Your waifu has a lazy eye

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Other urls found in this thread:


So what?

that just makes it better

Why would anyone waifu a cartoon character?

What's the secret of getting the "untouchable" challenge to work. I got 3/5 but it just wont go up anymore

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Shoutout to the Megumi that actually finished

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I had the exact same thing, it’s glitches and stops counting. Close the game and restart it and it’ll start counting the final two again.

>specially go for 8th place at the beginning of race
>always get mask, orb or clocks
Based power ups trick Beenox ;^)

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More like, are you staring Ami or him?

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>finally beat Oxide on Sewer Speedway
>pretty easy on PS1, a bastard on PS4
>go attempt Coco Park and Tiger Temple
>hard as balls on PS1, ez on PS4
Welp. What ones should I watch out for?

waifus are exclusively fictional characters, you can't waifu someone in real life, they're always cartoons or anime or games or movies etc etc

Dragon Mines is THE ballbuster in this version. All my Oxide times are like 5+ seconds faster except that one, I’m only a few milliseconds faster. You gotta race flawlessly.

Depends on if you count parasocial relationships in general as waifufaggotry. IE having an obsessive crush on a celebrity who doesn't know you exist. It's an eerily similar principle

I get what you are doing, but it's really risky. Players in lead could be unreachable if you don't get those items or if they get shields

Dragon Mines, Oxide Station, and I'd say Tiny Temple if you don't have the hang of USF already

Anime is different from cartoons. OP is a cartoon.

>megumi is happy for the winner when she loses

Attached: megumi.png (333x319, 228K)

>Anime is different from cartoons.
It's not.

why does she have muscles bros

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Would she be happy to let her bf plow another bandihoochie?

I dont think shes a cuckqueen user.

yeah the process is eerily similar but if you showed up in a claim your waifu thread and posted Mila Kunis or something I would think you're in the wrong place
if you want to be extra super specific about the meaning of waifu sure but we have waifu threads on Yea Forums daily and there's always western shit I think you should know however that Hideaki Anno considers Tom and Jerry to be one of his favorite anime. As far the Japanese are concerned there is no distinction between cartoons and anime. If you specifically mean the western definition of anime, then sure, you're right. But what you've put forth is meaningless.

The weak should fear the strong.

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>what is mentsu
she's fake as fuck

She benches Tiny in her free time

Megumi always seems so happy and cheery

thats why I like her so much

she looks like she laughs at farts

>Papu Pyramid Oxide does the U-turn at the end

Attached: CrTtKlcXYAEUncu.jpg (598x749, 39K)

i have a lazy eye

>ge goes for arc turn

>you can't waifu someone in real life
Please make Yea Forums understand this.

Is CTR skill based game or is it pure luck and power ups spam?

mixture of both

Ok. Mods. This is "porn" and not okay. But THIS explicit blacked sex video is TOTALLY OK for you. I got the message.

Attached: pornography.png (845x571, 46K)

The time trials are pure skill, multiplayer can be skill but also introduces a lot of RNG from items.

4th-7th item hell is real but it's not that hard to break out of it.

I don't know what's more pathetic, you, your post, or your argument.

Oh wait it's all three

Go fap to blacked porn, retarded cuck.

Skill based obviously

Just to be clear now, will the Trophy Girls or should we call them Nitro Squad show up in future Crash games because with next-gen so soon it would be nice to see just how much better these characters can look (I just hope that if they do show up again it's not because some SJW developer is making the next Crash game making the female characters ugly and the few that have breasts become as flat as Tawna).

>not naked
Huh? What I'm missing here?

Fuck off or I will ban you again furfag


She's faker than your fake friends.

mods are fags, what else is new

Those aren't muscles....but sadly I can see female muscle growth art in her future. Fuck off, female muscle shit is disgusting.



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There are like 25 porn boards on Yea Forums but you pick Yea Forums for some reason. The thread you linked to has 0 (zero) pornography in it.

But that's not porn, retard. She's not naked.

So you just ignored Webm or just low quality baiting

absolutely abhorrent taste

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>The thread you linked to has 0 (zero) pornography in it
Watch the fucking webm on the OP, stupid retard.

Nitro Squad are a boss (mind controlled by N.Trance) in next Vicarious Visions mainline Crash game. You heard it here first. Also the Crash 3 motorbike levels have been replaced with literal 1:1 copy/pasted CTR gameplay but on unique tracks.


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this is the most dollar store furbait design I've ever seen in my life

Yea Forumsincels before the event:
Yea Forumsincels now:

I want to fuck this character

Ami right?

Thx for making me easier to ban you again idiot xD

Take me Megumi!

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Skill based, but online multiplayer is a mix of both.

no, your wrong

I still kinda agree with the top part but it's whatever.

my wrong what?

