>hurr durr has a good story? can I just use a skip potion and play Shadowbringers then?
what the fuck is wrong with these people?
Hurr durr has a good story? can I just use a skip potion and play Shadowbringers then?
Maybe they value gameplay?
People that use skip potions almost always terrible at the game because they literally don't know what any of the markers mean or hour to use their class
SAM is shit.
>go to meld Materia on my gear
>forget that I need level 80 crafters in order to meld my own shit
Well guess I know what I'm working on for the next few days
>adventurer in need healer
how bad is yoshi shiting his pants atm?
I have a IRL friend who buys story skips and level ups and pays for a subscription for FFXIV and ends up not playing. He also asked me to leave my active FC to join an FC he's making so we can "do content".
I'm pretty amazed at how some people are so flippant with money.
Ultros, instance 3 of the Tempest... home...
Who has the best extreme videos for the new trials?
Gameplay and context
moved out of commiefornia and my ping is killing me. what jp server should i transfer to if i'm a raidtranny?
Eh, a few friends of mine skipped. WE gave them a TL;DR and took them through crystal tower. Followed Shadowbringers pretty well, as it's set on a new world. Most are waiting for New Game + to back travel later and catch up more indepth.
If there was any expansion to skip to, it's this one; as it's a new world we're all learning at the same time, or Emet explains the backstory to other shit pretty well and brings folks up to speed.
Just jump in a learning party. Innocence and Tit are easy.
Some people aren't playing this game for the story. Is that really hard to comprehend?
Primal or Aether?
Just got cucked by a relocation nigger after camping a plot of land for seven hours and I feel like shit
Any of them tbqh.
The average jap pug is better than an average commie premade
>watching videos
Stop being a slave to the burger kings, forge your own path.
When will they fix this shitpile of a housing system
they're both fine, pick whichever of the two you can actually get into
Crystal, without a doubt. Try joining Balmung if you can.
You can honestly just jump in and learn. They're very simple.
ARR story is absolute garbage. Also it doesn't matter if the story is good if the delivery is awful. See Game of Thrones vs the books.
>play FF for anything other than the story
That means you're a no life loser who wants to spend the rest of his life doing raids. That's extremely pathetic.
>crit equilibrium heals me for half my hp
this is silly
>Tell friend XIV has a nice story and that he should play it.
>Jump potions to 60, skips the majority of scenes in SB, complains he doesn't know who anyone is.
>Drops the game three days later.
>Comes back for ShB because everyone was saying how awesome it was.
>Starts making up bullshit theories on all sorts of stuff because he didn't play the preceding quests.
>Acts like an expert on the game despite knowing next to nothing about anything.
this. every level skipper I met in this game is a drooling retard at executing mechanics or are the lowest parser in the group. it's also painfully obvious by just looking at them play. they backpedal move with standard control scheme, they keyboard turn instead of strafing, they click their skills, and they take too long to reposition thus losing uptime on buffs and damage.
As someone who played WoW for a long time but haven't done like any "endgame" content in XIV, the concept of people not being fucking spergs that you haven't watched videos is very new to me.
>literally don't know what any of the markers mean or hour to use their class
>Titania EX lightning tether
>everyone fucks it up
>"hey guys its just like Thunder God in monastery, if braindead 24mans can do it you can"
>Always multiple people say they never did Monastery
You're already wasting your life playing video games. Let's not try and act superior.
I had a Paladin on Mt Gulag yesterday and gently asked him to do double pulls, he neglected until I convinced him, turns out he didn't know what rampart/sheltron/sentinel were. I didn't let him die a single time but holy mighty fuck seriously how do you make it this far without even knowing what fucking Hallowed Ground is. Is this the power of boosts? I might sound like a dick but this is the first time I see a tank refusing to do big pulls in ShB
unlocked DRK and started grinding leveling roulette until I reach 50 so I can continue MSQ and I want to fucking kill myself already
I mean, if you join a duty completion/farm group and jam up the works, they're gonna be shit flingingly autistic about it, but there is plenty of learning/progression groups who can accommodate you.
Only time I have gotten a skip was a job skip for dragoon because I levelled SAM to 66 and was just bored as fuck from playing it and wanted to try the other meele dps. I do not regret doing this and jesus christ is DRG a lot more fun to play than SAM
Left or right?
I just had the 71 dungeon take 40 minutes with trusts because Urianger managed to die twice to the final boss when it starts rotating around. Alphinaud never had this problem in the 10 runs I did with him because he isn't an ast shitter.
>I'm pretty amazed at how some people are so flippant with money.
There's a reason the gaming industry has become so infested with microtransactions.
People are fucking retarded with their money.
yea it fucking sucks, to walk the path is too suffer
potd/hoh are honestly the worst offenders, boosts aren't great either but i don't think they explain all this nonsense
>What is PoTD and HoH
As much as I enjoy this game, leveling is unirionically the worst thing about it.
Stop posting this. Left was shit but it didn't look like you forcibly attached an npc's face to another's body
No problem here.
>this is the first time I see a tank refusing to do big pulls in ShB
You are a lucky man. Leveled a dps for the first time and about 80% of the runs were tanks terrified to pull more than one mob at a time
lyse's hair looks terrible on minfillia
>WHM buffed to god status
>SCH even MORE overpowered than before, just boring
>AST reverts to 3.0 launch dumpster fire tier
>"Guys we can't release a fourth healers, we need to balance the three we have. It'll be good, you'll see!"
Poor AST mains.
>14.5k blm
based danceks
Will character caps on worlds ever be lifted? My friends are on a congested server (Aether) and the game wants me to play on Crystal Data Centre.
What did they mean by this? Is Hades a primal?
Well they'll still possibly sperg at you but no one is going to do so if yu do a PF for Duty Incomplete/Practice.
It's generally acceptable especially the week or so it comes out.
Had the same problem with the second dungeon, Urianger just couldn't do the fucking mechanics and wiped 3 times. Had to leave and do it with other players
mr happy has the best and most in depth titania guide totaling 19 minutes
give it another week or 2
You very much do NOT need 19 minutes to talk about Tit mechanics. They are super easy and there's only one or two things entirely involved in it.
just buff ninjas 1-2-3 and raiton
Considering these are the exact same problems we had in ARR too, I'd say the main problem is that (leveling) content doesn't require one person to do good. Instanced story fights are easy as hell. In dungeons you just get carried, no matter which role really. Deep Dungeon and Jump Potions didn't help the problem, but aren't the sole cause.
Samurai would be even higher if Shoha wasn't a underwhelming level 80 skill.
I'mm try it and wait for a practice group to now say shit like 'watch video' or some stuff about knowing tethers I have no idea.
>ninja pianist just barely above white mage
i just dont even know anymore
Dude, stop, some people will take you seriously and we both know it can only lead to terrible things.
Why play an mmo then?
I don't feel AST is bad, they just need to cut Horoscopes cooldown time by a SHIT TON and nerf WHM a bit.
Also, what the fuck were they thinking taking cards away from ASTs during PVP? Holy FUCK
Post memes
>lol bro just skip patch 2.1-2.55's story, it's boring bro, just do it real quick
>ignore these people
>ends up being pretty boring but mostly because of fetchquests
>get into a long cutscenes at the very end
>stop paying attention since apparently it's boring
>all of a sudden kino happens and I wasn't paying attention
fuck you guys that shit was hardcore
the price you pay for being a trick attack cuck. lower personal damage but much higher party damage
The deviljho fate chain is the best shit.
the what now
I have the 1.0 tattoo and original Goobue mount. I never managed to finish the main story and Iv never played the expansions
I dont think the game is very fun.
