When your HP is low and you're out of consumables, do you throw your life away against the boss so you can restart and try again with a reset? Or do you continue to fight even though there's an astronomically low chance you can whittle away a victory?
When your HP is low and you're out of consumables...
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Depends on what's at stake. But generally speaking, if you're already in bad shape where your options are either surrender and die or fight and die, always pick fight. 0.0000000001% is better than 0%
Is this attack on titan?
Why do you keep posting this?
In real life sure but in a game I'll weigh the time cost. I'm not spending an hour kiting the boss and doing scratch damage when I can reload and beat it in 5 minutes
What is he doing?
Who the fuck knows if you quit? The game doesn't judge you save for the rare ones. Just retry again.
Cause he'snfree unlike you fucking slave.
I remember there being action game that started making fun of you the more you used quick save
Pumping that man’s own shit into his mouth
Yeah, that's the one I was referring to lol. Think the dude says something like "do you think you really deserve the win? that was a hollow victory" or some shit.
wtf is going on with this show? maybe i should start watching again
thats what etika would have wanted right joycon bros?
Took my chances with one heart and no armor. Ended up beating High Dragun without taking damage.
Always continue, always try your best at any given point. There's no better feeling than beating the boss with 1 hp, no potions left.
Just what exactly is the tech level of this anime? I see that weird traversal gear that they have, and yet they seem to have that gun, a musket?
An island secluded from the rest of the world has tech a hundred years behind everybody else. But rare materials only found there can create weapons other nations do not have. Mainly, high powered gas.
No spoils, it’s weird alt history.
The tech is like gunpowder and steam. The gear is probably the most advanced it gets.
/k/ would be able to date the tech based on the gun's mechanism, right? Something about matchlock wheellock flintlock etc.?
What's the reason why the island is cut off from the rest of the world? Those titans?
Woman talked to the devil. Granted her mega powers. She dies after 14 years, split her soul into 9. People in her clan gets those 9 rotated around. They genocide everybody, then genocide themselves. King with the most powerful one fucks off to island and locks himself away saying no more war and if he gets attacked he'll kill everybody. That was 100 years ago so technology stalled there. Everybody else have tanks, aircrafts, anti-tank weapons, etc. Nukes are being developed.
suicide is painless
at a low level yes, the titans on the island keeping the people inside the walls generally also keep outside people away.
at a higher level the people on the island are basically Israel telling the rest of the world if we are destroyed will are going to take the rest of the world with us with their titan based nuclear analog
You go as far as you can with what little HP you have on the chance you might learn a new attack the boss does so that way you know it's coming when you do your next run
they have more advanced weaponry than just basic muskets, its just that conventional firearms are mostly useless against titans, thus all the funky graplehook gear and swords
Why won't his suffering end, bros?
They literally don't have semi-automatic weaponry.
Don't have sex.
yeah, because the military police were actively suppressing the technology, but because they were too primitive to ever figure it out
winning without getting hit a single time feels awesome
when you lose you can tell yourself that you just didn't have enough hp at the start of the fight and feel good until you get bodied with full hp and healing
I don't have the page, but when the Marleyans showed Hange weapons she said "wow, these can fire multiple shots?"
Technology was buried inside the walls for sure, but even when they were uncovered, the weapons outside were far, far better.
Season 3 is pretty entertaining.
I used to play serious sam on hardest difficulty with 1hp instead of loading a save with full hp and armor and still win the boss. I just keep going.
This guy needs to learn to aim for the brain stem.
I beat the Persona 4 final boss like that. Was pretty cool and fitting.
>when you began with 1 HP and you're both down to 1 HP and you lose
The only time i ever give up is in real life
if it's a boss, continue - valuable knowledge of how to not take damage next time is gained
if it's trash mobs that you accidentally fuck up fighting just suicide
Keep playing to try and gain some practice on the boss for next time.
>cracks knuckles
>opens Google
>downloads %game_name% trainer
I keep fighting to improve my skills.
AoT is so fucking edgy.
I'm always astonished by how shit the art of the manga is. I had just assumed the poor drawing was a result of the anime, but it turns out those animators were extremely on-model.
Real answer is you do a death run and just get as far as you can while being reckless.
I'm more concerned about a setting where advanced rappelling gear and high-tech metallurgy are commonplace yet people somehow haven't invented repeating firearms and smokeless powder.
Keep fighting because you will get better at the boss even if you die
I play reckless. Trying to advance as far as possible to do recon for the next life.
Only downside is when I reach some checkpoint while on the verge of death.
>be reckless and avoid everything including the side stories and gameplay
they are banned by the king
Even after 10 years, the proportions of the characters are hilarious. You have a character put their hands on their mouth, but their arms are short as fuck.
If you give up, you already lost.
