>Being a cock loving bird or a shit slumming pig
>Being a cock loving bird or a shit slumming pig
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it's sleepy time reddit so behold this 5
I feel sorry for birbfriends
Now die
and I didn't get dick for free so who cares
did anyone actually get any free games?
I like how they made it per capita and then backed out on it because reddit got mad
>event cost Valve 600,000 in free games for 9000 winners
I hope it was a shit sale for them
>one billion accounts
>90 million monthly users
>9000 winners
You were NEVER going to win.
It was a shit sale for me
Skipped it and bought CTR and Mario Maker instead
>tfw choose bird
Well atleast I did my time
I didn't get free shit. Team pig, a low-pop team that scored a few 3rds.
Team-based raffles with such shit odds you have a better chance of spontaneously combusting in your chair are cancer. The real winners were the account holders who luckchadded into being able to buy dozens of those 5 dollar coupons because of how broken the shitty event's token algorithms were on day 1.
Did they already give out the extra 5000 free games they said they would?
Oh boy your odds of winning go from 0.0000000000000000001% to 0.0000000000000000002%!!!
better chance of winning the lottery dude. it's pointless even caring
But you chose a dog...and a gay dog at that
I mean what the fuck, do you buy everything at Target like all the other good mens do?
Right here. Ended up with hundreds of thousands of potential points day 1. Didn't realize how it worked till three days ago, when I redeemed every single one of them and got nearly $200 off, ended up buying a few people from Yea Forums some games.
>guys don't pick corgi pick any other animal you will actually have better chance to win games
*picks cockatiel or pig*
there's still another 5000 gifts being given out in the next ~24 hours, don't see why everyone's got their panties in a twist. it's literally a free game if you win, so if you don't win, who fucking cares. The real issue is how they want you to pay to even participate past an extremely minimal level. And they want you to pay THEN. I've spent well over $15,000 on my steam account and got barely 12,000 points, but a friend of mine who spent $1500 in the lunar sale, and maybe $3000 total, had 87,000 points. It's a load of horseshit.
lunar sale was worthless as fuck so everyone was left with loads of unspent coins that carried over. and then they added the grand prix badge which hilariously devalued steam levels
They added those badges in purposefully to give validity to the back end change they made to booster pack droprates months ago, where they now scale based on levels divisible by 50 as opposed to 20% increases every 10 levels.
Team "cock" were the true cucks the whole time.
Eat shit reddit dog and tryhard cuckatiel.
Tortoise master race here from the very beginning. Semper Fi.
who cares.
They changed the rules. The wishlist winners are now chosen among ALL teams and not just the first 3.
reddit BTFO'd
(formerly reddit's)
Slow and Steady
I love how everything on this board is the same reskinned meme with a different noun here and there
the badge of reddit. forever staining the profiles of faggots and making them easily blacklistable
>boasting about being side by side with reddit niggers
Oh,why yes i do indeed have the steam 2019 race winner badge.
>Being this upset because his team didn't win
Here, you clearly need this more than I do.
Yea Forums and reddit are officially bros now
>proud of being a majority
only gets to show you how this site has gone downhill
Go back.
>he wasn't in the winning team
>choose losing team just to be contrarian
Lmaoing @ ur life
And I did not win a single game of my wish list, what a shit event
>He took the reddit gibs like a pathetic nigger so he could win an ultimately pointless contest.
>implying it isn't completely arbitrary who wins and ultimately the color scheme and art matter more
>an ultimately pointless contest
why are you so buttblasted then?
>not choosing the front runner for a chance for free game
have the jews taught you nothing
It says within 2 days of the end of sale so they all will be out by July 11
Gets second place.
Still better than hare who repeatedly kept blowing its load and even got past 10k boost at some point. Sure they won but i guess it was at the cost of lots of team switching and everyone blowing their wallet jizz at once before realizing theyre dooming themselves to only a couple podium placements at best.
Is anyone actually going to give a shit about this a month later
Birdfag alert. BIRDFAG ALERT
This was by far their worst event ever. Oversaturated team at the start and valve intervening later just to cause a major unbalance anyway is what ruined all this.
Teams should have been randomly assigned and valve shouldn't have catered to cogi fucks just because they threw a tantrum. Tortoise and cockatiel could have had this in the bag but as usual with everything reddit ruined another event.
>never got a single team change token
Fuck team bird, I knew I shouldn't have joined a team right when the sale started. At least I don't have the reddit dog badge to stain my profile though
The corgi picture on the results page is an svg of this. I know it's normal, but it amused me.
I have the utmost respect for Hare bros.
Cock fags are alright, but their insistent screaming got annoying. It was beyond hilarious for ALL birdfags who suddenly wen't real quiet after the 4th day when Tortoise somehow came 1st. Then Cockfags lost nearly every single other day afterwards.