>spent probably 12 hours trying to clear Tit EX now with a bunch of different groups
>still no clear
It's all so tiring. I don't even want the weapon at this point, I just want the dumb checkmark in my duty finder
>nerf WHM
Not gonna happen, cuck.
All are good in this patch, save for DNC who for some reason got the shitty 50% procc MCH used to have.
Some would argue SAM sucks but probably because they are dissatisfied with their level 80 ability.
that cutscene saved the game and was the first time (you) weren't depicted as an almighty mary sue bitch with the entire realm lined up to blow your cock
What about someone else
I cleared it on like my third pull dude
Johann is a faggot
based ARR filtering out people
It took me 13h to clear her. After that you can play with competent [duty completed] groups so it gets better.
>FF14 trying to convert red blooded Americans
>One of the jobs is literally BLM
>Black Lives Matter
Dragoon is chad class. Story sucks.
I feel pretty bad about this being equivalent to an average SCH's contribution. (Titania Ex.)
user, what? Horoscope's cooldown time is 60s. How much further would you cut it down to? Besides, Horoscope is nice but by far their best ability. Buffing Horoscope wouldn't do anything.
What AST needs right now is a cooldown reduction on Divination and a massive buff to Collective Unconscious, Celestial Opposition, and range improvements across the board. (CU is 6y, Div is 15y, CO is 10y despite being an AoE heal, ES is 8y, etc. It's all over the place.)
If they buff CO to 60s and 500 potency and boost CU back up to 100 potency, as well as reduce Div's cooldown to 2 minutes, it'll be fine.
My, you're quite defensive.
>when you realize Bloodfest is just the Draw mechanic down to the animation
how dare you
Raktika greatwood special fate chain. The monster looks like a deviljho.
it's an mmo, the story isn't good in general, it's only good by mmo standards, it's still not worth the time.
Where do you think you are?
I didn't even think of BLM.
most people tell you to start paying attention when iceheart shows up tho, the latter half of arr is actually pretty decent
>it's only good by mmo standards
Compared to what exactly?
>Claims to care about the story
>Skips more than 3/4ths of it
Simply epic
It's literally called Draw and Junction in PvP.
other mmo's???
>Ultros Tempest FATE reset
>for the twentieth time
I beat her today, only took about 3 hours of trying with FC mates and we are no means good either. Our AST did no DPS, our SMN didn't get in her circle so we had to deal with a blue add, and we popped melee LB3 on the big adds to beat the DPS check in time.
i don't know how it is on NA/EU but innocence extreme is just queued for, you can't even find it on party finder because it's so easy.
Titania is easily queued for but there's lots of party finders up for it too
>Want to interrupt something with interject
>The skills takes years to go off because of my bad ping
>It has a long wind up to boot
>Get stunned and die
It infuriates me how bad people are at clearing Titania normal, there's nothing new regarding markers, you shouldn't be getting caught in the vines, you shouldn't get hit by the ice, you shouldn't be running away from the stack marker. I almost give up when it's my daily trial now.
>that last credits shot of Ardbert and his friends
Oh nice, I don't play PvP that much.
NA literally only does PF.
It just spawned twice on Goblin about 5 hours ago
It's unironically much better than XV and most jrpgs
Why FF14 will never be good / never exceed FOTM status in MMORPG dryspells:
1. Clunky cutscenes with bad camera work and awkward pauses. This makes digesting any portion of the story impossible.
2. Low impact abilities are not fun. In every other MMORPG on the market each ability matters. FF14 is saturated with dumbshit abilities. Combo chains are HORRIBLE.
3. Role locking. It's 20-fucking-19 if a class can't fulfill two core roles then you development is shit.
4. Zero customization. You don't matter. You're PLD #1 is in no way different than any other PLD you get.
Thanks for the erection asshole.
i'm pretty sure i've interrupted shit after the cast bar has gone off, it seems pretty lenient
also that glowy bar shit is one of the better additions to sb, people actually silence things now
I'm going to duck out of the thread now because I probably shouldn't have gone in here because I'll be spoiled, but yeah, holy shit, way to get me invested again. The political stuff wasn't AWFUL but I was convinced it was all filler that was for worldbuilding and not anything that will pay off. The fact that it paid off, and that our gigantic Mary Sue protagonist was betrayed (by basically everybody besides the dead kid and Company of Heroes man) was pretty cool. I wish I didn't know Nanamo was going to die (I got spoiled by a meme in advance) because then I would've been caught off guard even more.
I will also say my greatest hope for Heavensward is that Alphinaud will fuck off, holy shit he's taken up so much screentime, meanwhile the other Scions have paper thin personalities. Minfillia especially is dull.
only JP queues for high end content
NA/EU all use PF
I wish I didn't have a backlog so I could justify getting into this game.
Shame it's not even remotely as threatening as an actual Deviljho. Neat stuff though, a progressing boss fight for multiple fates is pretty cool.
only shb, the rest is either much worse or in HW's case, on par.
imagine the sex
Where do I go if I want to join a static?
something in there gives vuln stacks?
>want to play but i can't fucking find an empty world to create a goddamn character
Its been 5 days, i should get a refund for the subscription
Horoscope isn't that good m8. It's a conditional heal which has a secondary effect entirely dependent on your co-healer doing absolutely nothing in the 2.7-3.1 seconds it takes for you to activate as you heal your entire group with it for a fifth of their health and tanks for a tenth of their health. It's kinda mediocre.
And nerf WHM? You are aware that even SCH's contribute more to group damage than we do with our cards currently, yes? And I'm sure that this IS actually balanced because the geniuses at the balancing department likely weighed the cards in a void and only applied them during the burst phase of every job every single time without loss from double weaving or stress from our heals.
But from trials all the way down dungeoneering it's one of the first times I've felt that I'm weak. Where I'm unironically spamming benefic II on a tank with a full set of gear to keep his stupid ass alive during wall to walls with absolutely no chance to touch or even glance in the direction of that aoe button.
Shitters got their consistency but Yoshi taxed us too god damn hard.
imagine not reading text the game presents because you find the cinematography bad. you're on par with zoomers that would rather watch bad movies instead of reading the book that's way better.
No katanas allowed in this topic
unironically reddit ffxivrecruitment
you could probably get a refund if you bothered support about it
I mean you'd never get a queue to pop if you queued for a difficult savage fight, but these fights are so braindead that it seems pointless to party finder for.
Innocence Extreme especially, no one places any markers/signs or even uses a macro for it so what'd be the point of a PF
1. It improves though expacs
2. subjective
3. you can be every job so it isn't an issue
4. it's the same shit as WoW, once the best build is discovered, everyone plays it. XIV doesn't waste their time because they know this.
What did AST do to deserve this fate? We were the healer in the back, doing their job and having fun and someone just came up to us and shot us in the face. Why? What did we do?
Every mechanic that you fuck up on the last boss does, add to that massive aoe PLUS vuln on the whole party when some blind retard walks into stasis.
