In the end, skirt is, and will always be, better than pants.
Atelier thread
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False. Pants are better, because they cannot be used for crossdressing by lonely degenerates who wish they could be an anime girl.
Can you tell difference between a micropenis bulge and a puffy vulva bulge?
Are any of these games getting better? Stopped trying after Sophie. Like the concept but the dialogue just drags on and it's so grating.
I'm playing Rorona right now.
How much friendship do I need for each character to unlock everything?
You are not getting all of them your first playthrough save that for new game plus
I keep worrying that they'll fuck up Ryza's perfection with new costumes and they keep defying my expectations. They really thought this through.
Oh, okay.
Are there any important save points I should remember about or can you just load the save before the end of the game and choose a different ending?
I don't want to cockblock myself and there are only 99 save slots on PS4.
rent free
This is the power of artistic freedom. When the devs and artists aren't beheld by some random no talents who think they know better. Characters like Ryza are the result.
Gust has been trying to use sex appeal for a while and finally realized thighs are the big meme these days see: 2B
I swear, if Ryza breaks like 500k in sales due to thighs then that's it, this is the future of Atelier. And what a bright and glorious future it will be.
I will be savoring the arlandfag tears
>Gust has been trying to use sex appeal for a while
I just remembered all those sexy CGs in Ar Nosurge and it was only Pegi 16.
Golden times. I hope that Sony won't censor it too much.
the latter, when you unlock an ending "flag" it shows in a menu you can choose from at the end
Wow, that's great.
I've heard that Totori is a clusterfuck to 100%, so I thought that Rorona may be similar.
lol it certainly is, though getting the true end in Rorona is no slouch either.
Is that a boy?
The requirements aren't any more or less obtuse between all three games, but Rorona is the only one where as long as you meet an ending's requirements, you can choose it at the end, so you can potentially choose all endings in a single playthrough just by reloading the endgame over and over. Totori and Meruru have an ending priority system where meeting the requirements for multiple endings at once will lock you out of the lower priority endings. You can still see all in one or two playthroughs, but you need to follow a strict order and keep meeting the requirements going from lower to higher priority endings. Yes, it's a clusterfuck.
It's a fairy!
Here's another one.
In case you haven't noticed, this is part of an outfit swap with Claudia, who will also get her own version of Ryza's outfit.
>I will be savoring the arlandfag tears
Why? I'm an Arlandfag and I really want Ryza to be good, especially since Ryza seems a lot like Totori, Ayesha and the only good Mysterious game Firis.
>tfw liked everyone in the Delta+Cass part of the game
>hated Ion and her friends
>couldn't even bother finishing the game in the end because of Ion
Ah well, at least I bought the game when it was on sale so it wasn't a major loss.
Tonelicos always had a nice DFCs.
What the hell are you talking about? Ion was the best girl in the whole series.
I unironically despised her, I found her obnoxious and irritating.
She IS autistic, all right, but to me it was her selling point. Especially when you consider how naive and gullible she was in Ciel Nosurge. If you didn't play/watch it then you missed out on her whole character development.
>If you didn't play/watch it then you missed out on her whole character development
I watched part of it and lost interest, it really didn't endear me to her and Ciel Nosurge is basically for people that like her. For someone that literally dropped Ar Nosurge for having her on screen too much, Ciel really isn't going to do much.
Looking up girl’s skirts in Atelier is one of my favorite things to do.
I assume that's a DLC boss due to Totori and Meruru being in the party? They're not out in the west yet.
I've never played a Atelier game. And I enjoy Tales of Beseria and older Final Fantasy games.
Sell me on this game, please?
reposting my view
in short it's a series heavy on gathering and crafting your way to success.
The Arland games at least (haven't really played the others, only Ayesha for a bit) are 50% cute girl SoL. You know the term iyashikei? That's how the plots feel, even the more dramatic Totori plot ends up on the heartwarming side. Lots of fanservice too, like bathing girls.
