How much of a contrarian tard do you have to be to not think this is the best Dark Souls game?
It has the best:
>art and level design
Dark Souls 1 is clunky as hell and half the areas are garbage. In 2 the AI is nearly non functional, the combat sucks, and the levels look ugly. I don’t get how anyone thinks they’re better than 3
How much of a contrarian tard do you have to be to not think this is the best Dark Souls game?
Nostalgia goggles
DaS2 apologists are the only ones who actively shit on it
Not sure if you're baiting, but you're unironically right.
Also 3 offers at least some challenge, since the enemies and bosses are fast as fuck and have more then 2 attacks.
>with 7 gorrillion roll iframes
are you telling me DS1 had less?
also what boss in DS1 had combo attacks where you actually need multiple rolls?
Bloodborne is better
Samefagging this hard.
>are you telling me DS1 had less?
The DS3 mid roll has the same iframes as ds1 light roll
It also has pathetic stamina cost and cancelable recovery
DS3 was my first souls game. I loved it.
It is inferior to DS1 in almost every single way except for PVP and weapons.
The graphics in 3 have no real atmosphere compared to the dark and gritty graphics of 1.
While 3 has great areas, they're not Souls areas. They're very linear compared to 1's, and personally I think they are less inspired and soulful.
Perfect souls game:
>dark gritty DS1 graphics modernized
>weapon arts + power stance + poise
>DS1 level design, where everything is actually connected
>soundtrack that meshes DS1 and 3 style
dark souls isnt a good game series
boring trite with retarded nips who have no idea how to tell a story you can get invested in
now Demons Souls
that was a game
Too many swamps
>Dark Souls 1 is clunky
I remember when we used to make fun of people for saying this, now its considered legitimate criticism because 3 brought in more casuals to the Souls series than anyone ever thought possible.
Nah Dark Souls 1 is the best by far.
I fucking love Souls, but DaS 3 is the only game I didn't play for more than one playthrough; I didn't find the game compelling enough. I didn't even start The Ringed City DLC.
+great atmosphere
+great map design, fun to explore
+magic builds actually viable (and rather OP IMO)
-relatively mechanically clunky, like being unable to roll diagonally (and backwards?)
-I'll admit I forgot a lot about DaS, but I remembered it to be a great experience.
+great pvp
+build diversity, power stance
+bonfire ascetics
+regen healing items instead of instaheal
-enemeis in the game more resistant to slashing damage, nerfing dex builds
-base game bosses were easy as fuck
-soul memory
+bosses faster and more relentless compared to previous games
-linear as fuck
-comparatively boring aesthetic; maps are less diverse, everywhere feels like a castle
-bonfires fucking everywhere
-magic a shit
-can spam rolls, removing the need to manage your stamina properly and also trivializing boss fights
It's literally the worst tho
bb > sekiro = ds3 > ds1 > des >>> ds2
This game is actually garbage if you've played previous souls games before and actually replayed DaS3 beyond your first playthrough.
The argument for DaS can be made that the interconnectivity of the early game areas combined with level design on par with DaS3 makes it better. DaS2 is just a steaming pile of shit, and all defenses of it are wrong.
the pvp actually fucking works in it
>only played des and das on ps3 back in the day
>fell into a cycle when you think about playing vidya and talk about it but have no actual time or will to play, last game I played was botw
>havent used my xbone in half a year
>booted up unopened das3 disc
>It's great, feels much better than original das.
Wow, you fags really are nitpicky jaded captain autismos, and I'm the same when I hang around here too much. It's kinda nice to have a fresh perspective free of Yea Forums and own gaming fatigue.
Doesn't mean a fucking thing when combat is fundamentally trash thanks to awful controls and hitboxes. 100 different "viable" flavors of trash are still trash.
Souls is the best gaming franchise of the decade
DS3 is a good game and well worth your time especially compared to 90% of shit out these days, Yea Forums just has autistic tantrums over DS2 and DS3 every day over which one is worse in a series filled with A+ titles
>gaming fatigue
That admittedly factors in to the hate against DaS3, but personally, I had a fair amount of time (more than a year) between playing DaS2 and DaS3 and I felt the DaS3 experience to be less enjoyable.
when i hit someone in ds2 it hits
when i hit someone is 3 or 1 it doesnt register and they teleport behind me
>awful controls
Doesn't exist, you just don't like it because it doesn't play exactly like DaS.