You dilated.
why is this foreskin peeler in the game?
>stack marker
>people STILL run away from the 7 other players running at them
Not everybody has acess to the best trinket or stats necessary to make that best build work, that's the fun part.
>Immortal demigod ascian who can't be killed by Zenos
>Could fight Zenos and end up mangling Zenos' body so Zenos can't get it back even if he wins
>Flees like a bitch and lets Zenos back into his body
literally no one takes Elidibus seriously.
>tfw still 37 MSQ to finish Stormblood
>tfw I'm kinda liking the story, learned the origins of Au Ra
I think I'll take one or two more days to finish the whole MSQ and start SB.
If you cry at the MSQ does that mean you're gay
Literally any EU server
Stop being picky
Not really, it's very frustrating when someone who is just luckier than you is doing x1.5 DPS than you because of a single drop.
I love those weapons.
how do I play MNK against smaller (read: anything that isn't a fuck huge monster) targets
If I'm just questing, they keep turning around when I try to hit them with positionals, and if I'm doing something larger if they're small enough it's impossible to see the little circle around them
Then they wouldn't be playing an MMO.
Also if you're brand new just play on Spriggan and get the bonuses.
>Just got done with the Titan fetch-quest arc
This shit unironically made me want to kill myself.
forget about positionals when foloing.
Depends. Which part?
>slot machine stats on gear is the fun part
How are the drk and smn changes?
I skipped to 70 because i just wanna craft.
it's the lowest point of the main story
bringing another dps is now better than ta
That's not even the half of it, imagine getting denied entry to pugs because you're in full raiding gear but Johnny got lucky with his world quests and has a higher item level than you do.
Imagine being benched from your raid spot because the wrong legendary dropped for you, God, Legion was the real clusterfuck.
>playing ninja is like trying to perform mozart while performing speed calculus
>cucked damage numbers that barely beat the support job
why the fuck is this allowed?
DRK got made boring
SMN got made much busier, but does less dps relative to other classes than before
>Start ShB up
>"Go get these things on my shopping list."
Anyone else? Horrible quests.
drk feels great to play, they removed pretty much all of the jank. i dunno if it'll stay interesting long-term but for now it's good
Just finished the expansion but I'm a retard and paid 0 attention to the warrior of darkness stuff at HW.
Can someone explain to me how did they died? I know they gave their power to minfilia to stop the Flood but they were death already.
Also better than bringing AST
How do I deal with tankxiety as a learning tank? Every mistake I make makes me want to kms
this part
he didn't cry on my scene
the worst thing that can happen is that you die/wipe which doesn't matter so curb your autism
They died in order to travel from the first to the source because Ascians don't know how to move bodies over, only souls.
Biggs is smarter than Elidibus.
I'm playing through ARR for the first time and the Garuda shit with the crystals was far more annoying than any of the Titan stuff. Especially since it came right after the Coerthas stuff which breathed some life into the story.
>wall to wall pull starting from the 71 dungeon all the way to the final
>never had healer problems in any of them
Are you losers whining about shitty parties in primal or what? I haven't had any issues at all.
What does that mean
>he didn't do crystal tower story line
Yeah? it's a fucking rpg and people who grind more or get lucky should be rewarded for that. What's the poing of having gear which is just a number increase? just make your numbers biggers? what's the point of gear then? just make everyone wear the same instead of forcing people to run stuff daily for some stupid tomes.
that's not a story quest, that's an optional sidequest. feel free to point out the name of it.
>They died in order to travel from the first to the source
bur why did they do that?
You have played, and chosen, poorly
Everyone laugh at this guy.
>bully the healers
>dont realize how badly you fucked up until they are gone
Are the queues worth it?
>He didnt call him by his name
>He didn't do crystal tower after being told it would be important multiple times
but I actually did it back in 2013-2014
I'm confused
>bunniggers attacking my party on sight
>dumb luck is the only reason no one is injured
>could have been some martially stunted diplomat on the way to parley
civilized race my arse
Go into PotD or HoH and start pulling enemies, start around 3. Then keep escalating.
Eventually you start pulling literally the entire fucking floor and you get over it.
Ascians told them they could save the first if they killed the WoL on the source.
wiping makes me feel like an idiot
So I just gotta get smashed then.
You were saying?
Does every ascian have a dot on their forehead?
It's the consequence of being second place.
WHM being garbage means that they had reason to bitch on end. AST being between WHM and SCH meant that we were all happy and complacent, leaving us open to the most changes. If we aren't complaining constantly, we only get nerfed. That's why SCH has staved off getting nerfed for so long and why WHM is viable again and AST is not.
Just ran my first ShB dungeon as BLM and I'm still melting mobs before I've even gotten any new skills, how ridiculous is this shit gonna be at 80 lads?
you only have the option to call him by name if you've done the quest chain
if you had the option and didn't pick it you're an autist of unimaginable degree
>playing healer
>DPS aren't using the limit break
>tell them to do it
>they listen to me every time
You are all like dogs
I am forcefully dragging all of my new to the game friends through Crystal Tower for their own good.
I did
why didn't it happen in my scene?
I'm just so fucking disgusted
To kill you wouldn't even be murder, for you aren't even truly alive
Then maybe you didn’t call him by his name. You can always rewatch the cs and choose the right option
>don't have tanxiety
>confident tank that enjoys the job outside of mad DPS are bad
>instead mindgame myself into thinking I will never ever get into any endgame group ever since every static always seem to come pre-build with 2 tanks and GNB makes it harder
>stack marker
>cast Asylum
>skippers run away
no, emet chooses to look like a garlean, who do have the third eye on their forehead
That's the Garlean third eye. Every Garlean has it.
Both are pretty bad.
I admit I partially wanna take because gunbreaker looks neat, but i'm also fucking tired of being a DPS for so long. I use to tank in swtor and it was fun.
>didn't call him by his name
I feel bad when I wipe too but most of the time I notice it's a healer issue so I just pull smaller.
Just wait til you hit 72, your life will change.
AST isn't simply nonviable right now. It's a joke. WHM always worked, it was never in such a state like nu-AST.
>get stack marker as tank
>suddenly everyone runs away
>pop sprint and a CD
>kill 2 dps
when the difference between your class being meta or not ultimately depends on rng loot and rng stats, it's a failure of game design.
i only use it on enrage
At certain points in the game, you're given dialogue choices.
There is, of course, only one correct answer. There is only one answer that ever makes sense, in that moment. But the game gives you the choice nonetheless to make it feel more personal to you.
You managed to choose incorrectly.
No more getting cucked by Transpose in AoE makes me fucking diamonds
What healer do you play?
You're either lying or a complete faggot
There is no way out of this anymore, just close the thread and die in shame
When in doubt, blame the healer. Works every time.
>Riding home
>healer tell me to use lb
>intentionally miss it to piss him off.
You could grind harder than anyone else in WoW but if you are unlucky then you'll still end up getting shit on by billy the kid who got lucky with this drop.
No, not "poor AST mains". Those cucks literally made fun of White Mages constantly for the entire last expansion.
"hahaha Why Mage"
"hahaha you're a detriment to your raid team if you play a whm"
"whm is literally bad AST"
It's not that he ran away like a bitch, he ran all the way to the moon how, how frail is this guy.
These cards are cancer and so is the mini game.