>User impersonating Yea Forums staff


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(You) before the event:
(You) now:

>ban for not porn

Pretty accurate

>before the event:
>"Fuck yeah! They're a free DLC! Based Beenox!"
And that's it.

you, all the time:
>I literally cannot stop sucking dicks

CTR literally turned me into a furry. I've fapped to some AC characters in the past, but now I want to breed with these beasts. What the hell is wrong with me.

liz should replace megumi in this picture, as she's easily the least popular trophy girl due to being a disgusting turn char

and she's ugly

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Fok off ya cunt

Liz is easily the hottest out of them all

>be me
>mad about the 5% reward because Im bad as shit
>play a bit every day
god bless ps4, 700k players right now

>autistic weebfanservicegumi player trying to speak on everyone's behalf

a few busted nuts does not a furry make

Raccoon Ami makes me nut

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What does the "track of the day" and "character of the day" shit mean

What accent is isabella trying to pull?

she can bring me to life any day gnomesaiyan

so we all agree that ami is best trophy girl right?
thats good

A cute one

280k, pal
Players without PS+ do not count

I knew a girl at work once with lazy eye.
She was super pretty but that lazy eye got me distracted and she would also look away when I stared long enough.

Eastern Europe


most played character and most played track of the day
it's virtually guaranteed that they'll each be a character/track involved in a daily nitro challenge

theres two leaderboards.

No only me

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They're featured on the daily missions, as in do X thing with Y character, or do X thing in Z map

for nitro it does.

Yes, and you watching Nitro one, which isn't for top 5%

>she would also look away when I stared long enough
how can you be sure

Isabella is Italian, Ami is American, Liz is English, Megumi is Japanese

yes it is retard.

They are both for top 5%

Both leaderboards count towards the kart

don't be a fag bro let me take a crack at that fur pie, I promise our balls won't touch

user talking about top 5%

2nd board is the only board that matters for top 5% reward

What a brainlet


t. armadillo

Tell me lad what is the most kino way of crashing a track with no survivors?
For me i feel like it has to be normal N Tropy with a non hovercraft plat paint
You start of clocking people of jumps then go for the uka uka mask and drive backwards


Sure thing. Expected nothing less
Good luck with your reward

alright well I'm gonna do it anyway but just for that I'm not gonna stop the balls touching
you brought this upon yourself

Ignore , right answer is

Indeed. LeaderboardS

>Grand Prix Leaderboards

You can’t

It's probably going to be over 1 million by the end of the month

>being this retarded

oh im coping just fine.

you might want to check on how well your parents are coping having a child with downs though.

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Uhh, could you... like, seriously, I can't even... *sighs*

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oh no a tweet that supports your opponent's claim instead of yours
how will they ever recover

Samefagging won't help you get that 5%
It's going to be glorious tho, then people like you are going to be mad, because they don't understand simple things

Maybe you shouldn't have dropped out of elementary school

Attached: here you go.png (603x161, 7K)

You can take this impregnation seriously

>You can't
stop the balls touching? not anymore I can't

heres your (you)

She would turn her whole face away in embarrassment. It was kinda cute.

maybe she had a lazy face

How embarrassing

>haha you're all gonna be so mad when I get proven wrong
user please your wrangler must be worrying themselves sick

>tfw going to miss out on all the grand prix shit due to deployment
I hope the characters aren't super expensive when they're made available out of it.

These threads get dumber every day but I'm just too happy for Crash to be talked about again to care.

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I cut off your scrotum

Jokes on you that only makes her hotter

Then riddle me this, why does the thing about the champ kart show next to both leaderboards?


btw All online challenges can be done with a friend beside what it says

Fuck off with your censored game, shill.


Just stop embarrassing yourself farther


are you me? playing this made me an anthro ffs... you can just tell this games gonna make many children into furries unfortunately.

Crash 1 > Crash 2 > Crash 3
Crash 3 is still 9+/10 though

>censored game
I know it's not, I'm just curious what mental gymnastics you're performing to come to that conclusion?

Is it because the trophy girls are now playable racers and not just npcs?

i'm not your father* wtf you retard

>no tummy on beach coco

Guys i think i got banned from online

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>stop being right, you're embarrassing yourself
oh no

Crash 2 > Crash 1 > Crash 3
But only because crash 3 is full of gimmick levels

The trophy girls have less booby and different outfits this is bad


how so?

Just don't get banned

Attached: stopembarrassingyourself.gif (245x175, 1.96M)

Censoring is when content is removed or redacted, if the content never existed in the first place it's not censoring, it's just you autistically screeching that there's not enough underage furry on show for you to fap to.
Kill yourself

>Never played CTR as a kid
>All this anons having fun with the deep FAST mechanics and characters/waifus
>You'd never be able to get good and go FAST to have fun online and unlock shit
damn you


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i disconnected and now it won't let me connect to servers, but i'm typing here.


It might be easier for you because you don't get tricked by old muscle memory

>You'd never be able to get good and go FAST to have fun online and unlock shit
Why not? You some kinda defeatist or somethin'?

lol do all online matches look like this?

>You'd never be able to get good and go FAST to have fun online and unlock shit.