But I got respect for Hare's for literally coming out of no where. I have a feeling a lot of ex-redditcorgi niggers joined Hare, but I have respect for the original loyal members.
The dog looks like such a bitch. Imagine have this thing as your badge HAHA
who cares about that
how many Steam levels did you get out of this broken event?
I went up from 21 to 60 on an account that's more than 10 years old
I'm still Level 16.
Reminder that corgi is literally /tg/
Went from 36 to 85. Pretty happy about it
>pick the bird because it's a local animal
>don't care about the rest of this whole shebang
And all was well.
>caring about steam levels
Woohoo I can add another showcase to my profile, epic
What is the point. I have 15,600 points.
I want to get the 5 dollar discount, why should I care about getting up to Lvl 50?
Woah, what location on this entire earth are you that has birds? I've never seen a bird before. I thought they were just a myth.
This. Knowing what I know now I still would have picked bird. It's the best badge to have and it was the true underdog who got screwed by reddit niggers and valve's fuckery
Chose tortoise, will I get a game?
one has a lasting effect on your account with minimal effort that used to take hundreds of hours and money to achieve, and the other is a dog meme
>tfw won no games
I only spent $15 CAD though so it feels good.
But I didn't choose a pitbull
>picked Hare, then stopped paying attention
I'm glad I skipped this one. Third place for a thing I didn't care about with none of the drama and all of the using my free time doing more productive things.
Branded like a fucking dog as you all deserve
>he switched teams
If you chose Corgi and got nothing then you literally just made yourself Reddit for the rest of your natural-born life for no reason
You can't erase stains upon the soul just like that
Don't see gold laurels around your mascot's picture.
Dogs are awesome, only niggers and muslims hate them.
Right, because Yea Forums isn't more reddit than reddit has ever been. Nigger.
Even though you reddit niggers infest this place, some parts are still less reddit than reddit itself. I just wish you faggots would stop ruining everything for everyone else.
Yea Forums is reddit tho, it's also the worst board
>Dogs are awesome
Go back. Your starting to sound like reddit.
You sound like you're trying too hard to fit in
That's rich coming from you.
Why must you be so blind to comprehend your allegiance is that with the normies and redditors, the 70%. The masses, the consuming; unthinking; bandwaggoning; mouth breathing; NPC peasants.
You sound proud of your folly.
I pity you lot, you pretenders, trying to convince yourself that Corgi's are actually the right choice. When a rational man can deduce that neither the chances, nor stigma attached to the misbegotten corgi was not a wise choice.
Well, when Valve is literally rigging the event every day and us COCKatiels got our wings absolutely clipped with their 'balancing' causing us to basically be dead last, then yeah, maybe should have went Corgi if I was psychic.
>muh r*ddit
I'll join anyone as long as I win, winning is all. Sucks to be you loser
>uses buzzwords
>calls others reddit
what did you win? nothing ahhh , niceeeeeee
Well, for me, it said I had Lunar points, but that I 'spent' them (even though I didn't) and so I got screwed over and didn't have any. I spent over like $120 too and didn't have 15,000 points for the discount as a result.
I won a boring race, and you didn't. In the end I won and that's all that matters
>I'll join anyone as long as I win
So you joined the other 70% of steam.
I'll do the maths for you since your simpleton "intellect" can barely keep your bodily functions working.
300 out of 10,000,000 win a game.
200 out of 200,000 win a game
100 out of 150,000 win a game
As I alluded to, if you used your reasoning and deduction, you would understand as a member of Team Corgi statistically you have the lowest chance to win.
This was the choice you made, and now you are forever branded as a reddit nigger. That is the cost of your knee jerk reaction thinking.
If that helps ease the pain. Out of the Stages of grief & loss; you are on stage 1. Denial.
Never forget, this was the choice you made
>ss13 is normie bandwagoning
Are you being retarded on purpose?
>he thinks I care about the miniscule chance of getting a free game
It's all for bragging rights, I can say I won, you can't. That is enough for me
The mistake was letting people choose instead of assigning people a team.
holy shit kids these days , wish you tried this hard in your personal life
>ib4 imm still le winner leel lool
this is why i never post , the fortnite kids are so boring to deal with
Stay mad, loser
Why? I don't want to be forced into something I don't want (like the pig). The REAL mistakes was letting people see the results of the race right from the start resulting in people bandwagon a team. It also didn't help that Valve was rigging this event like some freaking mafia.
>Team Corgi and Cock badges are a permanent mark of shame
listen fag everyone could join team dog since day 1, he was winning since the beginning
we just preferred the other animals , also your boring life must suck a lot
Being in corgi was shit. Winning a game was like lotto
>Not understanding why the 70% flocked to Corgi in the first place
I see you do not have much experience with understanding modern human culture? You see, even the most basic users have their finger on the pulse of the internet. If you lack that "common" sense; then there is naught I can do for you friend.