The other 50% are merciless number crunching, free form exploration and lots I mean LOTS OF CRAFTING. When you're an Atelier pro, you're basically an Islamic terrorist - all your thoughts will revolve about making the deadliest bombs. The games have very many endings, and to fulfill all the true endings/clear post games you need meticulous planning.
Comfy SoL with exploring and very complex crafting system.
Also, you are a cute girl.
Bigger, plz.
>cute girl
I like it. Can y'all recommend where I should start, I know there are PS3 games.
Pardon me, but you'd do well to delete this right the fuck now.
>Koei confirmed that they got part of the Atelier dev team did some work on Fire Emblem Three Houses, on the calendar system, time limits and day to day mechanics
Neat. I always thought it looked very Atelier, little did we know that it was Gust themselves.
Play Lulua no Atorie: Arland no Renkinjitsushi FOUR
Atelier Rorona DX -> Atelier Totori DX -> Atelier Meruru DX
They are all on PC and PS4.
Just leave post-game Rorona DX after you complete other two games.
I'm never gonna play of these games but the designs sure are cute
This is the first time i seen somebody said they didn't like Ion's part. How exotic
Done. 5 when?
Whenever they need to milk Arland again for a quick buck.
Mommy is so good at one-shotting bosses!
Different user but I can sort of relate. The game REALLY WANTS YOU to worship the ground she walks on and be her yes-man. For me, her half of the game felt like a huge slog and the constant shipping and attempts at romance flew over my head because I has very indifferent to her, and the true ending really did nothing for me because it's a 2-game romantic build up to a character I didn't care for. Honestly the only reason I played it was because I liked the Tonelico games, at least those gave you a nice list of choices in case there was someone you didn't like or be railroaded to.
Girls with pants are more comfy than with skirts.
>Rorona goes on adventures with Sterk and probably has wild sex in the forest while Cordelia is left to raise Rorona's daughter
Rorona might be a bit of a cunt.
user, Rorona and Sterk had 20 years to fuck, and they didn't. I think Sterk is pretty boned in that regard.
Was Lulua good? Playing Shallie and Sophie really killed it for me, I have yet to touch anything past that and I can't even bring myself to finish those two.
They already have a decent setup, they can have you play as a new alchemist on the eastern continent who joins the Arland expedition team with Rorona and Sterk plus whatever old character they want to bring back, then at some point you'd be able to go to Arland too by taking a boat to Alanya Village. I think that's where they'd go with it since Lulua already featured what's seemingly the entirety of the Arland Republic.
They always had unspoken hang-ups towards each other which they only resolved in Lulua (Sterk still seeing Rorona as a weakling and not as an equal and Rorona not being assertive enough to make him notice her worth), now they're alone on a journey together so they could move past that stage. They won't because everybody is forever a virgin in Atelier, but they could.
Shit plays like Atelier Sophie 3.0. No time limits, alchemy system is closer to Mysterious minus tetris, TP = Base TP from Alchemy Level + Added TP from TP-boosting traits on materials. Battle system is closer to Lydie & Suelle with assist attacks that trigger from certain conditions, there's an Item Interrupt ability that lets you use an ability after anyone's turn, and Lulua can't be guarded by her friends. Basically if you could stomache at least one game in the Mysterious franchise, you'd be able to enjoy Lulua.
Oh god, I think I'll pass on that then. What about Ryza? Have we seen how the mechanics are in that yet?
Not much info out about that yet. They haven't mentioned a time limit, and I don't see one in exploration screenshots so far. Alchemy and battle system look very different from the past games.
Not yet, but I believe there will be a gameplay stream tomorrow.
I remember playing the Iris series years ago on the psdouble and loved them, and I want to play the newer ones cause of cute girls but these games look like time sinks
The large focus on the visuals of the surrounding environment reminds me of Atelier Firis, but I don't know if it'll be open world like Firis yet.
No time limits aren't that much of an issue for me as long as progression isn't a huge slog.