Nothing wrong with them in pvp. In fact, DaS2's netcode is far more accurate and easy to predict than every other game in the series. It's also the only game in the series where you can reaction parry another player rather than trying to setup parry them.
>still trash
More variety in weapons and movesets than DaS3 alongside powerstancing. DaS3 also reuses a lot of DaS2 weapons so by your logic DaS3 inherited all of that "trash" rather than bothering to create anything unique for itself.
Technically you're probably right but the artstyle is godawful so it doesn't always look good
Nah. Isn't enough discrepancy between small and bigger weapons. Rollspam.
Ugly and uninspired.
>>art and level design
Same as above. Most levels feel like they're cut and pasted out of some default level design template or something
They did ok here but I'd still give the edge to 1
It's not bad but I'd still give the edge to 1
See combat. Also the "weapon arts" aren't very inspired. Most of them are all exactly the same. Most weapons are mostly the same as well with slightly different scaling and total AR. Lazy.
>Doesn't exist,
And now your opinions are objectively invalid.
Ds1 bosses:
>Swipe arm left
>Swipe arm right
>Occasional jump attack
>Large hit window for player
Ds3 bosses:
>At least 3 standard attacks
>Up to 3 more special attacks including multiple aoe ones
>Long ass combos
>Realistic game speed
I wonder whats more challenging
Ds2 had worse linearity. Magic is for faggots.
demons souls was based. tower knight was based as fuck.
I like 3 better but the whole sped up enemies and longer combos got pretty obnoxious. Some enemy would start swinging like normal then all a sudden go into some Jackie Chan on speed sequence.
No one will ever care about this thread or anyone else's opinions, but I feel strongly about Souls, so:
I've been playing since Dark Souls. I thought that game was a masterpiece at the time and I still do; it's pretty much a perfect work and if it had no sequel I would be playing it to this day.
However, Dark Souls II rolled around and despite being one of the first to hop on the hate-wagon and shit on it despite only playing it for five minutes and disliking it simply because of its differences to the first game, playing it alongside a friend unattached from the original allowed me to immerse myself in and explore Dark Souls II; initially from a mocking standpoint I uncovered so much nuance and hidden craftsmanship that goes unnoticed by those who just want to declare "this one is good, that one is bad". I filled up all of my character slots in DS2 with utterly unique builds and I still haven't got one for every weapon type. The overall polish is lower than DS1, but the world building is top-notch.
I didn't get to play Dark Souls III until a long time after it released, but I was able to play Demon's Souls. I actually really dislike that game; I understand it's a matter of taste but I really don't think it did anything special. There are too many gimmick bosses, and almost every boss can be cheesed or broken very easily without intending it. The build variety and even armour variety is absolute desolate even compared to Dark Souls, which, although I love, consider to have almost no replay value. I like a lot of Demon's Souls aesthetics like how skeletons are these weird robot versions, or the secret hidden weapons you have to dig to find. The thing I absolutely cannot forgive Demon's Souls for is the limited crystal lizards and even more limited drop rate for items for the highest upgrades. That is just unacceptable.
After playing ds3 for over three years I think it does have the best pvp. It's trash but enjoyable trash.
Ultimately though ever since I managed to get my hands on Dark Souls III I haven't stopped. It has better everything than all the previous games EXCEPT branching paths. Killing Dancer early doesn't really feel great or yield much reward. I don't like invading as much because of the higher phantom count. But the bosses, fashion souls, build variety, hell even character creator and respec options are the absolute apex of the "build-your-own-character" aspect of the series.
Dark Souls absolutely needed its speed kicked up, and yeah some people like Matthewmatosis complain how heavily weighted it's become on the side of the "slash-n'-roll" type gameplay than the "listen to one line of dialogue and pretend the boss is deep" kind of gameplay. Which, considering it's a sequel that specifically sets out to achieve the goal of being a capstone to the series which is known for pushing its players up on a pile of their own corpses, I think is a fine and reasonable direction to refine into perfection. Ultimately, as usual, the general consensus is the result of grey mindless sheep-people braying the same thing as the person before them so they can be endlessly accepted as "normal" rather than daring to play something alone and form their own opinions.
>Yes I'm a PCfag who jumped into the series during the "prepare to die" bullshit and think DaS is flawless
>Let me tell you how DaS2 is actually an underappreciated gem
Nah, fuck off.