Why? This is a game that was mastered by 8 years old. Why wouldn't you be able to? Getting good is actually the best part of the game.

someone get this hothead outta here.

there's a 30 second timer which starts when the leader finishes, anybody who hasn't finished by the time it runs out gets a big fat DNF

If you're good at the game then you can consistently DNF everybody else in the lobby and drink their tears

I'm just glad they're in at all. Everyone thought they would get rid of them altogether to please the pc crowd, but making them actual racers is a great compromise.

>if you're really good at this game, you can be an autistic shitter and make people lose motivation to play

i like boobs and vaginas when they are on pretty girls in the proper way


>keep samefagging just for pity (you)
Just tell me so. Here, it's on house.

It isn't about winning,it's about making sure everyone else fails.

>quotes an autistic chink bugman

that what happens when there is non stop clocks. seriously did they up the rate people get clocks since last update?

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Where do I go to find rare pictures of the bandicoots and what keywords do I search?

you're still a retard who can't understand plurality though

I'd like to say I fucking love how the trophy coots are playable now.

"bandecot pusi"

Whats the point of cheat codes when you cant use them in adventure mode?

>go on 2nd place on Papu's Pyramid
>on start of the second lap "race will end in 30 seconds" showed up
>DNF all players
>his time is 1:26
>on my left up corner timer it's 1:28
What the fuck?

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And yet it's converting thousands. Nobody actually liked your rainbow coloured fag fursona user

How does not being useable in adventure mode make their nature as cheat codes pointless?

Ocelot Liz is 10/10

Of course idiot who thinks one leaderboard is all that matters skips my post
Again, why is that when you go to either leaderboard they both have the champ car to the right along with place in top 5% to get this along with it?
That is right you just cant admit you are wrong or just shitposting.

it's because your ugly, stupid, and stinky

How is Isabella so perfect?

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He realized that he was wrong but began to shit post.


I have done 5 out of 30+ N Tropy ghosts.

Gonna get some videos and images off, then backup my save.

Cortex's Castle is gonna be a pain

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so switch is fucked right now?

I wish the reskins didnt effect the skin. She looks like homer with her racer outfit

probably just server issues.

bros i'm losing motivation to play, i keep getting fucking second online and i can't win
my fragile ego is being shattered

fridge body worst girl

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Dude, treat second as first, and treat first as if your father came back from his 30 year smoke break.

>Come out of time trials a DNF master
Have you hit time trials yet and beaten Oxide on every track?

Man, you still that hungry nigger?

>unlock CC tropy time and happen to beat the oxide time as well.
>mfw have to do it two more times for it to even count

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Will Coco grow up to have a body like Isabella, or Tawna? Remember, for some odd reason, Tawna has a snout more like the lads, while all the others don't

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Im not a furry or anything..

I want to see Ami’s abs and give them a tummyrub that’s so good she acts like a dog receiving it
That would actually be pretty hot, having a pretty girl on her back with her tongue out, panting like an excited dog
Fuck I see where this whole petplay thing comes from

Tawna is probably the same subspecies as Crash and Coco - Coco would grow to be more like Tawna (though she wouldn't have the same - err, measurements).

i'm too scared to touch time trials until Tropy's wrath is contained
this is a good idea though, i don't want to give up i want to GET FUCKING GOOD
can i get good if i play a balanced character though

She’ll probably stay short and squat like Crash

>If you're good at the game then you can consistently DNF everybody else in the lobby and then complain on Yea Forums when everyone leaves

tawna is a tranny while Coco is a weak little girl, so she will grow up like Isabella

>go to reddit (just to laugh at them I swear!)
>bandicuties everywhere on the board
will they be able to carry CTR into the true mainstream?

Tropys wrath was contained with the grand prix patch.

I could eat, sure

>Digital Tropy joins lobby
>leaves lobby
Why are their egos so fragile?

I hope she grows up shapely and beautiful like my waifu Tawns.

Balanced characters are third tier at best. Turns out that like in the original the in game stats are a lie and acceleration characters are actually faster. I personally only use balanced characters for tiny arena and oxide station.

Based Tawnbro

Not fully, we are still all on his time.
Problem is crashing during saves, which wasnt reported as the issue that was glaring was TTs

My friends and I have a running joke I feel like you guys would enjoy

In the cinematics for CNK, we always joke about Velo having the worst garlic breath

In the beginning when he goes "do you accept my challenge? OUT WITH IT" we joke that Crash has to plug his nose before giving him the thumbs up

It's a funny mental image to imagine Velo biting off a chunk of garlic bread before he laughs, and when he does a bunch of crumbs fall out of his mouth

Also, when you finally race him, a little mouth peice comes up that he breathes into that blows his breath out of the turbines on his kart to distract you during the race

We also joke at the end when he goes "a rematch? But there are rules to follow.. first you must earn all of my thyme garlics" (the original line is time relics)

That's all. I hope somebody laughed at that

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Balanced is second best though, all that matters is speed baby and i dont care what incels say or post thinking it is anyway concrete proof.
Nothing feels bettwr dbfing accel autists with default crash or full retro crash

I was referring to the 7 bandicoochies

you and your friends had better be under 15 or autistic

Meg*mi is dollar store Tawna is dollar store Coco

i just want to play komodo joe and be good
and i just know when they finally release moe he'll be turning and my life will be ruined

to be fair CNK is a 2004(?) game

>Balanced is second best though
No. I used balanced all throughout the game until I found out they're slower. There's not a chance they're any higher than third best.

