big improvement.
imagine at computers
If you don't play at 4k then every RTX card better than the 2060 super can handle turning on rtx at 60fps
>lower is better
This is what poorfags actually believe. Marginal frames cost more, retards.
I don't care about meme tracing or hair works. I just want decent stable card that does 1440p at good fps. I've used 3 amd cards and while they worked fine most of the time, when they didn't it was very frustrating.
super high frame rate > no significant dips > crispy clear pixels in textures and edges > ambient occlusion = particle effects >>>>> soft shadows >>>>>>> tessellation >>>>>>> meme tracing
nvidia in charge of creating memes
>not maxed
Please tell me you are talking about 1440.
sounds like FUD
ambient occlusion and tesselation dont even impact performance anymore
what the fuck is going on in that pic
hes talking about 4k
a console nigger trying to explain why the ps4 is stronger than a modern pc
wtf, is that real?
>If you want better Gameplay slide the power bar which changes the Visual Pixels
im saving this
Did you know the ‘RTX’ in Nvidia GPUs stand for Ray Tracing Platform, something that these DOA 'RX' AMD GPUs do not have. With more and more games these days embracing Ray Tracing, you're essentially gimping yourself buying these AMD cards. It's like buying a smartphone in the current year that can't connect to the internet, useless for most modern tasks.
Premiere fag here so amd won on video editing department? Should i just order ryzen 3900x? I'm richfag and never bothered with peaseant amd cards but the amd fanbois are giving me a small hype.
>I'm richfag
than maybe get a professional CPU like threadripper or EPYC instead
>meanwhile Nvidia drivers start housefires
Hard to believe that, especially since AMD cards are the hottest fucking cards around.
Whenever I have an AMD it just never seems to work as well. Also I hate their interface and control panel.
AMD cards can run OpenGL.
What the fuck is wrong with Nvidiot? No one would look twice at AMD cards if they could reduce the price a little bit.
Dammit, I need something to complement my future 3800X
these tests are always faux shit, they pump the graphics to ridiculous levels with all useless meme effects like dof blur and volumetric trash that just hogs memory and frames for no reason
>meme tracing
stick it up your arse right next to hair works. Nobody cares.
hes right tho
*ray traces into the thread*
nobody still does except amd shills here
so this is the power of hacked together raytracing
>buying Radeon
It only sounds like a good idea. In the end your card won't be supported like GeForce is and 5 years down the line it will be vastly inferior. Talking about both drivers and support by game devs.
this is the power of shitposting
a 2080 ti gets 4k 60fps with raytracing on
Damn... How did we ever enjoy games without kinda accurate puddle reflections.
Is it possible to upgrade to these new hardware (graphics and motherboard) without having to change my OS from windows 7 to 10? My 680 is still solid, but I do believe it's long enough to start upgrading.
I'm still sitting here on my R9 Fury waiting for a feasible 4k60 GPU that I can get for sub-$300.
I might not be upgrading until 2022.
It's not about the puddle, it's about the light around the puddle you retard.
Damn... How did we ever enjoy video games without the light around the puddle you retard.
I'm used to 60fps, how much of a meme is high refresh rates? The fps seems to jump between numbers like 80 - 100 - 110, all over the place, feels like it would be noticeable and annoying. Stable 60 sounds better.
>$1200+ for 60fps ultra meme lighting in a handful of games
I thought it was a meme before I played games at 144hz. I would recommend you don't upgrade, as once you play at 144hz, it feels horrible to go back to 60
RTX is 95% marketing and 5% technology.
You need one if you want 60fps at 4k regardless of using Raytracing or not.
eh, think I will go to 1440p 60fps then.
the only people i know of that us AMD are poorfags
Did you post this on a 3DTV after watching your HDDVD copy of Antz?
as long as you're good with DX11 or Vulkan. if you need DX12 you're fucked
I mean, it's not like PC even gets games that are good enough to warrant the bleeding edge of gpus.
nvidia gpu + amd cpu for the win !
not the user you're replying to, but i thought nvidia drivers sucked dick on linux?
>$500 card is 3FPS faster than $400 card
>$400 AMD Card is better than Nvidia $400 card
About all I got from this thread. Seems like a good card.
>cost per frame
>hardware unboxed biggest amd shill on youtube
lol what a joke.
damn thats a lot more retarded posts than usual
>realise what board I'm on
It all makes sense now
amd: 0fps
/g/ isnt any better
wrong Yea Forums is one of the worst boards on this site even R*Ddit is better
/g/ is AMD cuck central you can't even ask a question in the pc building general there relating to Intel or nvidia without being bombed by shills telling you how you need to buy AMD or how you're a shill for buying intel 5 years ago even when AMD was fucking garbage with fx series.
This is interesting.
Thanks for posting.
That's fine by me. All I want is to be able to install every part together and it'll function without issues. My main concern was these new hardware having zero support for the OS given its age.
>Holo sights
Is the right or left supposed to be the ray traced version? I can't tell
>good graphics are useless
Based retard.