It's always been SCHfags that have been the giant whiny assholes, don't try and pin that shit on the ASTs.
I never said any of that.
i'm pretty sure a lot of tanks just make their own statics for that reason
you're already leading a bunch of retards every time you load into a dungeon, you may as well do so in real life
>That one Bard who burns the limit break on second target bosses every time the first bard fills up despite thetr being melee DPS available.
I guess I could do that but at the end of the day I still feel too responsible for shit
The MSQ in Realm Reborn is 100+ hours long and has a shit story.
>Return to the Waking Sands
SCH only whine that they aren't powerful enough, they don't care what AST or WHM do.
I have to do the same thing as a tank, it's like dps are constantly waiting for permission.
like jesus it's a dungeon boss just use it as soon as you have the bars filled.
>speedreaders select 1st option for every choice
>confused when they dont get a special scene
>Uses the LB at 1%
psht nothing personnel healer
I troll people in DF by shirking the highest DPS right before the boss does a tankbuster and then provoking the boss back after they die from it.
You're literally playing as a DPS whose goal it is to keep aggro and pop defensive rotations on CD. Nut up and stop overthinking shit.
ARR is like Phantom Blood.
Yeah it's not as good as the other parts, but it's necessary to understand what is going on.
I want to see someone play the piano in Innocence's theme live
This can be mitigated in many ways like tokens,crafting,trading currency for items, taking out any customization from your game just because rng frustration is pretty lazy. It's a design problem which is worth working towards solving, it makes loot memorable and nice to get and not just a number increase.
No you don't you faggot
>[Call him by his name]
>A smile better suits a hero.
>What, all by myself?
>It's good to see you awake, G'raha Tia.
Here's your level boosted tank for tonight.
Imagine skipping fellowship of the ring and twin towers and only reading return of the king.
90% of people are absurdly inconsiderate in MMOs.
>Ask friends to actually level and finish the MSQ so we can do current stuff because i hate how my class plays sync
>Also so I can talk about the MSQ without spoiling them
>they throw a shitfit
at 5+ enemies it's better to ignore Fire III and just cold flare
>Buying a skip potion when you can finish the entire MSQ in like a week or two using a bot
Sometimes when I see healers behind me on cone AoE bosses like Titania, I say nothing and let them get one shot.
They shouldn't even be up my ass anyway. They want to five their tanks rim jobs so badly they can at least wait until the boss is dead.
if he level boosted he'd have a coffer with accessories in it
Oh they WILL sperg out, that user was talking about learning groups, which is a thing, and separate from kill groups.
I just need to get into that mindset more. Thanks friend.
customization is a meme. people just follow what theorycrafters say what is objectively the best. ever played a trading card game before? you got thousands of cards in yugioh but in tournaments and even casual games like duel links you still got people playing the same 20 or 40 cards that are meta because they are objectively superior.
>Monk is up there but has the least job satisfaction after SCH/AST
Life is tough
I feel I need to replay all of CT or everything in shb will fly past my head
Honestly I think the ShB dungeons are the easiest I've played in a long time. They probably toned down the difficulty because of how bad the Trust NPCs are DPS-wise.
If he was level boosted he'd have the scaeven accessories too.
You burn through your TN stacks, stun once to land another bootshine, and then suffer.
>Cid died without knowing his research led to the saving of his work and the source as a whole.
What a fucking joke, poor Cid. What the fuck Yoshida?
Xiv fights are literally all the same, any new gimmicks are rather obvious (oh no I wonder what will happen now there is no railiiiing!).
If not they are very easy to grasp (Kefka’s “trick” AKA lol I wonder what do the ???? Mean...).
It honestly makes no sense really. Like you want to do savage or raids yet you don't get to the max level which is the bare necessity of doing savage or raids and then you say "let's start an FC focused on savage or raids!"
It honestly feels like people who spend money on gym membership but never go in order to sound badass because they "go" to gym
I don't know what's worse
>Choose to do dungeon with players
>They eat mechanics in an attempt to keep dpsing
>Choose to do Trust Dungeons
>They stop all DPS to avoid mechanics and will just stand there like statues until the mechanic is over
>Have Shadowbringers playing in the house.
>Have Tomorrow and Tomorrow play right after.
>Every time I'm in the house, whatever resident guild moms are in at the time always stop in their tracks without fail when the latter kicks in while totally ignoring the former.
Who the fuck even uses the trust system after trying it out once at the first dungeon?
It's a neat concept, but it takes so excruciatingly slow to go through a dungeon with these NPCs, that I'd take a full party of 32 IQ French sprouts who don't speak English any time of the day over the NPCs.
there's really not all that much that got passed on, g'raha locked himself in the tower until technology had advanced far enough for people to open the doors by themselves
and then they did and they built a time machine the end
>people who grind more or get lucky should be rewarded for that.
You're a complete idiot. People should be rewarded for endeavour and nothing else. Getting lucky shouldn't be a prerequisite to finding a raid spot.
There's maybe, maybe a small margin of luck that can come into play like TBC warglaives etc where it's something so rare and so rewarding that it's just a feel good extra that doesn't impact your ability to play with other people. Titanforging is well over the line and the worst system I've ever seen in an MMO.
When are we as a community unite and holocaust parsefag raid tranny autists?
A shot of dutch courage from the wizard of booze works wonders sometimes. I used to get hammered a lot to get rid of the tanking anxiety. Especially early on when people get mad over every little thing. Now I just don't care.
Coming from a tank who has played with some extra-shit DPS, things probably only feel weaker because proper AoE rotations are so much stronger now.
I will agree that they undertuned the later dungeons though, the Experts completely melt with even half-competent DPS and I wasn't taking all that much damage with just 430 left sides and ~400-415 accessories my first runs through.
I just think its bizarre that people would pay extra money to NOT play the game. Why even bother then?
he probably died knowing that his ironwork bros will continue his legacy
The last bosses are pretty good but all the mid-bosses and trash are underwhelming. Which is fine, I fucking hate it when trash mobs have mechanics.
>Cid died
he's still alive
finish the story brainlet
It has easily the worst story and solus is barely a character and he did everything wrong and is still evil, how anyone thinks he's good because he wants people he cared about back is beyond me, he's still a genocidal maniac.
Shouldn't Horoscope's uptime be like 4 times the current one AT LEAST to make it worthwile all the preparation bullshit to activate it? I feel like all that work for basically fucking nothing, it's over so quick.
G'raha says it literally consumed his entire life. That life probably wasnt aided by the fact that Black Rose was everywhere. Cid died with every friend he had dead around him with his lifes work, in his eyes, gone to waste. It took generations for his work to pay off. it was the 3rd of Bigg's name to solve the problem with time travel.
I did
he's still alive
or your positioning is just shit, with huge bosses in huge arenas it's hard to stay in range if the tank humps a corner with every dps being on the other side, keep in mind that as a tank your positioning determines everyone else's position, if people keep dying because of it then you're doing a shit job
Solo DPS who'd rather finish the dungeon in 40 minutes than wait 30 minutes just for the queue to pop.
Can someone explain something about the Calamities to me. So if Calamities are caused by the rejoining of different worlds to the Source and the Eigth Calamity was the Garleans using Black Rose does that mean everything Gaius and Estinien did was pointless if we didn't save the First? How exactly does a rejoining cause humans to do something?