Balanced is great dont listen to him

Who are the best?

>tfw you will never be Oxide's slave again
Tuck me in

you are :)

how high were you when made this post

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Me and the boys when a Tawna thinks shes gonna win Twilight Tour

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Why even argue about it? If you learn the tracks/mechanics enough to play at any competent level you could smoke the majority of online players on any track with a fucking handling character let alone any other class, all of which are pretty evenly viable.

That was stupid.

fuck sake I missed isabella on holiday, what do I buy for her to pop up again?

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No they usually look like this

>Why even argue about it? If you learn the tracks/mechanics enough to play at any competent level you could smoke the majority of online players on any track with a fucking handling character let alone any other class
Well that's what I did for a while with the sub par balanced kart. If I were to race someone with the exact same skills as me using a balanced character while I was using acceleration it's pretty easy to figure out who's going to win.

Maybe since CTR on the PS1. It's been a steady clockfest since release as far as CTR:NF goes.

Congrats on winning anything at all with a balanced character user

there is a reason inside jokes are never funny
never post this again

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Honestly i hate PaPa Temple because of those plants

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Sounds like somebody needs to >git gud

You're not ready to make the sacrifices. Cower and switch to acceleration, pray to the item box gods

I’m happy for him

As much as I love the trophy girls and AMI got me into speed chars, I plan on playing Dingodile once the event ends.I'll only bring out the waifus when a N Tropy is in the lobby

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>Barin Ruins yesterday
>Five Blue Orbs and two Clocks
There is literally no fucking reason why people need to be getting this shit within the first 10 seconds of the race, let alone having multiple at a time. Even Mario supposedly has the Lightning spawn only every 30 seconds.

Stupid fucking N-word.

same here user
now I have the painter skin I can't wait to cast aside the nitro thots and ride with best boy again

Trust me Brother, hes not as a bad as that HEDGEHOG.

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Okay I laughed pretty hard at Isafella.
Holy shit

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I only switch to the Nitro Squad and all the extra stuff when I know I'm going to unlock a challenge now. I somehow play a lot better when I pick something I'm familiar with.

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Balanced is the most retardedly specific racer class, it's mostly only good in tony arena. You just don't get the retarded USF cornering that puts handling on the map, and you'd need a boulevard to snake a straight line.

This specific turn stat is the worst of both worlds

I wanna play the Biker Crash skin for as long as I can.


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So you can put her in cute dresses and watch her get embarrassed

You were far enough to brush off those impacts, so who cares?

>"I-Items are perfectly balanced! You just need to git gud!"

>I'll only bring out the waifus when a N Tropy is in the lobby
Good luck I've been DNFing waifufags all night

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Sounds like wife material to me.

Not the point you fucking mongoloid.

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ironically that demonstrates that items are balanced too far in the opposite direction, since he ate three warp orbs and it still didn't do enough damage to cost him his lead

I still haven't played a single round with that character.

>Caring so much about something that has no effect on you
Keep being angry, mongoloid.

>losing SF right after the jump
user what the FUCK are you doing
you have plenty of room to boost before the jump

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There's literally no reason why there needs to be four orbs and multiple clocks in a single race. Keep defending this obviously broken shit for no reason other than to be a shill.

>right of the lamp cut
Smh my head

>Crying over something that dosen't affect those who has the biggest lead
Keep crying over something that dosen't matter other than the "I couldn't win 1st in my time-trial time", if you don't like it, stop playing. It's not like the playerbase loses anything of value.

Can't wait for you to cry about frontrunning being obviously fucking broken when they decide to patch orbs and clocks.

You haven't given a single solid argument why this is okay.


Attached: REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE.webm (1280x720, 2.85M)

DNFing isnt anything to brag about, I'm a 20 year vet.

Attached: faggiot.jpg (3543x2362, 669K)

>Evil Twins release
>Pick the Bandibuggy with the dark green paint
>burst this in the lobby

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You know that blue orbs and clocks affect more than just the first placer player, right retard?

>Bitching about three orbs
>Still won the race
>This is such a problem!
You haven't given a single solid argument why this isn't okay.

I'm sure you would know all about the ranks other than 1st.

Where's the Ricardo edit?


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Mon ami

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>hehe i'm teh best playr i always com in 1st ;)
Sure you do, nigger.

Thanks but I'll brag about what I want to get DNF'd

the whole "Kung Fu CQC moves" winning poses were really unnecessary, yeah

>dosen't know how to save his shields so that this this things affect you at minimum
Heh. Fags.

Is she pregnant on this pic?

>dude just get a mask or a shield from the rng crates bruh ;)
Good argument.

>learned how to hold my usf on several maps
>still can't reliably pull the shortcuts on polar pass
How the fuck can ANYONE say Papu's Pyramid is more difficult?

