How do you save up for vidya Yea Forums? You do have a job right?
How do you save up for vidya Yea Forums? You do have a job right?
I wageslave but I just don't buy games anymore since they're all shit with p2w jewery and not worth a cent out of my pocket.
I live paycheck to paycheck. I hate video games and have no hobbies so work is the only reason to get out of the house.
Wagie here, I'm quitting my job cause I can't stand this shit. How do I into neetbux? Inb4 memecoin.
>for vidya
I can buy a full priced videogame for every hour I work
By being born in the right country
Nigga what do you do that pays $60 an hour?
My mom gets paid 90 bucks an hour and my dad has a company i work for
Games i can get whenever but i dont. I use their card for groceries and pet food.
Me too, as long as it's a full priced indie game because I don't make $80 an hour
My dad buys me steam vouchers
Why are you even on Yea Forums then?
Government pays me to stay in my shithole doing nothing
just watch somebody else play it for me
I live in burgerland.
I run a business. It's like playing games anyway if you willing to know how to play.
CT tech with night differential
>$80 dollars a game
Where? Australia?
Think you need to go for autismbux then
Feels pretty comfy to be a neet
This, and I still pirate all my games because spending money on toys is gay.
Yea Forums hates video games newfag
to shitpost like everybody else I guess
I use my university maintenance loan
How does one go about doing this? Also will it prevents me from buying guns?
Living the neet life alone is pretty comfy desu
Why are you on Yea Forums if youre not poor? Fuck off back to r*dit.
I'm in the army