I've only ever played on console, loser.
Reply again.
I personally like DS2 the best, even though I acknowledged and agree with almost every flaw. Just something about starting a new game and thinking "Which of the many different paths do I want to take first? Which weapon/s do I want? What do I want my build to be like?" Feels good man
Hell no
>art and level design
it's identical
You can't even level up armor for fucks sake.
no bro ds2 was more linear than ds1 but less linear than ds3
ds3 is almost quite literally a corridor
>Hell no
1/10 for making me reply, no reaction image for (you)
ds2 is actually really good
not as good as ds1, but good nonetheless
i liked it better than ds3
Soul memory was a good thing because it prevented twinks, in dks3 you'll get invaded by full Havel Dragonslayer greataxe at sl35 and die to a hornet ring parry
Why did my post give you the impression I don't like Dark Souls II? I said very specifically that I jumped on the bandwagon and shat on it before even playing it. Then when I actually played it I ended up playing it nine times more than I played the original Dark Souls. I was actually one of the first "DS2 apologists" on this board.
My in-game hours are something like
>120hrs over 2 characters, 100% complete
>260hrs on one character, 100% complete
>900hrs across ten characters, 100% complete
>600hrs across six (and counting) characters, 90% complete
>Putting it off until I 100% DS3
Only nostalgiafags would say ds1 is better. The soundtrack of ds1 is an abomination
no no i wasn't under the impression that you didn't like dark souls 2 i just wanted to share that i liked the game too
soundtrack was shit though.
chugging mechanics and endless rolls are stupid
>begins quality listing with graphics
who could have guessed that DS3 babies are superficial brainlets
>You can't even level up armor for fucks sake.
>upgrading armor
I wish I could understand DS2 shills.
I didn't hate 2 but I couldn't imagine anyone thinking it is anything other than the worst souls game.
From a technical sense, no shit. It's the most recent one.
They gave all the enemies at least one lightning quick attack, but unlike in Bloodborne there's no regain mechanic, so you just get annoyingly chipped at all game long which means that no matter what weapon you're using you're not having a good time. Too many bosses are just rhythm games with bloated HP. Once again armor is worthless and shields suck. It's just an unbalanced Bloodborne,
Too much rehash, and booby trapping every single item with fifteen enemies popping up is a drag. It's not fun exploring.
>art and level design
Big fan of piss yellow, are we?
Again, the enemies are dogshit. Worst in the series by far.
It's better than Dark Souls 2's soundtrack, but no other.
Don't hold a candle to Bloodborne, but aside from that, I'd actually agree with this one to a certain extent. I'd still argue they don't feel as fun to use because of the mechanics and annoying enemies but the weapon variety itself is pretty great.
If you're on console and didn't play DeS, you're a xbot. Your opinion is now even more invalid.
DaS3 is linear in terms of progression, but had far better level design, which is more important. DaS2 was about as "open" as DeS, except the levels were shitty corridors instead of being well designed like the DeS levels.
I DID play Demon's Souls. You don't read very far before replying, do you?
No, sorry. Your post was too stupid to read all the way through.
How do you know if you didn't read it?
I read enough of it to see that you thought DaS2 was subtlety brilliantly crafted.
Great first half due to area interconnectedness
Shitty 2nd half
High quality low quantity dlc
Like 5 branches that aren't connected
Wack healing mechanics
Horrendous pc controls
Areas are just put in place with no care for a cohesive world, take an invisible elevator UP to a sky castle with lava sea
Great quality and quantity of dlc.
Way better polish
No world interconnectedness except for dancer bossroom
Actual decent pvp for once, rolling is still op,backstabs are still a bad mechanic, damage between swords and ultraweapons are still too similar
Ds1 has the best first half, due to world interconnectedness
Ds2 has the most dlc, which is not a bad thing if the $/hour is alright,which it is
Ds3 has the best pvp,graphics and polish
Haven't played the rest
>great dlc
ah yes I love infinite poise and stamina enemies, terrible enemy placement that is just more swarms, rehashed bosses and a literal gank squad as a bossfight
Why can’t people like the game while also calling the controls clunky? They absolutely are. You can’t say they’re not when there are so many games out there with fluid controls.
Its not the best because its a fucking fifth game in two generations, des and das were great after that it gets tiring to play the same fifa walk through halls spam light attack bullshit every goddamn year. No wonder people treat you like autists if you cant see an overused concept being shoved into your face for years.
yeah they're almost like Pokémon in that regard lol.