You need to not skip cutscenes then.
I don't know why more people don't bot, using trusts to level off classes at work and over night is a god send.
>Xiv fights are literally all the same, any new gimmicks are rather obvious
You can say this all you want but I still have no idea how to form a prime number
fuck I meant divination
I never do that
He's still alive. You need to read better or stop skipping them dude
He means future Cid.
>Tanking Titania EX
>Have her in the center of the room facing North like she should be
>Healer runs north to avoid Phantom Rune and stays North.
>Healer eats a Divination Rune
Yea, totally the tanks fault.
not even remotely
Is DRG really that good?
If it's not a farm party you can bet your sweet fucking bippy I'm not touching that LB with a ten foot pole because I can't trust these retards to clear without a healer LB safety net. Also a Healer LB on 2+ DPS is a better gain than a DPS LB3 but you didn't hear that from me.
Friendly reminder that THIS MOTHER FUCKER RIGHT HERE literally saved the Source and the First from the 8th umbral calamity because of his book. LITERALLY THE HERO.
My case is even worse.
>Play sorta casually
>Reach max level in 2-3 weeks
>They take 3+ months of play
>Don’t reach max level
Fucking HOW. I just wanna talk about he story and maybe do some roulettes not farm the same synced AAR content for a sixth time because you want a glam.
Right now? Yes.
I never used it even once. I dislike it out of principle, I want to play an MMO not a bot simulator.
When I see bots I report them.
New to PF, what is the different between blue and orange text?
You must have not even completed elementary school, he dies in the alternate future you inbred mongrel. That's the point the other user was making.
To be fair he might have just died of old age too. After the expert dungeon there is that recording by Biggs III who mentions that he is the eighteenth president of the ironworks which must mean a significant amount of time has passed.
>enjoy tanking
>grey parse
feels bad man
Alright, I'm with the other user. Stop skipping cutscenes.
I don't trust shit like that because it doesn't take into account variables like buffs.
It's not SB anymore user, DPS sit at like 2% on the aggro charts now.
I'm sure you think stormblood was good too, contrarian fuck
You are literally fucking retarded if you didn't figure out that OP was referring to the future timeline where all your friends are dead, and that Cid specifically died without knowing whether or not his research actually led his successors to saving the past.
It doesn't work just from one side. The boundaries need to be breeched from both sides or the First would have just ended up a sin eater filled wasteland without Rejoining just like the Thirteenth which became the Void.
That was the first one the Ascians tried and they fucked up.
>he dies in the alternate future
you were talking about that cid? You are a retard
gear up, dont die, press 123, boom, ure purple
Even in pug PFs from what I'm seeing they kick ass on their own merit, they really over tuned DRG.
Name one fight where you, as a healer, need to be standing right on top of the tank in front of the boss for 30 straight seconds while everyone else is behind the boss where they should be doing what they need to be doing.
To all my fellow Yea Forums players who have never fantasia'd, why do you keep to your same character/race? Especially you my fellow Legacy players.
Yeah, because Konami design these decks to crush any competition and nerf others to the ground. I know it's very hard to balance these things and would be arrogant of me saying otherwise since designers have worked in many mmo without being able to solve this but it's worth working towards a fun loot system, nothing matches the feeling of getting a bis trinket/item back in the day in WoW or any other mmo instead of buying it of a vendor.
I don't know if I want to level DRG because they are a FOTM just to try to get into a group.
yeah I'd understand if there was a high risk of getting banned but sqex doesn't give a shit unless you teleport around like a retard or try to RMT.
I used to bot level grind all my classes in PvP back when they added XP.
>biggs the 3rd of his name's favourite bit was when the dragon swoops down to save the little girl
The former.
>Be ranged dps
>Use lb on a big pull
>Tank/dps: Fucking retard, waste of lb
Doesnt happen often but it still has happened more often than it should.
People also absolutely lose their shit if you use lb not on the boss in alliance roulette, even if it resets on boss engage
just do the highest dungeon you can do
I’m a level 35 paladin and I’m having fun
The game is getting kinda boring right now for me. I want to have fun with everyone else but I have to play 150 hours of content to get there. It kinda sucks. Plus the first 30 levels I had like no buttons to press and with the expansion I lost more buttons early.
This game makes it really really hard to get to the ‘good stuff’ like raids and gear grinding at max level.
honestly I'm like this, I've used the same highlander more or less since 2.1 despite my temptation to go cat.
too attached to her to ever change it at this point.
Be quiet retard, every reply proves to me that you're stupid, did you even read my post? Not even the same person inbred mongrel.
>tfw being a good boy and playing through old content.
>just now getting to Shiva
Finally this ARR postgame nightmare is coming tho a close. Shit I have 85 hours played and haven’t even reached the first exspansion
>only 150 hours
You wish man
I made Nappa from DBZ and I've never had a flicker of regret. He looks great in all roles.
>tell ranged to LB on Nero
>everyone in the group gets on my dick about how it's a waste of time even though the meter empties on pull
I never got why people just don't try 100% at everything.
tanks have total control over the party's enmity just by turning off their tank stance or not attacking.
It's better than new tales game and XV which is already pretty good
Crystal Tower is capable of storing massive amounts of energy, like a huge battery
Xande and Allagans go evil and try to use it's power to open portal to world of darkness (the thirteenth shard btw)
WoL puts a stop to it with NOAH (coalition of WoL, sons of saint coinach, garlond ironworks and graha)
Doga and Unei are there, they do some shit and unlock Graha's bloodline and then they die
Ironworks plans on destroying the tower because it's too dangerous for mortals, too much power
Graha doesn't let them and seals himself in the tower instead and freezes the tower and himself in time
He wants the tower to be preserved until a time that humanity is capable of using it to give people hope
8th calamity happens
Eventually garlond ironworks opens the tower
Installs a home-made Alexander in the basement
Uses the power stored in crystal tower as fuel
Uses Omega's dimension hopping notes as a loose guide
Sends the tower back in time and space
I'm happy with how my character looks. The only problem I have is the hairstyle, after all these years I still haven't found my forever hairstyle because what I want simply don't exist in this game. Thankfully you don't need fantasia for that.
I hope they make Ryne's hair available, even if it's goystation'd, I'd pay for that shit. Not perfect but it's pretty close to what I want.
I do Trial Roulette as a hobby as a healer. I still get remarks when I use the limit break to hop off the group after add phase in Dying Gasp, despite the limit break resetting
Gotta get those people through those trials. Innocence is a huge bottleneck
Holy shit we literally have the same story, my friend has taken four months and the highest he got without the story skip/buying a level up was 57. Granted I smashed out ShB in two weeks but you'd expect atleast nearing the end in four months.
Without trying to upsize you, it's not even a matter of I have more time since I work whilst he doesn't.
Yeah ARR + Post-ARR is a massive grind. As much as I hate the "it gets better" excuse, it does actually get a lot better with HW and even SB is better than ARR. ShB is legitimately amazing and I'm astonished with how much I enjoyed the story
Alph is literally the best scion.
10 second cooldown
Am I the only one in Yurop who gets insane packet loss during peak hours? Light Server btw
>because of how bad the Trust NPCs are DPS-wise
Did you know the last boss of the final story dungeon has an enrage? I didn't until I ran it with players for the first time.