But she will be

What does this expression convey?

Attached: absolute smug ripper roo.png (251x225, 99K)

>shields are 100% guaranteed items
Oh no it's retarded

It’s the rare closed-mouth ahegao face

>dude dosen't get a mask or a shield at the right time
Must sucked being hated by RNG so much. And thanks.

what is her animation while in the dress? I never play Coco

>be smart
>slow start on purpose
>get clock/orb on first set of boxes
>get first and never drop it
big powerups shouldn't come into play until the first lap is over
thats how they are broken

So you just shitposting. Sad

>Dosen't know how to save his shields because he knows they ain't 100% guaranteed
Oh no it's retarded.

As if you're posting anything of value. Happy.

Eating wumpa and dying

Roo playing 4D chess for his ultimate victory

The pleasure of being cummed inside of.

I thought this was a lego game from the thumbnail
my dick smells

>contributes nothing and just waste his time pretending being retarded
Sad. No more (you)s

for those who only played the original CTR
what is your favorite non-CTR track?
i really like clockwork wumpa

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>big powerups shouldn't come into play until the first lap is over
First place just got a 20 second lead before the lap is even over.

Android Alley, Electron Avenue and Barin Ruins

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Oh bitch please. I've been in 8th in a lot of races and I get the clock or the orb in what, like 2/20 races? One time only I was lucky and got 2 orbs in a race in Electron Avenue in a 7 lap race and those orbs couldn't catch the 1st place in 2 laps, so cry me a river. And when I've been on the other side, fighting first almost a lap ahead of everyone else, knowing the orbs are after your ass is such an adrenaline filled race. Again, after practicing Electron Avenue a lot, I was on the lead by 1 lap and the funny thing is that the orb hit everyone else a second time trying to catch me, wich allowed me to move ahead way more, as in the mid of all the chaos I got a shield.
You bitches bitch way too much about the things that make this game more fun because sometimes it IS bullshit and when you overcome it all, it's way more satisfaying.

>thinks his constant bitching contributes anything to the thread.
Sad. No more (you)s

She's a computer nerd, so she'd become a fatass.

I really like Clockwork Wumpa too; they're all not bad at all.

I used to despise Electron Avenue due to how long it is, and while I still think it's too long for casual play, I absolutely love the track design and how it takes skill to maintain a high boost. Cool setting too, Crash 3's future levels are based.

20 seconds is nothing user

>no u
Can't get any worse


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Would you a roo?

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>20 seconds is nothing
If that were true you wouldn't be bitching about warps and clocks.

>Still so mad he keeps replying even if he dosen't wanna give (You)'s
Talk about hitting rock bottom.


The series before the N. Sane Trilogy showed her growing up and filling in just fine.

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On lap 1 it kind of is. Now they can keep playing Time Trial for 2 more laps while the rest shit on each other and lose even more time. Frontrunning is far too powerful in this game. If someone manages to breakaway that's fucking it.

Wow she’s in *that* much of a hurry to park so she can come into my house and suck my cock that she pulls into the parking lot, tires screeching? That’s hot

A-Ami, please don't...

Is any Grand Prix shit you don't unlock by the end gone forever?

Ami, you gotta stop. You can't keep going on like this. She's just another bandicoot. You can't let her get to you like this. You're tearing us apart Ami.

Android Alley and Deep Sea Driving for me. Despite loving CTR as a kid I never got into the original Nitro Kart so all new to me

>clothes get increasingly more revealing
we live in a society...

Fuck you amerimutt

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Android Alley and Clockwork Wumpa

Official announcement somewhere implied they would be added to the pit stop in the future

The best thing is when you are in first and second is also good if not better, but he just can't catch up because third keeps unleashing missles, bombs or whatever else.
Some of my few first places in online has been thanks to that.

They said that the GP stuff will end up in the shop eventually. Chances are this months stuff will be in the shop during the September event, then in October the August event stuff will go into the shop.

Yes. It later will be add in PS Store in bundles

That's actually a pretty balanced example since you were too far ahead for the orbs to compromise your position too much. Your skill level still allowed you to stay in the lead.

I only bitched about them appearing in the first crates/lap
the items are necessary but they should never be something that can decide the game on the first lap anything more than 30 seconds is impossible to come back unless they fuck up AND get hit by orbs
20 and below is easy to overcome with just a single orb if you can maintain SF/USF


well, I guess digital tropy is off the table

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Deep Sea Driving since it has better Sewer Speedway physics than Sewer Speedway

Sure thing buddy. Whatever you say.

>they should never be something that can decide the game on the first lap
Better remove bombs and missiles too then.

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never mind for some reason I made this post and just beat him on crash cove, however

I know I'm not good enough to beat him on others

I'd say Crash Cove and Dragon Mines are the hardest. If you can do those two, you can do any of them.

>thinking bombs and missile are on par with clock and orb
you can stop pretending to be retarded now

This is true, Sewer was my top 3 maps in original CTR, but now I never vote for it online.