It's fine, around the same as DS2, besides graphics.
Both are better than DS1 but worse than BB.
It has easily the worst areas in the series
2 2H claymore hits isn't infinite poise, you're just a longsword R1 spam cuck who got stomped
Also the enemies are super easy to backstab in all 3 DLCs, you have no excuse for being worse tham DSP
personally i'm the kinda autist who does a lot of soul level 1 runs whenever i play souls games, and in that regard DS3 is the best. Razor-sharp hitboxes, just enough non-linearity, no easy way to break the game like ds2 and ds1, and no stupid ass Adaptability stat. Generally no stupid ass ds2 stuff. That's a plus.
Not as good aa the first game. DLC bosses are unbalanced as fuck, and bad enemy placement is pretty common, it’s really hit and miss in some areas, but yeah, it’s at least the 2nd best Souls game.
I find it very interesting that when discussing the core gameplay feedback loop, people here seem to ignore the fundamental aspect of moveset properties, which can vary from including significant movement options to being built around a school of magic. You can fight things that aren’t bosses, you know; and your idea of what’s optimal is far from correct. If you’re not catching on by now, the assertion of “souls combat is r1 + roll hurr durr” is being debunked.
That’s just the narrow scope of a Yea Forums tard in this day and age, I guess.
>best areas
>level design
lmao no
this weapon has cool r1s
>actually using the gravetender weapon
mad respect
All souls games are good, but the sequels both miss the mark compared to DeS/DaS, but in different ways.
With DaS2, the problems are the wonky animations/controls that are floaty, loose, and have poor feedback, the overuse of enemies that rely on shitty grab attacks which is an issue made worse by the terrible hitbox issues, the shitty graphics that look anywhere from N64-tier to PS2-tier, and the absolutely trash level design in all non-DLC locations, and for multiplayer the problems are Soul Memory and needing to waste time in the arenas trying to collect cracked eye orbs.
With DaS3, the problems are the almost completely linear world map that has zero potential for variation from playthrough to playthrough, making it much less replayable, the absolutely cucked multiplayer where it's nothing but ganks and every fight is a tedious war of attrition, the over-reliance on melee, with magic-focusede builds being completely cucked until very high level due to the retarded way scaling was implemented for intelligence and faith, and how they just copied bloodborne's combat style and made it bloodborne-lite, but without any of the finesse, so the entire game just boils down to ROLL ROLL ROLL ROLL R1 R1 R1 R1
>Also 3 offers at least some challenge, since the enemies and bosses are fast as fuck and have more then 2 attacks.
This is actually false and DaS3 plays a couple clever tricks to make you FEEL like it's harder than other games.
Yes, it's faster. But you also have near-infinite rolls because they take up almost no stamina, you get quick as fuck fast-rolls up to 70% equip load with a ton of i-frames, and there's almost zero recovery lag after each roll. What this means is that you can spam rolls to infinity without even needing to time them, and you'll basically be invincible during this entire time. There are only a few instances in the game where you can't just rollspam everything like this, such as Dancer. Try that shit in other games and you'll just quickly run out of stamina from carelessly wasting it and then get your shit stomped
It also makes PVP absolutely cancerous because it's nothing but everyone rollspamming each other.
You can have dragon tooth with stone ring and still cant stagger enemies in sunken king and ivory king dlcs. You end up using a your full stamina bar or killing them before staggering them
Do you know of a different place with a better, more balanced opinion than Yea Forums? I'm getting tired of the contrarianism of this place.
Dark Souls 1 is better, you have more control over your character and buld variety is through the roof
Again Dark Souls 1, small detailed world interconnected
No other 3d game does that metroidvania map style better
>>art and level design
This is the only one i agree with
I can't remember a single tune from DaS3 and i played it for a couple hundred hours, i can hum several DaS1 tunes though
They all feel weightless
>trivializing boss fights
we got a pro gamer over here everyone
>Dark Souls 1 is better
dork souls 1 combat is the most despisable thing that was ever conceived
>all enemies are sponges
>almonst all enemies have predictable attacks and can be cheesed with the use of terrain or by sticking to their backs
>everything is a slog
>combat that like all dork souls games consists of purely R1, L1, roll
>no combos
Atleast 3 had faster paced combat that was actually engaging and fun instead of snooze souls 1.