What's the best build for 1080p videogames, though? I don't plan on doing overclocking, streaming, video/music editing meme shit, only game.
>dof and motion blur
>good graphics
>I don't play on doing something useful in my life, just game in a bad resolution
Go get a 1060.
whats wrong with this? nvidia still offers the best.
are you seriously worrying about money as a pc gamer? go back to your consoles.
Yes dof is needed in cinematics, and motion blur exist IRL.
Dumbass frogcancer.
>spending extra for no fucking reason because you're still using your parent's credit card
Value as in you'd have to play with 570, because it's not a good fucking GPU
>bad resolution
get out, jew
>no reason
>higher framerates
enjoying that 24fps with frame stutter cinematic experience?
It depends on what type of game you're playing. If you're playing something like CS:GO then having a higher refresh rate and the frames to properly utilise it, gives a massively improved experience that once you try and get used to, becomes extremely jarring to play back at 60hz.
If you're playing something like say Total War or one of those story based games like TLOU, then 144/240Hz won't make a single fucking iota of a difference.
It does look much smoother but only if you have the ability to run whatever game it is, on a high enough frame rate.
Because performance isn't always the same.
This bullshit happens every generation. AMD pays for biased results, people go NVIDIA IS FINISHED!!! Months down the road,something is found out by AMD cards, and the shills go silent. All for it to repeat two years later.
Why Sonyfags are always this delusional?
its the S-o-y that they eat and drink?
I can't take this seriously.
so just for competitive fps fags. I don't really care then.
>in 2019? a similar mid range cpu, """"mid range""" gpu, 16gb ddr4, 1tb ssd, motherboard, power supply, case, etc, will cost you $2000 usd or more
Eurotards should stick to talking about their own currency.
You clearly don't know shit about PC parts here in the US.
This is a sub-$900 build and it's an EXTREMELY capable mid-range PC with a GPU that outperforms the Vega 64 and a decent 6-core/12-thread CPU.
>Tessellation doesn't matter!
I'm pretty sure AMD pulled that one too. That's why you should never install GPU drivers day 1.
> this would cost you a modest $500 USD for the entire build.
lmao no
>will cost you $2000 usd or more for the entire build.
I just ordered a 3700x+mobo+ram for 530€
Add 350 for a gpu, 200 for case+psu+ssd fans or so and you're at a bit over 1k yurobucks
I-it's silky smooth!
>I can't play the newest AAAA garbage that means Linux dead!!1!!1!
based retard
Or any fast-paced FPS, which you probably don't play. The vast majority of games out nowadays won't benefit from higher refresh rates when it comes to performance in the game itself, but it will look nicer. It's a luxury at this point.
It is very nice in every game, but obviously the nicest in shooters
Where are all my Vega 56 bros at? GTX 1070 performance for $280
I've been running an old RX 280 and older versions of Premiere (17/18) were crashing a lot on me. I had to render some projects bits by bits (20min split into 20 encoding then fused together) because the chances of crashing was high but not guaranteed, so i could still render stuff by splitting it in small bits and trying until i got every bit encoded. Disabling GPU acceleration fixed all those crashes (and it was decently fast as well because of my Ryzen CPU) but some effects required GPU accel to render properly.
Been running CC19 for a while now and i haven't had any problem, though.
580 or 1060
not sure about CPU quad cores are approaching their end cycle 6 or more should be preferable.
So, do I buy a Vega 56, an RTX 2060 or a RX 5700 for 1080p 100+ fps in the next 3 or so years?
Also, anyone knows of a good price/performance MxM 3.0A GPU for a Dell Precision M4800?
Something with performance around a desktop 1050 would be ideal.
>all the cope ITT
>cheapest ram instead of something that can overclock
>falling for hitachi meme because you believe graphs from 2013 like a redditor
>shit tier chink ssd
>meh psu
>muh GaYmInG garbage peripherals
into the trash it goes. you tried user, now you need to go back.
>instead of something that can overclock
>On an R5 2600
Yes you retards, times and times again nvidia drivers fried GPU
with yearly gimping on top of that
aTI or AMDs GPU never fucked up so badly
>check out 5700 XT
>500 euros
MSRP is a load of bullshit.
??? do you even know what you're talking about, kid?
5 rupees have been deposited into your account sir
easier than finding the articles myself
fact remains that times and times again nVidia burned GPUs when Ati or AMD never did
>muh gimping drivers
has already been debunked over and over again yet amdrones repeat this as if it's true, no wonder you watch adored seeing how you can't do any research yourself.
I bought a 2070 for fighting games
780 is 1050ti tier in new games
>held off buying buying anything until navi came out
>its loud and hot
>aib cards are next month and will be more expensive
JUST WAIT my aswell be radeons tag line.
Terrible default clocks/voltage
Undervolt it and it becomes reasonable without performance loss
nvidiot cucks btfo
intlel cucks btfo
wow tranny cucks btfo
Is this what revolutions feel like???
Well they're technically reflex sights and they technically existed but mostly in airplanes, but a technicality is all dice needs to mass implement something that was extremely rare.