Ideal future skins:

Trenchcoat for Pinstripe
Samurai for Papu Papu or Cortex
Viking Tiny/Crunch
Mechanic jumpsuit/backwards cap for Crash

do you have to do the platnium relics in adventure mode or can you do them from the main menu?

Plumber Boy Crash

Dragon Mines and Oxide Station are the true Digital Tropy killers

Beach Cortex. Hawaiian shirt, sunglasses, and slippers and he drinks from a coconut in his victory animation

>2nd place getting hit by a bomb doesn't let 1st break away
You were talking about deciding the race on the first lap. Infighting absolutely fucking does.

I disagree. In most races I've been, when Orb hits in first lap, usually the person on the server with the most skills returns to first place by the end of second lap. In around 20 hours of playthrough with friends who has defeated Oxide, we've only managed to stop him from 1st place using items in very few races. Missiles and bombs have always been more effective against this players if you manage to keep them with the pack, one they break free, not even 3 orbs has been enough to stop them in many many cases. Fun thing, several times we've hitten first place with the clock and an orb, most times the orbs hits first, saving first place from the clock effects, and when clock hits with orbs, the one unaffected by clock was waaay too far away to even come close to first place.

I had an especially hard time beating N.Tropy in Twilight Tour, but once I did, I had got gud enough I had already smoked Oxide's time as well. Weird feeling.

>Trenchcoat and a fedora for Pinstripe to reflect on his fans


I think Electron Avenue but there's a lot of really fun tracks here I'm playing for the first time. Deep Sea Driving, Tiny Temple, Barin Ruins, Android Alley. Pretty much anything that isn't Jungle Boogie or Inferno Island is really entertaining. FUCKING BEENOX, FIX SEWER SPEEDWAY

Why did they remove the word "slaves" from Oxide's intro speech? It's such an unnecessary change, "minions" removes any semblance malice or seriousness from his threat

Papu Papu needs a wrestling outfit.

Out of time is my favourite.

>This faggot is still mad about Tawna shitposting

Frankenstein Brio
Retro Tawna
Royal attire Papu

>can beat pretty much every Oxide ghost by 10-20 seconds
>online is a cakewalk, finish 1st every time even when getting fucked over by power-ups because no one else knows how to build up speed at all
I have reached peak comfy with this game. Easily the game of the year and I can't wait for Spyro event.

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censored game

Same reason Hunter doesn't say "chicks" in the Spyro remake.

Imagine an alternate timeline where the Crash remakes didn't exist, and the series was brought back... as a gacha.

Attached: rip-roo-dokkan.png (638x1136, 741K)

Stat wise and characterwise, you know this is true

For Papu they should just roll with the wrestler idea. Either wearing a singlet or a wrestling organization T-shirt and trunks. Maybe his staff becomes a bit edgier.

*angrily opens and closes car door*
*past paced footsteps*

Attached: bitch.png (1455x1450, 1.87M)

My left index finger is really fucked. That is keeping me feeling comfy.

So cuckoldry?

Fine, tracksuit Pinstripe

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An obvious choice

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Depending on what it was, I'd play a Crash Bandicoot mobile game.

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Speed ≥ Acceleration ≥ Balanced > Handling

It really feels like some games you are racing against DSP or something
I just don't get how people don't know how to keep SF
Like you can clearly see that the flame changes and you are going faster why wouldn't you boost on top of that


sonic the hedgehog just got put in a gacha game monster game, where you train monsters and sonic is your slave

I'm not joking. Sonic fans are IN that timeline you're memeing about

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Or perhaps there should be some sort of skill bases matchmaking

Some people just think it's a cute Mario Kart knockoff and play it like such.

Why even call it matchmaking when it's obviously completely random anyway?

Let's be real here, it was only a matter of time.

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Because it makes a match, that's what matchmaking means.

>beat everything you can beat in single player with flying colors
>fuck up everything online even though I know how to maintain boosts and take shortcuts and shit

Attached: 1267266254863.jpg (720x480, 17K)

>Put in a trans rights skin for Fake Crash
>Removed boob jiggle
>Changed the trophy girls to the "nitro squad" which is more gender neutral
>Also changed their role from eye candy to badass yaass queen racers
>Changed Oxide's "slaves" line to "minions" because it's problematic
>Have said Watermelon Tawna "will be addressed"
What happened?

Attached: 1561448407725.png (577x583, 385K)

>>Put in a trans rights skin for Fake Crash
wait, what

for a bunch of sperg looking people they made a pretty tight fucking video game

>png vector outline

Attached: untitled (2).png (1455x1450, 1.86M)

His pink skin has a pink and blue color scheme (trans flag) with rainbow pattern pants (pride)

I keep seeing that ad popup on my phone, I didn't know whether it was a western thing too or not, but I thought maybe its because Im in Japan at the moment. Nobody here even knows who sonic is anymore, but when I see that ad popup my early 2000s teenage brain that loved sonic shit still gets a bit excited.
Then I remember

There but for the grace of god go I

Boob jiggle is in the xbox version tho

so queue times can become longer and matches even laggier than they are now?
no thanks

seriously what is it with everybody wanting skill based matchmaking for everything
feels like bad players don't like being shown they are bad

Probably an endless runner, with each character having different stats and abilities.