I just wish DS3 had an interconnected world. I think that would've removed some of the linearity and added immersion instead of warping from the off. Also, some of the enemies do feel ripped straight out of Bloodborne with their infinite stamina (Pontiff Knights, Grave Wardens etc.)
How the fuck is it not interconnected you fucking dork?
You can literally walk from the top of Lothric castle all the way down to Siegward's cell in the Profaned capital
wrong. ds1 enemies are the most fragile in the trilogy.
>all enemies are sponges
poise is a good mechanic
>almonst all enemies have predictable attacks and can be cheesed with the use of terrain or by sticking to their backs
like any other game if you play long enough you find the easier way, you can't cheese when you're a new player and you're playing blind
>everything is a slog
this literally means nothing
>combat that like all dork souls games consists of purely R1, L1, roll
reductio ad absurdum
>no combos
>walks up to enemy
>holds L1 util they attack
>presses R1
>rolls behind them
>presses R1 again
>find another enemy
>wait for their slow attack animation to unwind
>walk around
>R1 in the back
>wait for them to exit knockdown invincibility to R1 again
truly an epitome of good combat my enlightened patrician fromdrone, what do you think awaits us on the horizon of fromsoftware's brilliant revolutionary combat? do you think they will add another attack to the R1 chain? another roll button maybe?
Awh, look user's going to whine, whine, whine all night. You don't deserve to live. Why not kill yourself? Please have a sedative. Whine, whine, whine like there's no Santa Claus. You're pathetic because you whine. You whine all night.
Whine (Your life's a fucking meme)
Whine (Go on and bitch and moan)
Whine (You don't deserve to dream)
Whine (You're gonna die alone)
Die alone
Die alone
Die alone
Die alone!
DS2 lets me feed people to rats. It wins.
>DS3 is linear
No more than 2. DS2 wishes it had the shortcut porn 3 had
>Dark Souls 1 is clunky as hell
So is 3, it's only smooth relative to DS1 and 2. Compared to any other action game it controls like an experimental PS1 game from when 3D controls were still being figured out.
Even being "the worst souls game" I still honestly find DaS2 more fun than a lot of other games I've played in recent years.
But yeah, DaS2 fanboys are ridiculous.
>You can literally walk from the top of Lothric castle all the way down to Siegward's cell in the Profaned capital
How do you get to Lothric Castle?
>what is the difference between being connected and being interconnected
dark souls 3 is one long line. that's not being interconnected. think about valley of the drakes from ds1 dumbass
I just don't like the fast paced combat at all and preferred the slower paced clunkier games. I'm also not the biggest fan of the OST, where everything sounds grandiose as fuck. Demon's Souls might have my favorite OST because of how basic it is, and it's the game I played last, mind you.
>dark souls 3 is one long line. that's not being interconnected. think about valley of the drakes from ds1 dumbass
Yeah, upper lothric castle, the two branching paths from the Road of sacrifices, Irithyll's dungeon being accessible before bothering to go through Irithyll itself, but it doesn't count, right? new game bad
fucking sperg
This nigga
Every "" branch"" either leads further down a striaght line or a single area that leads nowhere that you have to tp back from. The world map never loops around.
How would you go about incorporating a dark souls character in smash?
Who would it be? How would you do it?
>Dark Souls still gets thread
>there are zero threads for Sekiro
What went wrong?
its called suckiro for a reason
I feel like Dark Souls III's "world connectivity" gets shit on a bit too much. It's really not that nonexistent.
>First playthrough, do Aldrich first because that's what I discovered first
>Do Yhorm and find Karla
>Next playthrough, deliberately unlock Karla before Anor Londo
>Way more spells to play around with
Although the Dancer early thing exists, it's kinda shitty because she's so hard unless you gank her or train on her for fucking ages, and the absolute WORST part is that the Archives are still fucking locked so even Lothric Castle proper doesn't really give you much.
That said, the DLC does impact it:
>First playthrough, heed the message in Ariandel "First you should face the horrors of Lothric Castle" and do it after the end of the game
>Second playthrough, rush my extremely low level character to the tower and use the Millwood shield & axe
>Third playthrough, rush to Friede by getting Vilhelm to walk off the cliff
DS3's non-linear paths are more about seeing how far you can get in each path at different stages of development, rather than doing a whole story loop at interchangeable times.
gargbage taste