Xenoblade X

Did we get BTFO by waifufags? W-we are getting a sequel right?

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fuck off falseflag



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>a port would be t-too expensive
>you didn't hear that
Don't make me fly over there, Takahashi. I am only so patient.

I wish. XBC2 left such a shit taste that I had to replay XBX to remind myself why I even like this series.

Gotta wait until Xenoblade 9 releases

Buy a Wii U

I did. I bought a digital copy, then I went out and bought a limited edition copy because I liked it so much. I want to triple dip.

When did they say a port would be too expensive?

>When it comes to roadblocks that stand in the way of Xenoblade Chronicles X on the Switch, Takahashi's answer is simple.
>"Money," he laughs. "It's a massive game. Re-creating it would be really difficult."

The issue is being on Wii U.
Very good game, but definitely needs a sequel after that ending, also with better balance hopefully.


To work on Wii U at 30 FPS, XCX went through many hacks

Are you overlooking how the game is literally built around the assumption that there's a bloated tablet to double as a second screen?

At the very most, we will get XBX2 much like how we got SMM2 or Splatoon 2 instead of direct ports.

I don't believe that would be a problem. The Switch is more powerful and XC2 already runs below 30.

>slog through this boring, pointless shitfest to try to get my mech
>get to the point where i heard i'll get my mech
>lol actually 7 more fetch quests real quick
>finally get mech
>already explored half of the main continent anyway
>not really any reason to play anymore
>delete 20 gb from my harddrive
at least i didn't waste money on it haha

That's always the least of the issues. Have it in the like in-game menus, though it won't be much comfortable if you have played the original.

>main continent

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i mean the main land mass, those three regions right next to each other

>looking forward to the mech when that's actually the part where the game drops in quality

>the only part of the game that is unique or interesting is the part where the game drops in quality
you're right, i should kms for even considering playing such a shit game. anyone that defends it... oof that's just rough

Lol thats just the base mech, the real game starts when you get to fly you casual.

At this point, I'll take a port

I do not understand the hate for skells in this game. I'd always enjoyed using them whenever I could. Plus, it's fun to customize them and pretend you're in a Mech anime with them.

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Mech without flightpack is fine, enemies aggro differently based on it so you have to actually plan your usage of them and jumping higher means you can explore just further enough for it to be fun.

mecha need more games I swear to gosh...

real crime is that once you get the flight pack you can no longer jump the mech/not fly when off the ground.

>this story is never ending
>actually just meant “I will never finish this story”
Fuck you Takahashi

Is there a face mod for wii u?

Yes with eroge mangaka character designs and mims now have magic powers.

I've literally only ever played XCX off-TV and it worked fine.

How can X ever compete?

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I'm in a huge dilemma cause i don't have any jrpg to play on switch, so i'm thinking of xenoblade or ff xii or just wait for the new mana game. That anime stuff is so retarded and puts me way off though, ff xii has such a nice artsyle in comparison.

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>wants to play a jrpg
>anime stuff is retarded
Enjoy FF12, unless you don't like anime tropes either then you're unlucky.

Depends, i love games like threads of fate, dark cloud, gurumin, mana series, similar stuff. Really loved the first xenoblade game.
What are the anime tropes exactly? I'm talking about anime tropes actually in xeno 2, that stuff with "perverts" and robot character impying that she's a sex doll or whatver, girls going "b-baka! i'm tsundere!" and similar shit. I can't remember exactly what were anime tropes in the first xenoblade game, but that was more a jrpg thing really, with last fight being epic weird shit in space, main guy screaming that he'll get better or take revenge or whatever.

In that case FFXII is safe ground, the worst it ever gets is this youtube.com/watch?v=5J9HiUNeEho

Absolutely skip XBC2. I have a pretty high tolerance for that crap and it was still getting to me.
FF12 is positively wholesome in comparison.

tch................... nothin personnel kiddo

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Man, you can tell chronicles about how that blade can cut xenos to an X

most if not all of the "cringey anime" parts in XB2 that everyone likes to complain about literally happen within the first 10 hours of gameplay. everything after that is just typical anime shounen with a little bit of existential dread thrown in near the end. the entire game is pretty reminiscient of old school anime where it'll have people making boob jokes/panty shots one moment and then the next moment they're talking about fucking Nietzche and the purpose of their existence.

xenoblade x is a pc game, friend

the biggest issue is that they overwrite the class system

but honestly its just a meme beacuse the class system overwrites itself

if this was a single class game people would like skells more

this dumb shit makes me seethe. they did it to SMTxFE to

the biggest differences in the faces of XBX is the ability to have much more western style faces and this picture doesnt do that justice

i honestly found the entire party forgettable though, and didn't really care cuz the gameplay is that good

one of the coolest faces in the game. based japanese man with a western style face

It was your choice to spam G-buster and phoenix user. There's plenty of variety to skell builds and weapons.

>spend 10 hours making a diskbomb build
>kill a few tyrants and get bored
Is there anything more interesting? Made a breddy gud zweihand gravity build.

That's kinda fun actually, just what's with the age thing? I know you shouldn't ask women about their age but why does vaan care so much and why fran didn't answer that, i didn't get it. It's more western thing that jap tho

>Start up again after years of delay
>Wrothians are cool
>Hope is pure
>Yelv is a bro
>Actual bothered to read the in game manual
>Now I play less retarded
Here I go again...

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Vaan asking it is kind of a book end to that forest section since he was surprisingly competent through that part of the game so it ends that chapter with a "nope, he's still a brat alright". Fran not answering is a classic case of older women not liking to be asked her age, especially since it was already stabilished she's a over 50 hag

Her voice does things to me that can only be explained through an act of accertaining male dominance

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why didn't these dumb pussies become playable

i want all the ayylmaos to have a playable character or two... they're incredibly fleshed out and likable. yes, even manon.

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