I seen some retards intentionally game-over on a Megaman stage just because they died before the first checkpoint and it "wasn't worth it" because they could just gameover and get a full stock off lives back. If you play like a pussy like that, you're a pussy for life.
The amount of times I had shit go wrong on a final boss only for me to come back and clench it with like 1 hp left only happened like 3 times, but those are some of my most remembered gaming experiences.
Keep trying and never give up. Else your no better than a trannie.
>banned by the king
The king is either a piece of shit, or he's just trying to prevent autistic /k/ommandos from being born
its all good, the guy deserved it
Mostly this.
If their technology advanced, they would break out and destroy the world. At least, that's what the king thinks. It's better to die in a hole than be free and have a possibility of killing everyone.
>watch aot
>go to Yea Forums
>every thread is sucking off the manga and calling the anime dogshit in comparison
This happens regardless of the series.
why would you throw your life away to restart? the point is not to just win - it usually can be done with cheese strats or optimal strategies, no the point is to git gud and you go into the fight not to win but to study it and if you know enemy enough you can win no damage no consumables no maguc shit - just pure mechanics
use any opportunity to learn
The faces are pretty terrible too, especially if theres a character that's supposed to be old. The author has no idea what old people look like, so he just draws a regular anime pretty boy, slaps in some extra lines for wrinkles and gives them sunken eyes.
The shoulders are all distractingly narrow too.
Yeah, he draws stick figures sometimes. He also adds a lot of meme faces in his background characters too.
>it's a manga autists hates everything about the anime episode
I play games backwards. I grind to max EXP and equipment, but play with lowest stats and gear. If I somehow do get in that situation then I just pull out better gear and spend some skill points. That way I can balance the games difficulty the way I find enjoyable, as I rarely like how the developers build it.
If you have a boner for making things complex, good for you, but the point of bosses is literally to win. No matter how.
aot became way less interesting when it was revealed it was all just a regular ass war and nothing actually mattered
the female titan was its peak
prove me wrong
AoT became way less interesting when the unlikable main character cheated death and it turned into a mecha anime.
I use it as an opportunity to practice combos or movements without caring whether I win or lose, or try out new combos that I wouldn't want to risk using if they might be bad.
You are wrong. It's the same as reduce the point of whole game just to "win no matter how". You turning into a movie if cheese and skips are acceptable strategies to you a mindset of a woman - for men main aspect of game is challenge and spirit of competitiveness and that's why irl man games always have rules and code of sportsmanship, the fun is in bettering your skills and enjoying overcoming said challenges - and for man the true satisfaction is not even to win but have a an experience of giving your best, even fair losses when you are hanging by the tiny thread and holding with teeth are much more memorable than vapid win abusing mechanics no matter what.
Like I said
>If you have a boner for making things complex, good for you
It depends on the game, but usually unless I get fucked so hard that I quit the game, I pull through. Even if I die, the practice is going to help the next time around. That's why I hate boss fights where you can do things all the same and either win or get wrecked depending on the RNG only
post boobies
wtf is this
how did you avoid the fire wing attack before the final phase? i assumed it was just random
Attack on titan is so silly. They have massive cannons that they use to take off giants heads, but they never once think to aim a little lower and hit the neck?
I agree. I read a little past the female titan and skipped several chapters just looking at random pages. The fact that there are huge advanced human civilizations outside the wall honestly ruined it
Can someone explain the plot and lore to AoT better than this dude?
All his post did was confuse the fuck out of me.
That's literally it.
The thing they used to kill titans is so silly. A huge log they they drop onto titan necks. Like, canons can't do better?
but what the fuck does it even mean? What he typed makes no sense to someone who hasnt watched it.
The entire post was non-nonsensical.
i think you're just dumb, to be honest
not him, btw
What are you confused about? A super powerful being emerged after being granted power by the devil. It spit into 9 parts, which is passed down to the person's clan which shares the same blood. They slaughtered and oppressed everybody, and after they, they fought themselves. Then one with the most power fucked off to an island and said no more war or he'll kill everybody.
Even in death she gets fucking cucked.
You keep going. Sometimes you get a lucky break, or something goes unexpectedly, etc.
It's funny because they're both losers for watching AoT, AoT was a change of the guard type of thing for Yea Forums. That was when you knew that old Yea Forums was dead, because there were actually people talking about it instead of just shitting on it like SAO.
Don't bother trying, the writing is atrocious even for manga.
ride or die nigga. activate ultra instinct and win the fight.
>Peak Eldian (Jew) nose
>That's it, nothing else notable about her
So this is peak of SnK waifufaggotry...
I keep going and try to make progress on the boss. Losing while damaging the boss more than ever before means you improved
Always do my best, no matter how difficult it might be.