>I want to have fun with everyone else but I have to play 150 hours of content to get there.
>150 hours of content to get there.
My character is my character, even changing his hair makes him look weird and foreign to me at this point.
Is it worth skill speed stacking on monk now?
The good stuff is the story.
I had to watch that cutscene again to figure out exactly what happened but it's from G'raha's perspective. Which makes more sense since he just left you before you witnessed it.
Man when are they going to use B-Team Scions? Some of them are cool don't @ me. People here are such bandwagoner for the main Scions. First you guys hate them and now you love them cause of this expansion. Can't wait for the next expansion when this board goes right back to shitting on them.
Imagine if everyone is watching the 4th season of a popular TV show that you've never seen, so you decide you want to watch it too. You start watching from the beginning but then you start getting upset that you have to watch all of the first 3 seasons before you are caught up, and you wish that the show would just let you skip straight to the current episode so you can be with everyone else.
This is what it's like when people complain about leveling in XIV.
Please just reduce perfect balance back to 60s, it was fucking perfect
>get called out for being a retard
>deny it
>retardation proven
>”haha no YOU are the retard”
I get packet loss, rollback and lag spikes. 7-9 is a nightmare, doing Ultimates at those hours was a fucking gamble. Legit lost runs to ridiculous lag spikes on my part, wanted to smash my face against the wall.
Shiva is when I personally believe that the quality of content really starts to improve
You want just enough SkS to fit 10 GCDs in RoF and that's it.
Yeah, I main Ninja. How did you know?
My sack of potatoes shall remain a sack of potatoes until this game shuts down, and this expansion just made me all the more attached to them.
I got so used to Lalafell's camera angle and model size that it feels weird playing anything else. Plus I have a ton of screenshots of the game with my character in it and having another character replace them feels wrong.
>raids and gear grinding at max level.
>good stuff
Nigga, that's the point where every sensible person quits the game, that's not the "good stuff".
Only cucks are unironically entering the gear threadmill. People play this game for the story, the music and the world. They unsub after MSQ is over, resub when new story is added. Raiders are only useful idiots and haven't been the primary audience of this game since forever, they are just too stupid to realize.
I cleared Innocence on 2nd pull, Titania was mad though. Had dps with title, glowy golden weapons but they sucked so much we wiped on adds multiple times. After 5th try both "legends" left and we cleared it next pull.
I had to LB3 in Titania normal.
Why would I change if I'm satisfied with my current character?
what the fuck is this opener? fuck off, greylet.
I have a bunch of race unique mods installed and turning into any other race breaks them.
He is right though
The former is 100% worse. My expert roulette today vote abandoned Amaurot with 20 minutes left on the clock after wiping at least 3 times on the first and last boss each. I never wiped a single time in any dungeon with trusts.
Trusts may be slow and sometimes stupid (like your example) but unless you fuck up and die, you pretty much can't wipe.
Fellow Potatoes I see.
I don't know, thats why I'm asking you user.
>vote abandoned Amaurot
Big and small cats are shit
Lizards are shit
Mid/highlanders are the most bland choice
I'm not a pedo
Viera are ok but i'm not interested
Not interested in roe either
Elezen forever
Nah. All of the game is good and fun (except Eureka).
the complaint in that post wasn't even about him, just that he got the most screentime in ARR which is absolutely the truth, no one else fucking does ANYTHING in comparison. He's there at the beginning of the game. He's there when you're picking your Grand Company. He's there when everyone else is dead and HE brings Cid back. He founds and promptly gets backstabbed by his own stupidly named organization. In ARR he might as well be the protagonist's official interpreter.
I've played a lank elf since back in FFXI and XIV 1.0. Hasn't been any reason to change it. Viera are pretty fucking tempting though.
No I don't because nothing in xiv has ever been good, all it does is ape shit from other better FF games
they probably bought the clear
Glad it,s not just me then. LEgit during these hours I just do my dailies, Beast Tribes and Provisioning shit, maybe a Guildhest Roulette. I can't risk MSQ or the dungeon roulettes cause if I get DC'd it's a huge time loss.
Am I the only one who's endgame is helping out new players in-game with their dumb questions and content? That's why I became a mentor.
They weren't worthy
Can we agree that Amauros is the best dungeon so far?
Aurora is the magic casting animation
>I will also say my greatest hope for Heavensward is that Alphinaud will fuck off, holy shit he's taken up so much screentime
HW has more Alphinaud than ARR
No because Twinning exists
I dislike it. Don't like the bombs that tether to you.
In ARR Alphinaud is the protagonist, you're his overpowered party member.
gunbreaker is a bit more complex
I more interested in how people can fanta. Like, that moment everyone too the screenshot of when your WoL is facing down Emet before the final boss, that resonated with me because I saw the same character who was bumbling around in Ul'dah years ago just learning the world. How can you be attached to your character when she's suddenly a bunny for an inexplicable reason?
Is just me or they increased the mobs you pull by a lot?
>pull 2 sacks of mobs
>10+ bigsized mobs over me
I have’t tried healer yet but anyone of you have more problems healing because of this?
wanna put some exp into nuDRG because im curious but it's also guaranteed to get the nerf bat
I like how everyone says the story is the good stuff but there is so much filler in the story. It’s a mmo first so there is tons of filler and pointless stuff like running back and forth between long distances.
It doesn’t need to be this long. It was designed this way to keep you subbed.
It’s like they took a hour and a half movie and stretched it out to three hours. It’s not necessary.
Other than the set pieces it's not very good.
First boss is just an annoyance, second boss is a boring add gauntlet and final boss is piss easy.
That pathetic excuse for a second """boss"""" holds it back.
Only in terms of story. The second boss is terrible.
Retarded zoomer.
In terms of narrative impact yes.
To actually play through repeatedly no. The constant circle aoes dropping everywhere, mobs that tether to dps/healers, and the first boss making you constantly move away from it make running the dungeon fucking hell. I guess its fitting that the dungeon is about the despair of a people facing the apocalypse because running it makes you want to die too.
Yeah, I was having the problem where I would get hit by aoes I couldn't see because the mobs were too big and covering them.
>click cancel quick synthesis
>character has to do 1 more before listening
>tank pulls all three kettles
>spend more time running out of ae than dpsing
Thanks this is sure speeding us up
I've made alts in the past that I've immediately trashed due to how fucking slow I feel moving around on the biggest models even though it's entirely placebo.
I made the cutest lala ever and I will never change it, she's like my daughter. Plus I use it as an incentive to get gud at raids because I don't want to see my daughter die so I have to master mechanics to not cause them to die due to my fault.
The healer was so fucking trash I wanted to die.
>first boss does meteor thing
>healer just fucking stands there and gets instagibbed when everyone else goes behind the rock
>does it again on the second attempt despite explanation
>constantly falls off of final boss floor during the 'run to the side' mechanic
>never figures it out and we vote abandon
How people have failed to learn "Do not walk off the ledge" after 100+ hours and countless trials and dungeons to get to this point I will never understand. It just gave me a new appreciation for trusts. They may be slow but it is constant, steady progress. Will be worth the grind to re-level them up.
Holy shit this autism
Just use stuns and silences bro...
>not just going in the middle
Anyone have the Amaro mount theme datamined? I loved the theme when I got to fly one for the story quest, but I can't find the music anywhere, and obviously I don't have all 80s yet..