The Do X shit to unlock Y has been present for Sophie, Firis, Lydie & Suelle and Lulua in various forms as pacing to replace the pacing provided by time limits. A lot of things are different for Ryza, so it's difficult to say if a Lydie & Suelle and Lulua-style journal of tasks to do will return.
They're about 30-50 hours for the main game, though I do like to listen every line without skipping so that does increase the playtime
I want to steal Meruru's mushrooms.
DLC for Totori and Meruru coming at the end of the month. I finally start Lulua soon.
>The Do X shit to unlock Y has been present for Sophie, Firis, Lydie & Suelle and Lulua in various forms as pacing to replace the pacing provided by time limits
That's the part of Sophie I hated the most. Damnit.
Did you steal Meruru's materials from her atelier in Lulua, user?
Isn't it the same as things like the Bingo card from Rorona and the rank tasks from Totori? I haven't played Mysterious, but I didn't have a problem with it in Lulua. From what I've heard, it was a really tedious grind in Sophie, but I didn't find it to be grindy at all in Lulua aside from a couple stupid tasks that asked you to fight ten battles and synthesize ten times which were over in five minutes.
Arland tasks are less grindy because they were more about managing time.
Arland's are designed with time limits in mind so they are significantly less grindy and all about doing it as efficiently as possible.
Return to Westwald at the end of July for some extra stories, user! Don't forget about me!
Maybe Rorona, but Totori was full of grindy tasks like killing a certain number of each enemy type. Of course, you didn't have to do it and could choose different ones, but I don't remember particularly grindy side tasks in Lulua either. Most were simply "beat this particular enemy", "make this item/make this item with a certain effect/quality", "find this location/material", pretty standard stuff. Maybe Sophie was worse, I don't know.
I finished the game, but I never got all the cgs, maybe I should do that. And buy that dlc, I actually enjoyed nelkes game quite a lot
I'm at 50 hours, chapter 8. There's too much shit to do.
Full CG unlock requires NG+ unfortunately.
You can't do that in the free time after completing the main story?
You're not too far off, there are 11 chapters plus some postgame stuff.
I honestly had enough after opening that post game dungeon, just had to live on to other games after playing lulua do long. Got my moneys worth. And since ryza is coming later I doubt I'll get back to lukua to actually finish that alchemy riddle to 100%
In a world without rapers and incels yes
You could have gotten all CGs in one go had you known beforehand, but it would still be pretty tedious. You need CGs for Bad End, Normal End (no main research done), Good End (most main research done but not all) and True End (all main research complete + kill final boss). Normal End route also has the CG for Nelke in a swimsuit that doesn't appear in the Normal/Good end route. The most bullshit one is the Escha & Logy CGs. You can't get the alternate pic in one playthrough. Escha and Logy have mutually exclusive conversation routes, so you basically have to prioritize one character's conversations over the other to get their CG.
Eh, the postgame section of Orthogalaxen is really really short, you aren't missing anything. There's an extra boss but it's just a rematch against a more powerful Mana, I think the actual decently complex postgame dungeon will be the Machina Domain in the DLC.
Yeah I met her again but couldn't be bothered to actually do decent items and equipment after getting all the endings. Maybe if it was the only atelier game this year but even if I like the games quite a lot, sometimes you just have to play other games.
Guess I got a bad end and a true ending then. Dunno if I care that much to get them all, but thanks for the info user.
>tfw you get SNOY'd
My issue is that I waste hours making new weapons, armors, accessories and bombs/items with good traits whenever I unlock them. It's an endless cycle.
It's extremely quick and painless to get all endings, but I get you. I had to sacrifice time for other things in order to play all games I have going on right now.
Why did Totori decide to troll Lulua and friends with that instead of giving her a more meaningful task?
Classic Atelier.
Kek, I don't bother making more than the bare minimum to survive until postgame.
Is it different on PC or Switch?
Nah, it's just less lewd than the equivalent scene in Atelier Totori.
lol no
Stupid Sexy Sterk
How did you converted to png?
Please tell me how to do that.