Oh, that's unfortunate...

Attached: aku-dio-dokkan.png (638x1136, 1.04M)

>finish in second
>lol u actually got last place, below ALL these fucks, even though you actually finished

The eternal grind killed my enjoyment. It's going to be this way for at least until December. I'm out.

Is there a picture somewhere?

It really doesn't feel good to DNF others either.

I always wait near the finish line unless I'm on womb time.

Endless runners are seriously the worst type of mobile game.

It's not nearly as bad as fucking Mortal Kombat 11

Modern games are all about happy safe space, that's why there is no chat and I'm sure that DNF players will soon get their own lobbies and coin boosts.

>Put in a trans rights skin for Fake Crash
and what if i use a pink car set with girly stickers? will that make Fake Crash the ultimate troll character?

Why did this game turn into mario kart overnight, I'm going to kill myself

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When is Isabella coming back in the shop? I was on holiday

I agree that perhaps increasing the time it takes to fill a lobby might get fucked in this game if skill based matchmaking, but if you can't think why it exists at all, then I guess you just only enjoy stomping people and don't understand that some people have fun when they actually have a challenge, instead of just guaranteed winning or losing

DNF ing lobbies feels great considering going fast feels amazing
idk what you're on about

Use the rainbow 22

>freak character gets that specific color combination
What did they mean by this?

We are just different people then

skill based matchmaking makes every game sweaty even if you just want to chill back
it has no place in games when there is no ranked mode or dedicated servers

I dunno, what kind of genre would a Crash gacha be like?

Attached: pura-UR.png (638x1136, 585K)

Never. Welcome to the era of Ami and Megumi.

>giving a trans themed skin to a freak of nature (FC was inspired by a bootleg Japanese plushie) with grossly exaggerated physical features

sounds pretty redpilled to me

A few days, it rotates the characters every day. She should be back Wednesday or so

opinion saved user, i'll see what i can get later


Hope you get the Champion kart
Also change your username to TransRites

You say that, but people are still gonna run circles round other races, without even being super tryhards because they're just good at the game. While I agree competition is good, some people need an incentive to keep trying. If they keep losing by a mile EVERY SINGLE TIME, they're just gonna give up before it's worth even learning. I'm not saying they deserve to win, but if they don't even come a close 3rd or 4th, they're just gonna think it takes too much effort and skill to be worth practicing, and some people who do just DNF everyone might just get bored of the game if they don't even have to try to win

I didn't get N.Trance in time, didn't know he'd only be available in a bundle. Does he come back regularly? I haven't seen him again since the Grand Prix started.


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It's actually map dependant, but yes, speed will continue to dab on the competition until people start littering their trajectories

You had at least 2 tnt\nitro to tackle one or two missiles. Git gud.

>community already dying
W-Will Spyro save it?

Ha, i'll think about it

there is more to the game than just online though
if they even bother attempting the time trials they will learn the game just by watching the tropy and oxide ghosts

people are in bed you dipshit.

Anyone online on Switch for a quick race? I just need someone to complete the "play with a friend" challenge.

FC: SW-8477-8885-7284

SW 4817 4075 6894

Thanks N Brio

git it

you win one, I win one?

Sure, you win first

>only Americans play
T-This is worse than I thought..

Feels great to DNF a lobby in spite of clocks/orbs, or thanks to good item use on your part. Not so great when they stay in the dirt the whole game blowing each others' shit up.

Reminds me of when people tried to turn Donkey Kong into a trans icon and completely missed the irony of it

The dailies made people bored

add Tawna

your turn

There are a lot of Tawnas too.

>only americans play on 4channel
whoa, surprising

It's regional

You're lying

Tawna is on the 'good' side. She's with Liz and Isabella.

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What do the trophies next to to coins you earned at the end of an online race mean?

Thank you based user, really appreciated the help.

Is the android alley train strongest being in the crash universe?
not even the masks can handle its power

anything else you need to do?

have you checked your grand prix ranks?

Mods can ban for pretty much anything they feel like.
Even if there aren't nipples, censored pornography is bannable as is replying to off-topic threads.

I didn't know at first but they add to your championship score right? Given how Nitro score is seperate

Nah it's ok I have to go now, but thanks again.

no prob, happy to help

Now fill up the space on the top right corner

All 3 of them look like my classmates from my last semester.

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Did you banged angry or chubby girl?

>zoomers are playing this game

You mean?

So which characters use the Velo mask? In the original ony Crash, Coco, Pura, Polar and I think Penta used Aku Aku.


Nash, Krunk, both norms, small velo, geary, and n trance

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>dem character icons

Attached: 40 hours in ms paint.png (756x423, 418K)

and zam and zem

I didn't like these new ones at first but I got used to them. Good on Beenox for giving each skin a unique icon too


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You think she has some dude whom she was stalking for months in her basement with broken legs?