Retard speedreader
Yes, there's too many that do too much damage when wall-to-wall pulled
Tanks don't realize that i can't heal through all that shit if they dont use CDs constantly
I've sworn off trial roulette after having to abandon Innocence because shit dps during add phase. Even story roulette is more time efficient for tomestone grind.
Say what you want but lvl 79 and lvl 80 dungeons were pure unrefined kino injected straight into your veins. You are unable to refute this.
so I only just did that dungeon for the first time tonight, what was the deal with those bombs? It wasn't really easy to try and fucking dps as blm when bombs seemed to be up my asshole the entire goddamn time.
i will never stop pulling and no one can make me
Any Lion RP here?
What kind of dick do you use? Human or animal one?
well that same "protecting my young daughter" mentality is why lalafells have the highest endgame clear rates in Japan
I've always had a hard time shifting away from my roots when I start playing an MMO. I've used free fantasias on alts when I don't feel the concept anymore but I've never changed my first character.
>la ogera for a character
makes sense
There is no middle when they all attack at once
Never even the same user, who even cares about that Cid, it will never happen anyway.
>I will also say my greatest hope for Heavensward is that Alphinaud will fuck off
I remember everyone having this opinion at the time
Alphinaud and to a lesser extent his sister are the real MCs of FFXIV, so get used to them. He gets a lot of character development.
if you don't kill them fast enough they explode and deal a shitload of damage to the person they tether to. The dark sprites that tether to the healer reduce their healing.
We know. Most people saying the lvl 80 dungeon is bad are european. Americans are sleeping
How long until they eden drops?
Why didn't you just kick the healer instead of abandoning at the last boss?
Tank needs to unfuck himself and position them better then.
normal mode around a week, savage around 3 weeks
You know japanese are pedos, right? You need to get into anime
savage on the 30th all i know
Japanese no life otakus are also pedos, wow color me surprised, this must be the revelation of the century.
But everyone will think I'm a bitch if I don't big pull.
you know I had to do it to 'em
I'm a euro and I enjoy the 80 dungeons. 2nd boss of akademia is total shite but other than that it's ok.
Will eden be dropping with job adjustments? or savage.
So i heard that after you finish the story, your trusts lose their levels. If all of my jobs are 70 and i wanna grind them up to 80, should i do it before or after finishing the story?
>Level 35
>have to play 150 hours of content to get there
More like 350-400 hours.
Yeah don’t know what it is about Amaurot but people seem to lose their IQ there.
>do expert roulette
>other three party members are new
>wipe once to the first boss but they apologize and get it right the second time, no biggie
>second boss is fine
>third boss
>wipe three times because they can’t seem to understand how not to stand in the giant laser beams
>they all had crowns
Archaeotania Mateus, instance 1 HES UP TEMPEST
the same thing protect mentality also applies to miqote. you don't want to see your cat get hurt so you do your best not to fail.
Why the hell would you even waste time levelling another character in this game when you can switch to any class any time you want anyway?
why does this game have trash armor ?
does it not release tier sets like in wow?
The trust levels are preset during the msq, you can't level them.
The head proportion is way off.
Drop adjustments are for 3.1
Around 4 months from now
thats not how it works. the most devoted/shut in JP players are also the most depraved due to their disconnection from society, thus they become pedos and fanta into lalas
I would say after so that you can level your trusts together with your jobs.
i think critical issues might be addressed in normal mode patch but serious potency/cooldown adjustments won't come till savage
They were grouped with another person in the party. Couldn't get a majority vote. Toughed it out because my friend needed his daily roulette but we should have just dropped after the second wipe to the first boss.
The final boss of the twinning sucks.
There, I said it.
>the two bears pull in the first dungeon
>tank grabs everything else along with the bears and just explodes immediately because no cooldowns
Those bears are no fucking joke
5.1* sorry
>forgot most of the story from the base game and heavensward when I quit
do I seriously need to join a discord for nude mods?
tranny game for tranny discord. sasugo.
Maybe I have too high IQ compared to retarded neets, but I do my best not to fail because I want to clear that content and not be a shitter, and it's a lot more than enough 100% of the time.
>did it with Trusts my first time because it was 4am and I just wanted to get that shit done instead of sitting in queue
>get final boss to 3 percent
>accidentally walk off the edge
Maybe if you stand in their conal like an idiot.
Eden is 5.01
Nier stuff is 5.1
>theyre also into bestiality
truly, two nukes weren't enough
I'm lvl 79 and just beat Innocence, do I skip work to grind out 80 and finish MSQ?
I'm in the same boat, but with a female au ra.
I realized I had an emotional attachment to my character when I stopped dressing her lewdly because I didn't want other people ogling her.
Nah, Japan has some of the lowest rates of child abuse crime.
I know. And I was talking about job adjustment. They are coming with 5.1, not with Eden.
just go to work m8
it'll be more satisfying without the guilt
I thought the Twinning sucked in general. The Ascian Zoo was a lot more interesting.
Anyone know the set the Tank Role Quest giver is wearing? Im a little new to the game and the set looks cool.
>Nah, Japan has some of the lowest rates of child abuse crime.
No they have the lowest rate of reported child abuse crime.
Delete this picture. Also human dick.
Haven't played in a long time, anyone know if the Guardian corps clothing is still unique since 2013? Blazefire sword?
Called in sick last Monday and Wednesday, but Tuesday I had shit to do so I missed out on that day. Do it fag, you won't regret it
Fuck off
Source: your ass.
Looks like it's from Ghimlyt
I LOVE Alphinaud! I wanna hug him and kiss him and marry him and listen to his discuss overseas politics all the damn day
You can buy it off the mogstation now but it’s like $20 iirc.
and your basis for this is?
4.05 had job adjustments, why wouldn't 5.05
Alliance set of fending from the Ghimlyt dark, farmed the top myself the last couple of days. Took far longer than I wanted
I'm just answering a question. No need to be faggot about it.
Are we Kin and brothers? I forgot the worst
>Story skip
>They blow a gasket
>Explain to them six times that I skipped and boosted because I already did the fucking story up to hw on another char and I will not force myself into AAR again
>they are still angry
I don’t understands my friends. To add on this.
>Friend screams at me to play with him
>Explain to him that I don’t like MMOs that much
>He screams at me because I played WoW and resubbed for legion (which I only did for a few months since DK shitposting and Illidindu Trigger retards who didn’t play WC3)
>Finally pay up AAR and HW
>He then proceeds to never play with me because he “can’t be arsed” to Do leveling dungeons
>He only wants to do his weekly roulette for gears
>Gets angry I try to rush through the story
>I literally work 60h a week and I want to play with my friend
If it helps my dailies won't reset until 3PM so I'm probably gonna have some fucking awful grinding to do
I play with english voices and i'm NOT ashamed
Because yoshi said it?
[citation needed]
Thanks lads, guess Ill grind it out when Im waiting on my buds to catch up
Better post a source on that, cause there's no way they're gonna wait that long for any job adjustments when they haven't ever waited that long before.
Honestly Emet's a lot better in English.
You can google this readily, Japanese police departments don't record shit, they don't have to, (it's only recent that they even have to record SOME interrogations) so they make their numbers look better by just not.