You chose a risk free option, bandwaggoning with millions of others, with the assurance of victory. There was no sacrifice, no uncertainty, no second thoughts or worry.
If there is no struggle, there is no victory. You risked nothing. How can you call that a victory?
Yet there is victory in the uncertainty, taking a stand with only the small vein hope; taking a stand no matter what the outcome may be, and then securing victory out of the jaw of defeat.
That is why it feels good to be a slowbro friend. And that is why you will never get drunk off the feeling of being an underdog and through sheer will and perseverance; doing the unthinkable.
I almost feel sorry for you.
Do not feel bad Birdbro. You took a stand in what you believed. You may have lost, but failure is the greatest teacher. Wear your badge with honor, knowing you chivalrous through your absolute loyalty.
>Why? I don't want to be forced into something I don't want (like the pig
What, are you a muslim or something? It's a virtual animal. Even if they didn't show the results of the race before you joined a team, people could list those results elsewhere and coordinate a way to rig the system.
Imagine giving this much of a shit about a steam event lmao I bet you also add people on Steam
>people seething that they lost
>resorts to ad hominem. Completly ignoring all my points whilst taking the first steps down the Steps of Grief.
I see your in the late Stage 2. Anger.
Did I hit a nerve? Or are you just too simple to come up with counter points or to attempt to refute my observations. Stay seething Corgigger. I bet you actually had the hubris to take pride bandwagoning with literal redditors and normies.
It almost would be funny if it wasn't so sad.
>pick Corgi because its a cute dog and I have cute dogs and I like dogs
>tortoise-niggers throw a hissy fit online, because their favourite animal isn't as popular
dude calm down
Not a Moslem, but so what if it's a virtual animal? It's an event, and the way I see it, you shouldn't be forced into something you don't like or want. Also, how could people list the results if they don't know what they are? All Valve had to do was hide the results for a bit and make people choose a team. Take too long? Then maybe automatically put the stragglers in random teams so they can't co-ordinate and bandwagon. I dunno, the event just didn't seem very thought out.
>people actually care about this shit
It was literally just free steam levels for me. I didn't even buy any games in this sale.
really is summer in here
literally who gives a shit what fucking STEAM SUMMER SALE RACE TEAM you were on you fuckig children
So you can sell more cards to trannies
>tfw nothing turned out the way you planned
Hissy fit?
I'm sorry friend, i'm not the one who is losing his cool, your fellow Corgi colleagues who you share the bed with are.
I see you can not fathom nor understand my points, for they all have gone over your simple mind. Do not be harsh on yourself friend for lacking such cognitive abilities.
I am merely expressing my happiness for the small and low popular Tortoise team somehow coming 2nd place. I hope that summarization is something you can actually comprehend. It does rather lose a lot of the nuance and context of my reasoning, but if you must have a very blunt, forward and unthinking response, have at it.
Nobody cares nigger. Stop being so new.
you are getting excited for a paid-for event because it has animal mascots, grow up
What a masterfully written retort. You truly are the shining example of our culture and people. Your deductive reasoning is second to one.
Is it better to be excited for an event, or to be borderline depressed, fed up, unmotivated and lost in life. Why must you be so hurt from someone expressing their enthusiastic interest for something?
Perhaps it may derivce from your inability to find motivation and true genuine fun in your life, perhaps you long for those days of old where you were younger, with more hair, with a youthful vigour playing those dashedly fun games. Yet the best times of your life are behind you, not in front of you.
Try to have a more positive outlook on life friend.
lol you think im reading that shit this nigga really hitting the thesaurus hard
It's called actually understanding the King's English. Something you woefully lack. You stupid ignorant cunt. If you think reading that short sentence was a trial and tribulation; then go read a book.
shut the fuck up pretentious turtsoy
im reading the first sentence and responding I dont give a shit about your shit faggot
Is it autism?
This is just pathetic. Go wallow in your self pity. You putrid; rancid degenerate. I'm going to do something that befits my intellectual mind. Which is to pleasure myself to /ss/ and then have dinner with my loving family.
Goodbye Cunt, I hope I never have the displeasure of conversing with your type again.
dude im not reading your posts lol
I did.