>The turbines in Deep Sea Driving
Literally impossible to dodge.

thanks doc

user we've been over this either memorize every second of every individual rotation in your head or unlock U-USF and burst right through them

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Out of Time and Hyper Speedway are to me the two tracks that require that require the most skill, and the ones I find the most enjoyable. Electron Avenue is a close third only because as A E S T H E T I C as the track is it's very simple outside of one shortcut.

>Even Oxide hits them
Literally. Impossible.

Mr J. Fox I love Back to the Future movies

*Weird I thought Oxide would beon Velo's team because IIRC his loss was what got Velo interested in Crash in the first place. Same with Crunch for Crash's Team. What would Von Clutch even get since he's not evil?

*Being autistic about a kids racing game

Well fuck my tits dragon mines is actually GOAT


Attached: Cursed.png (1716x1962, 3.35M)

If they're doing ports of CTTR tracks then they better have Ring of Uranus. It was a chaotic driftfest even with CTTR's driving mechanics.

Attached: rings_uranus1.jpg (1436x812, 237K)


challenges don't sometimes count if there is an issue with the servers, just go back and forth between the ending screens to try and force it

if that doesn't work, try again later


*Drops pen on the floor*


Of course I will, sweetheart.

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dragon mines is based and is naturally super easy for me for some reason, never got the complaints
just hop /u-turn up the wooden spiral and use the minecart shortcut whenever you roll a turbo boost or mask, literally all there is to it

the memes that have come from these threads are so fucking shit they're the best memes ever made

I hate that they make me laugh

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>9 laps


Me at the last second of that webm before it cuts off running over Isabella in my truck

The trajectories outside of these two spots are super hot. It's Roo tubes with a pleb filter

The other two tracks were called Uranus Mines and Craters on Uranus

>there are people who unironically think you can get a shield in every game when you're first, especially on short races
who let you retards in here?

>Oxide on Thunder Struck
>When you know the massive skips
Fastest in the galaxy my ass

Why did they give Tawna and Megumi such terrible voices

I like Tawna's voice but her lines are pretty rough

Yeah we get it Radical, you're the masters of puns and literally nobody has thought of using uranus as a butt joke before.

>other player fires missile
>it follows me around the tightest corners and hairpins
>I fire a missile

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They aren’t taking tracks from CTTR but inspiration apparently. In a recent interview the director said that Twilight Tour is based on Pyramid Pass and the Egyptian/Arabian Warped levels, and Prehistoric Playground is based on Fossil Fuel Injection and the Prehistoric Warped levels. They’re pretty different to the tracks they’re based on, but we might get one based loosely on Ring of Uranus or one of the other space tracks with the Warped Futuristic level aesthetic.

>king chicken locked away in cortex castle
deepest lore

Hahaha, stop my sides are hurting.

Fuck off, it's comedy gold

>Tawna's voice

I haven't performed a single perfect boost from the start of the race, what's the trick?

mash X like a madman and it can fill up the gauge better

>9 laps of drifting and item spam in a single circle
Do it, Beenox.

Attached: 1337497707479.jpg (477x363, 30K)

I'm making fucking ripper roo porn AND NOBODY CAN STO

>3 warp orbs going around the track at all times

Attached: The+size+of+the+leaf+pile+you+could+make+with+_8a2545af92de9cf900135cd5bcc52d41.png (609x667, 249K)

can he fuck Nina?

>27 laps if Beenox adds in multiplayer game settings

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I don't know why they don't just get rid of the pretense that we even have a "SFW" sections, being caught browsing here is social and work suicide regardless if of some bandicoot boobs honestly I'd rather people saw the soft core pornography than some of the shit posted here.

>bomb invisible bomb invisible bomb invisible missile bomb clock
Great game.

>user's drawing of Ripper Roo came to life and ripped his dick off

how hard would you nut if Spyro's themed track was based on pic related

Attached: Dream-Weavers_Reignited.jpg (350x197, 14K)

Ocelot Liz does wonders to my dick

It was actually “Uranus’ Mine” which is what make the pun “your anus is mine”.

Balanced is factually slower than accel. You can go faster than most accel characters if you're good enough, but on an equal skill level and no item fuckery a balanced character will always theoretically lose to accel.

>dunking on digital tropy on oxide station as Liz.

Feels good

What if Beenox just rolls with those dumb Marty stories and gives King Chicken a silly unlock requirement

I feel like it will be treetops rather than that. it suits CTR a bit more.

Attached: TreeTops_PS1.png (1280x720, 894K)

This so fucking much.

Attached: 1562457461866.png (184x184, 73K)

>mfw Beenox gives the spyro track the skyboxes reignited didn't deliver on

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>Dragon Mines
A true bitch. I raced there 2 times in multiplayer and did ok but then as soon as I reached it in adventure all I thought was "the fuck is this?". I was so glad when I beat it and not bothering with that track in other modes.

Okay, I got Digital N. Tropy
Am I good at this game now

>Hasn't got Sundial N Tropy yet

good but not great
and far from excellent

Electron Avenue and Thunderstruck (before they found the exploit).
I hope they bring back a patched thunderstruck to the online map pool soon