You have a shit friend, you must be just as bad for not ditching him already.
That was like 2 months after SB release
Wait people play without English voices?
How do they enjoy Emet and Feo Ul?
forgive me if my english is off. I am not native speaker. I play on JP server Masamune and I met a good amount of end game players that share a identical opinion where they try harder to do good in content because they don't want to see their cute daughter like character die by their own mistake. it's not because of illegal reasons or fetish. it's called having positive emotion for your own character.
SAMbros, where art thou?
>educate urself sweaty
Fuck off.
I like the Japanese cast, and I almost always use the Japanese voices because I used to watch anime and also because they are a lot safer bet to be good.
That said, the English voices in FF14 are pretty good too.
So how is Yoshi going to save AST and SCH in the upcomming rebalance patch?
Job balance changes always come with the first 8 man raid, retard.
>I won't google something readily verifiable, you do it for me.
There's just one.
>expecting to be spoonfed on Yea Forums
Jesus christ, lurk more.
Joined the 61 dungeon and a white mage in boosted gear showed up. They refused to dps and spammed cure 2. The tank would die whenever they pulled more than one add.
bing bong ching chong shut the fuck up pedo
I was surprised Feo Ul's voice wasn't actually Tamura Yukari because she sounded a lot like her.
C'mon, if Urianger can heal that, you can too.
he's wearing the ghimlyt dark's alliance fending set dyed black by the look of it, and he's wielding the grand company sergeant claymore.
Shit man, legit that's so eerily similar right down to him getting passive aggressive at another friend for getting a story skip and level skip saying "wow you idiot, you'll be undergeared". This feels damn therapeutic just listening to how dumb our friends are when it comes to this damn game
Give SCH back Energy Drain, there only legitimate issue is being forced to spend Aetherflow on overheals and not having a move to dump excess charges. AST needs potency buff and Divination to be moved to a 2 minute cooldown.
Shame this doesn't include DNC and GNB, I would've liked to see the reception of those in JP.
And the problem with SCH is one of gameplay, it still performs great otherwise. It's just boring as all fuck since their offensive kit got completely neutered.
AST just needs some buffs, but SCH's problem isn't that easily addressed, specially after the healer homogenization that occured in ShB.
How do you do this? Can you make her wear shisui?
Trusts naturally take less damage though.
why NA so rude
yeah they are 100% a pedo
Big forehead
>moving the goalpost
trusts get a buff that reduces their damage if you pull a lot
He won't. Healers are upset because their kits got gutted, to fix it they would need to completely revise the design of those jobs which almost never happens mid-expac. They will just give them number buffs to try and placate them while saying "wait for the next expansion for real changes" like they do for every job that they fuck up.
Sorry but if the tank died pulling more than 1 add and the healer was spamming cure 2 on them, then the healer wasn't the problem there, bro.
It's aussie hours right now.
You do you, I use the JP voices but apart from a couple the english voices are perfectly good too.
>posting source that is run by western feminists for sole purpose on shitting on japan
yo what if sen allowed you to cast their respective gcd without combo requirements while consuming the sen
Vanilla 2.0 story is dogshit and should be skipped by everyone.
90% of everything past that ranges from worth playing to Kino.
Seriously the vanilla story is awful and I was surprised the game was 'saved' from 1.0 considering how bad it was.
I have yet to see a single WHM complain about their changes.
Forgot to add that the whm ran out of mana
I don't want to tank anymore if I have to do such shit damage. Why don't I get to have fun too? Why does this game cater to DPS so much?
>lmao MSQ roulette is a meme
>do one at lvl 79
>14.9 million EXP
Unless your name is WAR, then any time is a good time to get everything buffed for no reason
Trannies and fags who project their deviancies onto others.
who was also the 18th President of Ironworks, Cid, our Cir being the First president.
Do what we astros are doing. Compete with your own class and get that sweet 95+ percentile.
WHM has never been as bad as AST currently is, don't even fucking joke. WHM had, at the very least, the heal-power to do the FUCKING role it's assigned to, AST can't even do that right now because Yoshi is a fucking twink who is so fucking high on server room fumes he can't understand that he ruined an entire role.
I don’t talk to them much. He got angry at me for suggesting him stop drinking sugar soda and drink zero kcal instead. He was 160kg or so. The first ones I talk to second one I barely talk to, total lost cause.
Indeed. Honestly it’s amazing specially how much they do sync content because “it drops more Mats for glams”l” (to which I call bullshit because the ratio of unsung has to be awful as you can just slam the boss unsung and reset again and again for quick farm) and day how challenging it was. While over gearing it.
MSQ Roulette is always worth a good half a level. You just need to do something else while doing it, like watching something or doing whatever else you've been putting off while stuck in cutscenes.
It giving good xp doesn't stop it from being a complete snoozefest of unskippable cutscenes.
>things critical of Japan have to be western feminists shitting on them
Ah yes, that well known western feminist Takeharu Tsutsumi.
I'm not really seeing a problem here, looks about like you would expect it to.
The poll is literally taken from a Reddit thread. You can see the source link in the picture.
AAAAAAAAAAH! healer omega set!?
That's not good enough for me
>You do you
I swear to fucking god. I think I'm going crazy. I've been speaking English for close to 30 years now. I'm an ESL. I have LITERALLY never seen this phrase being used until around a month or 2 ago. Never, I had to google it just to check if it was even grammatically correct.
But now, I keep seeing this all the fucking time.
Please tell me, were people always using this phrase and I somehow managed to miss it all the time, or did this phrase resurge/made a comeback recently for some reason?
Shit is driving me mad.
That explains a lot since Reddit was loud as fuck about the Healer changes. Shame about MNK though.
>I dont think the game is very fun.
Have you considered actually playing it?
people have always used it
most are not they truly wish to protect their character from harm so they try their best at mechanics. this may be different NA EU from culture but you rare see on JP
With that low dps, how i astro supposed to lvl up?
Because WHM was boring as shit to begin with? The only thing WHM got was just a new way to spend Lilies. The job is still just spamming Stone/Glare and Aero/Dia x1000, which is exactly what braindead WHM players enjoy.
Yes it's a common phrase, you just missed the fact you were seeing it a lot.
Dungeons and Trusts and usual. Healers were never good at questing efficiently. At least you can spam AoE for FATES if that's any good.
AST being boring isn't the same as AST being effective. You could get potency and cd buff on the whole AST healing kit to make it the best healer and people would still complaint that the job isn't interesting which is exactly what WHM has been dealing with since forever.
yesterday I leveled both my miner and botanist from 71-80 and it took 15 hours
What do people have against Dark Knight? It's not ast levels of cuck so why am i being barred from content i can tank better than any warbaby
Riveting story, old chap. Tell me more.
Well shit. Doesn't stop it from being weird as fuck.
It's like someone with system admin access modified the world and inserted the phrase into common usage, but for some reason he forgot to include you, so it's normal to everyone aside from you.
wwwww? ? ?
Why is it always Praetorium?
that's adorable
well I did collectables and also grinded items which I will need to level my crafts and and also I got both the folklore books as well
what funny
why would he fight zenos when zenos would provide the chaos he needed?
how much money did you spend on gear?
DRK isn't cucked at all, all the tanks are fine right now.
Which tank?
Ah! Astounding! Truly a tale of legends! You should write a book about it.