>got nothing
>no-cards event
>got 11k points that I ended up spending mostly in upgrading a shit badge
probably the worst in years
Anyone else notice that casual gaslighting has become the latest form of bants? Long-winded, passive aggressive trash usually ending in "seek help" or "I feel sorry for you". Is this osmosis at work? I miss when people just said shutup stupid faggot or called you a nigger.
wtf it's not cyberpunk or sekiro
>wan't to buy something before sale will ends
>get shopping cart banned for 72 hours
I wish there was a single multiplayer game worth rolling for.
how the fuck
they locked my cart for 72 hours with all discounts because something didn't load
the problem is i wanted to buy more games
Pig, I am already a demon
are you pretending to be double retard???
t. redditor
This was my free game. How about you guys, what was your free game? You did get one, right?
t. summerfag
>Written "prix"
>Pronounced "pree"
Whatever makes you feel like you fit in, tourist.
Blame the French.
>(((Gaybe))) after hearing all the other teams made of redditors rigs the event against corgibros
>despite that corgichads end up winning anyway
>get branded as a winner instead of as a sore loser
i dont see anything wrong here
>all those walls of texts of Turtlefags pure cope
cmon guys we just won the race
its no big deal, you just chose a shitty pet
Quick, what game should I buy?
good luck this september, hope you get that A in geometry
I like you
I was pig too.
The event that brought reddit and Yea Forums together in one grand ultimate bro alliance! Based Corgichads for the win!
Corgi here, i actually hoped you guys would pull trough to second place, id rather have a pig at my side than a eternally buthurt turtle
I'd rather get none than Code Vein
Yeah I, too, would rather be spending money on cards for 2 levels than get to level 50+ for free
oink oink piggies
Corgis were literal redditors
i just picked the team the majority of my friends were on. sorry you can't handle defeat
>ctrl+f reddit
>23 results
Absolutely rent free
absolutely seething
should I level up the badge or keep the tokens when they possibly reuse them?
Why would Steam tell you to use them now if you could reuse them later?
>tfw went from level 10 to level 40 without buying anything and while barely playing my steam games
How did they fuck this up so bad holy shit
>implying they fucked up
It's a ploy to raise tranny suicide from 40% to 80% since now all the money they spent on levels is worthless
Imagine spending half a month caring about this shit or worse, even actively doing whatever shitty quest there was for a lottery tier chance of winning 70 bucks.
Even if you're a dumb shitty highschooler there's no excuse, it's summer, literally do a dumb part time job and you'll get that money in a week at worst.
read no one gives a shit about your retarded teams
ok wagecuck
>enjoying a win is a concept brought about by fortnite
Deluded non-corgi fags sure are seething
How do I change team? I chose corgi because I thought I would win games but now my profile is ruined with corgi badge
this event was designed to make you spend money and your tripping over who spent the most
youre the slave here
Lol i forgot about this shit after the 4th day when it turned into a stupid drama fiasco
Corgi always win in the end.
no u :)
It's a reddit meme
the kind of response expected from non corgi chads
Based user putting something else that fresh AAA hype train game on wishlist top.
more like retarded
Oh boy, can't wait to NOT be one of the 5000 people to get a free game.
Steam level 3 at the start of the sale with a token cap of 22000 so no stacking discounts for free shit. Steam level 59 now
well this sucks
>didn't win dick
>didn't even get enough tokens for $5 off
Fuck lucky people and fuck this useless event. I'm glad I didn't waste my time on it.
Piggos still #1 in my heart.
>started as turtle, got cyberpunk, switched to corgiChads
Guys, any of you has a RoR2 extra copy for barter?
you clearly since you went out of your way to gloryhunt
Only reason winning matters, so you can level up your account.
>pointing out how much someone else cares about the sale puts me at the same level as them
shit argument
damn, i want the facefuck numbers but i only managed to get 36 before running out of tokens.
I'm proud of my fellow Birdbros and all other raceists who competed.
People cared way too fucking much about this event and you can bet money that none of the nigger posting there contributed boost to their team anyway.
Literal tranny team lmao
Wow another lame ass summer sale ends.
Nothing of value was obtained, literally no worthwile game had lowest price according to Steamspy.
The event was literally pure shit.
And yet Steam-drones slurping shit up like the mindless niggers they are.
God i hope the GoG Summersale will be more fun tbqh
>like blue
>like birds
>pick Cocktiel
Shut up ugly.
You can still get tokens by buying more games but it's not really worth it
t. corgi
go back
Damn. Code Vein was on my wish list too. Didn't get it.
Ew, I just realized I confused Code Vein with Crosscode. No way I would put that weebshit on my wishlist.
someone's jealous~
imagine sucking gaben cock so hard you actually fucking care about this shit rofl
Valvefags suck so much Gaben cock they don't even realise they're doing it
Good you will carry the reddit emblem forever.
it was 3rd place actually.
Where's corgi lewds?
shut the fuck up already no one gives a shit
>participated but didn't get a badge
>couldnt switch teams so I couldnt get a badge that way
Hey, at least I can make fun of every other team for being paypigs that participated in this garbage and shit on Corgis by calling them redditors